

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Just work today and then tomorrow. I did get my walk in, tho. Went to the soup kitchen. They had these cakes and they said that if someone didn’t take them home, they were going to throw them out. So I took them home for Vince. Worked the dining room at the soup kitchen. I’d forgotten how very grateful and nice 99% of the people are. I wonder if they’re going to want me to do it all the time.

    Debbie – I never use my exercise points

    Tracey – oh no! Glad Rodger’s BIL got that drug but then to be tested positive – how horrible

    Ginny – I like stable scans

    Lisa – you have such a way with words, you can put down in writing your inner feelings. I have a hard time with that and really look forward to your posts.

    Rebecca – I can believe you would have a two piece being the ex-nudist you are :). There is no way on this green earth that I’d be caught dead in a two piece. That’s exactly what I say about Anne DE

    Debbie – I get corn from this farmer around here and it is so very very good. For some reason, Vince wants me to freeze it on the cob. Takes up so much room in the freezer.

    Heather – don’t even get me started on dandelion wine. Love the stuff, just don’t have it very much (which isn’t such a bad thing after all)

    Going to the Green Room tonight to see “The Complete Works for William Shakespear”

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Michelle I need to keep that roll going! May need Pip’s boot at some point but good right now! No exercise yesterday but made my 7,000 daily step goal. Managed 7,397 while tending to everything, so I’m happy with that. Today’s plan is 10 min of Yoga, and weights because I missed the weights yesterday along with the walking. I WILL KEEP THIS UP!

    Gratitude list
    Word of the year: APPRECIATE—- Today I appreciate coffee!
    1 Sit in silence for three minutes... it's harder than you think—DONE
    2 List 5 things using each of your senses——DONE
    3 Let go of at least 5 items in your house—tossed Christmas card I had collected
    4 What was your favorite Christmas gift? (this year or ever)—This year was jewelry from my ‘adopted’ granddaughter.
    5 Move for at least 30 minutes today—-Done plus #1 again!
    6 Share a goal you achieved last year—-Bringing my car to the car wash one or more times a month!
    7 Slow down and savor one meal today—-Breakfast-savored the texture of my OUI yogurt versus the granola I added.
    8 Who was your favorite teacher—My French teacher in High School. Sister Jeannette
    9 Create something today—-I will work on my crochet - making a granny square afghan out of left over yarn.
    10 What is your favorite lyric from a song—Against the wind, We were running against the wind. We were young and strong, we were running against the wind.
    11 Send a card/note to someone today—Done! Note to DH and card for Uncle’s birthday.
    12 What are you looking forward to in 2023? Losing weight and better financial status.
    13 Tell a random person they look "good" today—Done!
    14 Tell us three amazing things that happened recently (you decide what "recently" means...lol) 1. I got to go to TN to attend my daughter’s wedding last year, My brother from AZ came to visit us in NM, I experienced my first 5.4 earthquake in NM this past December.
    15 Call or text someone you haven't talked to in at least a week—Called my mom, and texted my 3 kids.
    16 What made you smile today—-The beautiful scenery on my morning wetlands walk.
    17 Take a photo of something you're grateful for—17 Take a photo of something you're grateful for—! Picture in spoiler

    On my morning walk. You can see Captain Mountain in the background (where Billy the Kid had his hideout)
    18 What material comforts are you most thankful for? You can make your list as long as you like...heat, air conditioning, water, sewer, a roof over my head, a car, internet, electronics, clothes, shoes, medicines, food, means of cooking, refrigerator, use of a freezer, use of a washer/dryer, books, writing utensils, everything I use every day!
    19 Write a positive review for a company for goods or services you've received recently—Done!
    20 Write down five things you like about yourself. I’m tenacious, my hair color, my love of learning, my ability to mediate, my technology abilities.
    21 Pay it forward in some way
    22 What do you most desire in your life right now?
    23 Go an entire day without complaining
    24 What about you makes you special?
    25 Spend time with a loved one
    26 When was the last time you felt pure joy?
    27 Hold the door for a stranger... or a friend
    28 What fear have you overcome?
    29 Engage in a random act of kindness of your own choice
    30 When was the last time you laughed so hard you almost peed?
    31 Now try to "meditate" (sit in silence) for ten minutes...


    :::::strapping on the boot just in case::::::
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/kids- 1hr 44min 52sec, 102elev, 3.15ap, 105ahr, 140mhr, 6.04mi= 641 c
    Strava app = 740
    Zwift home bike trainer- strava stats- 27.04min, 305elev, 101aw, 15.6amph, 125ahr, 158mhr, 7.03mi= 231c
    Strava app= 155c
    Zwift stats- 27.06min, 307elev, 100aw, 60arpm, 15.59amph, 7.04mi= 156c

    Total cal 872

    Pushed Lucy most of the way

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Just work today and then tomorrow. I did get my walk in, tho. Went to the soup kitchen. They had these cakes and they said that if someone didn’t take them home, they were going to throw them out. So I took them home for Vince. Worked the dining room at the soup kitchen. I’d forgotten how very grateful and nice 99% of the people are. I wonder if they’re going to want me to do it all the time.

    Debbie – I never use my exercise points

    Tracey – oh no! Glad Rodger’s BIL got that drug but then to be tested positive – how horrible

    Ginny – I like stable scans

    Lisa – you have such a way with words, you can put down in writing your inner feelings. I have a hard time with that and really look forward to your posts.

    Rebecca – I can believe you would have a two piece being the ex-nudist you are :). There is no way on this green earth that I’d be caught dead in a two piece. That’s exactly what I say about Anne DE

    Debbie – I get corn from this farmer around here and it is so very very good. For some reason, Vince wants me to freeze it on the cob. Takes up so much room in the freezer.

    Heather – don’t even get me started on dandelion wine. Love the stuff, just don’t have it very much (which isn’t such a bad thing after all)

    Going to the Green Room tonight to see “The Complete Works for William Shakespear”

    Michele NC
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Just work today and then tomorrow. I did get my walk in, tho. Went to the soup kitchen. They had these cakes and they said that if someone didn’t take them home, they were going to throw them out. So I took them home for Vince. Worked the dining room at the soup kitchen. I’d forgotten how very grateful and nice 99% of the people are. I wonder if they’re going to want me to do it all the time.

    Debbie – I never use my exercise points

    Tracey – oh no! Glad Rodger’s BIL got that drug but then to be tested positive – how horrible

    Ginny – I like stable scans

    Lisa – you have such a way with words, you can put down in writing your inner feelings. I have a hard time with that and really look forward to your posts.

    Rebecca – I can believe you would have a two piece being the ex-nudist you are :). There is no way on this green earth that I’d be caught dead in a two piece. That’s exactly what I say about Anne DE

    Debbie – I get corn from this farmer around here and it is so very very good. For some reason, Vince wants me to freeze it on the cob. Takes up so much room in the freezer.

    Heather – don’t even get me started on dandelion wine. Love the stuff, just don’t have it very much (which isn’t such a bad thing after all)

    Going to the Green Room tonight to see “The Complete Works for William Shakespear”

    Michele NC

    That is the reason we never froze any on the cob. With the amount we froze, there would be no room for anything else. We also had a half a steer(beef) once a year and a hog once a year. Most veggies were canned because of space.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited January 2023
    Lisa - Those negative tapes, I know them well. Of course I do. They used to rule my life.
    But mine are much weaker than they used to be, most of the time.
    For me the most effective method for dealing with them is to really sink into them, deep, deep down , as if I am descending in a lift, down into the depths. There I can see where they have sprung from. It's dark down there.
    I did that this morning with my husband's tapes. I discovered new connections with my father. I know I have hit the spot when I feel 'Eureka!' and the darkness rising and the weight getting lighter. I've been feeling much better since.

    Of course you can just distract yourself. Or just 'be present'. But that one works best for me.

    If I have very repetitive thoughts I imagine a marching band, moving past me. They are holding up placards with my worry on them. I am standing on some kind of platform. I see them approaching with the music playing and the problems writ large on the banners. They march past me and go into the next field where they lay the placards down.
    For some reason this seems to help. :p It is not my idea. I got it from ACT therapy. Steven C Hayes. Writing the problems on imaginary balloons and letting them go into the sky is also his tip, but that doesn't work as well for me.

    For me, the descending into the dark is the best. And then I rise!

    Love to everyone, especially Tracey right now.

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited January 2023
    dlfk202000 wrote: »

    I have great canning memories, using the spinner thingy chopping up apples, and my momma always having a bowl (she couldn't fit in jars for us all warm). We even capped fresh bottles of root beer, and had stains on our kitchen ceiling from those last explosive bottles. So yummy in the summer with vanilla ice cream. Also did a lot of freezer jam, bags of berries pre measured to just throw in a pie crust, and corn. I would use that corn kernel remover that you just pushed the cooked corn thru. Then I would give the warm cobs to my cat. She would lay them on her belly, and munch on all the kernels we missed. 💖🤗. Good memories.

    We would have 1/2 acre of corn planted every year. When it was ready, dad and a few others would take the truck and fill it up, bring it to the garage. Have a huge pile of corn. Everyone sat around the pile, shucking corn. Then it would go into the kitchen where mom would blanch it and it would go onto the huge plywood "table" and some would be cutting the corn off using a knife, then it would get bagged and froze. We grew enough for the year for our family, my grandparents and extended family. A few older ladies from church would come out to help. They really enjoyed it.

    We also did kind of that process with chickens. I HATED that. We would raise 300 chicks. When they were big enough, one weekend we would do half and the next the other half. I didn't like the plucking but one time mom had me gut one- NEVER again. That smell was the worst. I still don't like the smell of raw meat, especially chicken.

    We had two of the large commercial size freezers(she still has them) and tons of pantry space. Summers were very busy on the farm.


    I can't even imagine gutting a chicken. I was part of an assembly line in our kitchen, cleaning smelt fish, when they had smelt runs in our rivers in Oregon. Very time consuming, because they were such a little fish but a bunch breaded and fried up on a plate was delicious!
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    Had a nice long walk at the wetlands- did my 11,300 steps/5 miles/1371 calories burned
    A bit chilly when I started but was nice after I got moving.
    Four days of over 10,000 steps for the week. Nice to be back on track.

    Dh messaged me. He picked up some nice Dungenous crab at Costco-bought three of them. He is giving his friend one which is fine because I really didn't feel like cleaning and cracking all three. Two is enough.

    I already have Navy beans and the left over ham in the pressure cooker @Lisa , I am loving my pressure cooker now that I started using it(had it two years before I tried it).
    My friend told me last night she really loves the beans and ham so I will take half over to her. No leftovers that way and she won't have to cook dinner. Think I will make some corn bread to go with it.
    Crab doesn't go with that so think we will have that tomorrow(gives me more time to clean and crack the crab). I have shrimp I want to use that will go better with the crab and the crab are super fresh so will be good tomorrow.

    Napa Valley,Ca
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Just work today and then tomorrow. I did get my walk in, tho. Went to the soup kitchen. They had these cakes and they said that if someone didn’t take them home, they were going to throw them out. So I took them home for Vince. Worked the dining room at the soup kitchen. I’d forgotten how very grateful and nice 99% of the people are. I wonder if they’re going to want me to do it all the time.

    Debbie – I never use my exercise points

    Tracey – oh no! Glad Rodger’s BIL got that drug but then to be tested positive – how horrible

    Ginny – I like stable scans

    Lisa – you have such a way with words, you can put down in writing your inner feelings. I have a hard time with that and really look forward to your posts.

    Rebecca – I can believe you would have a two piece being the ex-nudist you are :). There is no way on this green earth that I’d be caught dead in a two piece. That’s exactly what I say about Anne DE

    Debbie – I get corn from this farmer around here and it is so very very good. For some reason, Vince wants me to freeze it on the cob. Takes up so much room in the freezer.

    Heather – don’t even get me started on dandelion wine. Love the stuff, just don’t have it very much (which isn’t such a bad thing after all)

    Going to the Green Room tonight to see “The Complete Works for William Shakespear”

    Michele NC

    Heehee, if I had my druthers, I would wear none at all. My own suit nature gave me fits fine, but society couldn't handle that. I do miss the resort in CA, walking in the sun without an accoutrements, its quite a freeing experience. It was good for my soul. I was bigger than I am now, when I first started attended it, way back in 2003.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »

    I have great canning memories, using the spinner thingy chopping up apples, and my momma always having a bowl (she couldn't fit in jars for us all warm). We even capped fresh bottles of root beer, and had stains on our kitchen ceiling from those last explosive bottles. So yummy in the summer with vanilla ice cream. Also did a lot of freezer jam, bags of berries pre measured to just throw in a pie crust, and corn. I would use that corn kernel remover that you just pushed the cooked corn thru. Then I would give the warm cobs to my cat. She would lay them on her belly, and munch on all the kernels we missed. 💖🤗. Good memories.

    We would have 1/2 acre of corn planted every year. When it was ready, dad and a few others would take the truck and fill it up, bring it to the garage. Have a huge pile of corn. Everyone sat around the pile, shucking corn. Then it would go into the kitchen where mom would blanch it and it would go onto the huge plywood "table" and some would be cutting the corn off using a knife, then it would get bagged and froze. We grew enough for the year for our family, my grandparents and extended family. A few older ladies from church would come out to help. They really enjoyed it.

    We also did kind of that process with chickens. I HATED that. We would raise 300 chicks. When they were big enough, one weekend we would do half and the next the other half. I didn't like the plucking but one time mom had me gut one- NEVER again. That smell was the worst. I still don't like the smell of raw meat, especially chicken.

    We had two of the large commercial size freezers(she still has them) and tons of pantry space. Summers were very busy on the farm.


    I can't even imagine gutting a chicken. I was part of an assembly line in our kitchen, cleaning smelt fish, when they had smelt runs in our rivers in Oregon. Very time consuming, because they were such a little fish but a bunch breaded and fried up on a plate was delicious!

    I remember as a kid, we would go over to Goat Rock on the coast when the surf fish were running(about the same thing as smelt in my opinion). Never had to clean them because I was too young. Mom and dad had there wet suits on with big surf nets and fish for hours during the night while us girls curled up in our sleeping bags- special ones with plastic bottoms so we didn't get wet while laying on the sand.
    I have cleaned smelt before and yes, they are so good. Haven't had them in years. Remember when mom cooked them. We always had to have a slice of bread with butter with it, in case we accidentally swallowed a bone.

    When we were older, we went fishing at a neighbors pond. We were thrilled to catch all those little blue gil. UNTIL dad said what ever we caught we had to clean. We were a LOT more selective on the fish we caught and brought home after that.

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,368 Member
    Really enjoyed Latin today. Had a great chat with a friend I hadn’t seen since November.

    Intentions for today:
    ♦️10am, Latin Study✔️
    ♦️Organise/prep for next week ✔️
    ♦️Sort out card supplies —>
    ♦️look out fabric for x-stitch journal—>
    ♦️solid habits✔️

    Karen: I have several options in my stash, I just need to decide on which I want to use.

    Virtual (((hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for all those those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Lisa – I love my Instant Pot. So much so that I have two at home and one down at the condo. I just haven’t gotten to using it too much for meats. Need to work more on that.

    Rebecca – when I took a belly dancing class, I was always so impressed by the ladies who felt so comfortable in their bodies. I know you are the same way

    Off to the play now

    Michele NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,111 Member
    Thanks Rebecca and Michele!

    Annie in Delaware
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Lisa – I love my Instant Pot. So much so that I have two at home and one down at the condo. I just haven’t gotten to using it too much for meats. Need to work more on that.

    Rebecca – when I took a belly dancing class, I was always so impressed by the ladies who felt so comfortable in their bodies. I know you are the same way

    Off to the play now

    Michele NC

    I have Navy beans and ham in mine now, I do ribs in it, did carnetas in it the other night and it was great. Corned beef is so good in it(90min then natural release then chill over night so you can slice it thin)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    edited January 2023
    kevrit wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    This looks like my grandmother's pantry many years ago ...

    I sure remember those days! My mom did canning as well as my grandmother. When I owned a house with 27 acres and my children were small, I used to can, make jelly, pickles, and make home made wine too! I even used cloth diapers with all 3 when I was home, pampers when they were at the sitters. I never bought baby food except fruits, I made all of it. No formula either. Saved a ton of money in those days. Not anymore. But, my DH will still make pickles for us, a jar at a time.

    RVRita in impossible gardening in a NM desert!🛸🌵 (unless container! Lol)

    I have a lot of dill growing around the place and making pickles is one thing I thought of doing. I've never done it but I can learn.

    Otherwise, I'm not sure what to do with the dill ... dry it?

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »

    I have great canning memories, using the spinner thingy chopping up apples, and my momma always having a bowl (she couldn't fit in jars for us all warm). We even capped fresh bottles of root beer, and had stains on our kitchen ceiling from those last explosive bottles. So yummy in the summer with vanilla ice cream. Also did a lot of freezer jam, bags of berries pre measured to just throw in a pie crust, and corn. I would use that corn kernel remover that you just pushed the cooked corn thru. Then I would give the warm cobs to my cat. She would lay them on her belly, and munch on all the kernels we missed. 💖🤗. Good memories.

    We would have 1/2 acre of corn planted every year. When it was ready, dad and a few others would take the truck and fill it up, bring it to the garage. Have a huge pile of corn. Everyone sat around the pile, shucking corn. Then it would go into the kitchen where mom would blanch it and it would go onto the huge plywood "table" and some would be cutting the corn off using a knife, then it would get bagged and froze. We grew enough for the year for our family, my grandparents and extended family. A few older ladies from church would come out to help. They really enjoyed it.

    We also did kind of that process with chickens. I HATED that. We would raise 300 chicks. When they were big enough, one weekend we would do half and the next the other half. I didn't like the plucking but one time mom had me gut one- NEVER again. That smell was the worst. I still don't like the smell of raw meat, especially chicken.

    We had two of the large commercial size freezers(she still has them) and tons of pantry space. Summers were very busy on the farm.


    I would like a couple chickens, but only for the eggs. Lots of places around have small coops.

    But first ... the bees. I want to get used to them before we take on something else.

    M in Oz