
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited September 2020
    Katla when i say lots it's like 40 maybe 50 3 liter baskets these are wild northern berris. I've been doing this and picking for years and selling. This year grandkids picked with me was a lot of fun. And they liked the money the 11 year old banked himself $2,000 bucks. I did ok to.

    Linda: I bet you are very proud of your grandson's earnings. :heart:

  • lcharpentier2
    lcharpentier2 Posts: 354 Member

    just teaching to earn money you must work there really looking forward to next year. Also I seen where your buying bras and shorts. You may pay lots for them now but they will last forever. You get what you pay for cheap. The straps are always down. And the boobs are hanging.


    They shouldn't have a reason to send or bring you flowers it's an act of love.

    There for me today getting a good diet day in. I made 6 1/2 quart size of red tomato ketchup and 2 smaller ones. Tomorrow i'll tackle the green tomatoes.
    So on with my day.

    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Lanette – just tell me when the teleporter will arrive and I’ll find a dog sitter.

    Thanks for all the good wishes… the support from you all, from the other Ex-Camp Arroyo staff, my garden club friends has been amazing.

    Kim from N. California
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Rebecca The roses are beautiful! Your DH sounds like a great guy.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello everyone.

    Doing my best to catch up. Please excuse me if I have missed anything big in any of your lives. I left off on page 35 during my hiatus and have found we are up to page 59. It’s a lot of catch up!

    Tracey – I am beginning to think your boss is simply manic (or whatever the term is in 2020). Just read your later post – I have worked with others like that – they love spreading misery because they just hate themselves. My fix – I found another job. I tried everything else prior to that drastic move and nothing worked. And, she is still a miserable person according to some others who keep in touch.

    Dr. Katie – Sorry to hear about your injury. Hoping you have a speedy recovery. I think it’s almost easier to have a broken arm versus a finger.

    Katla – Yeah, refrigerator repair versus replacement. That’s good news!

    Lisa – Sending positive thoughts the doctors are able to find out what is wrong. Every time I read your advice I think to myself…..hm, we really do think and manage relationships in the same manner. With Charlie it was also based upon timing. He was a night owl and I am an early bird. Talking with him when he just got up was counter productive. I learned to wait until he had fully awakened and would say let me know when you have time to discuss XYZ. I may have to wait a day or so, but learned to realize both parties need to be in the right state of mind.

    Mask Discussion – Given the latest news I think we will be wearing masks until the end of next year. It’s too bad the world was not treated and/or following the same guidelines at the same time. I get it – it’s been awhile since we have been hit with this type of virus, but history has a tendency to repeat itself. With so many rule variations it’s no wonder why we are in the place we are in. This isn’t going away any time so as part of the human race we must do our parts for containment. Which, to me, means following the strictest of guidelines. Yes, our lives will be cramped. But every time I see FB postings of BBQs, discussions of public gatherings, etc. I just cringe. Just my opinion here, but it’s my truth.

    Heather – Sorry to hear about the fridge challenges. I am sure you will find a good supplier. It just may take some time. I like the new selection.

    Bananas – I hear you on living alone. I have been fine, but the last few weeks, even with my small courtyard have been difficult for me. I am trying to pull myself out of my mood, but am finding it difficult. I know I simply need to get working on some projects I have pending. Big hug to you…..

    Pip – I am still finding it very difficult to believe the person who hit your airstream did not know. What BS! It’s good they did admit to it and are taking care of the situation. Congratulations on your new car!

    Annie – Glad to hear you are having fun getting to know Steven.

    Rita – Your GS is a handsome young man. Love the park pictures.

    Katla – Sorry to hear the AQ is still miserable. I cannot imagine no being able to go out because of the AQ.

    Debbie – I love the Bailey’s Cherry Chocolate coffee. It is like having dessert. I am sorry about your husband. Did you just notice because there are no longer children in the house? I have a feeling he realizes you are uncomfortable with confrontation and you have no end game so the situation will remain the same. Is there a reason why you stay? If there is it maybe you need to stop being the maid and start creating your own life by planning and doing things for yourself.

    Ginny – I agree with the pocket in the pjs as long as they are not bulky. I carry my phone every where because we never know if we may have a slip or fall and need to call 911. Sorry to hear about SIL dog. Please let me know how you like the Merrells….I have been eyeing a pair for a few months. I do believe to invest in our feet – I find when my feet hurt my whole body hurts. I usually shop for shoes via DSW – I can get better quality shoes and with its VIP program I get a lot of discounts.

    Barbara – I have been down in the dumps lately and keep telling myself – go and exercise. I know what I should do, it is getting started. Sorry about the AQ!

    Debby in VA – No, you’re not crazy; nor are you being selfish. Big hug to you.

    Lanette – I wish I could send our rain over to all of you. It has been a wet season with all of the storms passing by us (TG!). I keep meaning to ask you have you attempted sticking the basil steams in soil? I have started a fourth plant by using pieces of the stems in soil. It’s amazing little leaves are starting to pop up.

    Rebecca – Sorry to hear about your sis. Ordering in all of the time certainly is not quite a good plan for someone prone to gout.

    Vicki – Sorry the hives are back. Geez, I wish you were able to get to the root cause. I would be nervous staying on steroids for too long too.

    Up to page 50. Going to stop here and then start up again.

    Hugs to all.
    SuziQ - SFL
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited September 2020
    SuziQ: It is so good to see you posting again! AQI is better today. Air quality is 20 & ozone is 17. YAY!!! The good news about CoVid masks is that they work well against virus AND also worked very well while we were or will be in the path of flowing smoke. They seem to do very well protecting us from both virus and smoke. :bigsmile: PS: The numbers on smoke and ozone come from the Washington State Department of Ecology. Today it feels better to me. I can breathe easily and I am not experiencing smoky smell or a headache. :star:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • lcharpentier2
    lcharpentier2 Posts: 354 Member
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Yes, it’s me again in an honest attempt to catch up. I am starting a new show on Netflix called Ratched. It looks like is going to be a dark one. Yes, first scenes are dark – perfect for listening/watching while I continue to get caught up with everyone.

    Pip – Oh, my that estimate!! Happy day we met anniversary!

    Ginny – Prayers for DIL and a quick recovery. One of my friends recently had one and they did not need to go through the body…..they sort of just pulled it out so only internal stiches. Her recovery was a lot easier than days of old…

    Terri – I so agree with you, love and marriage. It is not an easy gig and takes constant work, adjustment, and give and take. I love your new poem – you have such a way with words.

    Christmas/Holiday Cards – I think they may be more popular this year. There was a time when I sent over 150 of them, but over the years the list has dwindled. I stopped sending to those who never sent to me or stayed in touch. Many feel saying something on FB suffices – I think that’s fine for casual acquaintances but not close friends.

    KJ – I am so excited for both the licensing visit and for your GSs visit!!

    Tracey – Love your gnomes.

    Tina – Florida is quite perfect for orchids. Once located in the right spot they are basically care free. I thought I lost that one last year, left it alone, and bam it decided to take off. My bestie says, imagine if we knew what we were doing – LOL!

    Machka – Thank you for sharing your botanical walk pictures. Looks like a lovely walk. Smokey’s latest “wake mom up” is simply sitting next to my face and staring me down. Wakes me up every time. I give him a little love and he lets me go back to sleep.

    Kim – I am so sorry you had to quit the camp. I know you really enjoyed being out in the gardens. It is just so sad those in charge could not make a decision. Sending positive thoughts to you.

    Kate – Hugs.

    Debbie – Happy anniversary!

    Rebecca – What a nice surprise! Enjoy.

    Katla – Glad to hear AQ is getting better. And, yes, I was thinking the same thing – the masks have had to help, but I still cannot imagine.

    Hugs to all and prayers for those in need.
    SuziQ – SFL
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    New recipe for yogi
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,387 Member
    Good to hear smoke is finally clearing for so many of you.

    tracey-I would be frustrated with people coming into area to avoid masks. My county (population of around 134,000) has had about 1,700 cases. Ohio has a mask mandate for inside and outside if you can't maintain distance. Compliance is not 100% but better than it was earlier on. Most folks are wearing them in grocery stores, etc. I don't wear one when I go for walks around the neighborhood but do in stores and work. When we work the food pantry once a month even though it is a drive through and we are primarily outside we stay masked. Many of the people picking up groceries had masks on in their cars.

    Suzi-must be the time for funky feelings living alone. I have had trouble staying motivated. I'm not beating myself up for taking a break from projects. I think we will just go through cycles during the pandemic. It surely could be worse-at least I don't have to worry about being cooped up and another person getting on my nerves!

    Pip-your adventures are fun to watch. Road trip to San Diego-that's tough!

    Merrells came and I think they will be very good for me. Of course, I have only had them since Thursday. Friday I wore them when I went to the office and then for a 40 minute walk. Very firm support. I believe they are keeping me from pronating. Didn't have any of the IT band/knee ankle stuff during walk. Worked outside at church today for a couple of hours and feet felt really good the whole time. Will know better after a bit more time. I was born club footed and have had both hips replaced so good foot support is more important to me now than it once was (or maybe it is just that I am getting old?!)

    Didn't sleep well last night (interestingly it happened after discussion on here about sleep tips and I was thinking that hasn't been a problem for me lately!). After I got back from work at church and had lunch I stretched out and took a nap (which I don't usually do). Will try some tea before bed tonight. I did manage to get dishes in the dishwasher and laundry washed-now to get it folded and the ironing done (yes, I iron many things-hate wrinkles)

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,142 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    DEBBIE ~ Happy Anniversary!

    Carol in GA[/quo

    Thank you-
    Very casual day-
    Went and did our usual Saturday shopping, skipped lunch and now
    he is over picking up food for an early dinner-
    Ordering pho, so no cooking for me which is a great treat.
    I have only had 200calories so far today(and almost 4:30PM) so I will eat as much as I want
    tonight. Pho is pretty calorie friendly, especially the one I get. Servings are really big for me so usually only eat half.
    I am having him also order a kids meal- want to see how big it is- if it is good size, may have him order that instead next time. (half the price of my usual).
    He should go to bed early as he needs to be at work at midnight so good that we are eating early.

    Napa Valley
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Debbie Happy Anniversary.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,194 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member
    Ginny - it is very frustrating. I have been wearing a mask when shopping and of course at work but for the most part I’m staying home. I have learned how selfish some people are, and how some of my smart friends are not so smart when it comes to this pandemic.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip: I'd like to have your dog cookie recipe. Pretty Please. :wink:

    We have had a call from the Vet's office regarding Schooner's cancer surgery. The cost is doable. I'll drop him off between 7 & 8 am on surgery day, 10/02, and then return to get him when they call me.


    Breathing good quality air in NW Oregon

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,142 Member
    Faetta wrote: »
    Debbie Happy Anniversary.
