

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,797 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Home from watching the little guy..
    Tracy came home and was talking to Kyle on the phone and practically in tears.. they were supposed to go to the beach for family pictures done. Well he gets his hair cut every other weekend at the barber ,and the barber is full and she has had this set up since May.. this was supposed to be her birthday present a family portrait..
    And a company came to do a energy audit ,and couldn't because there was asbestos on the pipes,on the furnace.. the energy audit will help them get a 4000.00 rebate
    And they have radiator heat.so they need new heating system with new furnace..
    So she was almost in tears..
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,022 Member
    1derland99 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Carla - @minicooper452 Your doggie Harley is adorable. He looks quite comfortable sitting in his little bed.🐶❤️

    Lisa - @LisaInArkansas you have a beautiful family ☺️

    Sue - @suebdew I had to laugh at your drone remark but then I got to thinking that such an idea could seriously catch on for those of us living out here.

    Debbie - @dlfk202000
    That's a lot of cats you have 🐱 I don't have cats myself but my youngest son has one (Flash Bandicoot 🤣) and he can be very 'demanding' at times. They also have a doggie, Mr. Fluffy (Mixed Pomeranian). My son loves his cat, but my daughter-in-law, not so much. When they come to visit, she always asks me "Do you want a cat??" "Are you sure you don't want a cat"? LMAO! My answer to her is always NO!

    Speaking of rats...I need more MOTH BALLS!! Out here in the desert boonies we have a LOT of very large pack rats that will DESTROY the wiring in your vehicles, especially ones that are not driven often. We have an older F250 that we use specifically for towing. We drive it a few miles each week (it's a diesel and gets temperamental if not driven every so often) but when it's sitting during the week I have to shove mothballs down down into the wiring harness and I lay a bag of moth balls directly on top of the engine (under the hood) so the rats will stay away. If not, they will chew through the wiring in our truck. Moth balls seems to be the ONLY remedy we have found that works.

    'L' ~ Mojave Desert Boonies[/b]

    It was not planned to have that many cats. All but the last two(who came from son's girlfriend- she had to move and couldn't take them with her.If we didn't take them, they were going to be let loose in the marsh area to fend for themselves.) all found us- all formerly feral.
    Husband is a softy when it comes to animals, especially cats- they get more attention than I do!!
    We were up to six inside, then Rovin brought her two, then my favorite one, Umaku passed away suddenly from heart failure and blood clot that left him paralized-happened very quick


    We have had dogs in the past. The last one died a year and a half ago. A month later, my husband's favorite of the cats, our deaf girl Shima. (two months before that, my dad passed away- NOT a good year, for sure)- We will get another dog but just not right now.

    I walk my mother in laws dog almost every day since she fell and broke bones in her wrist/hand plus 3 ribs- I don't know if she will ever be able to walk him again. He will NOT be our next dog when she can no longer take care of him. My husband is staying with her the past two plus months and does all the feeding of both of them. The dog is too crazy. Doesn't do well with cats and digs up everything- We will find another home for him but I have told my husband it will not be here.

    Napa Valley,CA

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,088 Member
    Allie we have radiator heat so yes I feel for Tracy at the cost of replacement. What she is talking about is the new furnace plus the new electronics board to regulate the furnance. It is more expensive than just getting a new furnace. When we got our new furnance last fall we only had to get the furnace piece because the other part had already been updated. Still expensive enough.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,949 Member
    Coughing all night and feeling awful today. Tested but negative CoVid. Blah! Hate summer colds!!

    Matchka my book number is close to 12 too. I have audiobooks, Many Kjndle books and “real” books in my camper. Gotta be close to 300! I know I had that many before moving to a camper! Lol. I counted up all the authors I follow and didn’t realize it is close to 10! Surprised myself! I absolutely love bookstores and even just book aisles. I just this week read a chapter and bought a book at Target waiting for DH to get out of dentists! Lol

    Lanette have you tried Carvana? They pay pretty good for vehicles of every condition and come pick them up for you.

    Allie try some eggs bought from a local farm. Sometimes people are allergic to all the hormones commercial growers give their chickens.

  • user2757363
    user2757363 Posts: 35 Member
    Debbie @dlfk202000
    I just noticed you live in Napa, CA....

    Many MANY years ago we were stationed in Vallejo, CA (Mare Island Shipyard) back when the shipyard was still open. My husband was attached to the Tug Ops (USN) for 3 years..
    We moved there from Guam (our oldest son was born in Guam).
    We actually bought our first 'new' car (in CONUS) at a dealership in Napa, CA because when we shipped our 'Guam Bomb' (rusted out 1980 Chevy Cavalier that had a broomstick handle shoved in the radiator hose so that it wouldn't leak, haha...long story) somebody STOLE the catalytic convertor off it and as such it wouldn't pass CA Smog. When we inquired how much it would cost to get a new catalytic convertor installed the mechanic took one look at our trusted Guam Bomb and told us that it probably would be better and cheaper (in the long run) to buy a new car 😂 🤣

    'L' ~ Mojave Desert Boonies
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,022 Member
    1derland99 wrote: »
    Debbie @dlfk202000
    I just noticed you live in Napa, CA....

    Many MANY years ago we were stationed in Vallejo, CA (Mare Island Shipyard) back when the shipyard was still open. My husband was attached to the Tug Ops (USN) for 3 years..
    We moved there from Guam (our oldest son was born in Guam).
    We actually bought our first 'new' car (in CONUS) at a dealership in Napa, CA because when we shipped our 'Guam Bomb' (rusted out 1980 Chevy Cavalier that had a broomstick handle shoved in the radiator hose so that it wouldn't leak, haha...long story) somebody STOLE the catalytic convertor off it and as such it wouldn't pass CA Smog. When we inquired how much it would cost to get a new catalytic convertor installed the mechanic took one look at our trusted Guam Bomb and told us that it probably would be better and cheaper (in the long run) to buy a new car 😂 🤣

    'L' ~ Mojave Desert Boonies

    Did you live in the military housing there- Federal Terrace area?
    If so, I walk my mother in laws dog around there almost every day.
    My FIL worked on Mare Island after getting out of the Air Force.
    My first hubby and I lived at Hamilton AFB (CG stationed at Alameda on a cutter)and our neighbor was stationed on Mare Island-on one of the nuclear subs.- The Parchee. Another was on the Enterprise
  • user2757363
    user2757363 Posts: 35 Member
    I don't recall if the housing tracks had a name to them...but I did a google search and honestly, while Daniel's Ave rings a distinct bell to me as far as streets / addresses go, looking at images of the units I do NOT remember the buildings having fenced in backyards. (I'm 100% certain of that) and we also didn't have carports etc.

    gosh it's been 25 odd years ago so I'm sure the housing complexes have been renovated since we lived there...
    My memory is shot these days as to the actual street we lived on.
    We lived many city & states over those 20 years of active duty...

    After all of these years I would hope that the theft rate has come down in that general area since we lived there, LOL! Now that I DO remember...

    No joke, our first week in Vallejo, CA our household goods had not yet arrived from Guam so the neighbor let us use their washing machine to wash our clothes then I hung everything to dry overnight on the clothesline that was a few feet behind our back door. Each row of houses had their own clothesline running right down the middle between the rows.

    The next morning my husband went outside to grab the clothes off the line and they were ALL gone...who ever it was was kind enough to leave us the clothes pegs😂 🤣
    They had taken numerous pairs of my hubby's 501 Levi jeans, along with several other items of clothing AND even my husbands underwear...middle of the night, right off the line. Needless to say we purchased a washer and dryer that same day, on home layaway, from the Navy Exchange, lol...

    We had to park our cars on the street, and I recall many of our neighbors had their cars broken into during our stay there...thankfully we did not have this happen to us.
    There was a lot of theft going on around that area back then..not sure if it's still that way but we were happy to finally get into the base housing on Mare Island itself.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,797 Member
    Margaret- yes Tracy and Kyles house was built in the late 40s early 50s they are going with the ductless so it would be the heat and air that are not through a pump but the newer models you see in homes ,what is it called ductless? I dont know..
    Anyway..Tracy has Miles down and Kyle and Carmine are off to see Santana tonight at the casino.. last concert they went to,I told them they need to wear ear plugs.i bought them some.. grandma is smart. They brought them with them this time...
    I have most of my stuff packed for my overnight..finally have the windows open for overnight which is wonderful.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,022 Member
    1derland99 wrote: »
    I don't recall if the housing tracks had a name to them...but I did a google search and honestly, while Daniel's Ave rings a distinct bell to me as far as streets / addresses go, looking at images of the units I do NOT remember the buildings having fenced in backyards. (I'm 100% certain of that) and we also didn't have carports etc.

    gosh it's been 25 odd years ago so I'm sure the housing complexes have been renovated since we lived there...
    My memory is shot these days as to the actual street we lived on.
    We lived many city & states over those 20 years of active duty...

    After all of these years I would hope that the theft rate has come down in that general area since we lived there, LOL! Now that I DO remember...

    No joke, our first week in Vallejo, CA our household goods had not yet arrived from Guam so the neighbor let us use their washing machine to wash our clothes then I hung everything to dry overnight on the clothesline that was a few feet behind our back door. Each row of houses had their own clothesline running right down the middle between the rows.

    The next morning my husband went outside to grab the clothes off the line and they were ALL gone...who ever it was was kind enough to leave us the clothes pegs😂 🤣
    They had taken numerous pairs of my hubby's 501 Levi jeans, along with several other items of clothing AND even my husbands underwear...middle of the night, right off the line. Needless to say we purchased a washer and dryer that same day, on home layaway, from the Navy Exchange, lol...

    We had to park our cars on the street, and I recall many of our neighbors had their cars broken into during our stay there...thankfully we did not have this happen to us.
    There was a lot of theft going on around that area back then..not sure if it's still that way but we were happy to finally get into the base housing on Mare Island itself.

    yep, that is the area- MIL lives on that street, has for well close to 60 yrs. I have been over here 30. That park is where Kobe and I walk.
    Yes, they have redone the housing, not military any more.
    Crime rate still sucks but there are other areas of town that are worse.
    my neighbor that lived next to me at Hamilton had lived over there in that housing for a short time then moved by us. Her husband would rather drive from Novato over to Mare Island than live in that housing- it was terrible back then(that was almost 40 yrs ago.)
  • user2757363
    user2757363 Posts: 35 Member
    Small world... :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,164 Member
    edited August 2022
    Good morning ladies!

    I only got 10 points on the book lover's quiz which surprised me. I am old fashioned about it- I don't see the point of following authors, and tracking what I read is too much like work. Amazon already knows too much about me. Anyway right now I am reading "One Dharma" by Joseph Goldstein about Buddhism, and a murder mystery by Christine Dodd.

    Have a great day, 😊

    Annie in Delaware

    I keep an Excel list. :)

    And although I don't actively follow any authors right now, I do look some up and read about them.

    drkatiebug wrote: »
    I scored 11 on the booklover's quiz. I felt like one of the questions should be "Do you read more than one book at a time?" I usually have a real book, an electronic book, and an audio book all going simultaneously.

    Welcome to all the new folks.

    I agree.

    Or even about enjoying a variety of genres. :)

    I often have a mystery or similar going for relaxation plus something related to the brain or data or something.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,164 Member
    During the first couple weeks of August ...

    Today ... before the rain ...

    M in Oz

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,883 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    edited August 2022
    Did something to my right knee last night. I was just walking up the steep stairs to the top bedroom. Felt a little catch and it hurt for a minute, then an 'uncatch' and it was a bit better, but still sore and stiff. I will definitely not be running today! :o I will not do exercise this morning and limit myself to an early visit to the paper shop. A slow waddle.
    Very hot most of last night and another hot day today. I was fine with my fan blowing. Had to cover myself at dawn and switch the fan off.
    Things should start changing tomorrow.

    Sending love and hugs to all those on this thread missing departed loved ones. <3 I will ring my friend L today. She always feels worse in good weather, remembering their joy in sitting outside in their garden. Somehow, the world feels at odds.

    So, a lazy day ahead for me. >:)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,361 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,361 Member