

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,877 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,327 Member
    edited July 2022
    I did a quick count of plant foods for the last few days and got to 31. Some of those were spices, but I know my diet is super healthy. I'm trying to make it even better, by deliberately varying the veg. Different coloured lettuce, or cabbage, are two different items. The darker the better. Red is also good. I do eat the occasional bagel, and focaccia, but I'm looking to have those less often. I rarely eat sugar. Fruit juice is very bad for you.

    Barbara - The Cuban beans were from a microwavable packet. I feel guilty when I use something in plastic, as it is terrible for the environment, but DH is not as keen on beans as me, so it is super convenient. I hope they can sort out an environmentally friendly version soon. My DDIL won't allow plastic packaging, except where there is no alternative.

    Anti fragility. My DDIL is currently writing her next book on PTG. Post Traumatic Growth. Most of you know what a difficult childhood I had, and it took me most of my life to understand it and come through it. It is only really since I started writing my memoirs that I have felt at peace with it. For me, happiness comes from accepting the difficult truths and growing through them. For many years I was wandering around in a fog. I highly recommend "The Way of Integrity", by Martha Beck.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,783 Member
    Morning ladies
    Wow woke up all stuffed up..must be allergies
    Watching little boy this morning,getting Homer out then..have a cardiologist appointment and hopefully going to the concert tonight.
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,355 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :) Welcome Victoria I hope you keep coming back, This is a good place for encouragement and support and to share what's going on with you.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited July 2022
    Morning, afternoon and evening, y'all,

    Victoria - welcome! Sounds like you're on the right track. Just let us know what you'd like us to call you and a vague location to identify you. Becoming 50, by the way, was awesome, and 60 is even better. B)

    Barely 8 a.m. and over 80 degrees already--predicted to get to 104. The straw-colored grass is crunchy, it's so dry. We're under water restrictions of course, and a burn ban. The current streak of high temps is supposed to break late Friday and through the weekend, with high rain chances... but next week we step back in the oven. Bleah.

    Did go to Walmart yesterday, and somehow completely skipped over the one thing I needed most. I'm going to swan down there as soon as I hit reply on this. Need to stop at the quilting circle on the way back and see if any of them knows anyone who works on water wells. We need ours tested and possibly a new pump and pressure tank. We need the water well going in order to get off city water that we pay for by the gallon.

    Onward and upward, my chickens!

    Lisa in AR

  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 619 Member
    OMG Heather, what a panic! We have a freezer in the garage that we worry about all the time! I really have to get one of those magnet locks for it... one of those "gotta-do-it" things. It's very old, but totally reliable, but the way it's positioned, there's just "this much" of a vacuum that prevents it from closing if you don't PUSH IT closed. Every so often, one of the littles goes in there to grab an icee and forgets and it's just a smidge and we don't notice until we do. Usually it's not a huge deal except for the caked frost!!! Unless it's 90deg, in July or August (or like it was in June this year) Hence the magnet idea. We finally had to tell them just NOT to go in there at all. Heck, Freddy's even had it happen to him, so we can't really get mad at them.

    Oh geez, Michele, that's horrible! The tree is a wonderful idea.

    I HAVE TO CHIME IN HERE about the balloons!!! PLEASE DON'T RELEASE BALLOONS!!! They're so terrible for the environment and I am NOT a huge tree-hugger at all, but the balloon releases are horrible for the birds and wildlife and they clog up the rivers and stream and they end up landing in peoples yards and well just anywhere and everywhere. It's really just disgusting. Don't even get me started about those "memorial" Chinese lanterns! Those things are even worse! Do you have any idea how many fires those have started?!? On trees, bushes, even homes!
    Sorry, not really sorry. That's just my soapbox. I'll stop now.

    It's funny, Tracey. I think I've apologized more to my mom in the last thirty years than I ever did while I was living with her. I know what your friend is talking about. For better or worse, our daughter has an only son. I don't think she's going to ever "get it" because I don't think he's going to give her nearly the heartache.

    Hi Victoria! Welcome! Good luck with your choices and your journey. We're here for you.

    That's all for today. Carla, in MN
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,930 Member
    Tracey “ Barbie - I wish I had been taught the financial lessons you were. My parents were both spenders and I try not to be. If I didn’t have family and people I loved it would be much easier for me. I like spoiling others.”
    Me too. Sounds just like me.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,783 Member
    Miles on nap #4 he doesnt take long ones.. so he took 2 before we went to see mom,and 2 afterwards...
    I have to skidaddle when Tracy gets home and get gas in the car and go check on Alfie then down to the Cardiologist appt
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,930 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,098 Member
    Pip good luck with your shoulder!

    Annie in Delaware
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,522 Member
    edited July 2022
    Hugs to those having doctor appts, dealing with physical issues. I hope life treats you kindly, and healing is swift and strong.
    To those of you in hellish temperatures, I hope you get some relief soon, maybe a wee bit of rain to lower the temperature a bit. Its suppose to be in the upper 70's today. That's as hot as I have seen it. We have all the windows open and appreciating the breezes!
    Yesterday I made vanilla cupcakes for husband as he had picked it out last shopping run. It was wonderful having the scent in the house. They came out light and fluffy. I had three... With chocolate frosting... I ate each like a sandwich with frosting in the middle of it. Saw a video of a gal twisting off the bottom and lying it on top so when you take a bite, you don't get frosting up your nose. Brilliant! Today is a new day, plus yesterday I closed my eating window early at about 4 pm. Eating lunch today at 12 noon so that's 20 hrs fasted. It feels nice to wake up empty, plus I sleep better without a meal in it. Getting back to a 20/4 which is the routine I love. I sometimes share the evening meal with husband, but I either fix it early for my mail meal at noon, or I eat my portion the next day. This week we shared taco meat so it wasn't a big deal to just make him shells at 5 pm, warming up the meat.
    Yesterday was a breakfast burrito, eggs, bacon, slices of tomato, guacamole, and cut up hash brown patty in a warmed flour tortilla. It was heaven.
    Last night I went to sleep listening to our owls in the trees. So lulling.
    My eldest sailor got his birthday box (fairly quick as I sent it a week and a half ago). He was happy. I should hear from Chaplain sometime this week about youngest sailor. Fingers crossed.🙏👍
    On August 1st I get my second dose of the shingles shot. Not looking forward to that!
    Hugs all!
  • bethe
    bethe Posts: 79 Member
    To the person with the broken washing machine (was it Carol?):
    A friend of mine is a plumber, and he's always told me to avoid electronics on washers and dryers as much as possible. Go for dials instead. That way regular plumbers have a good chance of being able to fix a machine when it breaks.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,327 Member
    Picked up the girls and had fun with them. My planned meal was a hit! Even Bea ate it!
    Then my son arrived to take Max and Edie to their swimming class. He left Bea with us for another hour or more. Not in the plan. :o
    We watched Madagascar, which I had recorded and we all enjoyed it. We definitely needed a drink when he finally came back to pick her up.
    Next time on Sunday.
    England/Sweden women's semi final tonight. DH will be watching.

    Will edit another chapter tomorrow. I wimped out this morning with shopping and cooking and washing hair etc. Tomorrow is clear.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member