P90X/Insanity Hybrid... Join In @ Anytime!



  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Third day of hybrid done; we did Shoulders & Arms. We are changing out Max Interval Plyo with P90X plyo on Tuesdays. All that tricep work these last three days have been brutal.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    4th day of hybrid completed. We did Max Recovery.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Week 4 of the hybrid is done and I dropped another 1 lb. Time to kick it into gear with the phase 2 P90X weight workouts and 3 more weeks of Insanity (first 30 day workouts).
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    We did Max Interval Circuit of the hybrid. My hrm says...that I burned 914 calories. It's still kicking our butt, but we're really pushing through. Man those plank punches!!!

    BR - nice job on the one pound loss.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Getting pretty jacked up for the start of week 5 of the hybrid tomorrow. The recovery week is ok but I've got to have my weights. Chest, shoulders & tri's on deck...
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    My idea of a nice recovery week is not seeing Shaun T for a week. I can handle weights any day.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    My idea of a nice recovery week is not seeing Shaun T for a week. I can handle weights any day.

    That Core Cardio & Balance is a mofo for a supposed "recovery" workout. That last move where you go into that squat and then work your shoulders from 5 different angles is a killer.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Burned 600 calories doing 55 minutes of "P90X Chest, Shoulders, Tri's & ARX"
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Hitting the gym in the morning, since I'm still paying the membership. Will be biking and probably do some jogging. Gotta update the Ipod.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Insanity Plyo Cardio is done with 666 calories burned. I'm loving this Fall-like weather for my workouts. Sure as heck beats a 110 degree garage!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    We still have a heat wave. It's 104 degrees today. I went to the gym today and hit the treadmill and did abs. It's always interesting to watch people on the bikes going 1 mph, talking on cell phones, and just generally going through the motions. I feel like I've taken the red pill (The Matrix) and seeing reality.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    We still have a heat wave. It's 104 degrees today. I went to the gym today and hit the treadmill and did abs. It's always interesting to watch people on the bikes going 1 mph, talking on cell phones, and just generally going through the motions. I feel like I've taken the red pill (The Matrix) and seeing reality.

    That's why I built my own gym in my garage. Every time I went to the gym, I wanted to put a dumbbell through someones head.
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    And where have you been eriny???

    We killed chest & back this morning. I'm so proud of my dive bombers. Like I said before, I could barely do 2 back in February (1st round). This morning I did 11. Oh, and I do them like the guys in the DVD not like Marin. Since today is a day off, I'm going to digest my protein shake and then do some light cardio at the gym.

  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    P90X Back & Biceps along with P90X+ Abs/Core+ is done with 620 calories burned.
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    kenpo x done we might be getting better when wife tells me in about 20 min mark " another break already we just had one " :laugh: give 110% or give it to someone that will :devil:
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    arx done also :drinker:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    We did P90X plyo this morning as part of the hybrid. No breaks. I feel great because I remember that we used to hit pause several times during this workout back in February and March. I burned over 850 calories.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    We did P90X plyo this morning as part of the hybrid. No breaks. I feel great because I remember that we used to hit pause several times during this workout back in February and March. I burned over 850 calories.

    Yeah, it's kinda funny that during "jump knee tuck" I used to keep pace with the dude with the prosthetic leg. Now I'm right there with Dom if not faster. Insanity is awesome for increasing ones cardio abilities.