

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    Yogi went outside to work on his tan
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,363 Member

    February Alphabet Challenge:

    1. A - Aerobic Dance video:

    2. B - I had to exercise in my bedroom today as it was bucketing with rain.
    3. C - I did some chair yoga today.
    4. D - Dawdled to our local park.
    5. E - Endurance circuit
    6. F - 2 sets of 10 seconds of forward lunges, front raises, fire hydrant side leg raises, fast feet, and forward bends.
    7. G - Generosity - I was generous to DH today and went out with him for a walk, despite it being bitterly cold.

    8 H - Walked to the Hawe Road roundabout and out into the countryside, past a local farm with a pedigree Angus herd .
    9. I - Interval training today.
    10. J - We got our appointments for our vaccine jabs on 10 Feb.
    11. K - Walked past Knightsbridge to Kilmaine and home again.
    12. Free day
    13. L - We went for a walk along the Belfast Lockshore today. Met my daughter walking one of her dogs.
    14. M - I started today with a mindfulness meditation It was very relaxing.
    15. N - I did a selection of stretching exercises for my neck during my yoga practice today.
    16. O - 30 minutes of circuits today targeting my oblique muscles. Let's hope I don't feel the burn after that.
    17. P - after my physio today I did several sets of push-ups and a short Pilates workout.
    18. Q - I did a legs workout targeting my quad muscles
    19. R - I worked on regular progression in strength exercises by increasing the repetitions I perform.
    20. S - This morning I subscribed to a series on YouTube of exercises for seniors. I have already done two of them. https://youtu.be/Hfdajt9lWFo https://youtu.be/up6_0bYtxqA
    21. T - Worked the triceps with an arms circuit workout.
    22. U - Got pumped up,with a dance session to the Ultra Europe 2018 https://youtu.be/BWmJw4zLrXY
    23. V - A good workout for the vertebrae https://youtu.be/EDB58_1K0NQ

    24. W - HIIT Walk
    25. Free day
    26. X - Xtraining: . I found this Xfit video on YouTube. I had to modify some of the exercises, but otherwise it was fine. https://youtu.be/P1g6tZg8eTo
    27. Y - Yoga practice
    28. Z -

    Just skim reading too tired for comments.

    ☘️ Terri

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,363 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    My son passed away today ... That’s all I can say


    So sorry about this, Beth. (((Hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,363 Member
    dandl1986 wrote: »
    DH is on his way to get an antibody infusion. He actually sounds much better since starting his meds. DD is going to the grocery for us so we can stay in. I have broken down and contacted the dr. It is evident I have it. I sound like a barking dog. DS who lives with us, also has a headache and congestion so he probably has it too. I feel pretty awful achy and feverish. Hard to sleep. Poor bumble does not understand why everybody is just sitting around and refusing to play with him. I will stay up with him while husband is at the infusion clinic, then I am going back to bed. Hope to hear from my dr. soon. Thank you all for the hugs, they are appreciated.

    So sorry you are all going through this. Hope you all have thee mild version. (((Hugs)))
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,884 Member
    dandl1986 - So sorry you and your family are sick. My DB and his family had it. Caught it from step grandkids who went to visit their dad. All have come through it OK although DB spent over a week in ICU with covid-related pneumonia. He also got the plasma with antibodies while he was in hospital. Seemed to work for him. Wishing you all healing angels.

    DD and I got a new LED light put up in the horse shelter to replace the fluorescent that was in there. Wow! you can see all the corners now. Also got the goat shed cleaned out and fresh bedding put down although they have a tendency to eat it instead of sleep on it. Silly things.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    Stats for the day -

    Other- 47.10min, packing dropping off= 224c
    Walk w/yogi= 23.66min, 3.40ap, 1.35mi= 147c
    Other- 24.30min, more of the same = 112c

    Total cal 493
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,627 Member
    It is so lovely that we have such a loving and supportive group here!❤
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Beth, I'm so sorry.....
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Beth, thinking of you. ❤️
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Yesterday did a walking DVD. The lady at the gym told me that the WellBeats machine (the virtual classes) was working but I couldn’t get it to work. Steve came here and we went to dinner at this steak place, I had salmon. Not really tracking while he’s here, just going to try to make decent decisions. Last night I made a loaf of sourdough bread and gave some to this lady here. She wanted me to have some clam chowder with her. I think she might be lonely so I had some. Didn’t have much of the bread...only ½ slice.

    Did a pilates DVD today. Not sure what I’ll do tomorrow.

    Dee – Honestly, I never heard of an antibody infusion. What is it? Please get better fast

    Betsy WA – (((hugs))) you are going thru so much.

    Barbara – I’m so sorry for you nephew.

    Found out yesterday that our ceramics place will open March 1. Yeeaaaa….finally! But it’s (of course) only limited hours, you need to wear a mask, it looks like you have to make a reservation. But at least it’s open

    Went in the pool yesterday. I’ll probably go in today while the guys go to Waffle House.

    Heather – how wonderful that you can have that “accident”. Wish I’d at least hear from Denise, a picture of PJ would be nice. It’s been over a month since we’ve heard from her. Update: how wonderful for you!

    Michele in FL
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Beth, I am so deeply, deeply sorry.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited February 2021
    Hi, 100+ posts here, of course, in last 2 days!, as usual!
    @kymarai Kylia I can relate to the lazy wagon(slope). I caught a bad cold/allery Tuesday and was out of sorts. The need for rest rolls into pretext for laziness.binge watching is easy to justify and slip into these days with little outings allowed or advisable (depending on the place).
    Did you get a washer -dryer combo or one of each? I have never had a washer dryer combo but they seem to be more common and more reasonably priced than some years back. It sounds like you and your present DH are complimentary. And that your oldest daughter is really on top of things. It seems to be par for the course (with exceptions of course) that one is not worried as much about repayment from members of one's own family (siblings, nieces, childen) but that the unrelated spouse is less easygoing with family loans or gifts.

    @LisaInArkansas Lisa "This too shall pass" is the silly message on my screensaver on computer. I don't read it much, since I'm used to it, but that fact is helpful. About scams: good for you for doing due diligence to avoid the scam. it must be so easy to get roped in as people age and are less up on things, and lack energy for checking things out and following up on scams.

    @dandl1986 I hope you guys get through this with minimal incidence. I think masks help a little but not massively. How many people wash hands before and after every thing they touch these days? (like a door or a protect or the atm machine) Many wash before or after but I don't see many doing both all the time, like was the case in early days of COVID. In my area there's an estimate that 30% of people have already gotten COVID. (many of whom don't know it or don't know if for sure). During the end of intense lockdown here, in May, a friend's whole family got it, most certainly from one of them getting it at the grocery store. Whereas the rate of transmission then was very low due to strict lockdown for 2 months.

    @auntiebk BarbaraI'm very sorry about your nephew.
    Phone is least favorite, heart always jumps when it rings, but it’s really best for listening and there are several on my “to call” list who need listening to.
    One meditation teaching recommends "telephone meditation" for what it's worth.

    @ginnytez Ginny I hope your nodule and tests have a good prognostic and result.

    for the dentist it was his assistant who asked me to stop by, so presumably she doesn't know I live so far away. if I were in the neighbourhood it would have been be more handy. this said, by mail, he first sent me a bill for the work already billed and paid in January, but zilch for the work done in February. that is shady. I wrote back asking about that and for the x-rays; I saw he wrote back yesterday but haven't read yet. it doesn't really matter. I hope I find someone good without too much trouble. It is not even the strangest dentist experience I have had and he didn't seem that bad. he was making a shortcut and charging as if he weren't. He has only good reviews on google maps which is rare and I really trusted the excellant dental hygienist who said he was "excellant" but I also trust my experience (and also many of you weighing in). The discouraging of questions for 2000+ of work and crowns that will be in my body for at least 10 years is a red flag for me regardless of 5 star recommendations.