November 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    Great run @SummerSkier . It's the drastic change in temperatures that gets me more than anything else. I'll probably be on the treadmill for at least a week.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @kgirlhart - maybe that skunk recognizes you and knows you aren't going to threaten it. It may also have been hoping it could hide beside you and/or be protected from the dog if it ran next to you! 🦨 I am glad you didn't react badly (I probably would have jumped/screamed) and didn't get sprayed!!

    Thanks for updating your miles in RTW @SummerSkier - We are no longer sinking into the cold Atlantic!

    Great running @tarun_yadavA!

    No run today. Got out for a good walk yesterday but didn't sleep well last night so now I am tired. Will get in a strength workout today and maybe a short pup walk and get out for a run tomorrow.

    For Sträva users have you found that it shorts the distance with the 'walk' selection? I walked what I know to be right about 3 miles yesterday and it gave me 2.74 and that was after I used the distance correction on the web version. Seems way off for a GPS issue but who knows.
  • tarun_yadavA
    tarun_yadavA Posts: 1,169 Member
    @quilteryoyo lovely pic of you and your aunt! 😊
  • tarun_yadavA
    tarun_yadavA Posts: 1,169 Member
    Morning all. Monday! Back to the grind.
    Got in a 9k
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    Thanks for the insight @AlphaHowls . I will try to do that.

    Thanks @tarun_yadavA . You are getting back to your normal speedy self. :smiley: