

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,366 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    Hello all! Still stopping in daily and reading.
    Katla- So happy you and your DH are together and he is recovering with your help.
    Heather- Slovenia! What a great experience for the family! lol Good luck to Edie with the ice cream!
    Allie- I think I missed it; why are you staying at Tom and Elena's? Also, I hope Tracey and Kyle can get the furnace situation sorted. When money was tight for us; we would use Home Depot for our maintenance and repairs, because we could charge it to our HD account. (They contract everything out to local tradesmen)
    L- You and I are at about the same weight. It is a hard road, but we can do this. I have about 100 lb I want to lose. Your desert life is very interesting to me. Do you read a lot or have a hobby that keeps you busy?
    Beth- So sorry to hear about the lack of military honors at your dad's service. I, too, am wondering if finding color/honor guard is getting harder, due to the age of the guard volunteers and due to covid concerns. Still something that you should have known about beforehand, so that you could maybe plan to honor him another way. Hugs to you!
    Lisa- Levi has gotten so big! I am happy to hear Kelsey is "moving on"; and at the same time hoping she takes some time to be comfortable with herself before looking for someone to "fill a gap".
    Machka- Glad to hear your ride went well! Rest. Rest. Rest. You need and deserve it!
    Pip- You and Kirby are campers par excellence! You should think about doing a "camping over 50" vlog.
    Tracey- Love the denim ceramic vase/pot! You are truly skilled!

    My field trip went off well. The kids and I had a great time and, as always, we entertain the locals as we make our way around the downtown area in our tie-dye shirts. lol Each field trip we visit a "new" business for lunch and snack. This trip we visited a food truck called Crepes by the Lakes. I got the kids basic ham and cheese crepes and I got a lovely vegetarian crepe. The two young ladies working the food truck were very patient and one of them came out and helped me pick up the kids so that they each had a turn watching how their crepes were being made. The kids were very impressed with the size of the crepes. 1lcj4l6za27z.jpglu56snnacke9.jpg

    lol It brought up a memory, that I still laugh about. When my daughter graduated from high school, I prepared all of the food for her grad party. She wanted an international theme; so we had (Spain/Mexico) a taco bar, (Switzerland) a fondue bar with chocolate and cheese and appropriate dippers, and (France) a crepe bar with crepes and a choice of savory and sweet toppings. Oh, how I remember the crepe marathon. I made 500 crepes for that party. The things I did for that child! My son, god bless him, wanted a sandwich buffet, salads, and rootbeer floats. Boys are SOOOO much easier!

    Well, I need to get busy. Today is my food prep day. On my cooking list is: banana bread, granola, black bean burger mix, and stir fry sauce for tomorrow's stir fry. Yesterday, I got my old wooden swing cut up and ready to be burned, and I moved some rolls of hog wire fencing so that they are now back behind my shed in the back yard. Found a snake while doing so. It was a hoggie; so he was startled and automatically assumed the "dead" position. :D He stayed that way long enough for DH to get outside and see him.
    He is not a "nature guy" so it kind of freaked him out when I picked it up and it stayed "dead". AND NO...I did not chase him around the yard with it. lol Talk to you all later. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    Awww thx. I told Kirby he said Our way of camping is not for everyone. People want major comfort TV on the outside, slide outs and all the extras. Weโ€™ve had almost every one passing our campsite looking and commenting on how cute it was. On our 1st day alone we had about 5 couples asking to see inside and take pictures.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,358 Member
    Rebecca--I understand where you are at. It is easy for eating to get away from us. Even though I haven't tracked 100% everything since quitting smoking (and picked up some extra!), daily weighing food when I can and logging is the only thing that has helped me. Just keep the end in mind and do what moves you more towards that. No need to beat yourself up. No one can stay on a plan 100%-what's important is to get back with the plan-not throw it out because of misstep.

    Ginny in Ohio
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Carol - Same here in the binge department. Not sure what triggered your dreams or what the significance is. :) I know I dream a lot but can't remember them - I don't think they are unpleasant.

    Evey - thank you for the insight on the medical shortages in BC. Many GP's in our area have gone to the big city where I guess they make a lot more money. The shortages have been filled by Nurse Practitioners or Physician Assistants in many clinics, who all seem to do a good job from what I understand and are quick to refer patients to specialists who are sometimes booked out for months. When I had my last surgery, I had a Nurse Anesthesiologist, and when DH was in the hospital, the Hospitalist was a Nurse Practitioner as well.

    Your granddaughter a pole dancer, lol. Cute! :D

    Lisa - glad the missing wallet was found and glad DD's new squeeze is caring and mature. Now back to normal for you, Corey and Egg ;)

    The house is fragrant with steamed broccoli and salmon patties. :D

    It has warmed up again. I tackled another box of old stuff - things my sis boxed up after my mom died. Most of it will go to the thrift store. Have another one to go through tomorrow, plan to drop off on Tuesday when I'm in town.

    Have a good evening!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member