
  • charsuzy
    charsuzy Posts: 234 Member
    Checking in and reading comments. I'm going for a walk today - don't know where yet. The air quality is better; I'm in Bellevue, WA near Seattle. Hope everyone is enjoying the day!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Zwift bike trainer, Apple Watch- 1hr 18min 47sec, 19.1amph, 143ahr, 25.03mi= 805c
    Strava app- 568c
    Walk to get nails done- 22.39min, 3.5ap, 1.25mi= 131c
    Strava app= 151c

    Total cal 936
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :)Tracey what I was trying to say was that people like us have to make all our spaces multi purpose just like the way you are not filling that room with craft supplies but are fixing it to meet your needs. Rich people have a craft room and a sitting room and a TV room and a bunch more rooms

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Tracey what I was trying to say was that people like us have to make all our spaces multi purpose just like the way you are not filling that room with craft supplies but are fixing it to meet your needs. Rich people have a craft room and a sitting room and a TV room and a bunch more rooms

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    They sure do!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,691 Member
    I ate first before I started baking. Haven't had ar full of any batter! I think I put 1/2 cup of walnuts in each mini loaf! You definitely know the 2 that are mine! I will cut them in half and put in freezer and take out whenever.👍. With a slab of butter in top warmed.💖
    For lunch l sauteed a 1/2 zucchini, 1/2 of a kielbasa sausage cut up, tomatoes, fresh spinach, black olives, and a hefty spoonful of the leftover spaghetti from last night. Sprinkled to of my bowl with mozzarella shredded cheese. It was heavenly! Later I had 2 healthy peanut butter cups, with coffee. Good until tomorrow!

    Tonight making fajitas for son and husband. Tonight I will portion out 2 servings of the spaghetti leftovers and put in freezer containers for myself later. I always feel so bad when I find leftovers in the fridge and they've gone bad. I feel if I put them in the freezer straight away, I saved them. I might be buying more expensive items in the grocery store, but the fact that I am just eating one meal offsets it considerably.👍

    Oh those squeezable tubes of garlic paste are nice to use when cooking. I had used the end of my minced garlic, so I carefully added some olive oil and voila! I use all of it. I drizzled some over my spaghetti today.💖. I can't put back in the fridge though, but the olive oil should keep whatever paste I shook into it from going bad.
    Might make some portions of blueberry compote I can add to yogurt or put on pancakes. Might make a couple of Klondike protein pancakes to put in freezer too.
    Feeling domestically energetic
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,799 Member
    Hi all. Spent so long catching up I’m too tired to comment.

    Talks care and stay safe!

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,578 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    You've been busy today, I raced through the posts and probably missed a lot.

    Katla - good luck to Schooner, crossing fingers he does fine and will live a few more healthy and happy years with his mom & dad doting over him. <3 Ditto on the dog treat recipe. Maybe Pip posted it and I missed it!

    - I am watching Endeavor on a special subscription to " PBS Masterpiece" through Amazon Prime. I think it's $6.99 extra per month. I added Acorn (it's $5.99/month) a while back, will drop it in a few weeks as I think I've watched everything current and will pick up Britbox. I think I'm done with Hulu and Netflix for a while, Prime seems to be delivering my favorite genre which is British, Canadian, and Australian detective/mystery TV series.

    "PBS Masterpiece" also has some mysteries from Scandinavia, Belgium, and other countries, most of them have English subtitles. When I saw those, I thought of Heather putting her language skills to use.

    Have a great week!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    Spanish Flu - yes, two years.

    "Lasting from February 1918 to April 1920, it infected 500 million people–about a third of the world's population at the time–in four successive waves. The death toll is typically estimated to have been somewhere between 17 million and 50 million, making it one of the deadliest pandemics in human history."

    Body shape - hourglass maybe leaning slightly toward pear when I'm heavier.

    Mamma Mia 2 - definitely not as good as the first one.

    M in Oz
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,387 Member
    Julie-I got the Merrell Women’s Moab2 GTX Hiking shoe. I got basic black (it was on sale). Wore them again today while doing more work on church yard and a bit of shopping. They are supposed to be waterproof but haven't test that out yet.

    Machka-love “The Lord of the Rings” quote.

    Faye-I’ve always been pretty much an hour glass shape-now just a smaller version.

    Heather-I like your paint choices.

    Lisa-hope the meds help.

    Tracey-good luck getting your space rearranged. Sounds like it will better meet your needs.

    Not much today-grocery store, church on line, went back and met a friend to do some more weeding at church. I had put balsamic chicken breast in crock pot before I left and came home a bit over three hours later and realized I forgot to turn on the crockpot. Decided not to risk it (it was only a pound or so of chicken). Wrapped it in a bag and put it in freezer until trash day.

    Have to go into a work meeting tomorrow. Going to actually wear real slacks and a blouse. That will be different!

    Off to bed.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    edited September 2020
    Carol - thanks! She is determined to have a laptop not a desktop but I looked at what you got - very nice.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member
    Barbara - here in Canada I think the provincial governments were in charge of the rules for the pandemic. The only reason I think this is because I read an article about how New Brunswick, my home province and where all our family is, had been the first province in Canada to appoint a chief medical officer just before the pandemic hit. They were had the least amount of deaths and infections and it was thought to be because of this position. They immediately demanded masks and closed their borders.
    They did the same this time and have only had a total of 194 cases. I’m proud to say I am from there and I’m so happy my family is there.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member
    Barbara - I meant to say that I want to copy your words to remind myself when Rodger is having a bad day how I should handle it.
    You are very wise.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Faye: I showed the silhouette shapes to DH. He tells me I’m a spoon. I am pleased not to be a pear, oval or diamond. Women in my family can end up with an ample backside. When I started here on MFP I would describe myself as a chubby pear. I’m happy to have made some progress. :wink:

    Tracey: I hope you enjoy creating a comfortable sitting room. :heart:

    Lanette: Thank you so much for your kind comments about Schooner. I hope all goes perfectly, but I confess to nervousness. He’s an old dog and will have an anesthetic for surgery. We have a good veterinarian and I trust him but there is that little bit of worry. :ohwell:

    Barbara: I looked on the web. The first case of corona virus in US was detected in a traveler from China 1/21/2020. The source of that information was NPR and I trust them. Here we all are, months later. Things have changed & our way of life has been changed. Many kids aren’t in classrooms as is traditional. They are working from home using school laptops. I am lucky to live in a county with only 1 CoVid death. There are 148 total cases in my county, 6517 people have tested negative; they do NOT have the virus. Our county is luckier than many others.

    Add onto this mess, Oregon has been on fire and there are significant losses of property, trees, and lives. I wonder how Governor Brown is handling so much stress and the losses for so many Oregon families.

    Our county fairgrounds are currently housing families who have brought their horses, pets, and livestock here for safety from fire worries at their homes. Thanks to local donations, they were also able to find needed clothes and other items.

    I feel blessed to have a safe home, good neighbors and an excellent husband. This group of women is also a blessing. Guess I had some thoughts building up. I hope it isn't out of line.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member

    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka :love: the LOTR meme. How about a pic of the cap display? Thanks for the Spanish Flue Wikipedia link. This was most telling “A later study found that measures such as banning mass gatherings and requiring the wearing of face masks could cut the death rate up to 50 percent, but this was dependent on them being imposed early in the outbreak and not being lifted prematurely.[97]
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie

    As I was falling asleep on Saturday night, I was thinking through the back rooms of the house and what I wanted to do with them on Sunday. I started with the dressing room. I want to get as much as I can up off the floor. My husband had a pile of caps in one corner and the only reason they were there is because we set up a humidifier in the bed room on top of a dresser unit where the caps used to live.

    My first thought was to get some sort of piece of furniture but the space is small and he needs to be able to get into that side of the closet.

    Then I thought about tossing them into a bin or basket but I've learned something about his personality over the years (and the accident only enhanced this) ... he likes things visible and spread out.

    That is something which had driven me crazy over the years. I like things put away in boxes, drawers etc. The drawer or box can be a mess but as long as I can't see it, it's OK. And I don't need to see things to know that they were there. He likes things all spread out everywhere. For years I tried and tried to help him get organised to no avail.

    Then I did some research on it and it is how some people's brains organise things ... they need to see everything. So now I try to work with it. Try being the key word ... because it goes against how my brain organises things!

    Therefore, putting all the caps in a bin or basket would work well for ME but wouldn't work for him at all and within a matter of days, the caps would be all over the room.

    So I needed something that didn't stick out very far, but would provide a way to see the caps and suddenly it hit me ... a basic garden trellis and clothes pins!

    That's all it is. A tall, narrow garden trellis with the caps clipped to it with clothes pins. :)

    I am hoping it works. :)

    Machka in Oz