

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    (((Kate))) I am so sorry about your nephew.

    my home is pile-y too.

    My brother and SIL used to have a box room in their small apartment. my brother always liked to keep the boxes when he bought stuff and I think the basement was too damp, so literally half the small bedroom was filled with boxes. I think it was a smallish 3br apartment.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    not in great spirits today. motivation is low.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,345 Member
    Did a Peak Fitness Challenge DVD on Friday. Vince had diarrhea and cramps in his stomach. He wasn’t going to Denise’s on Friday. There was no way in h*** I was going to miss the chance to babysit my grandson so I drove up. In retrospect it was a good thing because Vince didn’t leave until Sat. a.m. and didn’t get there until 6-7. On Sat. morning PJ got up, I told Denise that I would watch him while she went back to bed. Well, she got up at 1. Evidently I was supposed to get her up because supposedly I knew that she was going to meet her friends at 1. What I knew was that she was going to dinner with her friends and to me dinner is at 3-4. Well, it turns out that she told Vince that a friend got tipsy so she drove the friend home and stayed with the friend until the friend sobered up and then drove the friend back to the restaurant to get her car. So Denise didn’t get home until 7-8. So that meant that I got to spend all day taking care of PJ which I didn’t have a problem in the world with. Pete came home Sat. night then on Sun he asked if I was OK with watching PJ so that he and Denise could go to Lewes. OK? Are you kidding? Ecstatic is more the word for it. Maybe his mom isn’t OK with watching PJ all day. Yes, he is about 1-1/2 so he’s getting into everything. To me, that’s normal. Maybe his mother is more of a clean person and doesn’t like children taking thing out of cabinets, etc. See, I don’t have a problem as long as it isn’t something they can get hurt on (like taking out pots and pans or plastic/metal bowls).

    On Sun we took Pete, Denise and PJ out to dinner for Pete’s birthday which is Sept. 30.

    Got up around 5:30 on Mon. PJ was fussing and the mommy instinct in me jumped out of bed when I remembered Denise didn’t get him up until 6. The old mommy instinct in me kicked in and I got partially dressed while going to the bathroom (I perfected that technique while the kids were little…lol). I know that it’s hard when you have a schedule and someone messes it up. So I tried to stay on the sidelines but when they left for Denise to go to work, I started crying. OH well, par for the course.

    Left around 7:30, got home around 4:30. Took the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel. For some reason, I’m really not keen on tunnels. I’m not claustrophobic but I think part of it is the fact that the lanes aren’t wide, there’s traffic in both directions, and knowing that there’s water/soil, rocks around me makes me a bit afraid that the tunnel is going to cave in and there’s nothing I can do to save myself. OK, I know that this isn’t rational and I’ll most likely get over this by going in a tunnel some…but still. Well, I lived.

    For those who asked, that tool is only 9” long so I highly doubt it’s a spit for a bbq.

    When we were putting down those rocks by the culvert, I had to lay on the ground at one point to look in a pipe and some insect must have bitten me. Boy, do I get itchy. Tomorrow I’ll do a body pump video and on the way home I’ll probably stop at WalMart and get some Benadryl. We have hydrocortisone cream but it doesn’t seem to be doing much for me.

    KJ - *I* think PJ would like a johnny jump up. See, they don’t have a baby gate at the top of the stairs and the washer/dryer is up there. If Denise had one of those, I’m thinking that PJ would probably enjoy it (I know Jess loved it). She can put it on the bathroom doorway while she’s putting in the laundry/making the bed. What do you think? Vince doesn’t think it’s a good idea. I just may get it for him for Christmas anyway.

    So many posts, I’ll probably just skim. Apologies to anyone I miss.

    Welcome everyone new. Prayers and hugs to everyone going thru rough times. Congrats on all the successes.

    Didn’t do well with the eating. It started Sat. when I had to rush to get the car loaded and get going. First, I had to go to Food Lion to get Vince his soda which is on sale. I didn’t know if DE had the same things on sale as NC. Fortunately, here they let me get 20 bottles. Actually, DE does but I really didn’t have time to go. Seeing PJ on Friday was certainly more important than getting soda on sale, I was watching him all day Sat. and didn’t have a carseat so there’s no way I could go. Sun was watching him. I guess if I HAD to go I could have gone Sun but Vince thought 20 bottles would be enough until the next sale. I don’t think so but I’d rather spend more time with PJ than getting soda so I didn’t go and the sale was only Fri – Sun. Oh well….if it’s not enough, it’s not enough. Getting back to eating: since I was in such a rush, I just had cookies for breakfast. I know, breakfast of champions, huh?

    Tina – I found that tool amongst my father’s things. That’s where I found the knife sharpener (that I didn’t know what it was but someone on here told me what it was. I THINK it was Barbara). That’s also where I found the tomato slicer that I thought was a cheese slicer.

    RV Rita – I suppose it could be a meat tenderizer. But he had one already so I’m thinking it may not be. Why would he have two??? Actually he had two, one was a meat mallet and the other was this thing with prongs that had a handle and the prongs went into the meat. Lovely pics

    Katla and Faye – glad to hear your air is better

    Kim – that certainly looks like it could be part of an apple corer!

    Pip – you certainly picked out a beauty! Good luck

    Rebecca – what a thoughtful thing your hubby did!

    M – a friend was talking about the Tour de France last night and I thought of you!

    Katla – good thoughts for Schooner

    I’m a natural hugger and it’s so very hard for me not to hug someone when I see them. I really don’t look forward to a future of no hugs, but it seems inevitable. I always keep a mask in my pocketbook. You have no idea how many times I get to the door of someplace only to realize that I forgot my d*** mask. Like when I stopped at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. I went to the bathroom then had to put in our address into the GPS. I totally forgot to take the mask out of my car but, fortunately, I had one in my pocketbook so I didn’t have to go back to the car

    Lisa – good news that the pharmacy is helping you out. Let’s hope it works

    Barbara – Vince doesn’t want to pay any for any premium channels. I probably would go with one at this time, but it’s not a big deal so I’ll defer to him.

    While we were gone, Vince wrote down that Lexi and Loki should each get a capsule. Well, he saw that there was an empty pill bottle from a different drug Lexi used to get and the bottle with her capsules was in the cabinet so he’s concerned that she got the pills and not the capsules. I said to him exactly what he says to me “well, what you can take away from this is that if you want to save a drug for a few months but don’t use it, put it out of reach, maybe on the top shelf” what did I get? “Well, I would think someone would read the instructions”. I personally wouldn’t take any chances, if you don’t need it, put it up high out of reach. Not cool when you need to take your own medicine.

    KJ – I remember when my kids were little I had these latches on some of the kitchen cabinets that went into the cabinet and when you wanted to open the cabinet you pushed it down. Do they still make those?

    Kate – so sorry about your nephew

    Well, I THINK I’m caught up. So sorry for anyone I may have missed.

    Michele NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,878 Member
    Good decision, Machka! :D

    I have always made it a tenet of my life to avoid any responsibility I could possibly wriggle out of. >:) No committees etc. This even goes as far as pets, cars and houseplants. The garden is semi wild. I take great care over the things that really matter to me and I'm super responsible. But I ration it. Energy is precious, especially mental energy.

    I've put most things back in the fridge. Just a few pots of semi preserve things to go.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    I don't mind taking on responsibility. It's a good way to network. :)
    I am such an introvert that I wouldn't otherwise "get myself out there". Being on committees etc. is a fairly low-key way to meet people in a professional way.

    And I keep reminding myself that I could easily be working until I'm 70 ... 17 more years!! Retirement age here is 67 for people my age right now and they keep hinting that they're going to extend it out to 70. So, I do like to make and maintain connections.

    However, at this point I need a break.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,878 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Yes, he is about 1-1/2

    *I* think PJ would like a johnny jump up. See, they don’t have a baby gate at the top of the stairs and the washer/dryer is up there. If Denise had one of those, I’m thinking that PJ would probably enjoy it (I know Jess loved it). She can put it on the bathroom doorway while she’s putting in the laundry/making the bed. What do you think? Vince doesn’t think it’s a good idea. I just may get it for him for Christmas anyway.

    Michele NC

    At 18 months, he'd be over 20 pounds wouldn't he? And only getting heavier as he grows.

    "For bouncers, the general recommendation is that your baby has outgrown it once they’ve reached 20 pounds or can comfortably sit up on their own."

    You might be past the recommended age for those things.

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,104 Member
    Hi All. Engineers arrived to fix CH boiler at 8.55am. They say they will be finished in the one day.

    I am looking at the huge pile of clothes that I removed from my standby wardrobe. (It's the access to our eaves, where they need to install a new flue for the boiler.) Some of the clothes haven't seen the light of day for years. Several have never been worn!!! Time to get ruthless. When am I likely to need a beaded black lace ballgown and a faux fur cape? 😂 And 3 ski suits when I don't even ski any more? And 4 ice skating outfits and my boots? Really need to stop hoarding clothes. Just because they fit me, doesn't mean I have to keep them!!!

    Heather: 😍 The noises graphic. I hope your new appliance give you many decades of service.
    Faye: I'm on the cusp of Aries and Taurus. If you believe astronomy, I have traits from both signs. Not a lot to choose between a ram and a bull!!! 😂 I do try and curb my more forceful characteristics. (Not always successful in that. )
    Allie: Glad you are enjoying your family time at the lake
    Rebecca: I could feel my arteries hardening at the sight of all that fried food, but you seem to be thriving on it. Each to,their own! 😂
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    <<<<<<Faye was here and caught up
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,878 Member
    edited September 2020
    I am looking at the huge pile of clothes that I removed from my standby wardrobe. (It's the access to our eaves, where they need to install a new flue for the boiler.) Some of the clothes haven't seen the light of day for years. Several have never been worn!!! Time to get ruthless. When am I likely to need a beaded black lace ballgown and a faux fur cape? 😂 And 3 ski suits when I don't even ski any more? And 4 ice skating outfits and my boots? Really need to stop hoarding clothes. Just because they fit me, doesn't mean I have to keep them!!!

    That is one of the things on my post-uni list!! Right near the top.

    And this kind of relates to body shapes. I've always been hourglass leaning toward pear and most of my life I've been at the low end of my normal BMI range.

    Between about 2009 and early 2015, I gained, lost a bit, gained, lost a bit etc. until I decided I needed to lose weight and did ... back to what I weighed in my 20s.

    I keep a lot of stuff for years, so I dragged out the clothing I wore in my 20s and tried them on. To my surprise ... they didn't fit! Same weight. Slightly shorter. Still hourglass leaning toward pear. But the clothing was just wrong ... tight in the wrong places and generally ill-fitting. In some way, my shape changed.

    Anyway, I discovered this in the early years of my current uni degree and didn't have time to deal with it. So ... that's on my post-uni list. :)

    I could feel my arteries hardening at the sight of all that fried food, but you seem to be thriving on it. Each to,their own! 😂

    I'm not keen on fried food either. Part of the reason, for me, is that my gallbladder would be screaming all night if I ate a meal with fried food.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,878 Member
    edited September 2020
    If you're on FB, check out Ideas & Fun, they often have such interesting and creative ideas. I liked this collection of pergolas because we've got one in our backyard which I would like to fancy up a bit this summer.


    Ours ...


    M in Oz
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    lmao, KJ, :D:D:D - especially love the pierogi and the Bart

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,703 Member
    Morning ladies
    I got up early and have my stuff packed and ready to roll sort of waiting because i dont want to hit traffic
    I have never seen Alfie have so much fun as he had here.he was running crazy on the beach.. i let him off leash and he went crazy..
  • lcharpentier2
    lcharpentier2 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning this place and a good day it will be. It's beautiful out.

    I'm on my 6th day without bread do I miss it yes. But I won't have any not yet anyhow.

    My laundry room is my pile up room and I better get to it soon. Right now it's full of knitting. I'm knitting socks for my whole family for Christmas I have 6 pairs of men socks. 2 women and 5 kids ready a few more to go.
    Sure hope your daughter in law and son don't have covid. Good luck on that.

    Looks like your dog is being mistreated lol Black lab there beautiful but they sure shed.

    Birthday coming up in October. Me to but your exactly 20 years younger than me.

    My condolences to you and family.

    No berries around my cottage I go 60 miles North and bring the trailer and stay there for a month and 1/2 this year with my 11 year old grandson. Like fart put $2,000 dollars in the bank. He got over 80 baskets.
    Tried hitting the mountain that you showed me didn't do nothing.

    Well I should get on with my day. All I did so far is get dressed breakfast and made my bed. So going to have a good day today, Scale was down and blood sugar was at 6.1. Before starting this 6 days ago I'd get up to a lot of over 10's. So on to a good day.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario

  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited September 2020
    KJ So many of the charts are in general and written for romance and entertainment. I was never into all the charting and such, but what interested me is the science of how the planets and stars align and how they affect earth microgravity. I don't understand enough about the science of microgravity to explain how it affects our brains forming in the womb, but there are studies on this that show that those of like birthdays do share some personality traits and also medical issues. The trait I have and that I see foremost in Scorpio is loyalty. That seems to describe you with 31 years of marriage. As far as the compatible signs for dating or relationship purposes, I put no value in such. There are so many factors that determine how people will get along. Also, astrologists lump everyone in that sign into one group. The day and time of birth do make a difference. The universe doesn't standstill.

    There are actually 13 constellation signs and astrology uses only 12 of them. I am scientifically a Libra. Now that NASA has confirmed 13 signs the entertainment astrologers are going to have to rewrite their generalized traits. I fit most of the Scorpio traits and very few of the Libra. Time for the astrologers to get to work because I refuse to become the typical Libra. Hahaha!

    https://extra.ie/2020/07/15/news/extraordinary/are-there-13-star-signs#:~:text=People are outraged with many refusing to accept,latest findings claim that there is another sign.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,212 Member
    edited September 2020
    Really enjoyed my lunch with Gwendolen. We sat outside at Fatto a Mano, in the sunshine. Then strolled down to the sea and i walked with her down to the Peace Angel, then turned for home. She wanted to shop in town. By then the clouds had rolled in and it was cooler.
    I stopped off at the bakery and bought ricotta and spinach rolls for tomorrow lunch and a very expensive loaf. :o
    Exhausted by the time I got home. Phew! All joints aching.
    Now relaxing with a cup of tea. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,878 Member
    Tuesday --

    Work ... what else?

    Surgeon follow up appointment ... my surgeon is very pleased with my nose surgery. It has healed really well. However, I asked about the nasal faucet situation. She asked me about hay fever and then confirmed it. The reduced turbinate is swelling slightly because of hay fever/allergies.

    It is spring and everything is blooming, so it is not unexpected. I'm to take action and ensure that I don't just chase the symptoms but that I prevent them from occurring ... to keep that turbinate from getting out of control.

    Then a lovely walk to the beach and back when I got home.

    And I spent the evening working on Cycling Club stuff. I'm almost finished what I need to do for now. Just one more relatively minor thing ... and there's no rush.

    The Cycling Club stuff went under review ... and it stays. :) I'm not giving it up!

    M in Oz
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited September 2020
    finally had an admin helper come again. 30 euros per hour, so 2 hours. big expense for my budget but I'm just unable to get through it alone. 2 people for 2 hours get through a lot. filed everything that's fixable.
    made a (big) pile of "to do" and straightened up some mega piles that need to be sorted through later.
    it made it clearer what I need to get as a shelf for the mega-piles.

    I found it slightly tiring physically (we were both standing up almost all the time somehow) and also emotionally wearing.

    -I found a few key documents though, that will be helpful.

    -made a couple of calls during the filing to sort out a few appointments, that came up when sorting through filing.
    -prepped an envelope to send.
    -noted a couple of things in my agenda.
    -called a couple of youngish employees (about 40) to see if they wanted to run to be members of board (so that the director doesn't implant 2 robots who will vote for his bidding, as he would surely like to do). They both hadn't thought of it and are both interested. They have to put forth their candidatures in pairs, and they don't know one another well, so I put them in touch, as they are both free Thursday afternoon at 5 at school and I'm not. Of course then they have to win, too.
    last time, (about 2 years ago) we got a group of 30 people together who agreed to vote for the same list of people. it got a few people elected, but not everyone. still it shook things up and we were able to get rid of the old people who did nothing but be complicit with the director in opacity and non-democracy; in some public higher ed schools things are supposed to be decided democratically by the boards, about 60% elected people and 40% people chosen by the director and accepted (or not) by the elected members.

    so tired.
    feet tired.
    I woke at about 2 or 3 and didn't get back to sleep.
    went to café in morning for café sitting at table in sun outside not at bar (2.40 if sitting, 1.20 if standing), and walked to the cemetery and back, just to stretch my legs.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,549 Member
    Good morning this place and a good day it will be. It's beautiful out.

    I'm on my 6th day without bread do I miss it yes. But I won't have any not yet anyhow.

    My laundry room is my pile up room and I better get to it soon. Right now it's full of knitting. I'm knitting socks for my whole family for Christmas I have 6 pairs of men socks. 2 women and 5 kids ready a few more to go.
    Sure hope your daughter in law and son don't have covid. Good luck on that.

    Looks like your dog is being mistreated lol Black lab there beautiful but they sure shed.

    Birthday coming up in October. Me to but your exactly 20 years younger than me.

    My condolences to you and family.

    No berries around my cottage I go 60 miles North and bring the trailer and stay there for a month and 1/2 this year with my 11 year old grandson. Like fart put $2,000 dollars in the bank. He got over 80 baskets.
    Tried hitting the mountain that you showed me didn't do nothing.

    Well I should get on with my day. All I did so far is get dressed breakfast and made my bed. So going to have a good day today, Scale was down and blood sugar was at 6.1. Before starting this 6 days ago I'd get up to a lot of over 10's. So on to a good day.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario

    They shed as much as my Goldens did but I bulrush him a lot with a furninater so it’s not that bad
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member