

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Machka9 "hot flashes about 10 noticeable times max" "per day?" no, in all! My sister had big hot flashes. I seem to have been spared. Awesome for the 3-day weekend. Here it is so warm out this week. I wish to be away by the sea. congratulations on your 1st assignment. Interesting for the shoes!

    @Michele, I think Birkenstocks are better than they used to be. Like versions with 3 thinner straps. Not exactly evening wear, but a bit softer; plus they are much more mainstream now. not only for hippies anymore. I used to always have a pair these past few years, but somehow I don't at present.The bread looks tasty!

    @Faye thanks for the update. the map gives alarming information.

    @heather glad you transferred the money to you instead of to a stranger.

    @Annie I hope your date goes nicely!

    @KJ awesome for the owls!

    @Lisa I hope you feel better soon.

    (((Faye, Barbara, Flea, Katla, Barbie, Lanette, Sue, others)))
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited September 2020
    Stuff done today
    I had an appointment with the cleaner at the rental apartment. The last renter, very nice guy, was not a good cleaner and he left it a bit sticky and not cleaned here and there. he was convinced if the next renter was a guy he wouldn't care; not generally so true and this guy is a bit of a clean- freak, a bit worrisome. Those are not the best renters. I can see he's gonna be calling more often than usual politely but with a slightly possibly litigious undertone. he is a graduate of a very good political science school so surely has some basic notions of law. law students are the worst renters. one can often find some obscure loophole to complain about in a 100+ year old haussmanian apartment. I don't worry too much and go with the choice of renter I made.

    I REPAIRED THE DOOR LOCK (involved: buying wood scrap, sawing, drilling, screwing), and door handle (buying door handle, borrowing pliers from lovely elderly lady on 1st floor, and more screwing).
    The cleaner cleaned fridge, shelf and scrubbed grout. Scrubbing the grout with special product and brush was the main job but she didn't want to do it and after having done the top half said it wasn't coming out anymore. The top half went from blackened grout to light brown/light gray and the Bottom stayed black. I tried myself and it was clear that she hadn't tried the bottom half at all. She then admitted that the product smell was too strong and gave her a headache. fair enough, but why say she had done it.

    I SCRUBBED THE BOTTOM HALF OF THE GROUT while she did something else. It looks better anyway.

    some work calls and nice conversations with colleagues, both professional and also friendly and somewhat personally (not too personal). they are people I have talked and spent a fair bit of time with.

    I'm bummed about having to do a lot of distance classes this fall. it's not fun being alone so much.
    I'm happy when I have nice contacts. At this one school a lot of people are nice and friendly and interesting.

    Also some less fun, and more complex and necessary work mails.

    spoke to potential new candidate. She seems very good. They have this new nation-wide policy as of 2 years, where they can hire people teaching less than 48h a year at 30% less than others and with no retirement benefits etc. I hoped this person who has better pay elsewhere would refuse but she said she'd think about it. I'm going to try to negotiate a better pay for her but it'll be much easier if she refuses the bad pay. It's not great if a young, experienced teacher accepts worse pay than our already very poor pay.

    one load gathered from left all over and washed and hung to dry

    two espressos standing at bar today. espresso is by far the cheapest drink. 1 Euro 20 centimes if you sit or stand at the bar. Twice that if you sit down. Tea is about 4 or 5 euros. usually good tea these days. I like to go and read the paper. I like the randomness of the news someone tells us. I hate listening to or watching the news but love to read it. I changed cafés because this one has several newspapers: the leftist one, the rightwing one, the easy one, and the sports one. I never read the sports one but I read one or the other of the others depending on what's available. most cafés only have the easy one.
    At many/most cafés, still today in Paris, very few women go alone to the bar area in the restaurant for a café and it can feel uncomfortable. At this one I don't feel uncomfortable and I see some other women go there. It's great to see.


    CLEANED TRASH CAN (yuck!) I need to get a new one. this one has leaked many times. yuck.

    Not much of a walk today. by the time I finished the handiwork it was midday and we have a relative heatwave again today. An unlikely 91 degrees today!


  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,020 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Oh! I have been up since about 1:30! Owls! lol I was awakened around 1:30 by an owl catching something (probably a mole) outside my window. The mole was quite distressed and very loud. The owl kept hooting. Then the owl must have decided to have his lunch in a nearby tree and sing about his lunch...Don't get me wrong. I was in no way annoyed! I was actually thrilled to learn that there are owls around my house! Natural mole control! I think I dozed for a bit, because next thing I knew it was 3am and I heard at least three owls calling to eachother in the trees! I got all excited and texted my hubby and son (who were awake anyway). They came through the house, turning on lights and talking. They got hissed at by me; "Turn the lights off! Be quiet!" Of course, by the time the guys quieted down, the owls were quiet as well. AFter about five minutes the owls started up again. So...I texted the guys to be quiet and keep the lights off and come to my room...they listened for a couple minutes, but were not as impressed as I was! lol Barred Owls. Amazing! Yeah, this is what life is like with me. I am a dork, I guess.

    That would have been cool to witness- I got woken up with a squirrel running back and forth across the roof, right over my bed.

    Napa Valley<Ca
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,020 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Stuff like that thrills me too, and we could use a couple owls. We have moles everywhere... They are good for the soil, though. :)

    Still thinking about you all in the fire/smoke zone.

    Slept half the weekend away, sent a message into the VA Team that I work with to see if the doc can call me. Still exhausted. Two weeks ago, I was on the elliptical for 70-75 minutes at a time. Now I break a sweat walking down the hallway. It's annoying.

    Got Corey off to work, and I'm going back to bed. Wiped out.

    Later, y'all,

    Hope you feel better soon- that is a big change in such a short time.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    KJ, Debbie - Sometimes it's as if a herd of elephants are dancing over the roof early in the morning. I think it must be huge seagulls. :o

    DH had an email from the freezer shop to say it's out of stock until October 14th. Grrrrrr! :# On the website it said 5 - 7 days delivery and it took our money. B......s! If it were my order I would be ringing them up and giving them a piece of my mind. However, I doubt DH will do that. No wonder they had such a huge stock! I also told him to use a credit card, not a debit card, but he didn't because his was out of date. :/ That’s why it's usually me who does these things, but, as he was paying, I let him order it.
    Oh well. At least I can get my Waitrose order in for this week. I haven't been to a normal sized supermarket since covid began. Just our tiny one. I get everything delivered apart from fresh bread and veggies.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Our air quality number right now is 383. We’re staying inside except to answer the door or let the dog out when nature calls. We expect the refrigerator repairman today to fix the icemaker.

    It turns out that our CoVid masks do a good job protecting us from smoke, too. Win for helping us feel better.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,020 Member
    KJ, Debbie - Sometimes it's as if a herd of elephants are dancing over the roof early in the morning. I think it must be huge seagulls. :o

    DH had an email from the freezer shop to say it's out of stock until October 14th. Grrrrrr! :# On the website it said 5 - 7 days delivery and it took our money. B......s! If it were my order I would be ringing them up and giving them a piece of my mind. However, I doubt DH will do that. No wonder they had such a huge stock! I also told him to use a credit card, not a debit card, but he didn't because his was out of date. :/ That’s why it's usually me who does these things, but, as he was paying, I let him order it.
    Oh well. At least I can get my Waitrose order in for this week. I haven't been to a normal sized supermarket since covid began. Just our tiny one. I get everything delivered apart from fresh bread and veggies.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    haha- elephants on the roof would sure wake me up !! ;)
    The squirrel was loud but the crows that were squawking at it was even louder.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    HEATHER ~ It took almost a month for our dishwasher to come. We had to call a repairman for the stove burner that's not working and he said it is almost impossible to get parts now. All because of the virus. :s
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,020 Member
    I guess I do my meal planning the opposite of most- We go to our usual stores to check markdowns(Lucky's and Grocery Outlets- two of each in Napa) and plan our meals around what we will have. We also go to a few Asian markets to get fresh meat and veggies plus what ever is in our garden. Right now we are getting a good selection of veggies plus really stocked up when we went to see my parents a few weeks ago. When the garden isn't producing, we get veggies either at Lucky's or check out the 99cent store. We have 6 Grocery Outlets in our area so are always checking them out. My son now works at one of the Grocery Outlets so he knows what we like to keep on hand. I can text him if I see something in their daily deals email and have him pick stuff up.
    Tonight it will be kielbasa w/ red potatoes from my parents, a little onion(not much as I don't like them) and mushrooms(already cooked and frozen from a great deal a few weeks ago) and brown rice(free from helping at the food program with my parents) So, dinner for four or five(not sure who will be here) will cost just over $1!
    Tomorrow will be BLT w/ avocado- need to have them often while the tomatoes are producing- nothing better than fresh tomatoes.
    Husband and son have requested pho one night. Another simple and cheap dinner that is healthy(husband and I prefer ours without noodles, son likes noodles). A huge pot that is enough for everyone and left overs will cost between $4-5, depending on what I put in- most times it is a lot cheaper- just use left over Chinese bbq pork, kamaboko and bok choy/Napa cabbage/mushrooms/??
    If I was the only one shopping, I would be spending quite a bit less- husband does ok but still likes certain things(steak or ribs) but we do get the best deals on things. He has switched from beef ribs to beef tips-Asian market has them for $5 a pound and they are boneless- I pressure cook then then air fry w/ a little bbq sauce- He loves them. $15 for enough for the five of us-veggies from the garden to go with it.
    I need to make gumbo again this week- mother in law actually told my husband that she really liked it and wished she had more(she is always telling me not to send food over).

    I try hard to spend less but still do healthy choices. He does not do great at either of those.
    I make sure to keep boneless skinless chicken on hand. I just need to make things that are tasty that they don't realize in healthy for them.

    Napa Valley

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Katie - popsicle sticks make a good splint as well - when you tape it to another finger, it tries to bend anytime that finger does and keeps it throbbing. Hope it's not broken!

    I am also whiny - my terrible, no-good, horrible very bad morning:
    • Heard a ping on my phone that means someone hit one of my cards at 7:30 a.m. this morning. Someone has my debit card, apparently, as that's how it was purchased from a shoe store online. So, I locked my card, the bank people won't do anything to refund the money until the transaction processes fully through. I'm way too used to that drill.
    • Got hold of the doctor, he ordered labs, which I do need, and I had to scramble and get into town. Got there at 9:15, they stuck holes in me, sucked blood (always fun) and then handed me the cup for a urinalysis.
    • Six attempts and four and a half hours later, I was finally able to fulfill the request for urine. In between attempts, drove all over town, and drank 30 ounces of iced tea (my back teeth are still floating). This has never happened to me in my life--I've always been able to pee on command.

    However, things did turn around:
    • The doc just called, and the tests that have come back are all fine except my hemoglobin dropped. Still within the normal ranges, though. The iron and thyroid results won't be in until tomorrow.
    • I was finally able to get through to the gastroenterologist clinic, and have a phone appointment with them at 2 p.m. tomorrow, so hopefully, better answers to come on the standing issue that's causing all the blood loss. My GP can't fix the problem, just the symptoms.
    • The charge is no longer showing on my bank account, which may mean it was just an error and already resolved. Wouldn't that be nice?
    • Last but not least, I'm back in my little hidey-hole (yay!) So. Many. People. Out. There. It's been a long time since I've been that close to a bunch of people, or since a stranger has touched me. Unnerving.

    Later, y'all,
    From the very self-absorbed
    Lisa in AR
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    HEATHER ~ It took almost a month for our dishwasher to come. We had to call a repairman for the stove burner that's not working and he said it is almost impossible to get parts now. All because of the virus. :s

    If you can find the make and model number of the stove ours was on the bottom where the pull out drawer is you might be able to find the part on line. I did this with a knob son broke when something fell off the top of his fridge and hit the knob. This was pre COVID. Good luck. It does feel like everything is three times harder now.
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited September 2020
    The forecast is the smoke will stay trapped in and the air stagnant until Thursday. AQI map shows my area down to around 300, but one local station measured it at 475. I can't see any change in the last few days as far as visibility and burning raw feeling to throat, nose, and eyes.

    Still trying to find sleep bottoms as my old ones are full of holes and falling apart. I cannot find the style anymore. They were like an above the knee by 3," high waisted full skirt and the front was sewed to the back at the bottom up about 4" in the center. None of this probably makes sense. Anyway, they were the best for sleeping as they were roomy but didn't get all bunched up at night. Super comfy and made with light cotton 95% and spandex 5% fabric. The waist was just 3 layers of the material. I guess I may just have to order material and set up my machine for that fabric.

    Thanks to all of you for the good wishes and energy. Just a few more days and this should lift out.

    Faye in the smokey west USA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    edited September 2020
    Carol - I don't mind waiting, but I hate them lying about delivery times. :# We could have got it cheaper elsewhere. Plus I don't trust them not to go out of business.
    Amazon carry a lot of stove parts. I found a burner on there.

    Two people are after my colourful pots. :D I'm happy for them to go to a good home.

    Lisa - Oh what a pain in the a... Hope you can get it sorted ASAP. Big hugs. <3

    DH had a lovely time at cricket. It did him a lot of good. Even being able to drive some distance was a tonic.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Like I expected, no time for exercise today. But I feel I did get my steps in. The plan for tomorrow is to do a body pump video

    Beth – please take care of yourself, hun

    – I’d never heard about the baking soda. Wonder if it works for when you burn something like in the microwave?

    Sue WA – I do the same thing about our meals. I make a “menu” for the following week, buy whatever I need, then make enough and freeze it.

    Barbara – oh, I feel much better. I took a nap yesterday and today I’m much better. Just a busy, busy day.

    – every supermarket has one-way signs around here. But very few people pay attention to them.

    – let’s hope your finger doesn’t get worse.

    Every time I read about the AQI some of you are experiencing, I cringe

    Worked, then went bowling, then we purchased the stone for the culvert. Going to have dinner in a few then mahjongg tonight.

    Michele NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,414 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    Tracey - Happy Belated Birthday to you and your Grandson! Cute photo. <3 But don't you belong in a 30's group instead of 50+??? Golly you have gorgeous skin for starters!

    Faye - And you could be modeling too. That neck cowl and top are great. For this smoke business, I've been most successful tying a wet bandanna over my face when I go outside.

    Lisa - glad you are getting in to see the doc tomorrow and that the blood test didn't show anything too worrisome. I'm concerned for you and sending lots of good thoughts.

    We actually had a spot of rain this morning... alas, it didn't fix anything and our AQI is now up to 206, small jump from the 190's yesterday. I've been keeping track, looks like parts of the coast are now down into the "good" range.

    Untrustworthy weatherman now says Thursday's the day the rain will hit and wash everything. Hope he's right. Mornings with fog still are OK, but around 11:00 am it turns into smoke.

    Kelly - love the story of your hootie owls! Yesterday afternoon when I took the dogs out, I heard an eagle "skreeing" - of course couldn't see it with the smoke, but evidently he either was falling in love or spotted dinner.

    Hey, here's a good thing. Last week I refilled my prescription for estrogen cream I use a few times a week on my lady parts. It was super expensive last year and hard to get - well over $100 for the tube.... I MADE it last, believe me. Well I finally couldn't squeeze another molecule out of the tube so my doc called in the refill. I checked online, the GoodRX price was like $42....better than $100. When I got there to pick it up, the pharmacist said $12.50.

    I was floored. I'd heard that some law?? went through that was supposed to lower drug prices but not for a few months... what a pleasant surprise. I'd noticed when I refilled DH's prescriptions a few months ago, they were somewhat lower as well.

    Wish the PUD and water company would follow suit. ;)

    Cleaner is supposed to come tomorrow, the house is a little smokey so not sure if she wants to chance it or not, will leave it up to her. If she only wants to do a few things then jet, I'll give her that option. Mainly I want to load her up with more apples and tomatoes, lol.

    OK better get going on supper. Make it a great week, ladies! <3

    Smokey SW WA State
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,354 Member
    Faye-I understand your frustration in not being able to replace things. I run into that and wonder why they have to change.

    Katie-broken fingers (or even just banged up ones) are not fun. Do try to keep immobilized. A doctor once explained to me the reason to splint a broken finger is to keep bones from rubbing together-he said it can lead to infection (I was feeling like a wimp when he told me I had to keep one in a splint for a couple of weeks).

    Julie-it sounds as if the cleaning lady was not very industrious! Your description of the cafes is interesting. Totally different from what we have here.

    Lisa-I hope they get some answers for you soon. It is strange how quickly it hit you.

    Work went well for a Monday. Finished some "odds and ends"-things that just never seem to get finished all of the way. Clocked out at 2:30 and went to gym. Got in a good work out and topped it off with 45 minutes on treadmill. Felt very relaxed afterwards.

    Have to do a couple of things for church council and will clean out junk mail in email box while I watch a bit of tv. I wish you could just delete everything that goes to junk but things like Amazon notifications go there. Haven't figured out how to permit them to go through to inbox. May investigate that more tonight.

    Glad those of you in smoke/fire areas are not experiencing anything worse. Hopefully rain tomorrow will help.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio