Women 200lb+, Let's Have A Momentous May!!!



  • Generic_Excuse
    Generic_Excuse Posts: 607 Member
    edited May 2022
    @CupcakeCrusoe thanks! I'll for sure check those out. I'm definitely trying to be patient for sure. Funny how wallowing in self deprication can be easier than motivating yourself sometimes. I just got to keep the right mine set.
  • biohazardinc
    biohazardinc Posts: 95 Member
    Hey everyone! So sorry for the radio silence. It has been a very active week at work and at home. Yesterday was my birthday too. I behaved very well and didn't go over my calories. It was nice to go out even with 2 crazy kids. For my birthday my husband bought me a new bike from a sport store. The one I had was from the clearance section in Walmart. I'm so happy! I also saw a drop down in my weight yesterday so I guess that was a gift to myself. The only dent in the day was the half day at work with conflict with someone that I just can't seem to get along with. I hate being unlinked by people which I suppose is very vain of me because no everyone can like you but I hate knowing it.

    I would tag you all but I am so behind so I will try to assimilate into the current conversation on this page.

    @CupcakeCrusoe I can't wait to get down to your weight. (You mind pausing your progress so I can catch up ) haha. I know that fear though. I felt really good when I was at my lower weights and I lost it very quickly it hurt. But that was my own fault and I know that I can't just eat whatever I want and however munch and not be active and not have that happen. It didn't help having 2 kids one with excessive amniotic fluid.

    @Generic_Excuse I never had c-sections but I did have abdominal surgery and I know that it does a number on your muscles. I can't even fathom 4. I hope things get better with that. I've been using an excervise bike regularly since January and my muscles still hurt after the same amount of time. Makes me feel like I'm not making progress but hopefully I'm making more then I can see.

    @lmgoff232 You have a renpho scale too! I just got under the 210's weighting in at 209.2! I can't wait to get to the Onelander with you!

    @pamperedlinny I've always wanted to try Zumba but idk if I have the stamina for it plus not even sure where to go for it!

    @KeriA I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I hope that her recovery is speedy.

  • lmgoff232
    lmgoff232 Posts: 277 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe It is the app that came with my Renpho smartscale. I know that the accuracy on any of the measurements other than weight are not the most accurate, but the overall trend is helpful. I am liking your descriptions of MacroFactor more and more; I really like the idea that it seems to learn you. I may be checking it out!

    @biohazardinc Happy Birthday! That drop under 210 definitely gave me a boost over motivation, because Onederland seems so, so close!

    @Generic_Excuse I also had a disconnect between what I thought I was capable of when starting back exercise and what my body was actually capable of. I had to dial it way back, and just added a little more each week. Listen to your body & you will get there!
  • biohazardinc
    biohazardinc Posts: 95 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe I love my Renpho scale, they have a tape measure to so you can measure body parts too.
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    edited May 2022
    sbortnick wrote: »
    However, I did not go over maintenance. There was some thought and limitation put into my eating which is progress.
    This is wonderful!!!! Eating at maintenance will not make you gain weight. It is really good to know what maintenance is for those tough days. That way, you can keep any past progress. This is a wonderful, awesome, good, build this habit thing! Life throws you some balls, hold the freakin line!!!! WAY TO GO!!!

    @sandielewis2001Did you find any vegan cheese worth eating? I am on the search, I even googled how to make it myself and laughed really hard at: "Put the fermenting brew in a quiet dark room of the house" If I was drinking water I would have spit it out! Lols, "hey hubby, can you keep it down? I want my cheese to taste good!"
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone! Friday weigh in day!

    33 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW: 200.4
    Halfway GW: 183
    UGW: 150
    4/29 CW: 189.4

    May goals! 🌷🌷🌷

    🤍Log every food in grams. ✅
    🤍 Get 7k steps every day, no excuses ✅
    🤍 Lift weights 3x week ❌
    🤍 More than 100g protein every day ✅
    🤍 20 minutes to clean each day ✅

    5/6: 188.8 (-0.6)
    5/13: 186.8 (-2)

    Reward for halfway (183): Ninja Creami

    Not bad at all! Quite good actually, I'm pretty pleased. My trend weight is 188.8 this morning. I didn't manage to find my smaller jeans last night because...

    A friend of ours gave us 25 lbs (!!) of brussels sprouts yesterday, and another 25 of yellow squash. I spent hours last night processing: washing, cutting, putting in reasonable sized bags (lol), and I'm not done with the squash yet :unamused:. Still, very grateful he thought of us. I filled 40 quart sized bags with squash and brusssels sprouts so far, and I'm out of room in my freezer. I'm giving some away, because even with my big chest freezer, I can't hold all this. :lol: And people respond better to individually packaged things than a big crate of stuff. I need to go get more bags.

    Anyway, lol, tonight is pizza and beer night, I look forward to this night every week, and we haven't been able to do it for the last couple since we've been travelling. Can't wait.

    Tag party time!
    Funny how wallowing in self deprication can be easier than motivating yourself sometimes.
    I totally get this. This was me, except instead of about being out of shape, it was me about being fat. I was Funny Fat Girl.

    @biohazardinc happy belated birthday! :smiley: New bike! That's so great! There are so many neat rabbit holes you can fall down about customizing it, too. I put a rack on the back of mine, and I've got a little flat fix/tool kit pouch underneath my seat, and a removable basket for the front to get books from our neighborhood little free library, and a little silicon phone holder strapped to the frame... lol, 2020 was The Year I Tricked Out My Bike. I would load the baby on the back in a little seat mounted to the rack and we would go on Saturday mornings.

    Now I want to go for a bike ride, but it's gonna rain all weekend.

    Also I saw that renpho tape measure... 👀 it might be worth it just for that. I'm so bad about taking my measurements.

    @lmgoff232 I've been thinking about a smart scale, if for no other reason than to automate my weight being logged in a couple places. I'll consider that one when I get there, thanks!

    @sandielewis2001 those shark coochie boards look incredible! I was scrolling up and down to look at them over and over like I was on CSI or something: "enhance. is that tofu?!" It's so cool that you and your wife are going to play racquetball together! Racquetball is so fun.

    @sbortnick let me be the one outside your brain to tell you: You absolutely didn't gain 4 lbs of fat in a short period of time. Also, I looked up RingFit: Sounds really fun!

    @justanotherloser007 mustn't disturb the cheese! :lol:

    Have a great Friday everyone, the weekend is almost here!

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,585 Member
    I plan to weigh in for the week tomorrow morning. However, I have a lunch date with a co-worker for Mexican food. The lunch specials all come with lots of chips & rice (and I'm too broke to order outside the specials right now) so I'm going to have to go in with moderation in mind. Since we started working from home 2 years ago she and I try to meet up for lunch every month or two.

    Last night my daughter's soccer team had the end of season pizza party and tomorrow we go to a mother-daughter tea party (that usually has tons of little frosted cakes) hosted by our YMCA followed by a kids birthday party in the afternoon. Not the best weekend for staying on track and keeping my blood sugar in a healthy range but I'll manage. Fingers crossed my will power is strong for the next couple of days.

    I did manage to do over 10,000 steps every day Monday thru Thursday this week and plan to go to Zumba with my daughter again on Sunday afternoon. Hopefully any slipping I do will be offset with the exercise.

    @lmgoff232 congrats on being "overweight"!!!!

    @Generic_Excuse "Funny how wallowing in self deprication can be easier than motivating yourself sometimes." is probably the most true thing I've heard in a long time. Ugh!

    @biohazardinc Happy Birthday! And you should definitely try Zumba. It's fun and easy to modify. I have a bad hip (from a car accident when I was younger) and my knees aren't in the best shape but I just keep moving during the class even if it isn't exactly the same as everyone else.

    @sandielewis2001 I love your boards. I've never seen one that was fully vegan and it looks so inviting. I love a good shark coochie board.

    @sbortnick I do my Zumba classes through the YMCA. You definitely didn't gain 4 lbs of fat that fast. You got this!

    @CupcakeCrusoe My friends just got the Ninja Creami and love it! I keep debating if I would use it enough if I bought it. You'll have to let us know what you think.
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    48 yo 5’3” 6/2013 SW 277 ((in 2021 lost 57 lbs from May 1- Dec 31))
    May goal: lose 1-2 lbs
    Ultimate Goal weight: 141 (normal BMI) No goal date, since the lower weights can take longer.

    1/1 172.2
    2/1 172.2
    3/1 165.8
    4/1 161.4
    5/1 156.8 Hello May!
    5/6 157.6
    5/13 158.0 cycle

    🌷Work in the ‘fitness lab’ every single day!
    🌷Burn around 500 calories daily. The goal is to eat maintenance all the time at goal weight “1500 calories”. If I burn 500 calories from exercise a day I will lose around 1 pound a week, while eating the amount of calories I will need to eat for smaller me.
    🌷Be patient! Remember that increments are where it is at, and focus on habits.
    🌷Weigh the food in the ‘test kitchen’!
    🌷Remember: Total loss of over 120 lbs!!

    I am pretty sure I am still just having lots of water gain because of the angioedema, hives, prednisone and TOM. Let me just say, I always thought prednisone made me hungry before - but actually the thirst is what is killing me! I already drink 1 gallon a day, and at night I keep getting up because I am so thirsty, I am thinking I drank 2 gallons - I am really going to need to up the salt today if I don't want to pass out due to lack of sodium. I saw 155 two days this week, so I will keep on keeping on.

    Ladies, you are killing me with the ninja creami, so expensive - but since I live in Texas and we are already in the 90's... I mean, yeah, I would use it all the time! The husband even okayed it, but I don't know if he was thinking about the price or all the delicious nutritious ice cream I would make that would: be safe for his diabetes, and hit some protein macros!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Ladies, you are killing me with the ninja creami, so expensive - but since I live in Texas and we are already in the 90's... I mean, yeah, I would use it all the time! The husband even okayed it, but I don't know if he was thinking about the price or all the delicious nutritious ice cream I would make that would: be safe for his diabetes, and hit some protein macros!

    I must've gotten confused, I thought the ninja creami was only 100ish, but maybe that was a mother's day sale, when I looked at it. I certainly won't get it for $240, yikes.

    I'm also considering getting a cuisinart instead, that's only around $60. I'd love to get the kitchenaid attachment to use my stand mixer even more, but the attachment by itself is $99. :scream: Ice cream makers, man. They're a racket and a half.
  • biohazardinc
    biohazardinc Posts: 95 Member
    edited May 2022
    I posted a reply earlier but for whatever reason my phone wouldn’t let me post my reply! Anyways thank you guys for the birthday wishes!

    @CupcakeCrusoe Yes! I had a few accessories on my old bike but the phone stand was crappy. We haven’t moved the kids seat over to my new bike yet but I’m so very excited to get everything moved over. I just ordered a new phone stand and a seat cover because yikes what the hell do the make bike seats out of?? I’m thinking it must be cement…It’s been ungodly hot the last few days but hoping to take the kids to the nearby state park. @justanotherloser007 We looked into top getting a Ninja Creami. I think you are right I think it WAS in the $100s but for some reason around Christmas last year they went way up in price and are hard to find in stores. We have the Kitchenaid attachement for ice cream maker the only complain I have is the advanced planning needed for that. You have to have frozen then bowl for at least 24 hours before you can use it and sometimes you just want ice cream NOW.

    @pamperedlinny I always get worried I’ll look like a weirdo and that all these talented people will be dancing circles around my inexperienced and no stamina butt.
  • biohazardinc
    biohazardinc Posts: 95 Member
    I recommend this food scale to everyone too! It’s so awesome!!!
