Girls do you like a nice guy? You just friendzoned him

It's true right?


  • BillyMays0
    BillyMays0 Posts: 111
    Very true indeed
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    Explain this meaning?
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    let me comment on ur thread sir with respect even im not a girl but im a nice guy,straight,etc,, well for me,, it depends,, because some girls like jerk guys and some like nice guys,,, like me ,, im not bragging,, mostly all of the girls here in my place has a crush on me,, they did not friendzoned me,, they confess and commit there feelings to me,, but i didn't mean to hurt them but i have a crush on a girl too that pass my standards and my dream girl,, and now he is my girlfriend now,, but even we are in relationship they are still a lot of girls who dont understand and respect me and my girl,, like flirting me even i am taken,, or make fun of my girl that is really make me mad,, well thats all :)
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    "Nice guy" = entitled man with poor social skills who believes that women owe him sex (or a relationship if he's the type who insists that it's not about sex) if he displays the bare minimum of being (or pretending to be) a decent human being.
  • ltgarrow
    ltgarrow Posts: 342 Member
    I'm not sure where I fall on this issue. What I do know is that even though this is a chat forum and no one really cares, you should still use proper grammer. I mean seriously, if you're going to claim to have all of the girls on MFP confess their love to you, don't do it in one giant run on sentence.

    Maybe I'm just not that sensitive. Sorry.
  • BillyMays0
    BillyMays0 Posts: 111
    @alsionlynn197 Sorry Im taken :)
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    Oic 'Friendzoned'. sorry. I was being invaded by
    food adds, my brain shut down and belly grumbled ..

    Okay .. my answer in short, if a female feels energy
    between herself and a guy, she reserves him for +more ...
    all that she has no spark for, she 'friend zones'. Simply
    put, sorry. It's a primal thing I'm sure.
  • BillyMays0
    BillyMays0 Posts: 111
    I'm trying to fit every word on a line
  • lindustum
    lindustum Posts: 212 Member
    I don't even understand where this "chicks love jerks" myth comes from. Is it that American stereotype of college girls falling for the quarterback or something?
  • Faery_Dust
    Faery_Dust Posts: 246 Member
    I don't even understand where this "chicks love jerks" myth comes from. Is it that American stereotype of college girls falling for the quarterback or something?

    Yeah this. My husband is the nicest guy I know.
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    I'm not sure where I fall on this issue. What I do know is that even though this is a chat forum and no one really cares, you should still use proper grammer. I mean seriously, if you're going to claim to have all of the girls on MFP confess their love to you, don't do it in one giant run on sentence.

    Maybe I'm just not that sensitive. Sorry.

    well u didnt read what i say on my other thread or biography in my profile? ,,, im Asian and im still learning english and trying my best to speak english,, well atleast i know how to speak english even sometimes my grammar is wrong and see? also u are typo or not using the correct spelling of english like u said grammer,, haha thats the karma or badluck of being rude or mean to me or being a negative to me,, well anyway because to be honest mostly Asians are not good in English,, to be honest and not trying to offend to my fellow Asians,,
    well sorry too if u are offend,hate me,envy me,etc whatever, and i am sensitive or emotional and to believe me,, search the zodiac sign Aquarius and u will know about me and understand me thats why i am this,, this is me,, no one can change that and im happy and proud about it hehe ,,
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    "Nice guy" = entitled man with poor social skills who believes that women owe him sex (or a relationship if he's the type who insists that it's not about sex) if he displays the bare minimum of being (or pretending to be) a decent human being.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    "Nice guy" = entitled man with poor social skills who believes that women owe him sex (or a relationship if he's the type who insists that it's not about sex) if he displays the bare minimum of being (or pretending to be) a decent human being.

    wow,, thats escalated quickly,, but u say poor social skills and owe him sex or its not about sex? well i agree to disagree,, i agree on its not about sex,, and i disagree at owe him sex and poor social skills,, thats not true,, it still depends on the person or attitude etc,,, and about pretending or being? ,, well im a nice guy and for me,, once a nice guy will always be a nice guy and decent human being,,and thats true,, not pretending,, but its up to u,, if u believe me or not,, what am I to u that i will force or convince u to believe me,, because like what i said on my other thread we are the same humans, and i hope all of us are to the positive side and path,,
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    "Nice guy" = entitled man with poor social skills who believes that women owe him sex (or a relationship if he's the type who insists that it's not about sex) if he displays the bare minimum of being (or pretending to be) a decent human being.

    wow,, thats escalated quickly,, but u say poor social skills and owe him sex or its not about sex? well i agree to disagree,, i agree on its not about sex,, and i disagree at owe him sex and poor social skills,, thats not true,, it still depends on the person or attitude etc,,, and about pretending or being? ,, well im a nice guy and for me,, once a nice guy will always be a nice guy and decent human being,,and thats true,, not pretending,, but its up to u,, if u believe me or not,, what am I to u that i will force or convince u to believe me,, because like what i said on my other thread we are the same humans, and i hope all of us are to the positive side and path,,

    You totally missed the point. A 'nice guy' is a guy who is decent, up until the point where a girl refuses/turns down a relationship offer. He then whines about being 'friendzoned' because apparently being a decent human being equates to being rewarded with sex in the mind of a stupidly high number of males. Normal nice guys exist too, except they're rare and elusive.
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    IMO men who have to point out that they are nice guys usually don't seem that nice. A truly nice guy will not have to blow his own trumpet, he just let's his personality show without thinking about it. Then girls will fall in love with him and want to bring out his wicked side (in a good way LOL)
    Most women are not attracted to peacock type men. Look at me, look at me! Ah you looked (tail comes up) I just got even better!
    Only attractive in actual peacocks.
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    "Nice guy" = entitled man with poor social skills who believes that women owe him sex (or a relationship if he's the type who insists that it's not about sex) if he displays the bare minimum of being (or pretending to be) a decent human being.
    Not true I have seen many a guy get friendzoned, because he was too nice. I had a female friend that while in college got tired of dating jerks showed her a picture of a male friend I told her was a nice guy. She thought he was cute set them up on a date and they dated for a few weeks before she dumped him while keeping him as a friend, she told him because she sees him as a brother, but it was because she met some other guy. She told me privately her main turn off was that he was too nice, and this other guy just took what he wanted. Long story short the alpha guy she ended up he knocked her up, than told her it probably wasnt his and than disappeared. My guy friend met someone else during this time and makes most us men look bad he is such a nice and devoted husband. The friend zone isn't a myth, but the nice guy usually wins in the end. That said jerks with low self esteem do tend to delude themselves all their relationship woahs are related to this when it is just that they put people off.
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    "Nice guy" = entitled man with poor social skills who believes that women owe him sex (or a relationship if he's the type who insists that it's not about sex) if he displays the bare minimum of being (or pretending to be) a decent human being.

    wow,, thats escalated quickly,, but u say poor social skills and owe him sex or its not about sex? well i agree to disagree,, i agree on its not about sex,, and i disagree at owe him sex and poor social skills,, thats not true,, it still depends on the person or attitude etc,,, and about pretending or being? ,, well im a nice guy and for me,, once a nice guy will always be a nice guy and decent human being,,and thats true,, not pretending,, but its up to u,, if u believe me or not,, what am I to u that i will force or convince u to believe me,, because like what i said on my other thread we are the same humans, and i hope all of us are to the positive side and path,,

    You totally missed the point. A 'nice guy' is a guy who is decent, up until the point where a girl refuses/turns down a relationship offer. He then whines about being 'friendzoned' because apparently being a decent human being equates to being rewarded with sex in the mind of a stupidly high number of males. Normal nice guys exist too, except they're rare and elusive.

    owww sorrry,,, my bad,,geez,, sigh,, i still need to learn more about how to understand and speak english haha, and anyway thats why most nice guys get ended up in friendzoned?
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member

    I think Jenna Marbles said it best......
  • SamanthaClarexo
    SamanthaClarexo Posts: 353 Member

    I think Jenna Marbles said it best......
