

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Machka: Congratulations! You have your gown, cap & hood!!! You have earned your degree!!!! 👩🏻‍🎓👩🏻‍🎓👩🏻‍🎓👩🏻‍🎓

    I haven't walked across the stage yet .. that happens tomorrow. I had to pick up the stuff today in preparation for tomorrow. :):)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Our tree. I'll try to get a better photo of it ...


    Christmas in Australia! Mostly in Tasmania with the last 3 on Page 4 from this year. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello everyone.

    Not much time to respond. I had gotten up late after one of those sleep for an hour wake up type of nights. Mind just deleting stress. I decided to take tomorrow off and there is so much going on at work. Today will be a hyper-focused day so I can close up quite a few things needing completion.

    At 4:30 I will be attending a Zoom party held by one of our partners. A box will arrive at my house around noon. In the box will be the ingredients for 3 cocktails. We have to do some light prep before the call, we will do a quick round of introductions and then a bartender will lead us through making our first drink. Once it's made there will be 10 minutes of socializing and then another mixology session. Repeat. TG this is a remote party! The call is only an hour and 15 minutes long! I imagine shortly after drink #1 and the mixing of drink #2 people will loosen up.

    Thank you all for your feedback regarding the party. I am still on the fence. More on that later......

    Until then hugs to all and prayers for those in need.
    SuziQ - SFL
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Faetta: Come back! You are missed. :heart:
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited December 2020
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I've always been a bit of a germaphobe. For decades, I've hated the casual approach people have taken to cleanliness and hygiene, especially when it comes to cold and flus and other things.

    My reason? While others seem to be able to catch mild 24-hour flus or small cases of the sniffles, I end up spending days lying on the floor of my bathroom so I can be that close to the toilet or weeks with the cold that turned into bronchitis and a raging sinus infection.

    And it has been increasingly worse in recent years.

    But even when I was my fittest colds and flus would knock me around badly and I've been that way since I was a child. I have to guess that my immune system isn't as strong as others.

    So I've been very pleased with the emphasis on cleanliness, hygiene, distancing, sanitiser, staying home when sick and other measures this year! This year has shown that a few simple measures can reduce the impact of a lot of illness. Long may they continue!

    2020 has been one of my healthiest years ever! :):)

    M in Oz
    Hi machka. I can relate. I am not a hygiene freak but I really avoid getting cold feet which almost constantly gives me at least a cold, and sometimes a doozy the next day or so. I don't get bronchitis anymore. I used to often. I think giving up gluten and dairy really helped.
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Faetta wrote: »
    Oh, how lovely! I get a disagree right away! What do you disagree with?

    Any wonder why so many have left this thread?

    Regarding leaving the thread: People leave this thread for a number of reasons. They may have lost the weight and they're finished. Many people leave once they have reached their goal. They may have become too busy to post. Their lives may have taken them in a different direction. People come and go on My Fitness Pal all the time.
    M in Oz
    Agreed . They might not feel an easy connection with an online group (this is my case- I am WAY more at ease IRL (in real life) or with this one. About buttons. there could be an "agree" button to balance out. I really find the laughing button is missing.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited December 2020
    Machka: 👍🏻 Thanks for the timely reminder about how public some forums are. This is why it’s a good idea to take care that you do not post specific personal info.
    This is why I don't put a public picture. I consider teaching to be a semi-public position.
    auntiebk wrote: »
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s

    Feeling sad, heard a rumor that our Fire Chief is resigning. He’s been frustrated with the board over financing a new truck. It will be a big loss, he’s been great at recruiting younger volunteers, much needed in our older community.
    Sorry to hear about that. :'(<3

    @KJLaMore nice song/poem! it sounds familiar!

    It seems like there are opposing views on this thread and are able to navigate around them, and/or put the more pronounced ones on the group.

    @Machka9 that is pretty funny that any post about moderation, etc, gets "disagree"!

    I got some carrot cake again. New GF treat.

    Not low cal I know....

    have an online meeting this afternoon I am not looking forward to. the subject is interesting but I've had enough of being online and busy. I don't have a major role at all but it will look bad if I don't go.... I think it'll be long too. then a call, then another online meeting... whine, whine.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) I started my new knitting project yesterday. It's a baby blanket for a friend in California for her grandson to be born in the spring. I was able to show it to her at a Zoom meeting yesterday. She is very excited.

    :)<3Fae, Don't letting any bozos get you down. You have a bunch of fans on this thread and in the world. No one goes through life without an occasional critic. It is human nature to forget to notice all the admiration and focus only on the critics.

    :) I continue to take life one day at a time. We continue to take the measures to stay safe. The vaccine will get to us and others if we can all be patient.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,357 Member
    edited December 2020
    After lunch DH and I decided to accomplish a task we have been meaning to do for a couple of weeks. We walked into Central Hove and exchanged our Soda Stream gas cylinder for a new one. :D
    There were marshals on the door and one person allowed in, masked, at a time.
    You might think we had enough food after our hamper delivery, but we had been promising ourselves another packet of Iberico ham for Christmas day, so we popped over to the posh deli to buy it. When we had it for our anniversary we were super impressed.
    Then we walked home. About an hour's walk. The sun was shining. B)

    I found this photo of some German biscuits. :laugh: I am nearly at a 400 day streak on Duolingo. I hope to visit Germany again after the vaccine.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • charsuzy
    charsuzy Posts: 234 Member

    I sure don't understand the "Disagree" response here to what you wrote :o<3

    WA state

    Faetta wrote: »
    I won't be arrogant and tell you what to do, but I will answer your question which was "What would you (I) do?"

    I would do what I did last year or the year before. I refuse to let politics overrule science and control my life and take the pleasure out of living. You are right that the contact and food are of concern. In my opinion, it is the #1-way virus is spread and this comes from my former neurologist/virologist, rheumatologist, and also my neuro-otologist, all three world-renowned scientists. While coronavirus is spread by coughing or sneezing, this way is less likely than contact. Having almost died from the zoster virus and suffer permanent nerve damage including left-side brain sag, in my opinion, fear is killing more humans than the sars2/coronavirus. I would fear getting a serious case of intestinal flu or food poisoning, or even a bad cold, from going to a party as you described 100 times more than this weakened virus. If you didn't get the super-duper flu shot this year that covered the killer flu that appeared on the scene last fall, then I would fear that strand of flu 1000 times more than covid. It has a much lower rate of survival especially for those under 65.

    If your immune system is strong, then the chances of you having any real effects from this virus are very low. I have a highly compromised immune system, but with antiviral therapy and vitamin and herb regimen, my immune system doesn't waste most of its energy on blocking the zoster (the anti-viral does this), instead, it blocks flu, colds, allergies, and all these new viruses very effectively. I haven't had flu and only one minor cold since I have been on antiviral therapy and it has been 15 years. Before that, I had fever blisters 6 months of the year, two or three colds, and at least one serious case of the flu yearly. I started getting yearly flu shots when I hit 60 as well as shingles vaccines. With that and the antiviral, I don't live in fear and carry on much the same as always except I wear a mask in stores just to put others at ease. Otherwise, I refuse. Not going to wear a mask when out walking because I fear covid flying through the air, turning corners, or jumping up off the sideway and getting me. I am not even worried about someone, unmasked, sneezing three feet away, especially if they look away.

    I was invited to a party this evening. I won't go even though the food is being catered in and individually served and other precautions, because I don't like some of the people going this year plus it is near my bedtime. I didn't go last year for the same reasons plus several had colds. No one has a cold this year so I think it safer than last year medically, but I am still not going just because I have decided life is too short for being around certain people.

    Your party sounds like fun and yes I personally would go, but if any doubt entered my mind, then I would cancel. The stress of fear cancels out any fun from socializing. Remember this is me and I wouldn't want you or anyone else to do what I would do. I would probably eat beforehand, put some snacks in my pocket, and take my own drink. If I had to wear a mask and stay 6 feet away, couldn't hug old friends, then I would stay home and do an online party. No fun for me and highly unsociable with all the guidelines now laws, punishable by jail time in my state. I believe in sound medical science as it comes from those studied in virology, medical text, and not the news media or government-sponsored organizations that have a political motive.

    So I encourage all to think about what you did before 2020 when there was handshaking, kissing, no mask-wearing, double-dipping was common, no hand sanitizer insight, hands hurriedly washed and dried on a community hand towel, etc. Dripping noses being wiped with the back of a hand and then used to scoop up community chips and no one thought anything about many at the party getting bad colds, flu, or pneumonia days later. Did you go to parties then? Now with distancing (nothing social about it), mask-wearing, and more frequent hand sanitizing (how be it still far from what it needs to be), will you not attend a party from fear of covid when in times past you didn't fear other killer viruses? Perhaps we are all wiser now and should forego any holiday parties and prepare for the promised 100-day lockdown coming Jan. 20 for those in the USA.

    If I could snap my fingers and make covid disappear within the hour, would you still go to the party? If so would you still mask up and refrain from hugging old friends? Would you still take your own hand sanitizer? Would you still fear potluck dishes? Would you fear your friend getting over a cold? Would you fear covid wasn't really gone? Would all your fears be gone with covid? When covid is gone will you fear the next more powerful virus?

    Since this site is dedicated to fitness and health, I encourage all of you to be more diligent than ever about your health and fitness. Don't forget your mind also needs a good workout and I see many of you doing that with puzzles, crafts, reading, writing, etc. Stay strong ladies!

    Wishing you all the best, Fae

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Faetta: I spent some time last night looking at my old comments, worrying that I may have hit a disagree button by accident. I hope not. I think you are amazing, independent & beautiful. :heart: I would also love to snap my fingers and have Covid disappear all around the world. I hope that the new vaccines are effective. DH & I are on our doctor’s list for vaccination when the vaccine arrives. We are not in the first group of medical personnel, but we're in our doctor's 70+ group. Meanwhile we’re wearing our masks and avoiding crowds. :ohwell:

    Rita: How do you bake without sugar? Do you substitute honey? Saccharine is not something we use. DH is diabetic and on a fodmap diet. Gluten is off of his menu. We’ve found some Gluten Free mixes. One is for GF Chocolate Chip Cookies, and the other is Bob’s Redmill GF Brownie mix. Sugar is on the ingredients lists for both. We haven’t actually made either mix so far. I have a gluten free chocolate cake recipe. It is actually an old family recipe, and I substituted GF flour for white flour, leaving everything else as usual. It worked very well, tasted good, and there was no gluten. There were MANY calories, however, depending on how much a person ate. :wink:

    I have a dentist appointment this morning, in just over an hour. I can’t say I’m looking forward to it, but I will be thrilled when the work is done.

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,424 Member
    Good morning ladies! <3

    Virus info and supplements, etc - feel free to skip.
    Here's a good presentation about Vitamin D. Over an hour long - I learned a lot about how useful it is as a prophylactic and in treatment of C-19- there are lots of others by this presenter Dr. Roger Seheult, on "MedCram".


    Dr. John Campbell from the UK also has a lot of interesting presentations, here's one of them-


    Another one is Drbeen.com, here is his channel:


    I watched one of his that I can't find right now which had a study comparing the use of mouthwashes - "gargles" and Listerine proved effective in killing viruses.

    Bottom line, for me, is that there are a lot of steps I can take to boost immune system and lessen my chances of having severe symptoms if I catch it.
    Lanette B)
    SW WA State