

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,654 Member
    edited August 2021
    Hi Gals,
    Allie take care- getting your health back is the most important thing.

    Someone Michele?? Asked about using tapioca as a pie thickener. I use either the powdered tapioca starch or the mini pearls. BUT I only use it in fruit pie and I cook the fruit and sugar on the stove top with the tapioca stirring gently until the tapioca and sugar are dissolved and the fruit juice from the fruit is thickening and is no longer cloudy.

    I had a busy, exhausting but delightful weekend with my god daughter and 2 of her friends from Boston. We went wine tasting in the Livermore Valley, on Saturday then into San Francisco on Sunday for the exhibition “The Last Supper at Pompelli” Pompelli is fascinating to me. And the exhibition was wonderful. Then a picnic lunch, and off for a walking tour of the buildings and landmarks left from the Gold Rush of 1849, then to the Golden Gate for pictures and a bit of a walk on it. It is not that long 1.7 miles but it is cold and windy so feels much longer. By then I had walked 9 miles so one of the gals and I sat in the warm car while the other two walked for a ways. Then over the bridge to Sausalito for dinner at a little Italian place. Home by 10pm a good day overall.

    Northern California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,678 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hi Gals,
    So I have been thinking about how to be more efficient, so some solid planning to eliminate extra store stops, some meal planning and some efficiently issues around work. I have created some embroidery templates that will help with design work, but I end up sending a lot of emails, my work email is on gmail and I would like to have a couple of short cuts so I could for example put my address, house description and that we meet in the garage set up so I could type 2-3 characters and that would auto fill. I can not figure out how to do this, I tried to google but was not sure what to write in google to find help (its late my brain is tired) Anyone know how to do this?
    Northern California
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    edited August 2021
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,
    So I have been thinking about how to be more efficient, so some solid planning to eliminate extra store stops, some meal planning and some efficiently issues around work. I have created some embroidery templates that will help with design work, but I end up sending a lot of emails, my work email is on gmail and I would like to have a couple of short cuts so I could for example put my address, house description and that we meet in the garage set up so I could type 2-3 characters and that would auto fill. I can not figure out how to do this, I tried to google but was not sure what to write in google to find help (its late my brain is tired) Anyone know how to do this?
    Northern California

    Like a signature?

    This link might be able to help:
    https://support.google.com/mail/answer/8395?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform=Desktop#:~:text=Add or change a signature&text=Open Gmail.,or changing the text style.

    I just created a signature to use for my cycling club emails. :)

    M in Oz
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,799 Member
    Too tired to comment tonight. Caught up though.

    <3 Tracey in Edmonton
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,014 Member
    darn Miso- just checked and he is out AGAIN_ we thought we had fixed the little spot he got out and he pushed his way through. Now I have to stay up and let him in when he gets back in the catio- then it will be closed for the night until we can really take the top down and fix it a lot better and put the tarp back over it.
    Been up since a little after 5 AM because of him and now it is almost 10:30 and still up, because of him.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    I like to get the news from informed and wise commentators. BBC, The Guardian. For me it is part of being a citizen and contributes to my self-identity as a responsible contributor to the world. I want to know everything that is happening in order to make the best decisions for myself and the world. Keeping up-to-date and informed from the best sources is as natural as breathing to me.
    That doesn't mean I brood over things I can't control. I feel empathy for the suffering of others, and sometimes it leads to me making a charitable contribution, but I don't get depressed about it. I do have a vote and I want to use it wisely. Social media gossip thrives on ignorance and rumour. We have a duty to go to the best sources for our information and use our intelligence to be able to rise above rumour and disinformation. Nothing would make me feel more helpless than ignorance and passivity. Knowledge is power. I am a contributor to the future of the world. I have an inexhaustible appetite for knowledge, science, history, art, music, languages. Everything!
    I also still listen to Hugodecrypte, Julie. :D Thanks for putting me on to him.

    On with my day. I see a cup of tea in my future.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Alllie, our son and daughter in law have a thing for their dog, it's a collar and there is a machine that emits a high pitched (only the dog can hear it) noise that apparently the dogs aren't supposed to like and it's supposed to stop them from barking so much. I'm not sure it works, but..... I also have no idea how much it costs, but I know how frustrated and annoyed I get when dogs in our neighborhood are barking. Of course when they're outside it's worse because they all feed off each other!
    Kylia, I'm so sorry that you're having such a tough time at work, both hubby and sis in law need their eyes opened! Maybe your vacay will do the trick! Will hubby be off then too? If so, he may not figure it out.....
    Kelly, good for you for exploring the vaccines and their effectiveness. Just want to say that hubby and I both got Pfizer and while he was tired and a bit out of sorts for a few days, my only reaction was to the second shot and it was only a sore arm for a day or two. I went for a 20 km bike ride the day after the second shot!
    Debbie, I sure hope you can find the spot the Miso is sneaking out of! Darn cats, I remember calling and calling for one one day, she didn't come and I was getting quite upset, I was out on the patio, still calling and looking, turned around and there she was in the house! I still have no idea where she was, I had already searched the house.... Another time, it was getting late and the cat had gone deaf (different cat), so calling her was useless, I went around with a flashlight, looking under sheds, vehicles (in the parking lot next door), again have no idea where she was, she just sauntered up the sidewalk (in our yard) like everything was just fine. If I ever get another cat, it will strictly be an inside one!
    Lots more that I wanted to comment on, but didn't think to take notes or anything. It's late, I'm tired and really should have been in bed an hour ago! Fortunately, I'm off work this week and can't really go anywhere as the places I would go have way too many fires happening, highways have even been closed and tourists are being asked to stay away, so I have decided to listen to them and stay home. But that does mean that I get to sleep in! Or at least try to....
    Hugs to those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn on Vancouver Island
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Watching news and getting worried/depressed.

    Now I know why I don’t watch the news!

    RvRita on pg 45

    A friend on Facebook posted that the is too stressed from watching news so is going to watch murder show series to relax.

    Heeheehee. Yes. It does seem odd, but murder shows are somehow extremely relaxing. I have also given up the news. I don't really miss it, and I will sometimes listen to NPR news at the top of the hour once in a while in the car, but other than that. I don't need the stress.

    Willamette Valley, OR

    FLEA I sent a link to this SNL clip to the friend its about about watching murder shows (and..)

    Machka and Barbie, in addition to the ending with the good guy winning (hopefully), I think it is the intensity of it, that maybe totally occupies the mind, maybe intense emotion/sensation (like being on a roller coaster). And also probably the strong story-telling, captivating element, keeping one on one's toes. I don't watch murder shows much cause I find them scary or something but I can appreciate some aspects of them.

    Kylia, that sounds worriesome at work. What will you be doing during your vacation?
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited August 2021
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    darn Miso- just checked and he is out AGAIN_ we thought we had fixed the little spot he got out and he pushed his way through. Now I have to stay up and let him in when he gets back in the catio- then it will be closed for the night until we can really take the top down and fix it a lot better and put the tarp back over it.
    Been up since a little after 5 AM because of him and now it is almost 10:30 and still up, because of him.

    Napa Valley,CA

    Does the cat have a lifespan? - After a certain number of years its likely to have weak bits all over? It must befairly big if you can't find the hole!
    I like to get the news from informed and wise commentators. BBC, The Guardian. For me it is part of being a citizen and contributes to my self-identity as a responsible contributor to the world. I want to know everything that is happening in order to make the best decisions for myself and the world. Keeping up-to-date and informed from the best sources is as natural as breathing to me.
    That doesn't mean I brood over things I can't control. I feel empathy for the suffering of others, and sometimes it leads to me making a charitable contribution, but I don't get depressed about it. I do have a vote and I want to use it wisely. Social media gossip thrives on ignorance and rumour. We have a duty to go to the best sources for our information and use our intelligence to be able to rise above rumour and disinformation. Nothing would make me feel more helpless than ignorance and passivity. Knowledge is power. I am a contributor to the future of the world. I have an inexhaustible appetite for knowledge, science, history, art, music, languages. Everything!
    I also still listen to Hugodecrypte, Julie. :D Thanks for putting me on to him.

    On with my day. I see a cup of tea in my future.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    I also keep up with the news in general.
    Leafing through the French papers is good for me. Less stressful than listening to or watching the news. I have an online subscription to NYtimes. They had an offer for 2 dollars a month for 1st year so I went for it. I don't read all, and tend to sometimes look at a few editorials more than the main stories. I picked my café because they have 4 newspapers and not the usual one popular newspaper; I don't read the sports newspaper. I look at the middle of the road popular easy to read newspaper, The Parisian (generally pro-macron I'd say), and the left newspaper The Liberation to read an article in depth if I have more time. They also have the right news paper La Figaro, that I don't read much but which isn't bad. They don't have Le Monde which is considered serious reporting and a bit intellectual, in reputation at least. All except the Parisian have some serious articles. It's fascinating to see the political tilts each paper puts on articles, sometimes acting as if they are neutral. I also read the weather and the horoscope. I don't believe in the horoscope at all but if it seems to correspond to the current situation, I take it. I'm considering signing up for online French newspaper, either la liberation or mediapart (a ad-free investigative journal)

    One well-known local mayor (centre-right not at all namby-pamby and very active) said he read his horoscope daily and if it was bad he forgot it and if it was good he closed his eyes and visualised it. I don't know if he really did that, but it sounds like he might do something like that sometimes, which I find funny and human.

    Working as a teacher with older kids I think I can't get away with not being informed. And this country and in this city and in my field we are expected to be generally aware of what's going on. Not totally up on all, but at least have a notion. Some consider everyone needs to have a position on everything. I'm not of that mind, but being up on the things means one could at least have a natural leaning in some direction.
    During early pandemic I started watching Hugo decrypt since there was a wish to get away from the news and not stress 24/7 but also a relative obligation to keep up on changing information and laws! The 10 minute light format was good. Now I find Hugodecrypt less interesting. He's sort of searching for his post-pandemic identity I find. The range of topics is vast for a 10 minute format. When there is not major new news they can talk about disastrous things like the situation for muslims in china, or new online video game evolution. I mentioned it to a 25-30 year old recent graduate and he thought hugodecrypt was for people younger than himself, like teens, or early 20s

    I spent several years almost completely disconnected from the news (other than the very big lines) from about 85 to 2000-ish.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Watching news and getting worried/depressed.

    Now I know why I don’t watch the news!

    RvRita on pg 45

    A friend on Facebook posted that the is too stressed from watching news so is going to watch murder show series to relax.

    Heeheehee. Yes. It does seem odd, but murder shows are somehow extremely relaxing. I have also given up the news. I don't really miss it, and I will sometimes listen to NPR news at the top of the hour once in a while in the car, but other than that. I don't need the stress.

    Willamette Valley, OR

    FLEA I sent a link to this SNL clip to the friend its about about watching murder shows (and..)

    Machka and Barbie, in addition to the ending with the good guy winning (hopefully), I think it is the intensity of it, that maybe totally occupies the mind, maybe intense emotion/sensation (like being on a roller coaster). And also probably the strong story-telling, captivating element, keeping one on one's toes. I don't watch murder shows much cause I find them scary or something but I can appreciate some aspects of them.

    Kylia, that sounds worriesome at work. What will you be doing during your vacation?

    I like the British "murder shows" like Midsommer Murder, Father Brown etc.

    I can go to my own real life for the intensity and roller-coaster emotions you mention. Real life is scary.

    I wish one of our few TV channels would carry Magnum PI, Murder She Wrote and ones like that in the evenings.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    edited August 2021
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    darn Miso- just checked and he is out AGAIN_ we thought we had fixed the little spot he got out and he pushed his way through. Now I have to stay up and let him in when he gets back in the catio- then it will be closed for the night until we can really take the top down and fix it a lot better and put the tarp back over it.
    Been up since a little after 5 AM because of him and now it is almost 10:30 and still up, because of him.

    Napa Valley,CA

    Does the cat have a lifespan? - After a certain number of years its likely to have weak bits all over? It must befairly big if you can't find the hole!

    Have you never had a cat or pet?

    We've nicknamed ours "Houdini"!

    Have you seen the show Cats?
    Magical Mr Moustophinies (I've probably spelled that incorrectly)
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    My dermatologist, nearly 2 months after excision sent me a notice about squamous cell carcinoma. Despite her denial she did find something to send me. I saw it yesterday evening but fell fast asleep while reading it. I woke in wee hours and read and looked up info connected.

    It says I have 52% of recurrence within the next 5 years, which can possibly be reduced by very strict sun protection measures.

    I think I have between 4 and 15% chance of metastasis, if I understand correctly, base on late June biopsy, which is low relative to all malignancies, but high-is relative to all squamous.
    The fact that they decided to operate a week after meeting, would seem to indicate "high risk" according to the literature sent, which really counters what the dermatologist seems to put forth.
    I don't know for sure if I am high risk or moderate risk.

    I'm pretty sure the surgeon said I was operated only on the dermis, I'm sure he said yes only 2mm, when I asked, but the literature say the hypodermis (bit under the skin) is also standardly removed, and that was what was written as plan on the July 20th pre-op assessment that I got yesterday. I certainly hope the surgeon was wrong or not explaining clearly or that I remembered wrong. I was not operated by the guy originally scheduled to work on me, so I have a doubt. The one I had was not very on top of things. He is rather young and his very young female dr colleague came in to chat with him during the operation (and wiping a thing now and then- but I believe they don't have usually 2 MDs present for such an operation - unless she was a trainee) and they were talking about gossipy things - it gave the impression there were internal hospital politics they were dealing with against their colleague- , and when I left they were sitting in a rather private place outside the waiting room chatting personally for sure. Its a pretty basic operation that they must do a lot and if he followed instructions, he should have been ok. For sure he was more concerned about the office politics or the exchange with his young colleague than with my tiny operation.

    Not restful to read all that, but presumably useful. It rather confirmed what I said and rather countered the nothing-but-reassuring message that the dermatologist was communication.

    The takeaway:
    -I really need to be extra careful on sun protection if I want to have a chance of avoiding them going in to take out bits of skin regularly and possibly complications.
    -I won't really know whether it was done properly or not, and if all was removed or not until I hear from the hospital.
    -They say that regardless of risk level the patient needs to be trained in self-examination. I was not told that I should do monthly self-examination, and no training as to: How to tell this tiny spot or bump from that one? and how to check the hard-to-check areas?

    Now it is 9:30 and I have done nothing, but that and these posts. I don't know if I will call the hospital. they are not helpful at all so far when I call. I may wait a week so there is a better chance that they have the biopsy.

    I will google this. For sure many online how-tos and tutorials explain this.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    My dermatologist, nearly 2 months after excision sent me a notice about squamous cell carcinoma. Despite her denial she did find something to send me. I saw it yesterday evening but fell fast asleep while reading it. I woke in wee hours and read and looked up info connected.

    It says I have 52% of recurrence within the next 5 years, which can possibly be reduced by very strict sun protection measures.

    I think I have between 4 and 15% chance of metastasis, if I understand correctly, base on late June biopsy, which is low relative to all malignancies, but high-is relative to all squamous.
    The fact that they decided to operate a week after meeting, would seem to indicate "high risk" according to the literature sent, which really counters what the dermatologist seems to put forth.
    I don't know for sure if I am high risk or moderate risk.

    I'm pretty sure the surgeon said I was operated only on the dermis, I'm sure he said yes only 2mm, when I asked, but the literature say the hypodermis (bit under the skin) is also standardly removed, and that was what was written as plan on the July 20th pre-op assessment that I got yesterday. I certainly hope the surgeon was wrong or not explaining clearly or that I remembered wrong. I was not operated by the guy originally scheduled to work on me, so I have a doubt. The one I had was not very on top of things. He is rather young and his very young female dr colleague came in to chat with him during the operation (and wiping a thing now and then- but I believe they don't have usually 2 MDs present for such an operation - unless she was a trainee) and they were talking about gossipy things - it gave the impression there were internal hospital politics they were dealing with against their colleague- , and when I left they were sitting in a rather private place outside the waiting room chatting personally for sure. Its a pretty basic operation that they must do a lot and if he followed instructions, he should have been ok. For sure he was more concerned about the office politics or the exchange with his young colleague than with my tiny operation.

    Not restful to read all that, but presumably useful. It rather confirmed what I said and rather countered the nothing-but-reassuring message that the dermatologist was communication.

    The takeaway:
    -I really need to be extra careful on sun protection if I want to have a chance of avoiding them going in to take out bits of skin regularly and possibly complications.
    -I won't really know whether it was done properly or not, and if all was removed or not until I hear from the hospital.
    -They say that regardless of risk level the patient needs to be trained in self-examination. I was not told that I should do monthly self-examination, and no training as to: How to tell this tiny spot or bump from that one? and how to check the hard-to-check areas?

    Now it is 9:30 and I have done nothing, but that and these posts. I don't know if I will call the hospital. they are not helpful at all so far when I call. I may wait a week so there is a better chance that they have the biopsy.

    I will google this. For sure many online how-tos and tutorials explain this.

    We have skin check clinics here ... you can go in anytime, I think, and get your skin checked.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,
    So I have been thinking about how to be more efficient, so some solid planning to eliminate extra store stops, some meal planning and some efficiently issues around work. I have created some embroidery templates that will help with design work, but I end up sending a lot of emails, my work email is on gmail and I would like to have a couple of short cuts so I could for example put my address, house description and that we meet in the garage set up so I could type 2-3 characters and that would auto fill. I can not figure out how to do this, I tried to google but was not sure what to write in google to find help (its late my brain is tired) Anyone know how to do this?
    Northern California

    Yes, Kim. I use aText. It's a text expander app you pay very little for - maybe $5. I have chosen my semicolon symbol as my aText snippet - so, for example, when I type ;sig, my signature will populate. When I type ;add, my address will populate. If I wanted to, I could set one up for an entire paragraph describing my embroidery business, maybe I would use ;busd for "business description". I even have ;shrug which populates a shrug emoji. You'll love it.

    Karen in Virginia
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    GP good
    farmer's veggie basket
    health care
    smart phone
    nice people at pharmacy

    Good things done yesterday
    get veggies
    a tiny bit of exercise
    some health follow up
    ate fair amount of fruit and veggies
    went to sleep at about 10 or 11
    made bed

    eat less sweet, more fresh fruits and veggies
    more exercise
    get archiving

    Go to café
    some cleaning tidying
    get archive stuff and send
    get sleep monitor machine put on.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I'm humbled that my love list touched some of you.

    Here is my favorite piece of artwork, a watercolor by my brother. The original is with dear friends in Nebraska, hanging in a place of honor on their wall. My mother loved this. I hope it brings serenity to someone here.


    Love, Karen in Virginia

    It's lovely!
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    With the different things being watched, my new GP was reassured that I had gained weight rather than lose weight. Glad someone is happy about that! I'm not! :D BMI: 24.6. (my goal is 23!)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    edited August 2021
    Machka9 wrote: »
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    darn Miso- just checked and he is out AGAIN_ we thought we had fixed the little spot he got out and he pushed his way through. Now I have to stay up and let him in when he gets back in the catio- then it will be closed for the night until we can really take the top down and fix it a lot better and put the tarp back over it.
    Been up since a little after 5 AM because of him and now it is almost 10:30 and still up, because of him.

    Napa Valley,CA

    Does the cat have a lifespan? - After a certain number of years its likely to have weak bits all over? It must befairly big if you can't find the hole!

    Have you never had a cat or pet?

    We've nicknamed ours "Houdini"!

    Have you seen the show Cats?
    Magical Mr Moustophinies (I've probably spelled that incorrectly)

    Mr. Mistoffelees lyrics

    You ought to ask Mr. Mistoffelees
    The original Conjuring Cat
    The greatest magicians have something to learn
    From Mr. Mistoffelees's conjuring turn


    And you'll all say:
    Oh! Well I never! Was there ever
    A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees!

    Oh! Well I never! Was there ever
    A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees!

    He is quiet and small
    He is black
    From the ears to the tip of his tail
    He can creep through the tiniest crack
    He can walk on the narrowest rail

    He can pick any card from a pack
    He is equally cunning with dice
    He is always deceiving you into believing
    That he's only hunting for mice

    He can play any trick with a cork
    Or a spoon and a bit of fish paste
    If you look for a knife or a fork
    And you think it was merely misplaced

    You have seen it one moment, and then it is gone!
    But you find it next week lying out on the lawn!

    And we all say:
    Oh! Well I never! Was there ever
    A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees!

    Oh! Well I never! Was there ever
    A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees!

    His manner is vague and aloof
    You would think there was nobody shyer
    But his voice has been heard on the roof
    When he was curled up by the fire

    And he's sometimes been heard by the fire
    When he was about on the roof
    (At least we all heard that somebody purred)
    Which is incontestable proof

    Of his singular magical powers
    And I've known the family to call
    Him in from the garden for hours
    When he was asleep in the hall

    And not long ago this phenomenal cat
    Produced seven kittens right out of a hat!

    And we all say:
    Oh! Well I never! Was there ever
    A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees!

    Oh! Well I never! Was there ever
    A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees!

    Ladies and gentlemen
    I give you the marvelous
    Magical Mr. Mistoffelees!

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,617 Member
    Machka Love that Musical!