

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,241 Member
    edited January 2023
    Machka - I’m so impressed with your dry stream.

    Thank you ... and thank you all. :)

    Kylia - my doctor and pharmacist told me to always sit for 5 minutes before taking my blood pressure and to take 3 readings and choose the lowest of those numbers. She said just getting the BP monitor set up would cause a higher reading.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    I do box breathing for a few minutes before taking my blood pressure ... both at home and at the Dr's office. That way, I can get it down to about 136/80. :)

    And yes, 3 readings, with a couple minutes of box breathing between.

    I haven't checked recently, but I can usually tell when mine is higher ... my tinnitus is louder.

    BP should not be taken right after exercise or feeling stressed or having a hot flash or drinking something hot.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,241 Member
    edited January 2023
    1 Sit in silence for three minutes... it's harder than you think. Does silently working in the garden count? Done! I sat silently for 7 minutes and prayed.

    2 List 5 things using each of your senses. Right now? I can see my Christmas decorations, I can hear Christmas songs, I can taste my coffee, I can smell my coffee, and I can feel a comfortable temperature in the room.

    3 Let go of at least 5 items in your house. I'm not in a downsizing or reducing mode so I've taken some lunch things to work, I will take an item to be mailed and another to be given to the people at work.

    4 What was your favorite Christmas gift? (this year or ever). I can't tell you what my favourite Christmas gift this year is yet. It's a secret.

    5 Move for at least 30 minutes today. Absolutely. It's a very rare day that I don't.

    6 Share a goal you achieved last year. We completed the longest bicycle ride since my husband's accident and the fastest.

    7 Slow down and savor one meal today. Mmmm ... pizza!

    8 Who was your favorite teacher. My father. :):) But I've had quite a few good teachers, in addition to him, over the years.

    9 Create something today. I finished creating my first work-related project plan today.
    10 What is your favorite lyric from a song
    11 Send a card/note to someone today
    12 What are you looking forward to in 2023?
    13 Tell a random person they look "good" today
    14 Tell us three amazing things that happened recently (you decide what "recently" means...lol)
    15 Call or text someone you haven't talked to in at least a week
    16 What made you smile today
    17 Take a photo of something you're grateful for
    18 What material comforts are you most thankful for? You can make your list as long as you like...
    19 Write a positive review for a company for goods or services you've received recently
    20 Write down five things you like about yourself
    21 Pay it forward in some way
    22 What do you most desire in your life right now?
    23 Go an entire day without complaining
    24 What about you makes you special?
    25 Spend time with a loved one
    26 When was the last time you felt pure joy?
    27 Hold the door for a stranger... or a friend
    28 What fear have you overcome?
    29 Engage in a random act of kindness of your own choice
    30 When was the last time you laughed so hard you almost peed?
    31 Now try to "meditate" (sit in silence) for ten minutes...

    Busy work day finalising that Project Plan and working on one of the sections of the project plus a request from my manager.

    Walked 5.2 km (65 minutes). Strava tells me 400 calories burned but of course I know it's about half that.

    Walked Rhody.

    And now I'm grocery shopping.

    Machka in Oz
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Good Monday!
    Forgot this yesterday...

    9 Create something today- I created more peace in my house by cleaning out the closet and drawers in the guest room.

    Online Grocery shopping I did it while masks were required at our local Kroger, but since then I have been going. I have found the best produce at Trader Joe's and they don't offer online. I do find that I generally spend less at grocery when I don't take my husband with me! I just wish he would tell alexa to add things to the list. I will get home and he will say, we are out of xyz. Most of the time it will wait until next visit and it is usually something that I don't eat/drink. He has occasionally called me while I am out and say I forgot to tell you we need.....

    Busy week ahead....DH hunting today and tomorrow which is why I am up at 330 in the morning. REALLY, it takes the man 3 hours to get ready to leave.....I have a follow up mammo this morning. Massage tonight. Hair color/cut on Wednesday night. I have to be in Columbus on Thursday for a training class all day. Friday is my follow up on BP and heart with my new doctor. Oh, and I have to call neurology back today as they called our house phone on Friday afternoon. And Cologuard is on its way to me. I told the doctor that I was not having a colonoscopy unless we did this first as my last one showed nothing. To me this should always be the first step, not an invasive procedure.

    Man, I am tired just typing that!

    Kylia in Ohio where winter wants to return on Friday which is okay as we still have snowblowers to sell!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,241 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    DH hunting today and tomorrow which is why I am up at 330 in the morning. REALLY, it takes the man 3 hours to get ready to leave.....

    Kylia in Ohio where winter wants to return on Friday which is okay as we still have snowblowers to sell!

    But why are you up?

    If for some reason my husband were getting up at 330 am to go somewhere (he wouldn't, but let's say), I probably wouldn't even notice that he left.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,241 Member
    I've been tidying my chair area and unearthed my upstairs basket of dumbbells ... and did 20 bicep curls with my 3kg (6.6 lbs) weights.

    Perhaps I'll start doing some curls more regularly.

    M in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    I haven't heard anything this morning from DDIL, so I assume their strange booster rigging arrangement with her friend is still working!
    My restless friend G has just arrived in France on the overnight ferry. The hotel kindly found a room for her at 8 am! Unfortunately, she forgot to check the opening times of the museums and has found that the place she most wanted to visit is shut for January. These days I always double check that kind of thing, especially in France, where they are inclined to shut more frequently. But I didn't say anything to compound her disappointment. :o

    I finished my editing this morning. I have decided not to bother with an Afterword. The last poem more or less wraps it up. So now I have to take the scary plunge into actually publishing it. Hate that bit. I can feel the nerves starting up.
    But I will do it. Of course I will. It's just a process. :|

    Cleaner this afternoon. And I am ringing my friend L at 4.30. It should have been yesterday, but she was busy talking to an old boyfriend for 3 hours. >:) She has apologised! :p

    Love you loads, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,833 Member
    Morning ladies
    Im at Tracys
    Kyle and Carmine are sick... with what I dont know im masked and here with Miles,Tracy and the little guy seem fine
    I was here when Kyle had covid but i just stay with Miles and Kyle will just stay in bed.
    Tracy is behind him with clorox spray and lysol
    I got here and poor Miles fell right asleep
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,241 Member
    Regarding haggis ... tried it in Scotland. Didn't hate it. But there are so many better foods that I doubt I will try it again.

    Same with escargot. Tried it about 35 years ago. Haven't needed to try it again.

    In general I prefer to stick to fruits and vegetables and grains.

    M in Oz
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    edited January 2023
    My love for food and my appetite for trying new things means I love all kinds of different things. I am adventurous in cuisines, tastes and experiences.
    Things I love that some people would flinch at,
    Brains, sweetbreads, marrow, snails, andouillette (tripe sausage), kidneys, liver, overripe cheese, oysters, caviar. I like all kinds of 'off' flavours and interesting textures.
    Having said that, most of those I don't eat regularly as I only eat meat a couple of times a week. I eat a lot of fish and vegetarian food, and I love pulses.
    Tonight is sea bass, sprouted beans with coconut and spices, and fries. Not too many fries for me. o:)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :) At the start of the pandemic we decided that health/safety was our number one priority. We began by limiting the stores we shopped in and by deciding that safety was more important than finding a lower price in another store. We soon switched to ordering online and curbside pick up. I like being able to go to my phone and add something to the order. On Friday evening we sit down together and finalize the list and set up our regular 8 AM Sunday pickup time. We eat simply and buy much of the same stuff every week. It has been a great process for us and an occasional poor choice of produce has not caused us to change our minds.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    kymarai wrote: »
    DH hunting today and tomorrow which is why I am up at 330 in the morning. REALLY, it takes the man 3 hours to get ready to leave.....

    Kylia in Ohio where winter wants to return on Friday which is okay as we still have snowblowers to sell!

    But why are you up?

    If for some reason my husband were getting up at 330 am to go somewhere (he wouldn't, but let's say), I probably wouldn't even notice that he left.

    M in Oz

    He is legally blind, can't drive. He would let me sleep later, but .....I don't have a good reason other than I get in the shower with him at 530 and head to work early after I drop him off🤪
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited January 2023
    My love for food and my appetite for trying new things means I love all kinds of different things. I am adventurous in cuisines, tastes and experiences.
    Things I love that some people would flinch at,
    Brains, sweetbreads, marrow, snails, andouillette (tripe sausage), kidneys, liver, overripe cheese, oysters, caviar. I like all kinds of 'off' flavours and interesting textures.
    Having said that, most of those I don't eat regularly as I only eat meat a couple of times a week. I eat a lot of fish and vegetarian food, and I love pulses.
    Tonight is sea bass, sprouted beans with coconut and spices, and fries. Not too many fries for me. o:)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    ahh oui ! I could eat snails, strong cheese ( <3 ), oysters, though I don't go nuts over snails and oysters, I have enjoyed foie gras finally unethical though it seems to be. that's about it in your list and I'm not a very difficult eater, in terms of taste! I like almost all spices and herbs in variable doses... and mixes of flavours.

    today had veggies rice and tofu! how is that for tame. the tofu had some kind of a nice unusual lemon flavour. the root veggies are bought "with earth". they require effort and shed some dirt, but they are very fresh; I bought them about 3 weeks ago and they are fresh as can be, as if plucked from the earth just recently. I have mixed feelings about them. the freshness is awesome. the fact that I have to give a good scrub before eating can be dissuasive when a bit worn out at the end of the day.

    for breakfast buckwheat flakes soy yogurt soy milk frozen blueberries, a cut up date a bit o m syrup.

    snacks: a couple of dates, a few tiny squares of date sweetened chocolate and a small apple and a bit o kombucha.

    no exercise today yet except a bit of cleaning.

    need to go out to get some more exercise.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    escargot can vary. I think the 1st time I had it was upon stumbling upon a snail festival in Italy when very young and traveling. very fresh and served with melted butter it was good. since then it has been (I think) frozen and blech. not horrible, just not fresh and delicious. I think it's probably most commonly coming from frozen and what a bore. maybe like frozen lobster (???) or something like that...
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,379 Member
    Sweet Yogi! <3

    Carol in GA
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,524 Member
    6 Share a goal you achieved last year persuaded district board to complete trainings and policies for insurance discount.

    Jinxed it. Power went out about 4am today. Called it in and went back to sleep. Woke up 3 hours later when it popped back on. Looking at the wind forecast, expect it to continue off and on for the next week. Grateful for all Joe’s preparations and readiness to protect us.

    Lisa, you Firestarter you! Halelujah Haley!
    Kylia heart rate over 160?!?
    Lanette thanks for the SWSY reminder. Need to add to morning PT routine. Double thanks for the suggestions on questions to ask cranky DH. I need to take a deep breath, not take his outbursts so seriously and personally, and gently ask how he’s feeling … later. ;) If I want him to communicate more, I must give him the space in which to do it without reacting immediately and defensively. [sigh] Buena suerte and hooray for tamales!

    01/05: Move: 3 sets PT, active mins:117 steps: 1874
    Fuel: plants running count for week so far=30: almonds, apple, basil, beans-green, beans-kidney, bell pepper-orange, carrots, cashews, chili peppers-red, cinnamon, coconut milk powder, corn chips, cucumber, garlic, ginger, jicama, mandarins, onions, peanut butter, pecans, potatoes, radish, rice-brown, romaine, snap peas, tea, tomato concentrate, walnuts, wheat-pasta. . CI<CO=-702
    Live: Joe, readings, BP Wt:136.7
    Only thru pg 15 but time to get moving.

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2023: Be of good cheer.
    January: Move more, fuel better, live NOW.