

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,101 Member
    I used a neti pot for years. It is especially useful for rinsing allergens out of your nose like after mowing grass. If your nose is blocked it will probably melt through, but I always did it over the sink so a little overflow isn't a problem. It's a great tool, and feels really good once you get used to the idea and angle your head correctly. Just takes some practice but to my mind the lack of side effects is worth it. Yes it is quite possible to become dependent on nasal spray unless the spray is only saline. Good luck with it all.

    Annie in Delaware

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,787 Member
    Morning ladies
    I didnt go to sleep until midnight last night so woke up around 9..
    I did get a text from Tom today about the alimony.. and i will tell him to speak with his attorney..not to me about it.. if I have to I will contact my attorney and see if she will work pro bono or have him end up paying her fees.. he started this
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 619 Member
    cpblondie67... hope you didn't hurt yourself. Take time to heal before you go out and really muck things up THEN go out and play!

    Flea... I'm so sorry you're dealing with all that. Sending good vibes for things to turn around for you.

    We've been "exposed" as well. (I guess) I'm not 100% sure because I think we ALL had it at Christmas and this is just residual, but grandson tested positive at school the other day so he's home for the five-day protocol and we're daycare so mom can work as I work from home.

    Thank you Tracey. I KNOW that y'all do that all the time. It's part of what I love about all of you caregivers. I'm just really no good at any kind of lying, ESPECIALLY to my mom!

    ME TOO... Machka in Oz. I RELISH being alone, in my special place.

    Margaret... you just made me smile from ear to ear, remembering my dear, sweet mother-in-law. She loved fuschias and we gave her a huge flowering basket every year for Mother's Day. She babied that thing throughout the summer.

    KJ(Kelly)... I've tried. HATED IT, but my dear mom swore by hers! Sorry I can't answer your question about it though. Unfortunately no. She's been going downhill for quite awhile. That's why we had to move her out of her house into an assisted living apartment a couple years ago. This fall has just exacerbated the problem right now. Hoping that the confusion is just temporary.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Good morning (afternoon, evening) all! I have been keeping up with posts, but my brain has felt too fuzzy to post anything. DH is doing a bit better after his ER visit and the meds/treatment they gave him. His recovery is going slower; but he is getting there. DYS is also running at about 75%. The cough seems to be sticking with him. For me it is lingering "gunk". Do any of you use a neti pot? Can you use it if you feel completely blocked? Will it do anything? I have been taking medicated nasal spray for about three weeks and I feel like my nose is becoming reliant on it. Can that happen?
    Machka- Love the poem by A.A.Milne. It is one that I chose to recite in 6th grade when our English teacher gave us the assignment. It has stuck with me over the years. I remember the illustration that was on the page with the poem. A wonderful "Christopher Robin" looking child in a field, with head bent down to smell a flower.
    Penny- Love your pics. A few years back, my hubby and I were just discussing the benefits of plows not making it down our road after bouts of extreme amounts of snowfall. The snow reflects so much light and it really does brighten things up at night.
    Carla- Happy your mom is on the mend. Do you think the bouts of dementia or confusion are from the fall?
    Michele-Congrats to Dr. Jess! Someone needs to do the research and find the cures...why not her?!
    Flea- I am angry with you over the inconsiderate behavior of your niece. As you know, I just went through something similar with family. Absolutely unfathomable that people can be so callous and cavalier in their "care" of others. IF you truly care, you don't take risks. Hugs to you and hope you can help your mom safely.
    Katla- Awww! Hugs to you, I know you have been missing Schooner. I hope you will find another pup that suits your lifestyle and can share your love.
    Pip- i LOVEloveLoVe that wet pic of Yogi! He just looks so happy and in his element!
    Rebecca- Sending hugs as you get used to home without your son's presence. I am sure it helps your mamaheart knowing that he is doing something that he enjoys. It will be nice to be able to put things out that remind your of the people you love.
    Rori- Congrats on the job! New adventures waiting for you!
    Rita- Thinking of you and hope you are well.
    Tracey- Wowsa! That is some dream you had! I bet your young friend was impressed with that!
    Barbie, Heather, Pip, Machka and others who have honed good habits. Thank you for posting your daily habits. It really helps me not feel like I am slogging along by myself. I tend to look with envy at those who have already reached their goal weight/health; and I think "wow! must be nice NOT to have to work so hard..." Seeing your habits and hearing your words about the work that went into achieving them, helps me see that no one is "resting on their laurels". It is a daily choice. Either you make good choices and move closer to your goal, or you make wrong choices and stagnate. You are all inspiring to me.

    Well, I have some cooking and cleaning to do today. I will probably get outside and do some shoveling as well. That should help my congestion a bit. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    Me too, there are a few favorites, that’s one of them. I was teaching him how to sit in that pic
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited January 2022
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,653 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,356 Member
    KJ/Kelly ~ I don't have a netty pot, but, I have been using a syringe left over when the two grands were small. Fill it up with a mixture of grapefruit seed extract and water and rinse over the sink. I think it kills germs. Don't ask me about the grapefruit seed extract (Nutribiotic GSE on Amazon) but my husband uses the spray and swears by it. I have used so many different allergy OTC meds, prescription Flonese, and decongestants. Can't wait to go to the allergist (EMT) but fear she will just say my home of 35 years has too many allergen inducing aspects.

    Carol in GA
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,407 Member
    1948CWB wrote: »
    KJ/Kelly ~ I don't have a netty pot, but, I have been using a syringe left over when the two grands were small. Fill it up with a mixture of grapefruit seed extract and water and rinse over the sink. I think it kills germs. Don't ask me about the grapefruit seed extract (Nutribiotic GSE on Amazon) but my husband uses the spray and swears by it. I have used so many different allergy OTC meds, prescription Flonese, and decongestants. Can't wait to go to the allergist (EMT) but fear she will just say my home of 35 years has too many allergen inducing aspects.

    Carol in GA

    Carol - what a great idea. I have syringes and grapefruit seed extract on the shelf right now.

    My go-to nasal spray for the past year has been "Xlear" which has grapefruit seed extract and xylitol. I've read there were in vitro studies that showed anti-virus activity. I keep a bottle in the car and give a squirt or two up my nose when I come out of stores.

    It also seems to help my allergies. When I get dry nose from anti-histamines, I used Neilmed nasal spray with Aloe. All of this stuff seems to be helping more than allergy shots ever did.

    I can start using your method at home and save a little $$. :)

    I think RV Rita uses Xlear to help with her sinuses and allergies.

    Foggy and chilly SW WA State
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    Lanette I have a spray bottle with a mix of essential oils and water I use to spray myself and hands after a store visit. I spray my mask and put that on my dashboard in the sun to finish the job of sanitizing it. In the winter I have to use a spray that is alcohol based because the water one freezes. Now I even spray it before I go into a store so I am breathing this while I walk through the store. So far very healthy. I did have some cold like symtoms when the painting was done because so much dust was spread throughout the house. It did force me to do deeper cleaning.

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,526 Member
    So i look at my phone and somehow i dont know how I miss a call and it was Lils son. They were calling her and she wasn't answering her phone, could i possibly go check on her.. so i go check,TV on nobody home,i walk down to Susans and knock on the door and she is there having dinner with Susand and Myrna and I told her that her sons were looking for her..
    Good lord i have to run all over the condo complex to find an elderly woman ,and so I call back Paul he said oh have her call Mark im just getting on a bus i wont be able to get my phone.. which means he is hopping a plane to Miami... so much for Mom...Mark is in Naples and Edna is here in Ct. But honestly Edna is a couple fries short of a happy meal...

    Edna is a couple fries short of a happy meal....😂😂🙃. I snorted out loud reading that...👌
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,526 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    What are the chances birds will use the birdbath?


    That's our Rhody!

    Machka in Oz

    Oooh not unless they're brave or pals with Rody!😁
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,526 Member
    Allie - it is terrible how some families treat their parents.
    I started singing that song too Allie. I love the old country songs.

    Michele - Such a proud moment. Congratulations!

    Machka - I’m glad you are enjoying your summer. I felt that way last year and I think it’s all the evenings I sat outside reading.

    Terri - I did not know about the wolf moon. I looked it up and ended up following the Farmers Almanac page so I can learn more.

    Flea - I’m livid for you. How selfish some people are through this whole mess.

    Carla - I work in a nursing home, my Mom has Alzheimer’s and I’ve had a grandmother, Aunt and Uncle have it. We have used the compassionate lying a lot. It’s so much kinder. We do try to distract first. One of my favourite ways of dealing is saying “I don’t know, I’ll have to find out”.

    Rebecca - I love that you are working on a space for you. Everything I have put is a reminder of family to me. Mine, his ours, it gives me such peace and love.

    I don’t think this has been announced yet.

    So. I had a dream last night that A young woman in my life that I’ve known since birth was announcing a pregnancy. In the dream she had used a calendar with pictures of Her 3 year old daughter and on March or May it had her daughter wearing a pink shirt that said Big Sister with her head thrown back.

    I sent a text to the young woman telling her about my dream, she sent a picture back to me of her daughter wearing the same shirt as in my dream, with her head thrown back and another picture of an ultrasound. She is due in July.

    I went to our daughters to have her dye my hair today. Ember got spayed on Thursday so is to be relaxing she was quite unhappy with me because I wouldn’t throw her toys for her to catch. This is her trying to ignore me. Like any good Grammie, I bought her a new toy and doggy cookies for the visit.


    Tracey in Edmonton

    Yes I think as I age I need to have family around (in photos) to keep me strong. And your comment to Terri regarding following Farmers Almanac, well it got me to thinking about my parents consulting the pretty yellow bound book, to figure out when they should plant this or that. I pretty much stayed in the "mud room" 1/2 bath year-round! Good toilet reading. I might get this years, to par rouse!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,526 Member
    Morning ladies
    I didnt go to sleep until midnight last night so woke up around 9..
    I did get a text from Tom today about the alimony.. and i will tell him to speak with his attorney..not to me about it.. if I have to I will contact my attorney and see if she will work pro bono or have him end up paying her fees.. he started this

    I wonder if Tom is getting hassled about it from his ladyfriend? "Call her about it, now"! I can just see it. I am glad you just tell him to talk to his attorney. Oh if we all had " alley chats" with the man, there really wouldn't be much left of him🙄!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,526 Member
    This morning I was thinking about a 3 shelved wooden thing my middle son made in wood class in high school. I have it next to the front door with some things he's made, a cardboard ship, a couple of folded cranes, and a cute Japanese beer can I saved from our ramen place down the island. So very random things. Thinking I might give it back to him, so they could put Athena's treasures in it. Its not that I don't appreciate it, just thinking. Told Lee my thoughts and he says, "well that's kind of a rude thing to do". There are times when he doesn't get me at all. I will explain to him my motive, that I'm not a rude person. Right now, I'm just venting to y'all about it.🙃😁🙄!
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,013 Member
    Thanks for the pics Penny. :D Can't remember, are you on the town side of the bridge now?

    Felt a bit blah this morning. Not sure why. Improved my mood by washing my hair and by typing out some quotes for my book. I've been meaning to do it for ages, so something was accomplished.

    I'm waiting to hear back from my son about our Burns Night dinner. Haven't heard anything about the state of plague in their household recently. If he comes over he will have to do a LFT first. I think I will make a small amount of berry/yoghurt ice cream in case. I was going to do mango, but realised too late that I need 5 limes!

    Weather very grey.

    I weighed myself this morning for the first time in ages, and I have put on another 2+ pounds. No wonder I feel a bit low. I'm determined to lose that, and a bit more, before the cruise. I have 7 weeks. Obviously, my CICO has not been accurate, as I have logged every day and am nearly always under. I even thought I might have lost a pound, but I was wrong.
    I can do it.
    Realistically, I think 4 pounds is not unreasonable. I would love 7, but I haven't done that sort of loss in 10 years.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Heather-is it possible that it could be water retention? I am hoping that is why I gained a pound this week. I tracked all my foods, and like you, most days was under, only one day was over and just by 100 cal. I did eat a LOT of little dill pickles yesterday and some fried fish and one little serving of chips- so was way over on sodium but at calories.

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,013 Member
    Good Mornning Friends...Mary Engelbreit is a well known illustrator who lives in suburb next to where I grew up. She lost a son to suicide and yet her illustrations touch on the goodness of life. I have enjoyed her work for over 40 years. When I saw her name and quote I knew this was the picture of flowers I wanted to share today. It is okay to not be okay.

    Don't save anything for a special occasion. Being alive is a special occasion.
    <img src="https://scontent.ffcm1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/272443356_351468343647737_2606890061156676786_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=NbmZfzLOIygAX_4fW7q&tn=j2SZ4pOgRDB3YFvr&_nc_ht=scontent.ffcm1-2.fna&oh=00_AT_RW4DsHZ_Cohyyi5CCP7BeFpmgkVyBwAfX3rTu2bTHnQ&oe=61F19339&quot; alt="May be an image of flower and nature"/>d557j52kz6nu.png

    love the fuchsia is beautiful-my grandma grew them. I loved popping the buds to hear them and see the beauty inside.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,127 Member
    edited January 2022
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Good morning (afternoon, evening) all! I have been keeping up with posts, but my brain has felt too fuzzy to post anything. DH is doing a bit better after his ER visit and the meds/treatment they gave him. His recovery is going slower; but he is getting there. DYS is also running at about 75%. The cough seems to be sticking with him. For me it is lingering "gunk". Do any of you use a neti pot? Can you use it if you feel completely blocked? Will it do anything? I have been taking medicated nasal spray for about three weeks and I feel like my nose is becoming reliant on it. Can that happen?
    Machka- Love the poem by A.A.Milne. It is one that I chose to recite in 6th grade when our English teacher gave us the assignment. It has stuck with me over the years. I remember the illustration that was on the page with the poem. A wonderful "Christopher Robin" looking child in a field, with head bent down to smell a flower.
    Penny- Love your pics. A few years back, my hubby and I were just discussing the benefits of plows not making it down our road after bouts of extreme amounts of snowfall. The snow reflects so much light and it really does brighten things up at night.
    Carla- Happy your mom is on the mend. Do you think the bouts of dementia or confusion are from the fall?
    Michele-Congrats to Dr. Jess! Someone needs to do the research and find the cures...why not her?!
    Flea- I am angry with you over the inconsiderate behavior of your niece. As you know, I just went through something similar with family. Absolutely unfathomable that people can be so callous and cavalier in their "care" of others. IF you truly care, you don't take risks. Hugs to you and hope you can help your mom safely.
    Katla- Awww! Hugs to you, I know you have been missing Schooner. I hope you will find another pup that suits your lifestyle and can share your love.
    Pip- i LOVEloveLoVe that wet pic of Yogi! He just looks so happy and in his element!
    Rebecca- Sending hugs as you get used to home without your son's presence. I am sure it helps your mamaheart knowing that he is doing something that he enjoys. It will be nice to be able to put things out that remind your of the people you love.
    Rori- Congrats on the job! New adventures waiting for you!
    Rita- Thinking of you and hope you are well.
    Tracey- Wowsa! That is some dream you had! I bet your young friend was impressed with that!
    Barbie, Heather, Pip, Machka and others who have honed good habits. Thank you for posting your daily habits. It really helps me not feel like I am slogging along by myself. I tend to look with envy at those who have already reached their goal weight/health; and I think "wow! must be nice NOT to have to work so hard..." Seeing your habits and hearing your words about the work that went into achieving them, helps me see that no one is "resting on their laurels". It is a daily choice. Either you make good choices and move closer to your goal, or you make wrong choices and stagnate. You are all inspiring to me.

    Well, I have some cooking and cleaning to do today. I will probably get outside and do some shoveling as well. That should help my congestion a bit. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    Yes you can become quite "addicted " to nasal spray. That's why they say not to use it more than 3 or 4 days in a row.

    It can be incredibly difficult to get off it.

    The saline stuff is OK but not any with medication in it.