What THINGS do you LOVE MOST about your spouse/partner



  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    He is faithful and I am sure of it. He thinks I am beautiful and wonderful and smart and that everyman wants me, even at my most disgusting. He is smart with our money. Is not into sports. He puts his family first. He gives us our vitamins everyday, because he cares about our health. He can cook some amazing meals. He is soooo mechanical and takes good care of my car. He has strong and good morals. He loves his parents and his sisters. he is kind to animals. etc... etc.... etc.... I should tell him some of these.
  • gsmithnp
    gsmithnp Posts: 139 Member
    I truly believe that my husband and I are indeed soul mates. After almost 19 years together (16 married), we often know intuitively what each other is thinking or feeling. We've done projects around the house with minimal conversation just because we know what each other needs.

    We both enjoy the same things, but also allow each other to persue individual interests. He can go fishing with his brothers for a week and I'm not threatened by it. I can go to a conference out of town for a week and he doesn't get freaked out.

    We trust each other completely.

    He is smart, and if he doesn't know how to do something he will figure it out.
    He's strong and resilient.
    He's a great dad to our three girls. He can be tough, and has high expectations, but loves them completely. He shares his love of the outdoors with them (hey, girls can fish and hunt too!).
    He is always there for me--whether I'm sick, down with a migraine, stressed, or whatever he picks up the slack. I could NOT have made it through grad school without his support.
    He is passionate about the things he believes in.
    He loves me always. He doesn't care about my appearance (but compliments me on my success), or whether dinner is a cooked-from-scratch masterpiece or frozen pizzas. He lets me be myself--good, bad, or otherwise.
  • kkzmom11
    kkzmom11 Posts: 220 Member
    What THINGS do you LOVE MOST about your spouse/partner

    I always see negative comments about what people DON'T like, but there has to be something that you love otherwise you wouldn't stay with the person...

    -I love that my husband really notices me and is very complimentive.******
    -I love how no matter how tired he is, if I ask him for "anything" he doesn't mind getting up to it with no complaints or grumbles.
    -I love that he makes me feel special, wanted, needed and loved. ******
    -I love that he is a great provider not necessarily by how much he makes (which is good) but the fact that when needed he is willing to work 2 jobs to take care of his family with no complaints.
    -I think I just love the fact that he doesn't really complain too much about anything really. Trust me, it doesn't mean that it's because I'm perfect but because he is just so nice. His non-complaining habits makes me put myself in check when I have a complaint

    I married a wonderful man. we have our issues and miscommunications. but we love each other and only want the best for each other.
  • pauldix
    pauldix Posts: 35 Member
    Reasons I love my wife? It's a long list but these are the highlights...

    Seeing the best in people, quick to praise and thank, sweet tempered, naturally good natured, intensely loyal, strongly moral yet non-judgemental, patient and long-suffering, being one of those rare people others just want to be near, and last (& perhaps most importantly) laughing as if she really means it at some truly terrible jokes.

    We met in April 1987 and I married her as soon as I could.
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    I loved seeing a posting about saying NICE things about our spouses/partners.... nothing irks me more than when people talk negatively about their spouses - especially on public forums - so it's refreshing to see a genuine, mushy, wuvy-dovey love fest for once. Hoorah, OP!

    I love absolutely everything about my husband. He's the sweetest, kindest, funniest, most loving and genuine person I've ever met in my life. I love that he's not afraid to show his emotions or have deep, emotional conversations. I love his compassion for animals and the environment. I love his sense of humor, which is often as corny, morbid and/or raunchy as mine, lol. I love the way his eyes sparkle when he looks at me and tells me he loves me. I love the way just the sound of his voice on the phone is enough to erase all the worst things in the world that may have happened in my day. I love how he always listens and engages with me - he never just says 'yes dear' and ignores me. I love his patience and his honesty - the way he doesn't hold back and tells it like it is. I love how brave he is (and how I'm a 'goody two shoes' and he's really helped me come out of my shell). I love how supportive he is - no matter what I do, he has faith in me and makes me feel like I can fly. I love his smile and the way that it melts me every time (think of the smoulder from Tangled! lol). He's my soul mate in every way imaginable. I love that he makes me want to be a better person, and has given me so much hope and love and happiness. I love the way that I feel when I am with him - and how much I miss him when we're apart. I couldn't imagine a single day of my life without him, and he's told me a million times that he feels the same. What do I love most? Him. Plain and simple - everything that makes him who he is... that's everything to me.
  • Marley112586
    Marley112586 Posts: 168 Member
    I love my husband because....

    He has a fantastic personality
    He's very easy going
    He makes me laugh everyday
    He's fantastic in bed
    He loves me with all his heart
    He compliments me even when I know I look like S&%!
    He's a great Dad
  • CoolHandSmouche
    How good she is at hiding...because I can't seem to find her! ;)
  • My guy loves me just the way I am.
    He's always there for me when I need him.
    He can fix anything.
    He's sweet and loving.

    And he thinks I'm all that and a bag of chips!
  • laurenvan143
    - He centers me more than anyone ever has
    - He is an amazing lover
    - He is a fantastic Father
    - He knows when to say the right thing
    - He makes me smile, even when I don't want to
    - He treats me like a queen, but doesn't let me get too full of it lol
    - He would/has done anything to be my number one supporter and fan
    - He would abandon everything just to make me happy

  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    -sense of humor, always making me smile/laugh
    -always sends a good morning text, or even better, he calls me, yeah I dont mind he wakes me up at 530am hehe
    -he would do anything to make me feel good
    -always giving me unexpected details, flowers included :)
    -he REALLY shows his interest on me
    -treats me like a princess
    -skip work just to be with me (his boss doesnt like me that much lol)
    -he is sweet, loyal
    -he does his own laundry and cook his own food
    -amazing lover
    -stays up till late just talking on the phone with me (we live one hour away of each other :( he has even passed out on a video call while talking with me, how sweet is that!)
    -How he holds my hand while walking
    -How he hugs me from behind when I least expect it
    -He likes me no matter what, without make up, on pj etc
    - He tells me everyday he loves me

  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    1. He loves me for who i am and whatever i do(and i do a lot of silly stupid stuff)
    2. Always supports me in whatever i want or do not want to do.
    3. Is a wonderful father.
    4. Does all the work without complaining when i dont feel like doing anything.
    5. Is very very smart and intelligent.
    6. Has such wonderful moral values. Always wants to do something for the society.
    7. Has a dark sense of humor.
    8. Is my best friend. I can tell him anything and everything and i do :)

    There are many more things. I too tend to take him for granted sometimes and he does too, but i do know how much i value him.
    I am not too superstitious, but i would at the end say 'Touch Wood' for us always being the same way we were (6 years now) :heart:
  • lejla2002
    lejla2002 Posts: 118 Member
    love his eyes
    his smile
    the fact he makes me smile
    the way he is with our girls
    the way he makes me feel
    love his touch
    love him from his head down to his toes
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    The great thing about my wife is that she tries so very hard to make me happy. In turn, I try my best to do the same. After 33 years of marriage we're still trying with every fiber of our being to put the other one first. It's been a wonderful life with her. I look forward to many more years of us together.
  • drams5
    Awww....I LOVE this thread. What a feel-good post for a gloomy Tuesday! I'll play along...

    I love that my husband is supportive of a healthier lifestyle, but always tells me I'm perfect the way I am and says "Don't change for me...change for you."

    I love that he does dishes. :)

    I love, love, love that he is an equal partner in our parenting....he changed diapers, volunteers at school, attends parent-teacher conferences, makes it to the ball games, etc.

    I love that he doesn't complain about my many short-comings in the "domestic diva" department.

    And mostly, I love that he's fun to be around....and he likes being with us. Seems like a small thing, but he's never really acted like he needed to "get away" from us for guys night out, etc....not that he never does those things, but I really do appreciate that he doesn't seem like he's running to get away from us. :)
  • donnace7
    donnace7 Posts: 147 Member
    There are so many things <3 , but I'll list one of my favorites: He is the most calm, cool, level-headed person I've ever known - outside of family, he doesn't care what anyone else thinks about him - I am the POLAR OPPOSITE !!!!

    Favorite thing he's ever said to me when I get self conscious or down on my appearance: "I wish you could see yourself the way I see you."

    I don't know what I ever did to get so lucky:love:
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    His compassion
    His eyes
    His humour
    His arms when around me
    His inner strength
    That he is passionate ..
  • donnace7
    donnace7 Posts: 147 Member
    I love this forum topic. I agree that I can't STAND IT when people complain about their significant other on public forums. In this world of 50% of marriages ending in divorce, I love, love, love seeing how much everyone appreciates their significant other - keep posting!!
  • donnace7
    donnace7 Posts: 147 Member
    How good she is at hiding...because I can't seem to find her! ;)

    Keep looking - she's out there!!
  • BOOMaggedon
    BOOMaggedon Posts: 244 Member
    How do I love my wife? Let me count the ways.

    - I love the fact that I can get into a car with my wife and talk with her for hours and never once have to turn on the radio.
    - I love my wife's laugh
    - I love my wife's smile
    - I love it when my wife goes out of her way to help me get to where I need to be at

    I couldn't ask for a better partner, partner in crime, road dog, confidant, lover, and friend than I have in my wife.

    But the thing I love most about my wife...is that she is with me. Right, wrong, happy, sad, good, bad, tears, smiles, etc...she is still right beside me. And I love that most about her.
  • xapril77x
    xapril77x Posts: 248 Member
    I luv that he puts up with me & has stuck with me during the hard times & there's been plenty... Luv that he works so hard 2 make sure I have everything a gurl could want... & I luv his eyes! He has the coolest looking ice blue eyes ever! (can't go anywhere w/o ppl commenting on them) I guess I just luv that he luvs me no matter what! :heart: