

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,818 Member
    Lisa- Love you too my friend..as a matter of fact even though i havent met most of you I still feel that if we did meet I feel we would fit together as Forrest Gump said like peas and carrots..
    I love each and everyone of you and even though we are spread across the globe ,I feel close to my sisters.. love ya'll 💓
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Tracey – I hope your BP settles down, and that you have been able to contact your doctor. December 2 seemed like a long time to wait to see her in person. I’m glad your doctor was able to fit you in to her schedule. :flowerforyou:

    Barbara – Watching the waves is a lovely pastime, especially since you and your friends can park side by side and chat. Nice that your friend was able to bring walkie talkies so you could chat where there was no cell service. :bigsmile:

    Heather – You were able to intervene in a situation that could have been awful. You were able to save a child. Thank goodness you were there to act as a guardian angel. :heart:

    Lisa – You have saved your own life and had the good fortune to marry a very wonderful man. YAY!!! :star::heart: :star:

    Pip – I love the Yogi photos. They make me happy. :bigsmile:

    Happy Saturday, November 6th. It is 8:43 am here in NW Oregon. I’m up and DH is still sleeping. I have been getting physical therapy for my knee and I think I left a favorite vest there. I plan to call this morning to see if it is still there. I feel a bit like a doofus for leaving it there in the first place. It is still too early to call. :ohwell:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,540 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Worked then soup kitchen. Steve left. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Firm Fat Burning Cardio DVD.

    There is this guy at work, Jerry (I don’t know if I told you about him). Well, this one gal, Angel, picked him up and took him home every day. So one day I left and he was waiting for Angel so I offered to take him home. Well, the other day I went to tell Angel that I’d take Jerry home, but Angel had left. Since I wasn’t going somewhere after work, I took him home. Today tho, I had plans to go to the soup kitchen, Jerry told me it was Angel’s day off. So I asked him how he got to work and he said this other person who I didn’t recognize. So I asked him where she was and he said “oh, she left”. So guess who took him home and then went to the soup kitchen. Actually, I got there a bit late.

    While I was at the soup kitchen I found out that Jerry is the ex-bf of this gal, Jessie, who works there. She’s a real sweet kid, but she is a bit on the slow side. Well, Jerry is, too. Anyway, I knew that she hadn’t seen her son is many years, Jerry is always talking about his sister. Jessie told me that his sister won’t let her see her son. I don’t know the whole story there. Then Gail who also volunteers there said to me “watch out, he’s mean, he was very mean to Jessie”. I don’t know the whole story but Gail is someone I’d trust.

    When I told Vince this he just said “be careful”. I am, I am also going to try to distance myself from constantly taking him home. I feel like I’m being taken advantage of. So come Monday I’m going to say to Angel “I can’t take Jerry home today”. Same thing for Tuesday and Friday.

    Tracey – someone else suggested vinegar. I’m going to give that a try. I know I used to use white vinegar on grass stains.

    They had a truck delivery today at work and, of course, the back door was open while they were delivering things. Why, I have no idea, but after the left, Jerry kept the door open. I was shivering!!! So I asked Jerry “is there a reason the back door is open”. I was pretty sure the only reason was that he didn’t close it. Yup, I was right

    Didn’t do real good on the eating front while Steve was here. He likes his ice cream, we had ribs, stuffed manicotti, apple pie, things that I usually don’t make. Well, he left so it’s back to my old routine.

    Rebecca – how often do you donate blood?

    Julie – glad to hear you’re feeling better

    Michele NC

    My last donation was last summer, before I visited my sister I think.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,540 Member
    Lisa- Love you too my friend..as a matter of fact even though i havent met most of you I still feel that if we did meet I feel we would fit together as Forrest Gump said like peas and carrots..
    I love each and everyone of you and even though we are spread across the globe ,I feel close to my sisters.. love ya'll 💓

    Hugs to you my friend!!! I think I relate better with you all, than some family, and friends I have in the physical world. I appreciate you ladies!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbara - Re pharmacies - Walmart and Safeway both have pharmacies in our town as does Walgreens. I think Fred Meyer does, too, in Scappoose. I’m not sure. Are any of those stores near you? Our nearby BiMart sells vitamins but there hasn’t been a pharmacist there for quite while.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Isn't it weird! All I did was notice, when his mum was distracted. I don't think she even knew he had followed his sister out of the house. He was not even 2 years old, I think. Years ago I would have been paralysed and not known what to do. Because of my grandchildren I felt empowered to intervene and just was able to head him off. He did not appreciate my intervention! :p
    The car was going far too fast. There is a 20 mile per hour limit on these side roads.

    A good day.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Lisa - It’s on Monday, 1pm (13.00) GMT. You can also catch it later on catch up. Sarah Gorrell.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2021
    Heather— You are a real live heroine. You saved a child's life through your clear thinking while the mother was distracted.
    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Update on my vest—The Physical Therapy business is not open today. I'll have to look for the vest next Monday. I have other vests, but that one is the one I planned to wear today. :ohwell: This is a small irritation and I am the one who irritated myself by leaving the gray vest behind. :grumble:
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Heather, right place at the right time for sure! Happy for everyone concerned that you were comfortable enough to interrupt the young ones path!
    Lisa, I think a bit like you, that definitely is a time traveler moment! (Heather saving the little guy)
    Kim, ugh, I work in a storage facility and it's amazing how many people don't think the rules apply to them! I realize it's not quite the same as what you are doing, but it's similar, people thinking that they are the only ones that matter, very frustrating! And they've had 4 weeks to think about the design for heaven's sake!
    Tracey, glad you were able to get to see you dr so quickly! Yeah, I know I'm not the only one who's had enough of the pandemic, everyone that I expressed my frustration too agreed and was also surprised that we are still at the point that we are at, so at least I'm in good company! lol

    My mini bio: Married, just celebrated our 40th in June, 2 grown children, both boys, one is married and living here in the same town, with two kids, boy and girl. We live on the southern end of Vancouver Island, in the province of British Columbia, Canada. The other son is living 3 provinces away, living with a woman who has 3 kids from a previous relationship. He has no desire to have kids of his own and has told her many times that her kids are the perfect age as they don't really require much assistance! lol Her daughter is 14 now and the boys are 7 and 8, I think. That neighborhood anyway. I have battled my weight for what seems like forever, currently at 188.4, as of this morning and I'm only 5'3", so it's a little much. I got down to almost 160 several years ago, felt and looked great! Unfortunately, I decided that I could go back to my old ways of eating, so here I am, back up to almost my highest. And the frustration and stress of the pandemic has not helped at all! I do eat my feelings....

    On a bright note, our son and daughter in law are frustrated with daycare, so they have given notice that they are pulling our granddaughter out at the end of Nov. I have been wanting to have a grandchild at our place one day a week ever since I became a grandmother (5 years ago now), so I'm finally getting my wish! We will have Rosalie, probably Tuesdays starting in Dec. She is a very active 2 year old, so this could be fun! We are usually exhausted by the time they all leave just when they come over for dinner, so we'll see how it goes. Our grandson is in kindergarten, but I have offered to go and get him on days that I have his sister, give their parents a chance to do a few things. She is working full time, but only 4 days a week, government job so she has the option of a flex day once a week, she just works a slightly longer day, he's self employed, which has it's ups and downs. I'm looking forward to it, but am a bit concerned too. We will all have an adjustment period, I am sure! The other grandparents will also take her one day a week and then with the flex day, well, our son will have to wrangle her the other two days a week.

    Okay, the bio was mini enough, the rest maybe not so much! lol Enough for today!
    Hugs for those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member

    You noticed. And you acted. And you saved that child's life.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    edited November 2021
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: BP, dog group
    Bonus: walk Tumble with T
    Just one thing: Mama and Papa pic, ballerina print onto wall; cat print to donation box
    Get to do: take BP, dogs to powerline, livestream church, practice WBW, B, SL, GDLL, DM, SWTD), backup files then call pc guy to schedule tuneup, follow up with eye Dr. re: Joe’s rx, fire district: submit finalized Safety and Security grant app, research district tax exemption for volunteer firefighters, AFG grant requirements including NIMS, call NFPA cancel inactive accounts, clarify benefits included in annual dues, input 2019 call sheets into NFIRS, work with chief on equipment letter, substance abuse policy, NFIRS, index mutual aid files and share with L; start Part D research with new rx info, watch STAS Day 20, declutter sideboard, learn new dances (Tequila Little Time, Homesick, Nothing but You, A Little Less Broken, Blame it on my beating heart, Do Your Thing, practice dances: All Night, TGIF, I ain’t never gonna love nobody but Cornell Crawford (Alley cat), One Margarita); finish mulching flowerbed, invest another 10 minutes in prepping living trust, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine, find and configure a screen time popup, figure out where to plant the last of the naked lady bulbs, and soon as it warms up above 50 and dries out below 60% humidity I’ll tape and spray paint those rusted areas of Aunt Elsie’s stove, ask Te about GB’s FD firetruck tax levy – contacts, media, advocate???, Sunday: call S, Reward: inventory seeds, plan next spring’s garden, wishlist replenishments (Milena F1 orange peppers and beit alpha cukes next year).
    Reminder: Weekly: Mon=20 mins SWSY. Tues=30 mins line dance at home. Wed=30 mins T’ai Chi & 1 hr pack walk. Thurs=20 mins BB&B. Fri=30 mins T’ai Chi. Sat=1 hr pack walk. Sun=15 mins wii balance games.
    6: Try out a new way of being physically active. Hmm. Get down on the floor and do the Meeks Method beginning exercises?
    7: Be creative. Cook, draw, write, paint, make or inspire. Make? Is it time to frame up one of those pictures blocking the way to the sewing machine?

    Heather, what Karen, Allie, Kim, Buff, Lisa, Julie, Evelyn and especially Katla said. Thankful you were able to notice and move with alacrity. Would you have been able to do that years ago? Bravissima!
    Karen, Thanks! trying again:
    Think I fixed the typos: s0959.gif
    Katla, the nearest Walmart and Safeway are 30 miles south in Crescent City where there is also a Walgreens and a Rite Aid that functions better than the Rite Aid in nearby Harbor. All we have now is Freddie’s (and a Rite Aid that is falling apart, pharmacist walked out, under staffed, hot mess) and 25 miles north a Corner Drug that Joe would prefer to Freddie’s if his 2022 meds won’t be too expensive with them.
    Julie it takes courage to persist despite complications. Brava!
    Pip don’t forget to turn your clocks back :laugh: Hope it’s not too windy [shiver] You and Kirby ROCK!
    Buff the “rewards system” that’s working recently for me is to link routines with activities I want to make habitual. For example, I really really like to play FreeCell and Spider Solitaire on my laptop. So, that’s my reward for doing my daily activity after morning readings and taking BP. No activity? No solitaire! :laugh: Carrot and stick.

    King Tides yesterday were awe-inspiring. Today, while we had blue sky and beautiful ocean, the waves were kind of “meh”. Temp plummeted and threatening rain caused folks to bail from dog group 10 mins early. Looks like tomorrow may be a gully washer. Thankful for livestream church ;)

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    November: leaner/stronger/kinder than October.
    daily: sit with Joe:6, weigh/wii: 6/0/0; steps>7391=7618 Fri, 7997 Sat vits=6, log=6, CI<CO=6, CI<250<CO=5, Tumble=6, Shadow=5, mfp=6, outside=8, up hill=5, clean 10=, excavate 5=4.
    wkly: Sun:W=, Mon:SWSY=1, Tue:LD=1 , Wed:TC=1.1, PW=1, Thurs: BB&B=1.1, Fri:TC=1, Sat:PW=2, rX x4=1.
    wt=1/31:141.3 2/28:142.4 3/31:145.3 4/30:141.5 5/31:142.4 6/30:141.5 7/31:140.2 8/31:140.0 9/30:141.2 10/31:145.1 mnthly: board mtg= , grant=2, plan=, waist=42.
    bonus: AF=4, play= sew=
    2021: choose to be leaner/stronger/kinder NOW

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,202 Member
    Sunday ...


    Distance: 52.56km
    Elevation: 539m
    Moving Time: 2:55:17
    Elapsed Time: 3:06:28
    Speed: Average: 18.0km/h | Max: 45.2km/h
    Calories: 1,083

    Plus about 1.5 hours weeding.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,202 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    King Tides yesterday were awe-inspiring. Today, while we had blue sky and beautiful ocean, the waves were kind of “meh”. Temp plummeted and threatening rain caused folks to bail from dog group 10 mins early. Looks like tomorrow may be a gully washer. Thankful for livestream church ;)

    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD

    We get king tides here too now and then. :)

    Regarding rewards ...

    I reward myself with being able to do more and do it more comfortably. :)

    M in Oz

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Day dawned quiet and dappled sunlight. I asked DH over breakfast if he wanted to go out for a walk with me. He said yes. :D<3 Walked through our little park and the lagoon. A chap was sailing some big toy boats.
    The sea was long, light rollers. Paddle boarders were out and able to surf in. Plenty of swimmers. Groups huddled on the beach in their 'dry coats', which are all the rage around here.
    It was lovely to walk and talk. <3

    Did not find any toddlers to rescue though. :p

    Came back and did half an hour's rowing then my mat work. Now listening to The Archers, a radio programme that's been going since the early 50s.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Barbara - I think the main change was that I felt able to intervene. I might once have hesitated too long.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,202 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,818 Member
    Morning ladies
    Well i woke up early, dont think i can go back to sleep this time change always takes me awhile to smooth into..
    It is 27 degrees outside i have the heat off in my bedroom,but have it on 64 in the living room, like i said ,everything runs on electric here so i try and be conservative.