πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€***January 2023 WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE***πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€



  • NiigataA
    NiigataA Posts: 61 Member
    I've always found this helpful in the past! I'm focusing on movement. Getting out for more walks, incorporating weight training, etc. This time of year last year is where I really started spiralling and had a super tough winter so I want to be proactive this year and stay on top of eating well and being active as I know those will help me. I'm not super focused on quick weight loss right now, more slow and steady.

    January Start Weight: 147.6 lbs
    January Goal Weight: 146 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 125 lbs

    January 1: did not weigh in :smile:
    January 8:
    January 15:
    January 22:
    January 29:
    January 31:
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,925 Member
    Hi. Still trying to figure out how to use this forum. I posted in the wrong place and couldn’t figure out how to delete. Lol.

    I am trying this challenge in order to mix up my accountability options.

    January Start Weight: 252.5 lbs
    January Goal Weight: 248 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130 lbs

    January 1: 252.5 lbs
    January 8:
    January 15:
    January 22:
    January 29:
    January 31:

    To delete a post, click on the little "FLAG" icon in the bottom left corner of your post, then click on "Report." A small window will open. Click the radio button that says, "This is my post and I want to delete it." A staff member will probably get to it within the hour.
  • enlightenme3
    enlightenme3 Posts: 2,618 Member

    Thank you for continuing to post this monthly challenge into 2023. It's good to see so many people hop on board for the new year!

    This challenge is easy to participate in, and it's really great to see when people make progress and share the sorrow when there's a small backslide. All those backslides can be corrected if we just keep sticking to it. If the scale says something we don't like, we can just shake our head and KEEP MOVING FORWARD towards our goals. There WILL be setbacks. Sometimes they are short, sometimes they last a while. There WILL be plateaus where the scale just doesn't seem to move. Do NOT give up! Dust yourself off and get back at it TODAY.

    There will be times you want to take a little break. Go ahead. Go get off the main path and see the side attractions. Hike up to that panel of petroglyphs. But don't linger too long. Get back on the main path soon so you can keep making progress towards your goal. When you get to your goal, find a new goal! It does work.

    I have one additional challenge for people who have been on this challenge for a long time and for the new folks: STICK TO IT!!!! Don't give up if there's a day or seven that don't go well. Keep at it! Don't just complete this month, but join the next month's challenge too, because I know that @enlightenme3 will keep posting them. I want to see each and every one of you here at the end of the March Challenge, and as a bonus, I'd love to see you making progress towards your short and long term goals.


    Thank you for inspiring us all @mtaratoot!!!!!
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,461 Member
    edited January 2023
    January Start Weight: 196.6
    January Goal Weight: DOWN, not just yoyyoing
    Ultimate Goal Weight: able to wear my old clothes, no muffin top 170s

    January 1: 196.6 Think it's stable but not losing. And i've not been getting enough fluids.
    January 8:
    January 15:
    January 22:
    January 29:
    January 31: