So this is a Cyber Cafe What'll be?



  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,048 Member
    Hi Linda, we had spotty sunshine today. Not a whole lot, but enough to get me excited a little bit. For dinner tonight I'm going to be a kid and do fish sticks with macaroni and cheese, and a coca cola. For dessert I'll have some brownies and an iced mocha. Another night out on the terrace.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,204 Member
    Viktor, I’d like a bowl of vegetable soup and toast and a nice cup of chamomile fennel tea. An apple for dessert, please. My Gerd is acting up and even thinking about certain foods is unappealing. I might have to go to the cybercafe’s spa and get a massage. Ha, I’ve never had a massage, but it sounds nice as long as it’s gentle.

    We had sunshine today, Zzyyggy, with more normal winter temperatures. We both seem to be in this weather pattern where the weather fluctuates between winter and spring. Not so unusual for the Charlotte area when I think about it.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,048 Member
    Hi Linda, this is downright unusual weather for this area for this time of year. At least temp wise. Cloud wise it is pretty usual. For dinner tonight I'm going to be a kid again and have the salsbury steak dinner with mashed potatoes and gravy. Green beans and a coca cola with that please. For dessert I'll have an apple crisp with vanilla ice cream and an iced mocha.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,204 Member
    Apple crisp with ice cream for me, too, Viktor. Just set a carafe of nice hot tea right here. I’m going to relax in my recliner by the fire in the Club Room. I got chilled this afternoon and haven’t been able to warm up yet.

    Zzyyggy, I’ve been thinking it was Friday all day and had to remind myself it’s Saturday. Tomorrow morning I’ll have to be here for Sunday Brunch. Wouldn’t want to miss it.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,204 Member
    Gee, hope everything is okay with you, Zzyyggy. I came in to order lasagna for dinner and Viktor will be bringing the garlic bread shortly. I was planning on having brunch here this morning, but I slept late and our grandson was here, so things got too busy.

    I’m thinking a nice hot cafe mocha and some biscotti for dessert would be nice .
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,048 Member
    Hi Linda, I think you missed Sunday brunch so didn't I. I almost missed the day too. For dinner tonight I think I'll go for the wood stove pizza and chicken wings. A coca cola with that please. For dessert I'll have a slice of apple pie, and an iced mocha.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,204 Member
    Hmm, what to have for breakfast?I’ll just rummage through the cybercafe’s kitchen. Oh, cold leftover pizza, yes. Francois has been baking bread and pastries since 3:00 am and is on a short break. I’m sure he won’t mind if I have my breakfast in the kitchen. I’ll help chop vegetables and do other prep work after I’m finished eating.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,048 Member
    Hi Linda, I'm pooped tonight. Did a long up hill walk this morning, and am feeling it in my bones. For dinner tonight I think I'll have the oven roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, and winter squash with lots of butter for both the potatoes and squash. A coca cola with all that. For dessert I'll have a slice of blueberry pie and vanilla ice cream with an iced mocha. Had the real thing this morning. Finally got over to my coffee shop after my long walk. I like theirs better then Starbucks although I love my Starbucks.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,204 Member
    Viktor, I’ll have what she’s having, please. Iced mochas for both of us, if Zzyyggy manages to stay awake long enough to have another one.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,048 Member
    Hi Linda we did have sunshine today yeah. For dinner tonight I'm going to have a big ole cheeseburger with onion rings and a coca cola. For dessert I'll have a slice of devil's food cake with ice cream and an iced mocha. I haven't had a cheeseburger in ages.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,204 Member
    Zzyyggy, I could have had a cheeseburger tonight (in the real world), Sweetie had one. I had the flounder and grilled veggies. Let’s not talk about the hush puppies. I figured I would have dessert at the cybercafe. Viktor will bring my coffee and an iced mocha for you. I ordered the toasted coconut custard pie tonight. I couldn’t resist Francois’ pie.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,048 Member
    Hi Linda, I'm here for dinner. I've had a busy day. I finally got to the top of the list for Senior Housing. It's a one bedroom apartment with everything but internet and phone included. Had the intake meeting today and have the lease signing on Friday February 24. I move in on March 1. I just gave my 30 day notice to my present landlord so for the next month or so I'll be packing, and cleaning. Tonight I'm going to have the fried chicken platter with mashed potatoes and gravy. Green beans, and lots of butter with that. A coca cola with that please. For dessert I'll have some apple pie and a vanilla ice cream with an iced mocha. I'm excited.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,204 Member
    Zzyyggy, that’s fantastic news! Yeah! Moving is a good time to clear stuff out.

    Viktor, it’s a grilled cheese kind of fact, I’ll have the grilled cheese with tomato soup, please. For dessert I’d like some vanilla cream cookies and a pot of tea.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,048 Member
    Hi Linda, here for dinner tonight. Haven't done too much except set a move in date today. It'll be February 27. My sister is going to find the movers. For dinner tonight I'll have the meatloaf dinner with mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans and dinner rolls a coca cola please. For dessert I'll have a slice of blueberry pie and an iced mocha. I'll have dinner on the terrace.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,204 Member
    Whew, excuse the wet umbrella and the wind following me in the door. We’re having a bit of weather in the real world tonight. Ah, Viktor, there you are. Thank you for taking my umbrella. Yes, dear, I’d like a glass of Southern Comfort, please. I’m sure I’ll be ordering coffee, as well, and some of the lemon shortbread biscuits. I’m heading out to the terrace.

    Zzyyggy, you’re still here. Good. Beautiful night out on the terrace at the cybercafe. Perhaps if you spend 20 minutes a day for a week you’ll be able to see how far you’ll get with packing. February 27 will be here before you know it. I packed an entire house that way—taking it in little bits of time. I managed to get rid of a ton of things, too. Except I didn’t go through my embroidery boxes; all five of them. It was a mistake and terribly selfish of me. I haven’t stitched in years, but I can’t seem to face going through them.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,048 Member
    Hi Linda, got a couple things done today. I'm starved tonight. For dinner tonight I'll have the fried scallops with french fries, lots of tarter sauce with a coca cola and corn on the cob and lots of butter. For dessert I'll have a slice of apple pie with vanilla ice cream and an iced mocha. Lots of drearyness today. I think I'll have the sunshine on the terrace again tonight.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,204 Member
    Apple pie with vanilla ice cream sounds good. Viktor, I’d love a big piece of pie and ice cream and a couple of cups of coffee, please. Gee, Zzyyggy, the sun is really bright out here on the terrace this evening. It’s nice and warm, too. It feels wonderful.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,048 Member
    Hi Linda, I'm ordering another day of warm sunshine for the cyber cafe. It's cold around here in the real world. For dinner tonight I'm going to have a bowl of french onion soup with lots of cheese and bread, and a coca cola. For dessert I'll have some klondike bars and an iced mocha. Aaah an evening on the terrace.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,204 Member
    It’s cold in Charlotte, too, but we’re a lot warmer than Vermont! We’ll have more warm weather shortly. It’s nice and toasty at the cybercafe. I fell asleep earlier and slept for four hours. Now I’m awake. I didn’t expect to go to bed at 6:00 pm. I asked Viktor to bring me a cup of hot chocolate and a piece of pumpkin pie. I think I’ll relax in my recliner by the fire and read my book for awhile.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,048 Member
    Hi Linda, I'm here for the Sunday dinner of roast beef, mashed potatos, and gravy. Peas, and dinner rolls with lots of butter with that please, and of course a coca cola. For dessert I'll have a slice of devil's food cake and an iced mocha. Spent the day packing up my closet. I have way too many reuseable bags my sister keeps giving me hers. I think I'll have to ask her not to, either that or they are reproducing on their own. Maybe that's what lost socks turn into?