What will u do if ur bf/gf or wife/husband will leave you?



  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I would bang all his friends
  • stylistchicky
    stylistchicky Posts: 561 Member
    I would drop a quick 200lbs so...paaaarrrty!
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    I left my husband after 11 years of marriage due to me losing 140 pounds he couldnt handle it and quit loving me.. He likes big girls.. Sorry I used to be 300 pounds but I am not anymore.. Love me or leave me!!! So I choose to leave.. a year and a half later I am with someone who accepts me and my kids for me andf wouldnt change a thing about me!!!

    Good for you!!! I am so sorry he did that to you though what a jerk. It sounds like he has some kind of issues. I am glad you met someone wonderful who really loves you. :flowerforyou:
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    I would bang all his friends

    ^ Nice!! LOL Would have never thought of that one. :blushing:
  • hOw2lozeAgiN10dAze
    hOw2lozeAgiN10dAze Posts: 1,841 Member
    I'd because somewhat of a slut I fear...
  • stylistchicky
    stylistchicky Posts: 561 Member
    I would drop a quick 200lbs so...paaaarrrty!
  • Miss_Meliss86
    Miss_Meliss86 Posts: 372 Member
    lmao... he wouldn't leave me... ever heard... ITS CHEAPER TO KEEP HER... we have 5 kids... he would be my personal atm, or, b of b (bank of brad) and id rent him the garage to sleep in... hes not going anywhere...

    Seriously!? :noway:

    Statements like this make me ashamed to have the same sex organs as you...disgusting.

    Cheating/Abuse is one thing, but if the love isn't there anymore and statement such as the one quoted above are still flying around...then wow...
  • LeahT84
    LeahT84 Posts: 202 Member
    He would never see his kid again.

    I wish I had the vocabulary to fully convey how angry that comment makes me. In our culture, fathers are treated like crap if there is a split between the parents. Your comment, I hope was made in jest, if not, then from a father's point of view I say you have serious issues....oh and karma is a *****.

    With a comment like the one she made, I'm going to assume that he probably wants to leave her but knows he'd never see his kid again, so he stays and puts up with a miserable person just to be a part of his child's life.

    I am a single mom who has done everything possible to try to get my sons father to play an active roll in his life, because it is important. I think fathers deserve the chance to be parents. I know fathers who would make a better single parent raising their child alone because the moms are worthless. To keep your child away from another parent because you're angry that they don't want you, well that's just disgusting.
  • JustAboutDelicious_wechanged
    OMG, WHAT???!!!!! Do you know something I don't know? He's going to leave me, isn't he? And if he does I am going to go have unattached sex with every man I find attractive.

  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    i want to be a more better man,, more ripped and want to grow tall,,also become rich :D

    None of that makes you better.


    If I ever did have my wife leave, it would be somewhat jarring, but not insurmountable. Nothing is.

    Just move on, appreciate the good and bad of it all.
    And enjoy the next chapter of life.
  • Tatonka_usn
    Tatonka_usn Posts: 433 Member
    lmao... he wouldn't leave me... ever heard... ITS CHEAPER TO KEEP HER... we have 5 kids... he would be my personal atm, or, b of b (bank of brad) and id rent him the garage to sleep in... hes not going anywhere...

    You know, while this can be construed as the joke it is, the fact that there are more than a few women out there who actually think this way is what gives decent guys a bad taste in their mouth when it comes to marriage. I saw it all the time when I was in the military.....women getting married to use their husbands as meal tickets, sticking it out just past 10 years, then taking them for 1/2 of everything. Hate to say it, but your husband has my condolences.....
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    OMG, WHAT???!!!!! Do you know something I don't know? He's going to leave me, isn't he? And if he does I am going to go have unattached sex with every WOman I find attractive.


    Fixed it for you :)
  • JustAboutDelicious_wechanged
    OMG, WHAT???!!!!! Do you know something I don't know? He's going to leave me, isn't he? And if he does I am going to go have unattached sex with every WOman I find attractive.


    Fixed it for you :)
    You are right!!!!! I forgot to say woman AND man!!! Thanks, Mel!
  • JDMarlowe
    JDMarlowe Posts: 327 Member
    Learn and move on.
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    Bang his best friend of course.

    I kid. I kid.
  • darkon
    darkon Posts: 5,342 MFP Moderator
    Bang his best friend of course.

  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    Bang his best friend of course.


    Don't piss off an Italian woman. Amirite?
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    lmao... he wouldn't leave me... ever heard... ITS CHEAPER TO KEEP HER... we have 5 kids... he would be my personal atm, or, b of b (bank of brad) and id rent him the garage to sleep in... hes not going anywhere...

    Seriously!? :noway:

    Statements like this make me ashamed to have the same sex organs as you...disgusting.

    Cheating/Abuse is one thing, but if the love isn't there anymore and statement such as the one quoted above are still flying around...then wow...

    yes, because everyone and everything posted here on these boards is so serious, including the original post to begin with. cmon, seriously... get over it. here, heres a better one... if my husband left me... hed leave on an "extended vacation"... does that ruffle your feathers any better?
  • Mercedespony
    Mercedespony Posts: 162 Member

    With a comment like the one she made, I'm going to assume that he probably wants to leave her but knows he'd never see his kid again, so he stays and puts up with a miserable person just to be a part of his child's life.

    I am a single mom who has done everything possible to try to get my sons father to play an active roll in his life, because it is important. I think fathers deserve the chance to be parents. I know fathers who would make a better single parent raising their child alone because the moms are worthless. To keep your child away from another parent because you're angry that they don't want you, well that's just disgusting.

    Why are you not parenting 50/50?