

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Good Morning!


    Karen in Virginia
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 619 Member
    He loves that bed, 1derland99! Just bought it on a lark and he went to it and tis his FAVE! When we had the duct crew here yesterday, I moved it into the kitchen, where I had him tethered, and he was quite happy.
    OMG! Y'all be careful out there. Prayers for safety of everyone.

    EWE! The talk of rats just makes my skin crawl... so I'm trying to skim that.

    I just can't imagine y'all living miles and miles from "civilization". I mean, sometimes I dream of living "off the grid" kinda. NOT offline, but away from some people. Sometimes people are just too peoply for me. But someone would have to teach my how to do all that you do to survive... like what you're saying. Preparing to shop for a MONTH or more. The closest we got to that was 40 years ago, when we lived in northern WI and we lived 30 miles from the nearest major town. But we still had a small town grocery store in town. We just had to go to Rhinelander to do any BIG shopping. And being from "the cities", the locals thought I was nutz that I just drove down there on a lark. I told them that that was my daily commute before we'd moved! Needless to say, we didn't last long up there. In fact, I informed Freddy we weren't staying when I noticed snowflakes on Labor Day. (that's supposed to be the end of summer, NOT the beginging of winter)

    Oh dang, Heather, I hate it when I do that and I am the QUEEN of "catching" myself. Ankles, knees, hips, elbows, whatever. I had a frozen shoulder last year. Don't know if I was in this group at the time. OMG... WORST pain in the world. When I finally got to the PT, he actually said it was the worst case he'd ever seen. I'd never heard of it. One of those things they "don't know what causes it" but then you just get it and you don't know what to do! I was in PT for almost a year with mine. My PT actually had it himself and only had about two months of therapy. Now, whenever I get a kink in my neck, on that side? I freak out! I have residual pain memory!!! LOL

    Good luck, Beth. I know that is one of the hardest decisions. We were fortunate that both moms were still able to move into assisted living before needing nursing care. Prayers that you find what you need very soon.

    We're working on planning our own funerals here. Not the most fun subject, but we don't want the kids to have to think about any of that stuff when the time comes. Having gone thru it with our son-in-law, of course at such a young age, we know that it's a horribly confusing and emotionally stressful time. This way they can just go to the funeral home and open a file and it's all set.

    Carla, in MN
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    Yes she makes my heart sing too VickiπŸ˜πŸ’–! I miss her voice! I need to post the video of her singing as she was riding one of the rides. Precious! She is going to be her mommas rollercoaster partner soon enough.😁
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member

    Oh dang, Heather, I hate it when I do that and I am the QUEEN of "catching" myself. Ankles, knees, hips, elbows, whatever. I had a frozen shoulder last year. Don't know if I was in this group at the time. OMG... WORST pain in the world. When I finally got to the PT, he actually said it was the worst case he'd ever seen. I'd never heard of it. One of those things they "don't know what causes it" but then you just get it and you don't know what to do! I was in PT for almost a year with mine. My PT actually had it himself and only had about two months of therapy. Now, whenever I get a kink in my neck, on that side? I freak out! I have residual pain memory!!! LOL

    Frozen shoulders are the worst. I put off getting mine checked too long and the worst thing I did(found out later) was to not move it, thinking I had torn something and didn't want to damage further-they said that is why it froze even more. By the time I went in, I had no movement at all.
    The pain when it was totally frozen wasn't to bad but that PT to get it moving was terrible.
    For me though, the worst part was the MRI I had to get before it to see what was wrong with it.
    Didn't realize until I was going into that machine just how bad my claustrophobia was. She had to stop the machine, put my hands under my thighs to try and stop the shaking and a towel over my eyes.
    She said we could stop and reschedule but my dh was heading for China in a couple days and if we rescheduled so I could have meds to put me out, he would have to drive me. I couldn't wait the three weeks until he got back. So, sucked it up. I remember hearing her voice and thinking great, I made it, just to hear her say,"you're doing a great job, we are HALF way through"
    I was barely able to walk back to my car. Stopping a few times because I was shaking so bad- sat in my car for 20 min so I was able to at least drive the 10 min back home.
    Now, if that shoulder feels a bit stiff, I am in the hottest shower and really moving it. NOT going through that again.
    I too seem to be having issues with "catching"- Same as you- hip, knee, ankle, back. Knee started up again yesterday, put my brace on and went walking anyway. By the time I got back 45 min later, it wasn't as bad- ankle started to act up while walking but I ignored it and kept walking.
    I am hoping if I loose the extra weight that I will have less of those pains.

    Napa Valley,CA

    Carla, in MN

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Allie we installed ductless too about 10 years ago for A/C. It is good for heating to a point. It is too cold here to rely on it for heat in the dead of winter. It did help us when it took a month to get a new furnace last fall. It is important if they go ductless to get a company that is well known to do this work. If it is not installed properly it can be a real headache. It is powered by electricity so portion of their utility bill will go up accordingly. If they have a basement they will need to use space heaters down there. I have trouble at son's house with the basement with our 30 below temps. Son's house was built in the twenties. Ideally you do not want any part of your home to get below 50 in the winter to make sure pipes do not freeze. Our heating system is 3 zones. A thermostat on every level and controlled be an electonic board in basement. We had both the board and furnance installed eight years ago Yes the furnance part only lasted 7 years.
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,366 Member
    Margaret ~ Very, very pretty gardens! :)

    Carol in GA
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    B)B) Just got back from walking Leah, it is still quite hot and I'm feeling a bit sticky so going to have a shower.

    Hope everyone is doing okay - I need to catch up, I'll try to do that in the morning .

    Take care and love to all <3
    Viv UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 50min 3sec, 6.91mi= 656c
    Strava app = 787c
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Evening ladies
    Im over with Homer,we have had a good day so far but he is wandering the house looking for dad.. geesh I feel.so bad..i have fed and walked them ,he has had naps and relaxed but he is just beside himself without daddy here.. I just gave him his pain med so hopefully he relaxes in a bit..
    It was a glorious day here today,fabulous weather,Tracy,Kyle and Miles went Hiking.
    I have my kindle up and running.. only thing that feels weird is sleeping here after 4 yrs
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Margaret- loved the pictures o the gardens. That is one of my fondest memories from our three years in England, the beautiful gardens.
    L- glad you are going to Vegas. We would go to just people watch. 😊
    Bad night last night but I got u-p and taught the class this morning. Came home, ate breakfast and took a two hour nap. Enjoy today everyone.
    SueBDew in TX