

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Margaret ~(((BIG HUGS))) I really feel your pain about the DH's tirade.

    Heather ~ I totally agree with you regarding the need to keep up with the news. I listen to several different news stations and try to see what is happening on the thinking of both sides of the fence.

    Carol in GA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Margaret - Big HUGS. My DH is stubborn about money privacy. It really worries me, but I hope he will see sense of his own accord. I need to raise the issue again. I have no access to his money should he need care. I occasionally get angry about it, but I try not to let it show as that would not work with him.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,013 Member
    Rant ...about loved? one.
    DH went on a week and a half vacation and it was bliss. He still has not warmed up to Drew and it was great to let her have run of the house without having to keep her out of DH way.

    He has been home for two days and I have been in tears twice. The first was the night he returned. For the first hour I stayed with Drew in a shut off area and out of his way. The next two hours I went down in the basement with Drew as he settled back into home. When I came up to get ready for bed I brought up a pitasicio bowl to wash. I place it by the sink on what I believed to be a dirty plate because it had bits of corn on it. My husband read me the riot act because he was going to use that plate to make a sandwich on. He said he was in the process of eating. It was 10 o'clock at night and he had been home for three hours. This bowl I like to hand was so I did not put it in dishwasher. He failed to notice all the deep cleaning I did when he was gone.,

    Second case of tears. There is an investment that will be difficult to access if something happens to him. I will be able to access it but it will be a pain. When I tried to get him to make the change that would make it easier he claimed I was doing things to hide things from him. Not true. I showed him that system I have in place to make it easier for either of us if something should happen to either of us. I just want this piece updated too.

    The way we spend of daily needs is different he uses a debit card so everything and I do the check book so I have had to enter amounts like $0.49 a real pain. I use a credit card so I only have to make one payment. So much easier for me and I think a credit card is safer and helps you build credit. Building credit even at our age is good becasue it helps with insurance premiums. He claimed it was my way of hiding what I spend. Oh bother.

    His mother was awful to his father in her later years too. He openly admitted this. I missed the opportunity to say I can relate to his dad. I am wondering if he is staring to show signs of dementia like his mom had.

    I am so sorry you have to deal with that. Having him gone sounds perfect.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,526 Member
    Sister and her husband are organizing their boat, figuring oil, prepping it. I had told them I wouldn't be much help as I am not a boat person, nor fish, or do anything boating related. So staying out of their way while they do that. Her husband is a big planner, but it a terrible helper. My sister ends up doing most tasks. But if you are a boat owner you need to accept the responsibility of it all. I fixed my own meal of cubed cold chicken, bits of apple, mayo on bread with some cream cheese as glue to hold the chicken salad in place. Then a salad which I picked, and washed from her garden.💖👍. I cut up half a tomato put a cheese slice crumbled up and some of the extra chicken to put in the salad too. I finished with a strawberry/lemonade Twinkie because I was curious. Sipping some lemonade.

    Might have something else later. My eating window has been 6-8 hours. Not like at home where its 4 hours max. I will get back to my schedule when I return home. I can always fast, but I can't always eat great meals with my sister.👍💖
    I am compromising.
    Shedd OR
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,787 Member
    Well i ordered something from Amazon that is rechargeable that i will use that has good reviews to help with Alfie.
    Margaret - my dear i have been in your shoes not easy and glad i am not there anymore..
    Tracy and Kyle bought cabinets and she went online and posted looking for someone to install,so i contacted Seans friend Dan up in New Hampshire and had her call Uncle Seanie and they will be putting them in for them after Labor Day.. mom comes through again...
    I try....
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member

    Oh this situation with your husband sounds so uncomfortable.


    Karen in Virginia
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,653 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,676 Member
    Forgot to add my steps- 26235
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    (((Margaret))) – You and your DH have suffered a terrible loss in your lives. I think this has been difficult for you both. I am sorry about his tirade. :cry:

    Allie – I hope the device you ordered from Amazon will help solve problem with Alfie’s barking. :flowerforyou:

    I have been knitting a baby blanket for unborn grandchild. I am about 2/3+ of the way done. I’m enjoying the project. It has been a while since the last time I knitted a blanket for a family member with a new baby on the way. We plan to visit them when it is close to the time for the baby to be born. We will stay at their home with our grandson while they are busy. DS and our wonderful daughter in law will go to the hospital together to have the baby. Our main worry is getting there via air travel. It is very difficult for DH.

    Katla in NW Oregon

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Did a spinning workout then took my walk. The plan for tomorrow is to do the Slim in 6 DVD.

    Barbie – thanks for the recommendation about Fantasy Island. I haven’t seen it yet, just DVR’d it. Now I’m looking forward to it

    After exercise and my walk went to Aldi then WalMart. Got dinner ready while I put a load of laundry in. Waiting for it to finish to put it in the dryer then I’ll probably go in the pool

    Kim – do you put the minipearls on the stovetop? How do they turn out, is it lumpy (like the pearls are still there) Sounds like a lovely day with your friends

    kylia – I hope you have a great vacation. You deserve it!

    Vince STILL has his college textbooks!!!! As if things don’t change in over 40 years… I got rid of most of mine, except for typing and shorthand books. That’s a lost art

    Anne DE – (((HUG))) You probably need to avoid foods that are high in potassium You go girl!!!!

    Vince thinks that Lexi (cat) has lost total control of her bowels. I wonder if they make a kitty Depends????

    Margaret – I’m so sorry about everything

    Went in the pool then worked on the puzzle some. Went to ceramics now will probably work on the puzzle a bit more.

    Michele NC
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,616 Member
    Sorry earlier post ended abruptly....when hair colorist says time for shampoo, it means put the phone down! Hair all pretty red and soft again. Anyway, I figure SIL will have to figure out that last Saturday on her own. Amazingly, neither of them asked me to run an ad or anything. I really think they need to figure out where they want the shop to go from here. If they are tired of it, then maybe it is time to get out....just a thought. I love my job. Seriously! I love mowers and power equipment. I enjoy learning and challenges. I love people (most of them). I like having a company truck. I do know that with my certifications, I can work in any lawnmower shop in town. Or I could try something new. Or I could retire and do something part time. I have options. At this stage, I am happy for D! And I will admit a little jealous of his new hours. He will be working 7am-4 pm M-F. The only thing better would be 6-3 ') So we will just wait and see....

    Yes, DH is going on vacation with me. I really am in need of a weekend or more of no DH and no work.

    Hugs to dear wives! I know we love them, but I think more and more they are like bottles of champagne. The idea is exciting, but then the top blows off with nasty things, then calms down again. MEN!

    I got my required training done two weeks early! YAY!
    Putting away computer for the night.
    Love to all!

    Kylia in humid and muggy again Ohio
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,127 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,
    Machka, no I have my signature done, but I am thinking in about 1/3 of the emails I need to add my address, in half or so I need to add payments I will accept…. So it’s not the same for each email but it’s consistent enough that it could help.

    In smoky Northern California

    You can set up several different signatures and then choose the one(s) you want.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,127 Member
    Julie- no the doctor didn't give any specific advice, but it's all available online. I just have to be sure I read reputable medical sites and not those that sell supplements. I need a little less protein and a lot more exercise. And less sugar.

    Annie in Delaware

    I have recurring kidney stones. One large one got stuck in 2009 and had to be surgically removed but so far I have passed the rest. Nevertheless, every time I've had a CT scan there have been some number of kidney stones in one kidney or the other.

    The advice for me is to reduce animal protein, salt and sugar ... and eat more veg. So I've been doing that (mostly) since 2009. Maybe that's why I haven't had any really big ones which have become stuck. I also drink a lot of water.

    I could not do a keto diet or similar because it would be really hard on my kidneys.

    I hope your kidneys respond well to diet and exercise changes. :)

    M in Oz
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,653 Member
    Michele - I deal with all thickening for pies the same, fruit sugar and any spices, plus the thicker on the stove top - on low heat to warm the fruit letting it release juice, fully melt the sugar and stir and dissolve in the thickener until the juice is not cloudy, then add to pie shell and cook. I do it that way with ground tapioca, the mini pearls, flour, cornstarch.... No thickener should be lumpy or visible prior to pouring into the pie shell. This is a low slow process, 10-15 minutes of stirring mixing the thickener and all your love.

    Hope that helps, Kim