P90X/Insanity Hybrid... Join In @ Anytime!

InsanityMan84 Posts: 18
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
So this is my first week of this program. I designed it to lean out more and shed the last pounds and inches from my body. Join me at anytime you want. If you want. I hope I have some takers... here is the schedule:

Weeks 1-3

1) Chest, Shoulders & Triceps, Cardio Abs
2) Yoga X
3) Pure Cardio, Ab X
4) Cardio Power & Resistance
5) Back & Biceps, Ab X
6) Plyometric Cardio Circuit
7) Rest or X Stretch

Weeks 5-7

1) Chest & Back, Cardio Abs
2) Yoga X
3) Cardio Power & Resistance, Ab X
4) Plyometric Cardio Circuit
5) Shoulders & Arms, Ab X
6) Pure Cardio
7) Rest or X Stretch

Recovery Week 4, 8, & 13

1) Core Cardio & Balance
2) Kenpo X
3) Core Synergistics
4) Rest or X Stretch
5) Yoga X
6) Core Cardio & Balance
7) Rest or X Stretch

Weeks 9 & 11

1) Chest, Shoulders & Triceps, Cardio Abs
2) Yoga X (9)/Cardio or MAX Recovery (11)
3) MAX Interval Circuit
4) MAX Interval Plyo
5) Back & Biceps, Ab X
6) MAX Cardio Conditioning
7) Rest or X Stretch

Weeks 10 & 12

1) Chest & Back, Cardio Abs
2) Cardio or MAX Recover (10)/Yoga X (12)
3) MAX Interval Plyo
4) MAX Cardio Conditioning
5) Shoulders & Arms, Ab X
6) MAX Interval Circuit
7) Rest or X Stretch


  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Thanks so much for sharing this schedule! I just started trying the hybrid this week and this will help a ton!
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    Bump for sure!
  • no problem. week one was pretty good. it's definitely strange having them all together when u're used to just p90x or just insanity. i lost a few pounds and a little body fat, so, so far, so good. i think after a phase is completed, i'll be able to really see what the benefits are...
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Glad someone started a hybrid thread. I officially start my full blown hybrid on 8/7 but I'll post on this thread.

    I purchased the Insanity dvd's a little over a month ago and have subbed Plyo X & Yoga with Plyo Cardio & Pure Cardio to prep for this. I'll be adding yoga back in (in place of legs & back) in my hybrid. I really wish there was a feasible way of adding those missed pullups from legs & back.

    My hybrid will be a little different I guess. I plan on going 90 days and my difference will be doing the first 30 days of Insanity workouts for the first two phases and then adding in the max workouts during the final phase. Plus I'll be wearing a weighted vest for pushups & pullups and may lower my reps to 6-8 to go heavier. This is week 13 of my 3rd round of P90X so I'm ready to change things up.

    Good luck to everyone! Look forward to seeing your posts.

    My hybrid will look like this:

    Weeks 1-3

    1) Chest & Back, ARX
    2) Plyo Cardio
    3) Shoulders, biceps & triceps, Abs/Core+ (P90X+)
    4) Pure Cardio
    5) Fountain of Youth Yoga, Cardio Abs
    6) Cardio Power & Resistance
    7) Rest or X Stretch

    Weeks 5-7

    1) Chest, shoulders & triceps, ARX
    2) Plyo Cardio
    3) Back & biceps, Abs/Core+
    4) Pure Cardio
    5) FOY Yoga, Cardio abs
    6) Cardio Power & Resistance
    7) Rest or X Stretch

    Recovery Week 4, 8, & 13

    1) Core Cardio & Balance
    2) Kenpo/Cardio X+
    3) Core Synergistics
    4) Plyo X
    5) Yoga X
    6) Core Cardio & Balance
    7) Rest or X Stretch

    Weeks 9 & 11

    1) Chest & Back, ARX
    2) Max Interval Plyo
    3) Shoulders, biceps & triceps, Abs/Core+ (P90X+)
    4) Max Cardio Conditioning
    5) Fountain of Youth Yoga, Cardio Abs
    6) Max Interval Circuit
    7) Rest or X Stretch

    Weeks 10 & 12

    1) Chest, shoulders & triceps, ARX
    2) Max Interval Plyo
    3) Back & biceps, Abs/Core+
    4) Max Cardio Conditioning
    5) FOY Yoga, Cardio abs
    6) Max Interval Circuit
    7) Rest or X Stretch
  • Week two is officially up and going. I had a good Chest, Shoulders & Triceps workout yesterday and noticed that my push up count went up in every set. I didn't think about it at the time, but I think doing all those extra push ups from Insanity is going to really increase my upper body endurance faster than expected. It should really bring out some good definition as my body fat drops closer and closer to that 10% number each week. Also, Cardio Abs went well too. Those thrust things at the end, man oh man do they hit you're lower abs! And my shoulders get fatigued holding myself up like that too, but it's a nice warm up and really shakes things up. Doing Ab X is great, but it get's kinda old doing it for every ab workout. It's nice to have something different at least once a week. On to my Yoga X today... I look forward to getting into a 'zone' because that's when I have my best workouts with yoga, not to mention, time seems to go faster that way too.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Keep up the good work! I'll be joining you in about a week and a half.
  • Had a really solid workout today with Pure Cardio. I did Ab Ripper X prior just because I like to take a shower right after Insanity workouts! 10 days in and I'm anxious to see what progress week 2 is going to bring me... as well as this entire phase! I love the fact that I've gotten to the point where if I don't workout, I feel like something is missing from my day. It's kinda like I'm slightly addicted to it, but it a great way. The way you feel afterwards, the sense of accomplishment is just awesome. I'm looking forward to seeing what other people have going for them...
  • Well, its late Friday night and I'm anxious to see what this week's work brought me. I ate really well the entire week, as I did last week too. Back & Biceps went better too. I didn't get as much water as I should be getting though, so I'll work on improving that next week... other than that, the workouts all went good and I guess we'll see what the weigh in/measurements say in the morning.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Started my week "off" by burning 739 calories doing Insanity Plyo Cardio. Hybrid begins in ONE week!
  • I wish I knew how many calories I burned off in a workout. I know it's a respectable amount. 739 though! On the regular Plyo, not the MAX right? I had a pretty good week! My weight, somehow went up .2 lbs, but at the same time I lost a little off the waist, and I ate pretty flawlessly during the week! My guess is that I might have gained just a little in LBM, so I'll take it. Weight isn't really my concern anymore because I wanna drop body fat and it seems that I have been ever since I started working out this year. So anyways, I'm down into the mid 13s percentage wise and aiming for 8.5 by the end of the 90 days. I have a party in 2 weeks, so I'm really hoping and working for 11s by then, but we'll see! All my workouts went good, and I plan on continuing my good habits throughout the time it takes to reach my goal! Then, I can cheat from time to time, but not until then! Alright, goodbye gut, hello 6 pack! lol
  • Day 3 of Week 3 & everything is going really well. My weight is slowly dropping which is exactly what I want. Pure Cardio is still super challenging and I don't think that'll ever change. Certain workouts gets easier, but I don't see these getting easier because you have to push harder when you get better and it just makes it the same challenge again and again. It's a beautiful thing. I'm excited and anxious for the saturday weigh-in! I expect nice progress towards my goal... Well, till next time I guess.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Yes...the 739 was burned doing regular Plyo Cardio.

    Today was my last workout (Pure Cardio) of my week off (635 calories burned). I'll rest tomorrow and Friday and then the hybrid begins on Saturday. Looking forward to bringing the weighted vest out of retirement.
  • what do u have that tells u the calories burned?
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Heart rate monitor watch I bought at Walmart. Think it was $30 or $40.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Round 4 "The Hybrid" begins with Chest & Back.....BAM, the weighted vest has returned!!! I will be sore on Monday.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Day 2 of the Hybrid....Insanity Plyo Cardio done with 716 calories burned!
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Day 3 Shoulders, Arms & Abs/Core+ done...
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Cardio Power & Resistance is done and Day 4 is in the books. I thought that Plyo Cardio was the toughest of the first 30 day workouts until I did this. Those power jumps are brutal.

    I had to fight to even work out because I'm dragging. Sinus infection is slowly kicking in with congestion in the nose and worse yet in the throat. Not exactly conducive to heavy cardio breathing.
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    well well what is ups peeps :smokin: no stud here just chunky guy trying to finish 1st round of p90x as i just finished 1st 30 days have pics showing results and you ??? pics of results anyone :wink:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Thought I'd drop in and see what's up as well. The husband and I are in our last three weeks of full on Insanity. Immediately after that we will be doing the Max Insanity/p90X hybrid. Hey, after you've brought it insane there is no going back to average. Have a good night!!!
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