Welcome to Fun and Games! Many of the discussions in this category are games based on responding to the most recent comment. Please take a moment to refresh the page and make sure you are replying to the most recent comment to keep the game going!

Wrong answers ONLY!



  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,305 Member
    edited February 2022
    First of all, $30/month for cellular service is highway robbery. It should be 5 cents. But that's not your question.

    Everyone on the planet has the exact same circadian rhythm, which is a natural, internal process that regulates the sleep–wake cycle and repeats roughly every 24 hours. It used to be set correctly, with everyone wide awake and cheerful at 7am and groggy and tired at 10pm. When Y2K happened, that caused the great circadian rhythm reset, which completely reversed things, which is why you're now groggy in the morning and wide awake in the evening.

    How do I stop the little boy behind me from kicking my seat during the flight? (I'm not on the plane yet; just thinking proactively.)
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,553 Member
    When he boards the plane, in a low growly voice tell him you’re the creator of paw patrol or Fortnite (depending on his age) and that you’ll make it cease to exist if you feel even the lightest of movement on the back of your seat.

    I’ve woken on the wrong side of the bed and am feeling grumpy (thanks Y2K reset!! 😤). How does a should one turn their mood around?
  • s1im62
    s1im62 Posts: 30,128 Member
    Coffee is the answer to obliterate all groggy or grumpy feelings, but the brewed drink is not always sufficient. So keep a bag of espresso beans handy, and you can crunch on these like peanuts out of the can any time you feel a bit somnolent or cranky. Keep eating until you feel like Ethel Merman ready to burst out into a chorus of "Everything's Coming up Roses".

    Netflix is raising its monthly rates again. Even though IMO it's still a bargain compared to cable or many other options, I don't want them to take my business for granted. How should I let them know that they need to treat me as a valued customer, while avoiding a lifetime ban or having the US Marshals Service come knocking on my door?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,690 Member
    You didn't make the mistake of actually using your REAL address when you signed up for the service, did you? Don't you know you're supposed to use the address of a shopping mall in the next city over? But that's a discussion for another time...

    Right now, Netflix believes they can treat you however they want, because you are constantly coming back to them like little orphan Oliver begging, "please, sir, can I have some more?" Stand up and show them who the real boss is! Next time you are getting ready to Netflix and chill, instead turn off the television and turn on the fireplace. Netflix won't know what just happened when they detect the loss of connection to your residence, probably believe at first there was a power outage. But if you repeat the pattern the next night, and the next night, eventually Netflix will start to wonder where you went, why you aren't logging into their service any more. Eventually THEY will come crawling to YOU, begging you begin watching again. It's the method of passive aggression, and it's been effective for centuries. Note this also works for other services which you currently indulge, such as the internet (read a book), the electric company (light a candle), and your wife (spend time with the kids instead). In each case, the ignored party will soon be begging for your attention once again, at which point you have the power to dictate the circumstances...time, price, etc.

    How come it's easier to remember something if it's associated with either music or food? And if this is the case, how come schools don't include constant supplies of music and snacks to their students?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,435 Member
    edited February 2022
    It most definitely is the case. Music is food for the soul, and evolutionarily it has been advantageous, i.e. necessary, to require food to remember things. That is the short answer, and it is wrong until science proves it right.

    What will be the next great thing (or, answer the other half of the previous question)?

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,305 Member
    edited February 2022
    It most definitely is the case. Music is food for the soul, and evolutionarily it has been advantageous, i.e. necessary, to require food to remember things. That is the short answer, and it is wrong until science proves it right.

    What will be the next great thing (or, answer the other half of the previous question)?

    How many of us think Cat will have to strike through half of her response? 🙋‍♀️ I'm going to give it a little time before I answer. (Please hum the final Jeopardy music while you wait.)
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,553 Member
    edited February 2022
    cmsienk wrote: »
    It most definitely is the case. Music is food for the soul, and evolutionarily it has been advantageous, i.e. necessary, to require food to remember things. That is the short answer, and it is wrong until science proves it right.

    What will be the next great thing (or, answer the other half of the previous question)?

    How many of us think Cat will have to strike through half of her response? 🙋‍♀️ I'm going to give it a little time before I answer. (Please hum the final Jeopardy music while you wait.)

    🤣🤣🤣 Wasn’t I getting my tired rear end out of bed only to find the coffee maker is indisposed at the moment?? 😭

    The reason the school system doesn’t provide snacks and music with their student’s lessons is that they really don’t want the kids to learn! Not retaining everything means they are more likely to go to college or university 💵💵💵

    How can I show my displeasure to the person who decided to descale my coffee maker (a 30-60 minute process) right when I got up? 😡
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,305 Member
    edited February 2022
    It depends how much you care about this person on a normal (non- coffee pot descaling) day. If you genuinely like him (going out on a limb here and assuming the offender is male), and want to continue in this relationship, simply cover him in sticky notes reminding him that all future coffee pot descaling must happen after 6pm.
    If you do not care to continue in this relationship, all bets are off. (And none of us will turn you in.)

    Would it bother you to discover someone had died in the hotel room you are currently staying in?
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,553 Member
    As someone who has worked in hotels for decades, I’m not sure you’d want me to answer that question… 😂 It’d only bother me if I found the body in the box spring, I think 🤔

    Besides a corpse in a room, what would be the worst thing to find in a hotel room?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,305 Member
    Wouldn't it be awful to find a treasure chest full of gold coins, jewelry and various precious artifacts in your hotel room? First of all, how would you get it back home? Then, on the off-chance that you decide to donate some of those treasures to a museum, you'd have to deal with respresentatives from all over - everyone scrambling to get some of your loot. I mean - who wants all that responsibility?

    What's the best perk of your current job? (Remember, you're in the wrong answers thread.)
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,553 Member
    Working through my lunch breaks and the unpaid overtime. It’s really a gift they keep giving me because they adore me so. 🥰

    Returning to Frank’s question earlier…what will be the next great thing?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,305 Member
    edited February 2022
    Unsliced bread will be the next best thing. Who really wants those uniformly cut slices of bread? It's more adventourous to slice your own - especially if you don't have a knife. Just use whatever is handy: your car keys, your belt, an ink pen... the choices are endless.

    What part of elementary school do you wish you could incorporate into your adult life? (Don't say naptime. We all know that's the universally accepted answer.)
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,435 Member
    edited February 2022
    It certainly wouldn't be recess, where you get a break in your studies to go outside and have fun! Can you imagine how that would disrupt your work day? Given how much I enjoyed this activity, and given that I was not extremely shy as a child and suffered from writer's block, I would have to say book reports, spoken in front of the whole class.

    What adult activity do you wish you could have enjoyed as a child? 🤣
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,690 Member
    Eating my spinach. Then I could have looked like Popeye and given that playground bully a piece of my mind and lived to tell the tale.

    How come cars get better gas mileage on the highway than they do driving in town?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,305 Member
    edited February 2022
    What adult activity do you wish you could have enjoyed as a child? 🤣
    Paying bills! I loved to imagine how fun it would be to break my piggy bank with a hammer and open a checking account so I could pay the heat bill. Did anyone else's dad used to remind them that, "We're not heating the outside"?
    Ugh... I got distracted by work (the nerve of some clients) 🤣 and didn't get to post in time.
    nossmf wrote: »
    How come cars get better gas mileage on the highway than they do driving in town?
    Without going into great detail, may I just say there are more Taco Bell restaurants on the highway than in town - which is why cars everything get better gas mileage on the highway.

    🙋‍♀️(Me here - just trying to live up to Mork's immature characterization...) 🤣

    What's your favorite type of reality program?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,435 Member
    Sadly, the current crop of reality programs can't hold a candle to Andy Warhol's films of the 1960's, like Sleep (5 hours 20 minutes of a person sleeping) and Empire (8 hours of slowed down footage of the Empire State Building). Where is the creativity these days? For gripping reality shows, I watch streaming videos of things like fish bowls, fire places, eagle nest cameras, etc.

    What are Kim Kardashian, Pete Davidson, and Kanye (Ye) West up to, and why should I care? 🤣
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,305 Member
    They all got together and opened a Smoothie shop in your area. And we know how much you love a good smoothie. It comes complete with an open mic comedy night, paparazzi and plenty of attitude.

    What's a good excuse when you're running late?
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,553 Member
    The dog ate your homework immediately came to mind. It’ll confuse them because A. You don’t have homework. B. you aren’t travelling with a dog. Trust me, they’ll just look at you funny and then move on.

    Any other excuses for being late, in case mine isn’t to cmsienk’s liking (and if @cmsienk is next…what did you use)?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,690 Member
    I have never been late for a single thing in my life, I have no idea what you are talking about. In fact, until you asked your question, I did not know it was even possible for anybody to be late. Note that being a second poster due to internet lag is NOT being late, it is being precisely on time while somebody else managed to be early, which is applause-worthy. But seriously, were you actually late for something? Do the rest of us need to hold an intervention for you? Or a support group with cookies while you bare your soul and beg forgiveness of the Space Time Cooperative Annex? I love me some soft peanut butter cookies, pulled out of the oven at precisely the right time, not too early for undercooked batter, and heaven forbid not too late. I mean, this world would fall apart if people were ever actually late for anything!

    Speaking of falling apart, my formerly perfect vision is starting to be less perfect, especially anything super close. Is there something I can do to be able to see perfectly again?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,435 Member
    Just say that the tread on your left foot's running shoe blew, and you had to do a trail-side repair.
    Or that your dog ate your running shoe. Either of these excuses will work.

    How many pounds of fish and chips should one have at a fish fry celebration, keeping in mind that one needs to reserve room for cake and ice cream?