

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    edited August 2021
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    tapioca- I think I liked tapioca as a kid. We had it often enough that I remember eating it. I think I liked it, but it was not my favorite dessert. As a kid, I LOVED butterscotch pudding! I still like it as an adult; but haven't made it in many years (since my own kids were small). Butterscotch is Colin's favorite as well. Darren, Lauren, and Tim were/are chocolate lovers. Tapioca pearls have become quite popular as a sensory item for small children (because they are like water beads, except non-toxic).

    Can someone (Machka or someone up on the vaccine facts) give me a couple of websites with FACTS. Also, if it has a FAQ section, that would be good. I don't want to hear about anything being run by politics or any political side agenda. Just COVID facts. Delta variant as well. Tim has been sending me articles, but they are full of "fears", half truths, and political ranting/blaming. I can't read any more of those. I get angry. lol

    KJ (Kelly)

    Tapioca bubbles - when I was young, someone suggested to me that they were like caviar. Fish eggs. I was so grossed out by that, I couldn't eat it any more.

    I love chocolate pudding, especially dark chocolate pudding ... but it does not love me. Somewhere in my early 20s, I started feeling sick each time I ate it. Probably has something to do with the milk. I get the same way with hot chocolate made with milk. And chocolate milk.

    COVID - I follow these pages:

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Hmmm...therapy...I am not against therapy or psychiatry. Sometimes you need someone to just listen to you, perhaps help you find solutions to problems/issues. I have never been to a therapist; but in reflection, I probably should have been seeing one after my parents passed. I was in a dark place for about eight years; and my brain's way of defending/protecting itself from the pain was to put all memories of my parents into a box in a dusty corner of itself. The problem with that has been become clear, recently, as many of my childhood memories ended up getting "boxed up" along with memories of my parents. Now, things will trigger those memories and the box pops open and things ooze out into my brain and it is quite jarring sometimes. Nothing super traumatic or distressing, but things that will trigger emotion and tears in the middle of some menial task...yeah. I really should have seen a psychiatrist. But as a young, busy, mom with no support system close by (we had moved after my parents passed) and therapy being so costly and not covered by insurance, it never happened. Our brains tend to things regardless. Maybe not in the best way; but in my opinon, our bodies are designed to take care of themselves. It might not take care of things in the healthiest way, but it does take care of things. On a side note: I began keeping a journal after my parents passed. I think that helped.
    tapioca- I think I liked tapioca as a kid. We had it often enough that I remember eating it. I think I liked it, but it was not my favorite dessert. As a kid, I LOVED butterscotch pudding! I still like it as an adult; but haven't made it in many years (since my own kids were small). Butterscotch is Colin's favorite as well. Darren, Lauren, and Tim were/are chocolate lovers. Tapioca pearls have become quite popular as a sensory item for small children (because they are like water beads, except non-toxic).
    Pip- What a fantastic picture! I have seen the woman beside you, in pics you have posted before...old friend? co-worker/friend? Then, of course,there's that gorgeous hunk of a man next to you! Kirbywiththelonghair! lol Hugs to you both!
    Rebecca- Sorry to hear about the damage to the screen! Unexpected necessary expenses are horrible!

    Like a couple of you on this site, I have not had the vaccine. I am not anti-vax, I just don't like putting things into my body that might not belong there. lol I have always been like this about shots and meds. Hey, I live in the "land of money is more important than people" ( I believe that is the mantra of American healthcare/pharmaceuticals). Anywho...I gave myself a fall cut off point to decide on getting vaccinated. Can someone (Machka or someone up on the vaccine facts) give me a couple of websites with FACTS. Also, if it has a FAQ section, that would be good. I don't want to hear about anything being run by politics or any political side agenda. Just COVID facts. Delta variant as well. Tim has been sending me articles, but they are full of "fears", half truths, and political ranting/blaming. I can't read any more of those. I get angry. lol

    Well, it is another warm and humid morning. Overcast and the forecast has the temps up near 90 and chance of thunderstorms. It is going to be an interesting (and hot and sticky) day with the kiddos. I better scoot. Pancakes for breakfast (for the kids; yogurt smoothie for me). ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    Thx. The girl in the last pic with us is a former coworker. We used to work at Amazon together and have remained friends ever since so from 1999 onward. She met me when I was big so she is in awe of my weight loss and the ability to have kept it off .
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited August 2021
    Treating myself to a meal delivery tonight. Persian. :D Feels weird not to be preparing food, but I'm happy to have a rest from cooking. Just one mixed grill kebab to share, with salad, rice and accompaniments, plus one aubergine and yogurt dip to share. A F red wine for me. I have a 25% off code for the meal.
    I forgot to share that I lost another pound this weekend. :drinker: That's 3 lbs in all. Soooooo happy! Hope to have shifted one more by Friday. I 'feel' much slimmer already. :p Ich habe gute Laune. B) One more to go and I'm back in 'normal' BMI.

    Now to row some more off and watch a French series.

    DH has been tinkering with his new laptop. He has a lot more patience than I do. :o>:)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
    Bananas “ And sports, crocheting, working CAN be meditative. Thich that hang (now he is not teaching but in the past) practices and taught all sorts of meditations:

    walking meditation(I saw him do leading the group to slow running meditation on a chilly winter morning, at age 80+)
    telephone meditation
    eating meditation
    peeing meditation
    tea meditation
    "deep listening"
    you name it.


    "We practice mindfulness throughout every moment of the day – not just in the meditation hall but also in the kitchen, the toilet, in our rooms, and on the path leading from one place to another."”

    Ive been reading his books recently and trying to follow some of his teachings.

    On meditation and mindfulness, I believe these are two different things for me. In my mind, mindfulness is being in the moment, being fully aware of what you are doing right in the moment, not thinking about the past or future but right now. And meditation is escaping from reality for a time to just shut your mind down for a bit to clear it of clutter.

    I also believe that these two things are different for everyone. I especially appreciated the post by Bananas that I quoted above.

    Off to work. Catch up later.

    RvRita on pg. 26
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    KELLY even if the issues were long ago IF you find a therapist who s a good match it can help sort out long ago things..
    I met a woman long ago who said something to the effect that she had worked through all (the garbage?) She was ready to work through and was composting the rest.

    COVID i also occasionally look at johnshopkins website on covid. I have looked at WHO.

    It can be helpful to look at reputable press in other countries. The guardian is free and is considered reliable accordong to mediabias measiring sites...

    HEATHER woohoo for thr SV!

    RITA i agree w you about mindfulness. Medition can be mindfulness or something else entirely(escape..?) I generally practice vipassana meditation as taught by the rather non-religious insight meditation traditions (wonderful philosophical author stephen batchelor, more well known more pop author jack cornfield and others). In that in one of the core practices the meditation involves observing breath body sensations emotions or thoughts or a combination... that seems very much like mindfulness or mikdfulness training TO ME. there is also loving kindness/metta meditation as an option and then different teachers have different approaches. (Some use koans asking an existential question but that doesnt work much for me.) there are so many types of meditation practice and not all are mindfulnese...i agree with you
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    Smiles, Kim in Northern California, the fluffy tapioca recipe is sweet. Its a double recipe of what's on the Minute Tapioca box. It involves 6 Tbsp of tapioca, 6 Tbsp of sugar, 2 egg yolks in a pan. Then 3 egg whites, 6 Tbsp sugar whipped up into a meringue. Simmer pot, until bubbly and thick, temper in the meringue, add 2 tsp vanilla. I serve it hot, and everyone eats it like its a soup.😂🙃👍
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    Morning peeps. Had to take a short walk today and be home by 7am. We had someone coming over to give us design ideas for pavers in the front patio. Yesterday our top roof rack and bike rack came. Kirby put it on. Now we can put stuff on the roof and free up the car space giving more room for yogi and free up the trailer too. This way when we get to where we are going there won’t be as much to take out of the trailer aka Bette.

    7:19am, not here yet and no phone call.. ughhhh. We make an effort to be on time, y can’t they.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    I have used therapy for awhile after Lee had gotten better, and our marriage had hit the fan. It was a moment where I took stock, gave myself grace, and realized I was a survivor of sorts, after his transplant. The therapist was very informative, enlightening, and it was a turning point of my life.
    Tomorrow is my adventure!
    Today I pack, wash anything etc!
    I have exercised 3 times this week. I am proud of myself!
    My restaurant, and tapioca night had no negative effect on my weight, that's a NSV!
    Today is a small taco salad, an apple and a cup of my homemade chicken fried rice. I haven't logged it yet so I might need some more calories. Having a 1/2 sandwich usually gets me to 1,000 calories at least. I might have 2 cups of the rice, I don't know. The fact that tomorrow I probably won't open my eating window until 8 pm so 25 HR fast, I should prob get my calories up to 1200 calories at least.
    Hugs ladies
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    hmmmm not sure if I love being by the seaside - my usual go to place - when I need to always be looking for shade. of course there is not too much at the seaside. you CAN rent umbrellas or shady things but it seems cumbersome...when I would normally only spend a 2-4 hours. I can find a shady place behind the restaurant or storage places by the sea... but still there is all the reflected light from the sand. Not sure if it's my place to be anymore. I may need to rethink.

    Grabbed a salad upon arriving in a shady spot of course.
    I got burrata for the 1st time (I think it's a new trend- or at least I am discovering it) very calorific, so not a great choice. Live and learn. I had TWO gf pieces of cake in 2 places, (not huge- one small and one medium (not usa medium), partly because I like these 2 places and partly out of boredom! I also got a carrot cuke apple juice on the upside, and some raspberries. ate too much starch after (also boredom!) I nearly skipped breakfast for lack of time but it doesn't balance out. too tired to walk a lot today. maybe better tomorrow?
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    edited August 2021
    I love home made tapioca when it is still warm- don't mind the texture, but then again, I am the one that as a kid LOVED cream of wheat cereal with nothing added to it and the lumpier the better. As I have aged, still love cream of wheat but do add a little milk and honey or brown sugar to it. Still don't mind the lumps.
    Boba/ bubble tea is very popular here. I LOVE the ones that pop when you bite them- full of sweet juice. Del Taco had Sprite with them in it a few months ago- peach ones were so good. I tried to get it with seltzer as I don't like sodas but they don't have seltzer so I got one, gave most of the soda to my husband and added my own seltzer when I got home.

    Kelly- butterscotch pudding was my favorite when I was a kid-didn't like a lot of sweets but loved butterscotch- I remember wanting a butterscotch birthday cake. Sadly, at that time, mom didn't have a recipe for one so I didn't get one. Now, when I see a recipe for one I think about making one.
    I prefer my puddings warm- always have but now I have to have them warm or instant asthma attack- even the little pudding cups from the store- I warm them up in the microwave.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Guess I'm an odd ball among you! I don't meditate, I'm not mindful, I don't read self help books or watch videos that are supposed to improve you! I do pray!

    Lisa ~ I hope your health improves greatly with the new prescription.

    Carol in GA

    I believe prayer IS a form of meditation. I use it as well as self help books, videos, etc. This is indeed a diverse groups and all are welcome! Do what works for you! 🌞

    RvRita pg. 27
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Rita ~ I think you are right! Prayer is a form of meditation!

    Carol in GA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    edited August 2021
    Heavens to betsy I have the hiccups
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member