So this is a Cyber Cafe What'll be?



  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,140 Member
    Hi Linda, here for the early bird special. I'm going to have the fried scallops special with french fries and coleslaw. Lots of tarter sauce, and a coca cola with that please. For dessert I'll have a vanilla chocolate creamy and an iced mocha. Wow our Blizzard is really raging tonight. It's a good thing it's not in the real world. We're safe and snug in the cyber cafe watching it though.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,303 Member
    Viktor, the scallops with fries and coleslaw sound delicious. I’d like my scallops broiled, please. Now that you’ve mentioned blizzards, Zzyyggy, I’ve decided I must have a Heath Bar Blizzard with M&M’s for dessert. I can watch the blizzard and eat it, too. 🙃

    Here in the Charlotte area the weather is supposed to be cooler tomorrow. A nice ten degrees cooler in the mid 80’s—what a welcome change.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,303 Member
    It’s a lovely winter day at the cybercafe. It’s also a gorgeous day in the Charlotte area. Still hot at 85 degrees, but cooler than it’s been and a whole lot less humid. Still enjoying the snowy weather at the cybercafe. With at least two and a half more months of summer, it’s nice to have a little bit of winter. After spending the afternoon hiking in the snow and building a snow house, I’m ready to sit in my recliner and relax.

    I ordered the low country boil with Francois cheesy jalapeño cornbread for dinner. Later this evening while I sit by the fire, I’ll have a brownie iced with vanilla buttercream and coffee.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,140 Member
    Hi Linda, it's been a cloudy, dark, and dreary day here today. I could use some sunshine so it's back to the tropical weather for the cy ber cafe. Tonight for dinner I'm going to have the large porter house steak with baked potato, and a salad. For dessert I'll have some apple crisp with vanilla ice cream and an iced mocha.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,303 Member
    Um, well Zzyyggy, it’s good you’re on the tropical side of the cybercafe. I’m still eating my low country boil and watching the snowfall on the north side of the cybercafe. Charlotte, North Carolina is considered subtropical, so I’m not missing out on hot, humid weather.

    Viktor, thanks for bringing out a pot of coffee and some sweet cornbread mini muffins. Mm, warm cornbread muffins with butter are so good.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,303 Member
    Welcome to Sunday at the Cybercafe. Sunday brunch was delicious this morning. I was glad it was ready at 6:00 am. Francois served crab cakes at noon and I had a fresh garden salad and berries. Since we’re back to summer I’ve ordered an afternoon snack: a fruit and cheese plate. Viktor is making an iced tea with scoops of lemon sorbet which is a favorite of mine.

    In the real world we were having a nice sunny, 84 degrees summer day this morning. Then around 1:00 pm we got 1.45 inches of rain in 20 minutes and the temperature dropped 10 degrees. Now the sun is shining again and the humidity is over 90%. It feels steamy outside. It rained so hard that the hedgerow by the creek flooded and all the leaves have been washed downstream. We’re supposed to get another thunderstorm in about 15 minutes.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,140 Member
    Hi Linda, We're having a perfect summer day here in the real world. Lots of sunshine. Everyone and their uncle have been out walking. I got in a walk earlier this morning. For dinner tonight I'm going to have the french onion soup with lots of bread for dipping, and cheese on top. A coca cola with that please. For dessert I'll have some chocolate chip cookies, and an iced mocha. I'll enjoy it out by the pool after going for a swim.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,303 Member
    Mm, these chocolate chip cookies are good!
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,140 Member
    Hi Linda, nothing like homemade chocolate chip cookies. For dinner tonight I'm going to have the quarter pounder with cheese from you know where, and those yummy fries, and a coca cola. For dessert I'll have one of their chocolate vanilla creamies, and an iced mocha. It's so nice that Francois knows how to make everything like that.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,303 Member
    Yes, Zzyyggy, Francois is incredible, isn’t he? It’s a macaroni and cheese day for me and I want mine with lots of vegetables. I guess that would almost make it pasta primavera, except that I want lots of cheese. An iced mocha and chocolate chip monster cookies would be perfect for dessert. We can sit out on the terrace under the trees and enjoy the the evening

    I like my homemade chocolate chip cookies with dried cranberries, dried cherries, or dried blueberries and sweetened flaked coconut and chopped pecans. I only make them at Christmas though. I’m not sure what I’ll be baking during the holidays this year. I haven’t been eating sweets or bread at all since the middle of May. Sweetie, of course, has lost more weight than I have. I think it’s grossly unfair that men lose weight faster than women. Plus, I’ve been losing half a pound a week for the last three weeks and it’s driving me crazy.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,140 Member
    Hi Linda, no it isn't fair. Men seem to eat what they want, and lose what they want. For dinner tonight I'm going to have a roast beef grinder with cheese, and the works. A bag of chips and coca cola with that. For dessert I'm going to have a huge chocolate chip cookie and an iced mocha. I think I'll eat it out on the terrace.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,303 Member
    Viktor, I’ll have what Zzyyggy’s having for dinner, please. I’d like a big piece of double chocolate grasshopper ice cream pie for dessert.

    Hey, Zzyyggy, it’s nice and cool out here on the terrace this evening. Cool meaning in the low 70’s.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,140 Member
    Hi Linda, I am starving tonight. I'm going to have the bucket of fried chicken from you know where, original recipe with the mashed potatoes, gravy, lots of biscuits, and corn on the cob. Lots of butter for those biscuits and corn on the cob, and a coca cola. For dessert I'll have some brownies and an iced mocha. It's nice and cool out here on the terrace tonight as well with a nice cool breeze blowing. I'll even share my bucket of chicken and sides.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,303 Member
    Thanks for sharing your bucket, Zzyyggy! Mm, I think I’ll have another biscuit with butter and raspberry jam. Coffee and biscuits for dessert, yum. I’ll have to ask Viktor for some whipped cream, too.

    I got new eyeglasses today. I didn’t realize how bad my old eyeglasses were. Everything looks much clearer now. I ordered new sunglasses, too, however, the lenses weren’t cut properly so it will be another couple of weeks before I get them. Unfortunately, they have my old frames. I wasn’t willing to give them up, I really like those frames.

    Sweetie fell asleep in his chair. I don’t know how he does that. We don’t have recliners and while the chairs are nice comfortable wing chairs, it would hurt my neck and shoulders to fall asleep sitting up. I’ve never been able to fall asleep while reading or watching tv. Then again, Sweetie can fall asleep anywhere. He’ll take a ten minute nap and be completely refreshed. The only time I can fall asleep sitting up is when I’m sick, sedated, or when I’ve taken Benadryl.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,140 Member
    Hi Linda, Yup that's me too. I have a hard time sleeping some nights as well. For dinner tonight I'm going to have the old fashion cheese and beef fondue. Francois has set up the pots with beef, chicken, or veggies, and the same with different kinds of bread for the cheese fondue. Remember those old fondue nights? I'll have mine with a coca cola. For dessert I'll have strawberry shortcake and an iced mocha.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,303 Member
    Zzyyggy, the fondue dinner was delicious. I ordered the fruit plate for dessert. It comes with my favorite fruit dip—one 8 ounce package of cream cheese, softened and one 7 ounce jar of marshmallow creme, mix until smooth. 😋 Of course, I have a whey protein intolerance so I can’t eat cream cheese except at the cybercafe. What would I ever do without the cybercafe?

    We need to have Francois set up the chocolate fountain. I’ve been to wedding receptions that had chocolate fountains. If I had to choose between cheese fondue or a chocolate fountain, I’m not sure I could.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,140 Member
    Hi Linda. I forgot about the chocolate fountain. Lets do that tonight with with bananas and whatever else you want to dip into it. For dinner tonight I'm going to have the fish n chips with french fries, and a coca cola, and coleslaw. The Cyber cafe is the only place I can eat french fries without getting sicker then a dog. For dessert I think I'll do angel food cake with the chocolate fountain, and an iced mocha. We'll set it up by the pool tonight. No Igor we won't turn the pool chocolate, that's a bit too much.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,303 Member
    Zzyyggy, I think Igor has fond memories of the pool full of jello. Me, I’d rather have water in the pool. Fish and chips for dinner sounds great, it’s something I don’t eat in the real world. Hopefully Francois made biscuits or hush puppies, too. The chocolate fountain looks wonderful. Fresh fruit, dried fruit, cake, cookies—I’ll have it all.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,140 Member
    Hi Linda, nope no pool full of jello in this place. For dinner tonight I'm going to have a cheeseburger with frenchfries and a coca cola. For dessert I'll have some chocolate chip cookies and an iced mocha.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,303 Member
    Viktor, I’ll have a chocolate espresso brownie sundae in about a hour, please. I’m going swimming first.

    Hi, Zzyyggy. It’s lovely out here by the pool. At home it’s hot and horribly humid. The dew point in 75 degrees. Once the dew point goes over 70 degrees it’s uncomfortable and when you add in the 90 degree heat it’s stifling. I’m beginning to feel like a hermit because I’ve been avoiding going outside.