

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,396 Member
    edited April 2022
    I sleep on my back with 2-4 pillows under my head, and another under my knees. I read propped up for a short while (4 pillows) then slide down the bed and spread the pillows out until I feel comfortable.

    Had a good afternoon at M Painters. Had booster before lunch. No I’ll effects except a twingy arm where the needle went in. It was a half dose of Moderna, but I’m happy with that.

    Tomorrow I get my eyes tested then going to craft before lunch.

    🥳🎉 Cheers to those celebrating.
    Virtual (((hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.
    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,034 Member
    worked out in the garden pulling out Bermuda grass, ivy and what ever other weeds were up there. First time pulling any weeds up there since fall. Some of the pots/raised beds the soil is still nice and workable, others, well, not so much. More like hard clay- not sure why the difference.
    Worked out there for two hours- now have two of the large yard waste containers full. Not completely done but about 80% done or a bit more. Guys are going to get a truck load of composted fertilizer for me so I can get that worked in and get some planting started.
    Has been great not having the daycare girl here.

    Zumba tonight so a total of three hours of hard workout for me today- that hasn't happened in a LONG time, like last spring and even then don't think I did two full hours of hard weeding.

    Should sleep good tonight.

    Napa Valley Ca
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    Oh Boy Katla- hope all is well and that you take to heart what your kids are talking about.. i tried talking with my dad about things and all of it came a bit to late for him.. that is why i want to have everything all set for my kids medically and paperwork wise so they know what is needed.. good luck and will be thinking of you all. Xoxox
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Worked today then cut the grass. We have a group of trees on our property so I raked up the leaves and twigs, then put down paver sand. I thought it would take longer to put the sand down. Guess I did a pretty good job last year. Had to go to Lowe’s for more sand since we didn’t have enough.

    Viv – welcome back. I’m still at the Green Room (community theater) in the box office. Sometimes I ushered, but I haven’t in a long time

    Games – who remembers double dutch, doing the Limbo, pick up sticks, jacks, Mother May I, of course hopscotch,

    Came back from ceramics. My smurfette was fired but she cracked and some of the paint chipped off. So I repainted that spot and put clear glaze on the crack hoping that’ll seep into the crack and fill it in. Put it back in to be fired so we shall see how it turns out

    Beth – I hope the doctor gives you good news

    katla – I’m so sorry about your daughter and son. Best wishes for your dh

    Anne DE – yea for lower bp!!!

    Time for bed

    Carol GA – I have a hard time standing up for myself, too

    Michele NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :)Barbara All my pillow are ancient but not foam or down.

    :) I listen to podcasts about happiness, meditation, and food along with "Omnibus" that covers all sorts of obscure topics. They improve my outlook on life and add to my collection of miscellaneous information and make me a better "Jeopardy" player. Earlier today I listened to a podcast about Manchego cheese that comes from the La Mancha region of Spain and it inspired me to look on YouTube for the songs from the musical "Man of La Mancha">

    :) Tomorrow is my yearly mammogram.

    <3Katla, sorry you are having trouble with your kids.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,892 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,396 Member
    edited April 2022
    Michele: We use the lawn mower to rake leaves/petals off the lawn. It chops them up nicely for the compost heap. Mind you, with our magnolia in full bloom, we could be doing it every day as the petals fall. 😝
    Katla: (((hugs)))
    Barbie: Manchego is my favourite hard cheese, now that I don’t do dairy.

    Going out early to the opticians, then will go to craft. It’s quite dull this morning, but it’s forecast to clear up again later, so should get some gardening done after lunch.

    🥳🎉 Cheers to those celebrating.
    Virtual (((hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.
    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    edited April 2022
    Chose well: Joe, readings, BP, dogs to powerline, CI<CO, CI<250<CO
    Bonus: sandwiches for hungry prep, 30 mins grooming Tumble, well pet, nail trims.
    Just one thing: back to bupkes
    Workin’ on it: Monday 140.4, H20x5, active 3:32
    Active April
    25: Have a “no screen” night and take time to recharge yourself.

    Katla ((hugs)), safe travels to DH’s appointment. Is there a Dr’s appointment for you in the future? Most especially what Flea said. “We love you and want to see you safe and cared for.”
    Lisa bruises, yes. Hated sports, but dodgeball most especially. Mama taught me the one ball game I could tolerate, “1.. 2.. 3 O’Leary”.
    Machka thanks, the Contour one is the one that most appealed to me.
    Heather, Bravo, Johnny, bravo! Thanks for the Duolingo and “it’s all there” nudge. Gentler than pip’s boot ;)
    Beth Very well said to Katla. Fingers Xd for favorable blood work, whether that is the meds are working, or they aren’t. Doc upped my statin dosage but I’m afraid it’s causing joint pain. Will this make me give up cheese? Nope, but maybe moderate my intake…
    Betsy, Heather, Machka, Annie, Carol, Carla, Allie, Flea et al, wise and caring words to Katla.
    Kim have you checked out this link about upgrading to Win11? It mostly addresses minimum system requirements, but if your USB drive is inserted, the health check MIGHT verify its compatibility? https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/installing-windows-11-on-devices-that-don-t-meet-minimum-system-requirements-0b2dc4a2-5933-4ad4-9c09-ef0a331518f1
    Vicki well done on the gutter cluster. Your new neighbors are lucky to have you!
    Carol Love the image of you porch sittin’ and sippin’!
    Michele remembered every one of those, also Hide and Seek,
    Barbie love the connections you made from cheese podcasts to musicals :love: Good luck with the mammo. If they have hurt you in the past, a NP in Idaho recommended taking an aspirin and applying some lidocaine an hour before the appointment. There I go again, fixing what ain’t broke.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2022: Be still and listen.
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,359 Member
    Been reading along. Commenting in my brain but not getting things to writing!

    Heather-congrats on Johnny getting things straightened out. You do have the right to have your monies set up the way you instructed.

    Katia-I don't think our children mean to disrespect us-they make what they believe are helpful comments. It is hard for us to see things from other people's perspective. I think it is good if we are up front and let them know how we interpret their comments and help them know a better way to put the information so we can accept it.

    Julie-good to see you dropping in.

    Viv-welcome back! (Hard to believe I have been here long enough to welcome someone back)

    Allie-congrats on new bed. Hope you sleep better and find it to be a worthwhile purchase.

    Working from home today. Hoping to let antibiotics kick in. This way I can rest if I feel need to.
    Saw urologist yesterday for followup. Had put me on daily antibiotic for recurrent UTI and last fall they determined I had group B strep UTI instead of regular e-coli. Have been feeling under weather last couple of weeks (mainly exhausted). Pushed through because of wedding and knew I had appointment coming up. Yesterday he confirmed an infection (thinks it is break through). Waiting on lab results for type. Upgraded antibiotic for a few days until we know. Scheduled several tests to make sure nothing else is going on. I know this is by far not the worse thing a person has to deal with, but it does make me miserable at times. Oh well, I know it will start improving. Going to research some dietary items to see if they are more things I can do.

    Going to get some breakfast and think about the day starting.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    edited April 2022
    Oh Ginny, I know how miserable UTIs are! I suffered from them for most of my life. On Kate UK's suggestion , I have been regularly taking D-Mannose and, so far, so good. I haven't had one since I started. Yours sounds a bit more embedded though. I hope the antibiotics make you feel better. <3

    I was on hold to Saga for an hour, but finally got through. I managed to dye my hair while I was waiting! Completed the medical check and paid the deposit. The bad news is, I thought we were having twin beds, but it turns out the super king can't be changed. Grrrr! They are giving us separate duvets! So, we are all set for 2023! :p

    Going to tune in to the live streaming of the aunt's funeral in a few minutes. DH has had his filling.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,197 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,539 Member
    Morning, afternoon or evening, all, hope it's a terrific Tuesday in progress or just completed, whichever it may be.

    Third cup of tea is brewing, decaf these days. Did I mention that I tried caffeinated tea last week? Drank one 12-oz cup of tea on Tuesday and one on Wednesday morning, slept badly both nights. Went back to decaf, slept well on Thursday. Much as I miss it, caffeine must finally go by the wayside. First world problem if there ever was--trying to keep that in perspective.

    I did read everyone's posts, as I always do. I feel part of your lives, and am grateful that you are part of mine.

    TL;DR: Regarding caretaking from both sides of the fence:
    The most striking thing to me of late is that those of you taking care of loved ones are in a conversation here on this thread with those whose children want to take care of them.

    I honestly didn't have a good response to our daughter when she said she will happily take care of us once we get to the Depends years. She was the wildest adolescent, always in some kind of scrape, but has turned into this incredible person who feels that responsibility very deeply. She proved it beyond measure when she came to stay with me when I was so ill nearly two years ago now. I don't know what I would have done without her.

    But my only answer to my daughter's offer of caretaking us was, "Oh good." What else can you say to that statement? I wanted to say "Ew!" but didn't think it was the response she was looking for.

    However, our son would never even consider taking on our care unless he was forced to. He's just not that person. He loves us, don't get me wrong, but it's just not an option for him.

    Unlike Johnny, however, my brother took care of our father for the last few years of the old man's life. When that burden became unbearable, got him into one of the nicer old folks' homes in the area. The staff promptly killed the old man by getting him a drink of water right after he had a stroke - he aspirated it into his lungs and ended up dying of pneumonia a week later.

    I think we were all relieved when he shuffled off this mortal coil, but much respect to my brother, who did something I would have never done by taking on the old man's care - I would have driven him up on top of a mountain somewhere and let him die.

    The old man, not my brother.

    On that lifelong learner thing, I've learned to take a nap when I'm sleepy. Not just because I can, but because my body needs it. One is calling me now...

    Later y'all,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :)Barbara Pain at a mammogram has never been an issue for me. My distress is the change in my schedule and the need to partly disrobe for the event. The staff is very kind, the rooms are kept at a temperature that is comfortable for me, the the shawl is heated and the process doesn't seem to take too long. I just would prefer to be home with my all my clothes on.
    :) I, too, have found the discussion of concern for aging parents a very interesting one. My parents have been gone for over thirty years and I was involved in care for my mom for only a short time. I have no children and Jake's children text me on my birthday most years and otherwise ignore me.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    This is from the order of service.

    DH's sister read a poem. We sat on the sofa and sang along with the hymns.
    Irene was a true lady and a real trooper.

    Just found out that the cruise next year was originally going to Murmansk, in Russia. :o

    My brother rang just now to cancel his visit next weekend. His wife has to work. I can’t say I'm sad about it, as I've got my girly outing this week and I'm going to his 70th in a couple of weeks. I need lots of space around exertions! I had washed all the linen though. :p
    DH and I have decided to go to the restaurant on the Bank Holiday Monday anyway. <3

    My hair is dyed and trimmed and we are off to pick up Bea this afternoon. I'm pleased to announce I have lost another half a pound this week. :laugh:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,197 Member
    edited April 2022
    TL;DR: Regarding caretaking from both sides of the fence:
    The most striking thing to me of late is that those of you taking care of loved ones are in a conversation here on this thread with those whose children want to take care of them.

    I honestly didn't have a good response to our daughter when she said she will happily take care of us once we get to the Depends years. She was the wildest adolescent, always in some kind of scrape, but has turned into this incredible person who feels that responsibility very deeply. She proved it beyond measure when she came to stay with me when I was so ill nearly two years ago now. I don't know what I would have done without her.

    But my only answer to my daughter's offer of caretaking us was, "Oh good." What else can you say to that statement? I wanted to say "Ew!" but didn't think it was the response she was looking for.

    However, our son would never even consider taking on our care unless he was forced to. He's just not that person. He loves us, don't get me wrong, but it's just not an option for him.

    Unlike Johnny, however, my brother took care of our father for the last few years of the old man's life. When that burden became unbearable, got him into one of the nicer old folks' homes in the area. The staff promptly killed the old man by getting him a drink of water right after he had a stroke - he aspirated it into his lungs and ended up dying of pneumonia a week later.

    I think we were all relieved when he shuffled off this mortal coil, but much respect to my brother, who did something I would have never done by taking on the old man's care - I would have driven him up on top of a mountain somewhere and let him die.

    The old man, not my brother.

    Later y'all,

    I never ever thought of myself as a carer ... but I am now and I think I bring my own personality into it.

    I can also see myself caring for my parents which I never used to envision. I always thought it would be my brother and who knows, maybe he will, but since I became my husband's carer, I have felt more comfortable with the idea of caring.

    The one thing that's missing is this ... who is going to care for me?

    I have no kids of my own. My husband's kids have lives of their own. My brother's kids are far away and have lives of their own. My cousins (who are mostly quite a bit younger than me) have lives of their own. I haven't even seen any of my family for 5 years and some not for 10 years.

    It is a little bit scary.

    In some ways I think I'd rather have a daughter come along and say, "Listen mom, you need to go to the doctor and get an assessment done. You may need to consider moving closer to medical facilities. etc. etc. "

    But then again, all those things are in my mind already and my husband and I have discussed what we've got in mind for the next place we live.

    Machka in Oz