November 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • tarun_yadavA
    tarun_yadavA Posts: 1,169 Member
    Good Morning all!
    Back-to-back 7s for me.
    Will have to rethink running schedules a bit, as ⚽World cup starts from today +there are some big games with Morning kick-offs.

    Have a nice Sunday!!! 😊
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,901 Member
    @martaindale you are SO well going to plan. I think you are smart to do a little easing for the achilles and hope that it behaves itself!

    @Teresa502 challenges ALWAYS help me as long as they are forgiving and not out of reach. My challenge to run 1500 (after doing RTY last year and 1600 in 2021) is helping me close out the year running in not so pleasant weather. Enjoy the vacay!

    @AlphaHowls you ALWAYS have the most gorgeous photos. Sometimes I wish I ran with my phone or that my watch took photos. I also miss "riding the sun down" and sunset photos thru the ears.

    @Scott6255 I am so impressed. To think I actually know someone who is going to qualify for Boston in just a few weeks. You have really been so ON TARGET with your plan also!

    @eleanorhawkins so glad to hear that your recovery is going well! Did you ever figure out what the terrible pain was from a couple months ago?

    @quilteryoyo looking forward to photos and a race report from FLA in a few weeks. I think you are in the taper stage also. :D

    @tarun_yadavA I am laughing at your alliterative Sunday Sleasy run! Surely watching the world cup athletes will motivate you to get out there and train even harder. I know watching the pros play tennis I am usually psyched.

    @polskagirl01 I hope all is going well with your strength and alternate training. perhaps Dec the energy will miraculously appear again and you will join us!

    @shanaber I think we need some Hobbes porn. It's been a few pages... <3

    Still grey and cold here in Tx but the good news is that it wasn't really actively raining on me today for my run altho I started to see drops toward the end. And by next week we will be back to 70 and sunny so patience is all it takes .... and layers!

    I am up to 94.3 for the month out of 120 goal which I hope to exceed. 1368 for the year out of 1500 goal so on pace. I decided a few days ago to do 5 per day and then I got motivated and did 10K yesterday and 7 miles today. I think the cold weather must make my legs numb so I just keep going or something. 🤷‍♀️ I did see a great grey heron cruising in the sky yesterday but other than that it's been pretty quiet for animals with the weather in the 30's and rainy/drizzly.

    I got a mani/pedi for the first time in about 5 months and was shocked to see that both my big toe nails had bruising on them. I remember quite well they both were very achy after my 8 mile run on 3 Nov but since I wear polish and the ache went away I never realized. I guess THAT pair of shoes (yeah - it was the shoes) is not suitable to longer runs. I have started putting gel polish on my toenails now and it seems to be helping with keeping them from getting vertical cracks like they like to do anymore.


  • tarun_yadavA
    tarun_yadavA Posts: 1,169 Member
    @Teresa502 - well done on the 5K in the cold 🙌

    @SummerSkier - you'll nail 1500 ! And hope your big toe[s?] heal soon
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Easy 6 mile recovery treadmill run this afternoon. Felt good.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    41.60/70 mile goal

    I had a little bit of extra time between church and lunch today, so decided to run two miles and walk one....on the treadmill. The run was a run/walk at 6.0/5.0/3.8 mph for 1.5/1.5/2 minutes. I haven't been running much lately, as you know, but I was surprised when trying for 6.0 mph for 3 minutes was too much. Oh well, not my current emphasis. The average pace for the run was 12:14 min/mile. Avg HR was 134 bpm with a max of 154 bpm.

    Great job on your 5K on a cold Sunday morning @kgirlhart !

    Nice 7 mile run @tarun_yadavA ! Hope you can figure out a schedule that allows you to watch the World Cup.

    Great job on your Turkey Trot @Teresa502 ! Look how far you have come in 10 years!

    Glad you are having some great runs @SummerSkier. You are doing great and am confident that you will make your goal for the year. I hope your toenails don't get worse and glad they aren't hurting.

  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    @SummerSkier all the tests came back fine so in the end they said it was stress-induced gastritis. They put me on anti-acids first thing in the morning, which I should have weaned myself off by now but am still scared to stop taking, and a 'protective' diet and ordered me to get more sleep and avoid stress. Still waiting for useful advice on how to manage that!
  • tarun_yadavA
    tarun_yadavA Posts: 1,169 Member
    Morning all... Mondays. Ugh.

    Got my 9k in
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,751 Member
    Happy Monday! At least it's a short work week for some of us in the U.S. My usual running partners are either off this week or off with injury but my hiking friend who ran the Turkey Trot with me on Saturday texted yesterday and said if I ran early any morning this week to let her know so she joined me this morning. It was 19F and we ran 5 miles total bringing my monthly mileage to 57.82. My pace was a little slower than normal but I was glad to have the company.

    Congrats on completing your Hug a Runner challenge @kgirlhart!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    Nice running @kgirlhart ! I'm surprised you ran in shorts at those temps, but we are all different. I much prefer to be sweaty than shivering from the cold. Great job on the 5Ks too! And, almost to your month goal already. You are a beast!

    @eleanorhawkins Glad they didn't find anything, but it's frustrating when they say it's "stress, so stress less." Much easier said than done. I hope you can figure it out so you feel better.

    Another nice run @tarun_yadavA .

    @Teresa502 Glad you had company for your run today. It was 17F here. Way to cold for me to run outdoors. You amaze me.

  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,124 Member
    I much prefer to be sweaty than shivering from the cold.
    I heat up pretty fast and get sweaty easily. The problem for me with cold temps is if I overdress and start sweating, the wet areas of my clothes got COLD! That is so much worse than the dry cold of the first couple miles while I get warmed up. But, 36 F is also definitely not shorts and t-shirt weather for me either! I would be in leggings, long sleeves, some sort of ear cover, and gloves that would probably come off after a few miles. @kgirlhart is built different!

    @Teresa502 I loved your story of your first 5k. You're a runner!! I totally had that imposter syndrome thing when I started racing. Even as a solid middle of the pack runner, I still feel like I have to downplay things when talking to other runners. Sometimes I still feel like everyone around me is faster, more experienced.

    @SummerSkier Do you get bruised toenails easily? I just very recently got a tiny bit of bruising on one of my big toenails. I think it's a side effect of the recent significant bump in mileage and not due to a problem with my shoes. My feet have always been pretty bulletproof, but I always hear these stories about people getting black toenails and them falling off.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,124 Member
    November total: 129/200 miles

    11/1: 5 miles
    11/3: 10 miles
    11/5: 16 miles
    11/6: 5 miles
    11/7: 9.5 miles
    11/9: 5 miles
    11/10: 11 miles
    11/11: 8 miles
    11/12: 10 miles
    11/13: 7 miles
    11/14: 4 miles
    11:16: 11 miles
    11/17: 6.5 miles
    11/18: 16 miles
    11/20: 5 miles

    Easy 5 miles on the treadmill yesterday. My achilles felt ok through the majority of my run, with just a few twinges just before I hit 5 miles, so I cut it off there.

    I did a bunch of reading and found a few things to try to help keep it from becoming a problem again. Calf raises, straight leg and bent, seem to be the major consensus. It stresses the tendon just the right amount to allow it to heal stronger and keeps your calf from shortening even more as it gets tight and making it worse. Also, glute activation exercises. Is it just me, or does it seem like everything comes back to strong glutes? I actually noticed during my 16 miler that when I did my form check later in the run and focused on activating my glutes that the pain was actually better. So, I think I may have gotten a little lazy with that recently. So, I am mixing some activation exercises into my prerun routine and focusing on that while running.

    Now, I am fighting the urge to make up miles. This would have been my first and probably only 200 mile month. With a couple of missed runs now, it's not going to happen. Usually, my goals don't affect me that way as they are just the mileage I estimate from my plan. I know I need to just let it go. Nothing good comes of making up a handful of miles and I could end up overtraining or injuring myself. Oh, well.
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    @martaindale good to hear your Achilles is feeling better. I agree with you about the calf raises. I have been doing them religiously this year, and for the first year EVER, I have not had my typical lower leg (shin splints, calf, Achilles) injuries (well a few days of panic, but nothing that kept me from running).
    Also agree not to go for the 200 mile month. It is a cool goal, but your health and staying injury free is more important than an arbitrary mileage goal.

    @Teresa502 I also enjoyed hearing about your first 5K race and your journey.

    @kgirlhart you are much tougher than me. No way could I go for a run in shorts and t-shirt @ 36F!!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    43.6/70 mile goal

    I unexpectedly got called into work today. I had an appointment at 9:45 so only worked from about 10 - 4. I hope to get in a run in the morning, so opted for a driveway wun tonight. Was a true wun, with very little running thrown in to keep my HR up. It was 47°F, which felt a little chilly to me, but once I got going I was glad I decided on a driveway wun and not the treadmill. I did 2 miles in 29:05 min. Avg HR was 125 bpm. Max was 137 bpm.

    @martaindale You are correct about the sweaty clothes being cold. I forgot about that part. LOL Great job at listening to your body and stopping at 5 miles. Also smart to try to let go of those few miles you missed and not overdo and injure yourself. You are doing awesome. I'm glad you have found things that seem to be helping your Achilles.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited November 2022
    Hi all - I have been reading along and hugging/liking as appropriate. S much great running going on!
    I have gotten a few runs in. I has been so windy and dry here and now it is hot too. Supposed to be near 90 on Thanksgiving Day - yuck! I know so many of you have cold but I would really rather have cold than hot and dry. The humidity levels have been under 10% which makes my nose hurt and bleed and my allergies are going crazy from the dust. I was going to run today but the humidity levels should be a bit better tomorrow so I decided to run errands today instead.

    Yesterday when I ran we had a coyote apparently behind us when we came off the trail, maybe 20 feet back of us. I heard some people and turned to look at them and saw it. The coyote stopped and then ran at an angle across from us to a neighbor's lawn. The people who were out scooped up their pups and kids and put them inside as we all watched the coyote. It was clearly injured and not using one of its hind legs. I'm not sure exactly what it was thinking, maybe hoping someone would help it... It went first into the bushes by the house and then came out and just sat in the yard watching us watch it. I took some pictures and when I realized it wasn't going anywhere, called animal services. I hope they were able to find it, get it some care and relocate it.
    Oh and the run was short but felt amazing for once!!

    Last Thursday we took a drive up to apple country looking for some specialty apple butter for Christmas gifts. My husband wasn't feeling well but didn't tell me until we were there and then they didn't have any apple butter available. ☹️ They had a festival this last weekend and I suspect they were holding it back for that. All that to say, Hobbes had a wonderful time so pictures under the split for @SummerSkier

    Modeling his new Christmas jammies
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    I did a bunch of reading and found a few things to try to help keep it from becoming a problem again. Calf raises, straight leg and bent, seem to be the major consensus. It stresses the tendon just the right amount to allow it to heal stronger and keeps your calf from shortening even more as it gets tight and making it worse. Also, glute activation exercises. Is it just me, or does it seem like everything comes back to strong glutes? I actually noticed during my 16 miler that when I did my form check later in the run and focused on activating my glutes that the pain was actually better. So, I think I may have gotten a little lazy with that recently. So, I am mixing some activation exercises into my prerun routine and focusing on that while running.

    From everything I have read or been told it is a chain from your hips/glutes all the way down to your feet. If there is an issue at the top of the chain it can impact everything else down the chain. Same thing the other way too... If there is an issue at the bottom of the chain (shoes) it can through everything off all the way up the chain. So yes, it does often come back to strong glutes as they help keep everything else in alignment
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @shanaber Great running! I hope the weather is better for you today. I also hope animal control was able to help the coyote. Hobbes looks so dapper in that first picture. Love his Christmas PJs. :lol:

    Great job in getting out and getting your run in @tarun_yadavA .