So this is a Cyber Cafe What'll be?



  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,046 Member
    Hi Linda, it's snowing out there and it's getting deep. I've already canceled my swim for tomorrow. Lots of school closings as well, and lots of accidents on the roads already. For dinner tonight I'm going to have the grilled steak, baked potato, and peas with a coca cola. For dessert I'll have some klondike bars and an iced mocha. I may extend my island theme at the cafe for awhile.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,202 Member
    Zzyyggy, the schools around here closed early today because of the rain. There was local flooding in some areas and they wanted to make sure the buses could get through. I’m thinking snow days would be better than rain/flooding days if you were a kid.

    Our grandson asked Grand Dad (aka Sweetie) to buy Dr. Pepper And Cream soda. Have you ever tried that? The guys gave me about 2 oz so I could try it. It’s really good. I’ve seen lemon Dr. Pepper and other flavors, but I didn’t realize they sold a cream soda one. Dr. Pepper is big around here, although Cheerwine is even bigger and tastes even better than Dr Pepper, and I love Dr. Pepper. Of course. I can’t drink soda anymore, plus I used to only drink the diet stuff and the sugared stuff tastes so much better.

    Anyway, I told Viktor that I want a Dr. Pepper and Cream Soda served southern style—just fill the glass up with ice, then add the soda. You need all that ice when it’s really hot outside and it’s hot at the cybercafe tonight. Francois has been experimenting with his Valentine recipes and today he made chocolate heart cookies that he iced with chocolate. So we’ve got dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and various colors of white chocolate iced hearts. Some are dipped and others are painted. Check this out, this one has piped frosting on top of pink white chocolate. Yum!
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,046 Member
    Hi Linda, I've never been a big fan of Dr. Pepper. I like either my coca cola, and A.W. root beer. I'll have some of those heart shaped cookies though. All the schools around here were closed except for Winoosi, Essex Jct, and Burlington. Lot's of accidents on the roads this morning. Glad I didn't go out. It snowed, and snowed all day. For dinner tonight I'm going to have the fried chicken platter with mashed potatoes, gravy, corn on the cob, and dinner rolls. A coca cola with that please. For dessert I'll have a slice of apple pie and an iced mocha. During my packing today I found a large baking pan for brownies buried in the back of the cupboard. Guess what I'll be making soon.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,202 Member
    I think I’ll have some more of the chocolate heart cookies, too. Viktor is making a pot of tea for me. However, if you’re making brownies Zzyyggy, I’ll be right up and then I can sit and eat brownies and watch the snow falling with you. (It would take a little more than 14 hours without any stops, so add an overnight stay onto that—hmm, not so sure about that.)
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,202 Member
    I made chili today with lots of vegetables and Francois made ciabatta bread to go with it. Francois will even toast up the ciabatta for garlic bread. I’m going to top the chili with pepper jack cheese and Viktor said he’ll have a glass of Lazy Jack Porter for me when I’m ready. I can’t wait! I checked the bakery case and there are brownies iced with vanilla buttercream. Yum! Those brownies will taste even better with an iced mocha.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,046 Member
    Hi Linda, don't think you want to stay over here. I'll get you a hotel room. I have trains, and planes going by at all hours, and a noisy kid next door. Everything sounds good. I'll have the chili with a coca cola, and the garlic bread. I haven't made the brownies yet, later this weekend. For dessert I'll have some of Francois's brownies, and an iced mocha. We had sun today, I'm so excited.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,202 Member
    Zzyyggy, I hope your new place is quieter than where you’re living now! Sweetie is out mowing the leaves out of the grass. He really needs to work on the lawn, it looks horrible. Our neighbor’s daffodils started blooming two weeks ago. I’ve never seen them bloom this early. Usually they bloom the second or third week in February. The sun is nice and warm today. It feels good at 61 degrees. Not as warm as the cybercafe, of course.

    Viktor, I’d like a table out on the patio by the cyberpool. I’m going to order the lobster salad on a croissant with the salad special—baby salad greens, chopped fresh fruit and vegetables, dressed with balsamic vinaigrette, please. Would you also bring a pitcher of iced tea, too? Thanks. I’m set for the afternoon here. A nice swim later this afternoon and then an evening out on the terrace.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,046 Member
    Hi Linda I'm here for dinner. I'm going to have a big ole bacon cheeseburger with french fries and this time a root beer with that please. For dessert I'll have some chocolate chip cookies and an iced mocha.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,202 Member
    Zzyyggy! Betty has 20 irresistible ways to make chocolate chip cookies today. I think we should taste test them all! 😋 what better way to spend time at the cybercafe? It’s a dreary day in Charlotte. It’s supposed to rain this evening. Now that I’ve swept the front porch and have the laundry half done I can sit for awhile and read my book. I’m heading out to the terrace here at the cybercafe where I can sit in the warm breeze under the trees and listen to the birds, while the cat shares my chair and chirps at the birds. I’m sure Useless is telling the birds to come closer. Maybe if I feed him some tuna treats he’ll leave the birds alone.

    Oh, thank you Viktor. Mm, milk and cookies. Ha, and tuna treats,
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,046 Member
    Hi Linda, you got rain, I got snow. A great day for cookies, and the boys have set up the cookie bar for dessert. I'll start though with a porter house steak, baked potato, salad, and a coca cola. Then move on the the cookies with an iced mocha. I'll join you on the terrace as watch as Useless tries to chase the birds. I think they are too smart for him though.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,202 Member
    Well, it’s 2:00 am and I can’t sleep. I thought I’d come in and have more cookies.
  • joelo_1119
    joelo_1119 Posts: 118 Member
    Oh boy. This morning “entojíto” is gonna be a double shot pocillo, Nashville hot fried chicken with Belgian waffles, and an old school Cinnabon bun. Extra cream cheese icing on the side.

    Now back to reality…
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,202 Member
    Welcome Joelo. Viktor, the cybercafe’s waiter always gets your order right.

    It’s National Croissant Day. Francois made the sweetest mini croissants for breakfast. The chocolate ones were delicious. And Francois’ famous minestrone served with buttery croissants for lunch was superb. I’ve decided that I absolutely must have a BLT croissant with egg salad on it for dinner. It’s so nice to be able to have things I can’t eat in the real world—eggs, bacon, mayonnaise, chocolate. I’m not supposed to have coffee, either, but I haven’t given that up completely. Don’t tell. Viktor, another pot of coffee, please!.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,046 Member
    Hi Linda, welcome to the cyber cafe Joelo. Nice order by the way. I'm going to have a croissant sandwich tonight as well. I'll have the blt, but with no tomatoes, fries, and a coca cola. For dessert I'll have some chocolate chip cookies, and an iced mocha. Linda I can't eat bacon, or fries in the real world. That's why we have the cyber cafe. I think I'll enjoy the terrace tonight since we won't see the sunshine for the rest of the week.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,202 Member
    I could have some more chocolate chip cookies and an iced mocha, too, Zzyyggy. Nice night out here on the terrace. It’s supposed to rain almost everyday this week where I live, so I’m definitely going to spend time in the sun at the cybercafe.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,046 Member
    Hi Linda, it's cold out there, and about to get colder I know. For dinner tonight I'm going to have the fried chicken dinner with mashed potatoes and gravy, and peas. A coca cola please. For dessert I'll have some brownies and an iced mocha. We had a good dose of sunshine today. Still I think I'll hang out on the terrace tonight in the tropical warmth.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,202 Member
    Sweetie is making split pea soup. He likes to cook at night. Not my favorite thing because I can’t go to bed until I have the kitchen clean. I know, neurotic, at least that’s what Sweetie says. He’s using smoked turkey wings in the soup. I’d forgotten how greasy they are. Ah, more to clean. The recipe doesn’t call for any spices, but he said it needed something so I had him add a bay leaf, some granulated garlic, and a pinch of marjoram. The broth is yummy. We’re waiting for the meat to fall off the bones, but maybe it doesn’t do that on smoked meat? Don’t know.

    I figured I would visit the cybercafe for some dessert and coffee. I saw the white cake with vanilla buttercream and raspberry filling and ganache icing studded with chopped pecans and I couldn’t say no. Viktor cut a nice big slice for me. I figured I’d join you out here since it’s nice and toasty Zzyyggy. I might just spend the night sleeping in my recliner right here on the terrace at the cybercafe.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,046 Member
    Hi Linda. Another frosty day out there. It was sunny, but the sunshine was deceiving. It was cold out there. I'm going to have a big bowl of french onion soup with lots of bread and butter. A coca cola with that please. For dessert I'll have some chocolate cupcakes and an iced mocha. I think I'll move into the cyber cafe for the rest of the month and let the house elves finish packing for me.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,202 Member
    Oh, I would love to have house elves. Well, I’ll have to get over that. Zzyyggy, I can’t even think about how cold it’s going to get In Vermont over the weekend without shivering. It’s going to be cold here in Charlotte on Saturday, too, except 30 degrees warmer than Vermont. Plus, we have much warmer weather next week.

    Viktor, I’d like the macaroni and cheese, please, with lots of vegetables and some smoked turkey. I had split pea soup for breakfast this morning. So good. And the meat on the turkey wings did fall right off the bones. There was even extra meat we didn’t put in the soup. Oh, Sweetie cleaned the kitchen. Amazing. I’m going to have a piece of double chocolate grasshopper pie for dessert. I actually had that dessert once back in 1987. It made a big impression.

    Viktor, may I have extra whipped cream, please? I can put some in my coffee, too, and Zzyyggy might need some for her cupcakes and iced mocha.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,202 Member
    Mm, the split pea soup for breakfast this morning (yes, again) was so good. Francois made some mini croissants that paired perfectly with the soup. Oh, how I wish that were true. I’m feeling sorry for myself this morning—such a waste of time. I’m so very fortunate. Besides, I’ve got a nice cup of cafe mocha Viktor brought me and I can sit by the fire in the Club Room and read my book until the real calls me back.