

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Hahahahaha -- yep, that's pretty much the way it is!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    M – I surely hope that med helps you. Are you anywhere near the underground fire?

    Michele formerly NC

    What underground fire is that?

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Last evening, I vacuumed the house and scrubbed the floors in preparation for the inspection today ... which apparently went really well. :)

    Last night, my meds put me to sleep quickly and deeply until about 6 am when my back and hip pain flared up. I should have probably got up and taken something but 6 am is only 2 hours till I have to be up and I figured I would just find a comfortable position and go back to sleep ... I didn't and ended up tossing and turning and dozing for the last 2 hours.

    Hoping to hear from the neurosurgeon soon.

    M in Oz
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 24min 48sec, 3.30min,89ahr, 110mhr, 7.20mi= 653c
    Starve app = 873c

    Also made 2 batches of dog treats
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    I just heard that Season 2 of Lego Masters will be airing this summer, for those interested.

    Pip - it’s nice to her be getting these things completed before you move in, but I bet you’re getting antsy to get in.
    Great deal on a beautiful rug.

    Debbie - that will be good for you and your Mom to have a weekend together.

    Beth - I am so sorry to read your post, how irresponsible of them. Is there an advocacy group or local news station that would help at all? Your son and family are in my prayers.

    My Grandparents were married in 1941, he passed in 1997 and she did in 2009. They always had separate bank accounts no joint and they would each pay a portion of the bills. There are numerous entries in Grammie’s diaries of anytime he borrowed money from her and then would be noted as he paid her back. As kids we would get Christmas presents from him and her and then usually a couple from the both of them. That was also noted in her diaries, “Harley bought Tracey a deep wine coloured velour housecoat for Christmas”. “We bought”, “I bought” all very detailed.
    I always thought that they were forward thinking for their time.

    Lisa - thank you for the smoothie tips.
    Several of our staff lost their sense of taste and smell. All of our staff that has it had it between Nov 15 and Dec 20 and some of them still can’t taste properly.
    I use the Working Feet and love it.
    😂😂 John Travolta.

    Barbara - Yes it is my sacroiliac joints that I just got the 1-2 degree mobility in. When I started I had no mobility in my right hip or sacroiliac joints. She told me the first day that it would be 6 weeks and I’m only half way through. I feel a difference in my mobility but the pain is terrible as all of my joints and muscles wake up and start being used properly again. I’ll be glad when I’m pain free, I just need some patience.

    Terri - “Spending our kids inheritance”, my parents and grandparents were very fond of telling me that it wasn’t their job to leave an inheritance. My Grandparents did though. My parents really had nothing, they lived paycheque to paycheque all their married lives.

    Machka - I hope you do get some good nights sleeps, I think you really need it more than you know.

    Barbie - I wish I had been taught about money growing up, but I think when you have no money and are always robbing Peter to pay Paul and not spending properly yourselves it’s hard to teach your children another way.

    Annie - did your affirmation here work? Did you eat anymore?

    Rebecca - I have the last two This is Us recorded that I need to get caught up on.

    I have not been able to get comfortable since last evening, slept fitfully, and have squirmed more than a toddler in church all day trying to get comfortable. I still did my exercises in hopes that would be a health and not a hindrance but I’ve really not noticed a difference. I think I will take a pain reliever tonight.

    Rodger has blood work in the morning and then is going to purchase the plumbing parts he needs to replace our sink and faucet.

    I hope tomorrow is a better day.
    On the plus side the temperature was only -8 on my way home from work.
    I took this picture at 1826 this evening, this is facing Southeast.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited February 2021
    Here's a fun video from a series going round. Others from the same series mostly change the word to make a parody but they said they found the words needed no change.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,027 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did the 20-40-60 treadmill workout the rode the upright bike for ½ hour. I really couldn’t use that bike for my spinning workouts but that’s OK. I do find that in NC I can do cardio for 1 hr. However, down here I sweat so very much that I can only do ½ hr. The upright bike was more of a cool down than anything else.

    Debbie – safe travels to your mom’s

    lisa – one way I knew that I never had COVID was that I could smell the litterbox. It was good for something….lol One time when we lived in the Poconos my hands were so dry they were bleeding. I tried everything in the book – and I do mean everything. Nothing worked. Then I remembered that my grandmother used to use pure glycerine on her hands and they never bled. I figured “can’t do any worse than the other things, might as well give that a try”. And it worked! The only thing that did. Talking about the finger cots, what Vince does sometimes is take a rubber glove and cut off the finger. It’s just that we happened to have some gloves in the house. Thanks for the smile

    Michele formerly NC

    Thanks- I am looking forward to a long weekend with her.

    As for the covid virus- Out of the five of us that had it here, my son was the only one who DID loose his sense of smell and taste. No one else noticed it at all. Everyone is different. My dad only had a cough and that was it until the last few days when he was really weak. Son was also the only one who had a fever as far as I know.(not sure about his girlfriend- she was here at our house but I was at mom's ) and his fever was just one night.

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited February 2021
    Debbie, i'm sorry, i can understand not wanting to start again. My sister, whose marriage was ok, said she felt she got lots from her friendships.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,027 Member
    Debbie, i'm sorry, i can understand not wanting to start again. My sister, whose marriage was ok, said she felt she got lots from her friendships.

    I am going to be 59 in a few weeks. Done this twice, don't want to go for a third. IF I had the chance to be back with # 1, like I thought might happen, I would consider it but that is no longer an option so will just hang in there and start doing more for myself. More time with my mom, more time doing things that help get me healthy(walking, Zumba if they start classes again), and staying in touch better with my friends. I have only a couple casual friends over here, most of my close friends are in the town my mom lives(my hometown).
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Debbie, i'm sorry, i can understand not wanting to start again. My sister, whose marriage was ok, said she felt she got lots from her friendships.

    I am going to be 59 in a few weeks. Done this twice, don't want to go for a third. IF I had the chance to be back with # 1, like I thought might happen, I would consider it but that is no longer an option so will just hang in there and start doing more for myself. More time with my mom, more time doing things that help get me healthy(walking, Zumba if they start classes again), and staying in touch better with my friends. I have only a couple casual friends over here, most of my close friends are in the town my mom lives(my hometown).

    Yes, focus on you!

    I have no intention of leaving my current husband (with the severe traumatic brain injury) and every intention of staying with him till the end. I love him.

    But if he goes before me, which is reasonably likely, I also have no intention of locating a #3.

    I envision spending my last remaining decades on my own and I am quite comfortable with that idea. I have a vague notion of finding a quiet seniors complex of some sort in a flatter more cycling-friendly area, renting or buying a cute 2-bedroom, decorating it the way I want, and spending my days walking, hiking, cycling, and enjoying the outdoors ... or curled up on my sofa reading a novel with my cat. :)

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    MRI and neurosurgeon appointments ... next week!!

    That was quick!

    M in Oz
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Pip – lovely rug. What is “offer up”? The Craigs List of CA?

    M – I don’t know what the name of the underground fire is, that was one of my questions of the day, where is the most continuous underground fire? And the answer was Australia. That’s all I know.

    I’ve been reading on Facebook all about how they are supposed to have this really big ice storm in NC. The gym I usually go to isn’t opening until 9 tomorrow. We looked at weather.com and they’re just going to get a small amount of ice. But you know NC – they are freaking out.

    Michele in FL who stomach is growling. Not sure why
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Pip – lovely rug. What is “offer up”? The Craigs List of CA?

    M – I don’t know what the name of the underground fire is, that was one of my questions of the day, where is the most continuous underground fire? And the answer was Australia. That’s all I know.

    I’ve been reading on Facebook all about how they are supposed to have this really big ice storm in NC. The gym I usually go to isn’t opening until 9 tomorrow. We looked at weather.com and they’re just going to get a small amount of ice. But you know NC – they are freaking out.

    Michele in FL who stomach is growling. Not sure why

    Ah no ... I had to look it up and it is on the mainland about 1000 km away. Apparently burning for 6000 years.