πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€***January 2023 WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE***πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€



  • agarcia2582
    agarcia2582 Posts: 28 Member
    I am excited to get my act together and lose some dang wt this year. There comes a point and time when you have to turn the corner and start making progress. I'm not sure how to do it but its front and center starting this new year. I did pretty well during the holidays, gained 1lb, now lets get to it. Have an awesome month and year everyone.

    January Start Weight: 273.4
    January Goal Weight: 268.0
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 220.0

    January 1: 273.4
    January 8: 272.9 Its a start
    January 15:273.3 Spinning my wheels here. Nothings working yet. I am working out more, eating hasn't been great, but not that bad either. Ticks me off that is for sure.
    January 22:
    January 29:
    January 31:

    Lbs lost : -0.1

    The same thing happened to me last week. I think it has to do with adding in activity, ironically. If you have dramatically increased your daily activity/exercise (I went from 1-2 15min sessions per week to 5-6 30min ones) it takes your body a minute to adjust. DON'T GET DISCOURAGED AND QUIT!! Find a different way to validate your choice to become healthier while you wait for the scale to catch up. Do you have more energy? Notice your clothes are fitting differently? Sleeping better? These are all indicators that you remain on the right path. We got this!