

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,046 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I slept pretty well considering the coffee I had. Lucky me this time!

    I had a sad conversation with my dad. He doesn't understand why my mom won't exercise or go to church. He walks three miles three times a week. It's so sad for him to see his wife get old and not work against it. But at least she is cheerful, and she doesn't drink alcohol. She doesn't wander and she doesn't fall down. Things could be a lot worse, and soon enough these will be the good old days.

    Annie in Delaware

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,874 Member
    Things I didn't say at 7 a.m. this morning...

    I woke up to no electricity at all about 4 a.m. Threw on the clothes that I keep in the bathroom so as not to disturb Corey by hunting for my socks in the dresser drawer. I used the flashlight from my bedside table to go find the camp coffeemaker in the spare room, and proceeded to do what I would have done anyway--got the coffee ready to go in the coffeemaker on the stovetop, got water boiling for me for tea, got Corey's lunch ready to go (sandwich, chips, apple and fresh veggies for munching, including cherry tomatoes, carrots, small yellow and red peppers and his homemade pickles). About that time, he came stumbling in, kissed me good morning, and stumbled back to the bathroom. He was dressed and out the door by 5:20, only five minutes later than his usual time. It helped when the electricity came back at about 5 am.

    About 30 minutes after Corey left, and still dark outside, I was sitting at my computer typing to y'all when I heard this cascade of rattles that sounded like it was coming from outside under the carport. The only thing I could figure was that Egg jumped in the bin we keep the cardboard in and scrambled to get out of it. However, just after the sun rose, I went out to the car to go to Walmart... and half of a tree had fallen. It was the same tree that half of it fell on the house a few months back. It fell perfectly - didn't hit anything, including my baby redbud tree or my lamp post yard decoration. I was able to easily get around it to go to the store. I think karma intervened, knowing my cheese has been pretty close to slipping off my cracker of late, and I really needed something to go well.

    And for those that like to read the clues, no it wasn't my tree that created the blackout. No electric lines anywhere near it.


    Later, y'all,
    Love, Lisa in Arkansas


    I'm glad you're OK!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,829 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,392 Member
    Morning, afternoon, and evening all...

    The day stretches in front of me with no deadlines, no demands, and a restful night behind me. Well, I woke up feeling rested, and that's enough for me. I am still dabbling with a few more bits and pieces in my OCD room, but it appears I'll be labeling things today. Which is the final act for me. Once the boxes that are staying can be labeled, it means I'm well and truly done. I'll take the after pics, cross my heart, but that may well be tomorrow.

    Michele - Yep, I'm looking at that branch as firewood for next winter. This weekend, Corey will pull out the chainsaw and make reasonably short work out of it.

    Annie - So proud of your progress, I look for it every day. So sorry about your mom's results, you have every right to be scared.

    Carla - Snow up north is why we didn't move there when we were searching for our current and hopefully final home. We get snow maybe once or twice a year, sometimes none at all. Love the pocket kisses! Thanks for the sympathy. I tell most people that dealing with the VA is like hitting yourself on the head with a hammer because it feels so good when you stop.

    Irene - Well done on your progress, as well! Love it when the braces and crutches are finally done.

    KJ - Geez Louise, being that sick is no bueno for your time off! Hope you feel better quickly and are able to enjoy at least a day or two of vacation days.

    Barbara AHMOD - So pleased your nephew is doing well! Yes, we're not purely electric. The water is still working, the water heater is natural gas, so we've got plenty of hot water. Like yours the stove is gas, so we can use the top of the stove by mechanically lighting the burner, but not the oven. The only thing missing is light in the early mornings, and I got tickled at the whole thing. Corey was in the bathroom and I knocked on the door to ask if he wanted a flashlight, and he said, "No, I've got my Kindle." Would have never even thought to use one of them as a light source. :blush:

    Heather - I made mixed tapes a lot, more for myself to play in the car than any other reason. Not sure anyone ever made one for me, but apparently, that had to do with relationships, and I only "dated" three guys while I was in high school. None would have thought to give me anything. So it was just kissing in the hallways, which was always fun.

    Time to get moving and scramble an egg to make a breakfast burrito, which sounds much better than actually accomplishing anything.

    Later, y'all,

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,874 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    This was in the monthly carer's magazine I get.


    I'll list the 14 "answers" tomorrow. :)

    Machka in Oz
    Smoke detector not working
    Cigarette burning
    Cords as tripping hazard
    Cords as fire hazard
    No handrail
    Improper footwear on both of them
    Towel on heater
    Papers stacked
    Spilled meds
    Coffee maker
    Stuff on stairs
    Medicine cabinet looks disorganized and some meds unlabelled.
    That’s all I’ve got. It’s sad that a lot of this was my parents house. We never had a handrail, Dad put one in in 2012 when we were taking his first great grandchild to visit. I guess his children, grandchildren, wife and self just weren’t important enough. 😂 when I went home when Dad was sick we found about 20 bottles of pills that no one knew what they were for.
    The electrical stuff too. Our whole upstairs was lit with 1 extension cord running from downstairs to upstairs. Then there was smaller extension cords running off that to our clocks and lights. Of course, the important stuff, may hair dryer, curling iron, whatever I needed to have music. Here’s the kicker folks, my Dad was a licensed electrician! He would not have done this in someone else’s house.
    We had stacks of paper and clutter everywhere.
    These are a few of the reasons it was unsafe for my Mom to stay there any longer when we first started seeing Alzheimer’s signs. She had to be moved into a home probably about 2 years earlier than necessary if the house had been up to par. She also only had wood heat which is another safety hazard for those with any problems.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    Well done ... but sorry you had your parent's place as an example!

    The only thing you missed, according to the results in the magazine was the front door with no door knob and locks.

    I counted the mats twice:
    1) There should be no loose mats at the bottom of a flight of stairs. That would be one reason why I might fall up stairs.
    2) I will trip over folded or wrinkled mats even if I know they are folded or wrinkled.

    Also I think the drink in the glass and the coffee cup are too close to the edge.
    Plus I'd be inclined to move the glasses because they could easily be buried or crushed under paper or books or whatever someone sets on the table. I keep mine in a case.

    Even the hard wood stairs could be a hazard. They can be slippery and if someone does fall for one reason or another, they can be painful.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,874 Member
    edited April 2022
    Had a doctors appointment today, check up for my blood pressure med change. Had her look at my arm that has hurting, I have tennis elbow. She has ordered an anti inflammatory cream . The pharmacist won’t have it ready until tomorrow. I am also icing it.
    My exercise therapist thought that was what was wrong and told me once it was diagnosed she would give me some exercises for it.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    I get nagging tennis elbow when I use a spray bottle.

    So if I go on a house cleaning binge and I'm Windexing and spraying on shower stall cleaner and carpet cleaner etc. etc. I'll end up with quite a sore elbow.

    I've had it diagnosed as tennis elbow and have been told to alternate between right and left hand when I clean ... and I've got exercises I'm supposed to do.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,874 Member
    teklawa1 wrote: »
    I'm wondering if I should get another booster. I've had one booster but now I wonder if I should get a second. Appreciate any thoughts..

    Betsy in NW WA

    I am absolutely getting my 4th shot as soon as I can. My husband can get his now so I'll be arranging that as soon as I can.

    {{{{ Hugs }}}}

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,046 Member
    Allie sorry to hear about Covid in your family. Hope it is mild and quick.

    A friend of mine just got diagnosed with Covid. Apparently it's not over yet no matter how much we wish it was. I skipped the mask in the grocery store this week but I might go back to it. It's a small bother for me compared to being sick.

    Lisa thanks!

    I was thinking this morning about how socially isolated my mother is, and how this forum keeps me from being a total hermit. So many thanks to all of you who share your joys and challenges!

    Annie in Delaware
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,549 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,752 Member
    Katla ... so glad the conference call went well with your husband's doctor and your daughter. Technology can be very helpful!

    Allie ... praying you stay well!

    Barbara ... I couldn't believe that Palm Sunday would be this Sunday on the 10th either! I'd like to know what matzo roca consists of.

    Betsy ... I have had all of the Pfizer shots including the 4th one yesterday. I was very sick with shot number 3, but other than a sore arm, am doing ok with this 4th one. I have read that while the benefits may be short lived, there are still benefits. The general consensus is it can't hurt and may help.

    Beth near Buffalo
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 946 Member
    Morning, afternoon, and evening all...

    Corey was in the bathroom and I knocked on the door to ask if he wanted a flashlight, and he said, "No, I've got my Kindle." Would have never even thought to use one of them as a light source. :blush:

    Heather - I made mixed tapes a lot, more for myself to play in the car than any other reason. Not sure anyone ever made one for me, but apparently, that had to do with relationships, and I only "dated" three guys while I was in high school. None would have thought to give me anything. So it was just kissing in the hallways, which was always fun.

    I use my Kindle paperwhite as a light often. It's quite bright in the middle of the night. It's a softer light and lights up a decent sized area at a time.

    I got a few mixed tapes in my teens/early twenties. I still have one of them I got when I was 19. I remember one song on it was "Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd. That boyfriend was in the Navy and he sent it while he was away. I think he meant it as he misses me, not really for the lyrics. It was rather sweet. It was a cassette and I have no way to play it now. My current mister gave me a mixed CD when we first started dating 22+ years ago. I remember a U2 song being on it, but none of the others. And wow! have his music tastes changed over the years (and not for the better, in my opinion). I also have that, but again no way to play it.


    Allie-Hugs to the family. I hope the rest don’t get it. I never tested positive when my mister got it and my friend’s mother didn’t get it when he and his wife got it. So, it’s possible the rest of them will be OK.

    Lisa-Wow. Glad the tree didn't hit anything and you're all safe. I remember when we were kids (pre teens and earlier), we had to help gather firewood for the winter. That meant traipsing through the woods when it was freezing cold (of the four adults they never seemed to be able to plan this chore when it was warmer), finding appropriate trees, waiting for them to be cut down, then hauling the heavy logs to the truck for hours and hours, day after day, for what seemed like all winter, but was probably a few days or less. It was tragic for small girls with not the best of winter clothing. I remember complaining a lot.

    Irene-Hang in there and take it slowly. Believe it or not, PTs generally know what they’re doing (though I confess, not all of them).

    Heather-That’s a lot for your DH at once. Sending good thoughts to you both.

    Machka-I just love Rhody. I love black cats. They are just so beautiful. My first cat when I was a kid was black and the cats I had for 15ish years were both black. I just adored them.

    Dreams-I had an interesting one the other night. I know it was my mind thinking about a series we’d just finished. I dreamt I married someone I didn’t love. After thinking about it, I know that it’s my subconscious “hurting” my mister as much as he hurt me a while back. That incident has been weighing on me lately. I guess my brain is trying to help me heal without causing another stir.

    Speaking of stretching-I need to get off this chair. It’s far too high up to have good posture while typing. I need to get a better chair.

    Tina in CA
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,846 Member
    Sinuses went to the ENT and now have to get a CT of my nose and sinuses looking for polyps and how big a bone spur is. I also have to go to allergy testing ( my 6th time for that!). Back to shots! New location, new allergies! Meanwhile it’s Spring and tree allergies are high right now along with dessert dust.

    Height I was 5 foot 5 but am now 5foot 3. I do not have osteoporosis as I have been tested. I walk a lot and have good bone density. I’m it just runs in my family. My mom started at 5 ft and is now at 86- 4 foot 5.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,212 Member
    DH had his 4th jab yesterday. I can’t wait for mine! The more the merrier! Unfortunately they are only doing over 75s and immune compromised at the moment. :#

    Enjoying my solo day. Exercised, wrote, listened to inspiring podcasts, watched a TV series during afternoon bonus exercise. Lots of Chinese tidbits. Now to get started on the lamb and flageolets stew.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,703 Member
    Morning again ladies
    Well I will give the cardiologist office a call again to see if they want me getting a 4th vaccine..
    I will have to take a pre med before dental procedures including cleanings.
    I went and picked up Homer and brought him back here...Tom says he is really slowing down.. and if he is and they have to work.. im going to keep him right here with me.. all snuggled up on the bed..he has been my buddy for 16 yrs and I love him dearly...
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 615 Member
    Must remember this>>> “…just trying not to be More”
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,098 Member
    Michele:🥰 the 🐊
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited April 2022
    Barbara — Good news that your nephew is resting comfortably after surgery. ❤️
    I will be back in yoga class soon. The teacher donates her time and travels when she wants to go someplace. Nobody in the class resents a skipped lesson now and then. It was my long absence that kept me away. I took care of grumpy knee from my trip on concrete steps several months ago. My doctor recently gave me a tube of Voltaren for arthritis pain. It does a great job of reducing pain for me.

    Allie — Sorry about your son-in-law’s positive CoVid test. I hope he recovers asap. Many of us worry & pray about loved ones. 🙏🏻

    Heather — My parents were both chain smokers. My dad often lit one cigarette from the previous one. I was the kid in the back seat of the car living in cigarette smoke on every car trip. Dad had a heart attack & mom died from smoking. She couldn’t get enough air. I vowed never to follow their path. 🌹

    Lisa — ❤️ We also have a natural gas furnace. It has never let us down. The air conditioner is electric. It hasn’t been on so far this year. It has also never caused us worry.

    Machka — You have a lovely view from your windows. It is a lovely place to work from home. 🌹

    Beth — Technology is more amazing than I ever imagined in years gone by. The conference call with DH’s doctors was terrific. The next step will be our granddaughter showing our local doctors how she monitors her blood sugar levels from her cellphone and a device in her shoulder. The device sends the blood-sugar levels directly to her doctor in Illinois.

    Today is a sunshiny day. DH is napping and I am enjoying the view.

    Katla in NW Oregon