P90X/Insanity Hybrid... Join In @ Anytime!



  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    Man, I am jealous of all these calorie burns. I ran this morning at 6.4 mph for 4 miles and only burned 335 calories.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    So...with today being my birthday I figured I'd allow myself to splurge and have a piece of cake with the family. There's a reason I don't eat this crap....BAD things. Body is in sugar shock and I feel like crap. I try to keep my carbs in the 50-100g range (coming from veggies & fruits, no grains, flour or sugars) and this is total sugar overload.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Man, I am jealous of all these calorie burns. I ran this morning at 6.4 mph for 4 miles and only burned 335 calories.

    You're much lighter than I am. I weigh 220 lbs or 217 lbs on a good day. It takes more energy to move and stop a tanker than a speed boat.

    We had a good workout this morning with Core Synergistics. This is recovery week, phase 2 of the hybrid. We got more pre-workout Fuzion k-akg so I am feeling A-OK. Even though it's recovery week i plan to get in some jogging.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Burned 505 calories doing 60 minutes of "P90X Shoulders & Arms with Abs/Core+" ....the ab workouts continue to get easier as I'm getting a better contraction.
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    Man, I am jealous of all these calorie burns. I ran this morning at 6.4 mph for 4 miles and only burned 335 calories.

    You're much lighter than I am. I weigh 220 lbs or 217 lbs on a good day. It takes more energy to move and stop a tanker than a speed boat.

    We had a good workout this morning with Core Synergistics. This is recovery week, phase 2 of the hybrid. We got more pre-workout Fuzion k-akg so I am feeling A-OK. Even though it's recovery week i plan to get in some jogging.

    You know I never thought of that. I guess that a disadvantage to being close to your goal weight. :smile:

    Waiting to start insanity on Wednesday (fit test) but decided to do cardio power and resistance instead of plyometrics. Did pretty good but I was gassed at the end.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Good morning,
    we did Max Recovery today as part of our hybrid recovery week. I won't have a chance to jog today, so I'm stuck with 272 calories burned for the day. I gotta watch what I eat!!!
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    Today's mark's the official end of my second round of P90X. :drinker:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Today's mark's the official end of my second round of P90X. :drinker:

    Awesome, so you're starting right into Insanity tomorrow? When we did all Insanity I liked having the recovery day on Thursdays and rest day on Sundays.
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    Today's mark's the official end of my second round of P90X. :drinker:

    Awesome, so you're starting right into Insanity tomorrow? When we did all Insanity I liked having the recovery day on Thursdays and rest day on Sundays.

    I was going to wait a week but I figured the recovery week is pretty much rest and I wanted to be done by the end of December. I have one week toward the end of month 1 where I will have to repeat due to some travelling for work.
    I usually start my weeks on Thursday so I have my rest day on Wednesday. That way I have to get up early 2 days, sleep in one day, then get up early 2 days. Seems to work for me.

    Starting the first week on a Wednesday (fit test) as I will be out of town Tuesday of next week so Tuesday will be my rest day and I can do something light or take Wedensday off as well then I will be back on my Thursday - Wednesday weeks.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Oh ok, I was thinking that you had it set that way for a reason. The best plan is the one that we can stick to. Congrats again on you 2nd round.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Well...tonight while doing Insanity Max Interval Circuit I make it through the first two intervals and start the 3rd of the first set of intervals. At this point there's an exercise where you sprint and then he tells you to lunge with each leg 2x's. I lunge left and then right and then "POP!" I either majorly messed up a hamstring or my knee. Can't really tell because both hurt and I'm stumbling around like Fred Sanford telling Elizabeth "this is the big one!" Sucks getting old! No yoga tomorrow with plenty of ice. I did end up finishing the workout though.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Shaun's workouts are so hard on the knees, you pretty much take if for granted in other workouts. Hope you feel better.

    Recovery week, we did Insanity Cardio Recovery and P90X Ab Ripper X this morning. I burned 458 calories and I plan to jog at lunch time today.
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    BR - Hope your hammy (or knee) heals soon.

    Completed my fit test this morning. Did okay I guess. I will post my results tomorrow (forgot them at home). I know one thing, I'm not a jumper. Running, kicking and pushups yes, jumping, no. Sometimes I wonder if my feet left the ground. LOL.

    Felt good enough after the fit test that I jumped on the treadmill for 15 minutes. Could have gone longer but had to get ready for work.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Doo - I'm not a jumper either, but if you stick to it you'll actually start jumping. It's a weird thing. I can do the jumps now!!! lol
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    Doo - I'm not a jumper either, but if you stick to it you'll actually start jumping. It's a weird thing. I can do the jumps now!!! lol

    I hope you are right. All I could think about during the jumps was the movie, "White Men Can't Jump" - I was thinking damn, white women can't jump either. LOL.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    No workout tonight. Sitting here with two bags of ice on my knee & hamstring. Probably won't work out tomorrow either. Hoping to be ready for week 12. I'll be able to do my P90X workout on Saturday but the Insanity workout on Sunday could be interesting.
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    Okay so here are my fit test results:
    Switch kicks: 53
    Power jacks: 47
    Power knees: 90
    Power jumps: 30
    Globe jumps: 9
    Suicide jumps: 10
    Pushup jacks: 17
    Low plank oblique: 45

    We'll see how I progress.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Those are really good numbers out the gate. I have my numbers written down at home. I remember only being able to do 8 globe jumps and very little power jacks in the first fit test.

    We did Core Syn this morning again. My hrm was acting better this morning. That's a tough workout.
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    Those are really good numbers out the gate. I have my numbers written down at home. I remember only being able to do 8 globe jumps and very little power jacks in the first fit test.

    We did Core Syn this morning again. My hrm was acting better this morning. That's a tough workout.

    I love the Core Syn workout. That is one of the workouts that I have no trouble getting out of bed to go do. Plyo cardio circuit went well this morning. Really struggled with the last round of exercises. HRM registered 341.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Not much change in the knee but I'm still probably going to give Insanity Max Plyo Interval a shot on Sunday after an all day icefest (after P90X Chest/Shoulder/Tris) tomorrow.