September 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,104 Member
    @eleanorhawkins Great bike ride. I was going to say Hal will be really disappointed. Yes, @PastorVincent would be pleased. LOL

    @TheMrWobbly Way to get the planned distance in. Sometimes it's a real struggle. Hope you adjust to keto soon.

    Great run @marisap2010 . The cooler weather is nice while it lasts.

    @rheddmobile I have never been in a big race. Most of the support along the routes I have run have been sporadic or none at all until the end. Now I really want to run a race with support like this. Glad you had a good run/walk and the knee is holing up.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @mbaker566 The new foster is beautiful! 😍😍😍
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,104 Member
    @mbaker566 Vengeance is adorable. I hope she finds a great home soon!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    edited September 2020
    @Avidkeo hope your calf mends quickly! I know you must be frustrated.
    @mbaker566 Oh my, poor Speed Demon! I am a huge Speed Demon fan, I love her airplane ears.
    @hamsterwheel6 Glad to hear the hamstring may be a little better.

    @kgirlhart Sounds like a great run! Virtually you are passing right through the Wellesley Scream Tunnel right now!
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 586 Member
    0908-7k, total-12k goal-80k

    Late night 7km tempo toward VM for PV with @polskagirl01 . It was almost not hot!
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    @Avidkeo hope your calf mends quickly! I know you must be frustrated.
    @mbaker566 Oh my, poor Speed Demon! I am a huge Speed Demon fan, I love her airplane ears.
    @hamsterwheel6 Glad to hear the hamstring may be a little better.

    @kgirlhart Sounds like a great run! Virtually you are passing right through the Wellesley Scream Tunnel right now!

    Yes me too...Really hoping it's not a major issue!
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    Today I kicked off @noblsheep and my VM for PV with a short speedwork session on the treadmill, because I had extra time this morning when I realized my kid is still coughing and still can't go to school.
    Any cough or sniffle at all, and they don't want them in the building. It's understandable, but send the homework list PLEASE because the kids feel fine and there's no reason for them to get behind on schoolwork.
    Then I had an exciting time with 4 groups at preschool
    disinfect everything kids touch between groups, and I also got to witness an epic tantrum by new girl who decided she wanted to get mad and beat her new classmates with a Boom Whacker, and then threw herself on the floor screaming when I dared to pluck the thing out of her little hands before any real damage could be done 😆
    and now I'm spending Day #2 in the kitchen basically doing a banana bread baking marathon for work events. I know it's part of my job and not random, but it's for homeless/needy folks and I'm getting tired and the bananas came with a fruit fly infestation that I'm repeatedly vacuuming up but more keep coming, so can I just count this as my random act of kindness? 😆

    ohh sorry about your kid - and yeah getting behind is no fun
    LOVE banana bread!
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,751 Member
    I’m having to remind myself to honor my rest day! All this challenge talk is making me want to go run!

    @skippygirlsmom – That looks like a beautiful place to run. Nice change of scenery! I’ve never seen a mushroom that colorful. My parents raised sheep for a while and Great Pyrenees dogs. That’s why I wasn’t alarmed when I saw this guy behind me. Mom had a fenced field of sheep with two dogs guarding them. The dogs were sisters who were born at the barn and raised alongside the sheep. She could not get the dogs to leave the field. She would open the gate and try to coax them out and they would not cross that invisible line. When she took them to the vet, we had to pick them up and carry them to the truck. Do you know how heavy those dogs are?!?

    @mbaker566 – Vengenance is beautiful!

    @kgirlhart – I was really impressed that you carry spare batteries on your run. Here I was whining last week about carrying a light! Then I read that you were expecting the batteries in your vest to die but I’m still impressed!

    Glad your hamstring is doing better @hamsterwheel6. Remember @MobyCarp’s advice and after it feels better give it an extra day! And as @PastorVincent said – do as I say not as I do! 😊

    @polskagirl01 – tell me again what your job is? Is teaching music to pre-schoolers part of it or volunteer work? Mmmm banana bread!

    I’m so sorry @kristinajeang! I hope your ankle is just irritated and nothing is broken!
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    @kristinajeang Ugh! Sorry about that! You may be right if it's swollen. You are doing it right though!
    @teresa502 Thanks! Yep - I will keep both of them in mind - I'm usually more of a @pastorvincent mentality, but @MobyCarp was probably more right!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,021 Member
    @rheddmobile Thanks for sharing the video. That is so cool. I've never run a big race so the support I've had at races is usually just at the start and the end. That looks so fun!

    @kristinajeang I hope the ankle gets better soon. Try not to be too hard on yourself. It actually would have been worse to get hit by a car.

  • WandaVaughn
    WandaVaughn Posts: 420 Member
    Mmmmmm. Banana bread.....
    I haven't had my computer since last Thursday, so I've had over 145 posts to get through! I'm too late to join the marathon challenge, so I'll keep my running on track and try to add as many acts of kindness as I can. I might even get around to reading the Pastor Vincent ebook I have waiting on my Kindle app.

    Good running, everybody!

    9/1 5.55
    9/2 5.21
    9/3 5.23
    9/4 Helped with Mom's yard sale all. day. long.
    9/5 Bass fishing tournament with the Hubs. We didn't win, but I caught fish!
    9/6 4.35
    9/7 10.17
    9/8 4.25

    September miles = 34.76 so far.
    Space Race 400K = 114.45 (Just 134.05 to go!)