

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,017 Member
    edited April 2023
    kymarai wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Cremation I like Heather's thinking. I just don't want to be put in a box and put under ground. I have felt that way for as long as I can remember. No fancy urns and someone better pick up my ashes and scatter them in the wind. I don't want a funeral. I will haunt anyone that "keeps" my ashes on a shelf.

    One of the disadvantages of being a young parent and young grandparent is not having as much time to spend with grands since still working full time. It doesn't help that they are so busy these days. I miss them,but do enjoy the times with them.

    Much ❤️,
    Kylia in Ohio

    Most of our relatives have been cremated, that I know of anyways. Three are now buried at my parent's place as were their wishes. They lived in the city but loved being out in the country at our place. My mom's sister, brother in law and their oldest are all buried there. Eventually, when mom is ready, dad will be buried there and mom has asked for her to be buried there too.

    Dh's dad, aunt, cousins, grandmother are all buried in the local cemetary-(sp??)(cremated as far as I know)Sad that his mom is nicer to his dad now that he is gone than she ever was when he was alive.

    One huge advantage of having young parents/grandparents is you will(hopefully) get a lot more years to enjoy with them. My parents were VERY young and as a result, I have been blessed to have had dad until I was almost 60yrs old. I knew not only my grandparents on both sides but also my great grandmother on mom's side. Mom is 79 and has kids/grandkids/great grandkids.
    Dh never knew any of his grandparents- his dad was 40 when dh was born. He knew his aunts and uncles, part of them and the few cousins he had.

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,814 Member
    Rebecca--HUGS! I pray you hear something soon.
    Machka--If I was to tell them that they would just laugh. As I am the supervisor and have to be here when there is no one else, or lose my job. I am doubling down on getting bills paid off so that I can leave if needed. But for now One day at a time. Thanks for all your concern.
    About cremation. Our son is in a box my dad made and when his 2 daughters are ready he will go to them. DH and I are to be creamated and when we are both gone our oldest son will get us to the ocean. He claims he will flush us and we will get there sooner or later. I figure I won't be here so it doesn't matter. My folks are buried out in the Western part of Nebraska and I never feel the need to go out there.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE Where it is 65 degrees today. <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,682 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    I ordered a biodegradable one that can be placed in the ocean and will disintegrate.
    Heather- Johnny is such a treasure!!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,532 Member
    Barbie, I had checked of Medicure and noticed you had to be at a specific BMI to be approved. I know you meet that criteria, but not me. The thought of losing weight to qualify for this service after I pass seems a bit weird. So the last quarter of my life stressing out, trying to lose weight, and meet this criteria is not going to work for me. I have done all the paperwork for it, and maybe the last couple of years I will be that specific BMI, still have their card in my purse. My life insurance should pay for a cremation, but I don't have any plans on paper. The same goes for my husband. His life insurance will pay for his cremation, then though, he wishes a burial at sea. So I would send his ashes to the specific department, and get back a form saying longitude and latitude where he was scattered.
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 619 Member
    I like your idea Heather... It's the way I've always thought. Just scatter me to the wind and water. And then have a HUGE party and celebrate my life!

    25. Have a ‘no screens’ night and take time to recharge yourself... no choice, but I'll try that this weekend!
    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,354 Member
    I'm in the cremation camp. My husbands ashes are in the ground of our old pond (he wanted there or at the base of one his tress). I'm ok if kids put ashes wherever-but I am intrigued with idea of making my own urn. I think it should be an individual choice and those left behind need to respect it.
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    edited April 2023
    We’re in the cremation camp, too. We were married in a lookout structure at the Oregon coast at Cape Perpetua on a beautiful spring day more than 50 years ago. We’ve taken our kids there to see it. We hope they will scatter our ashes there when the time comes, and we have reminded them of our wishes.

    The day we were married we saw whales spouting below us, as they were moving north for summer.

    It is a very good memory.


  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,017 Member
    '80 here today, warming up a bit for the rest of the week. We are doing a toy show(hoping to sell a bunch of extra's he has had for years) and said Vacaville is supposed to be 97 on Saturday. I sure hope they have us inside and not just under a canopy. If we are outside- won't be bringing any of the 3D printed stuff, except the helmet that he is finishing up. It is from Battlestar Galactica and the actor who wore the original is going to be there. DH wants him to sign it.

    Walked 1 1/2 hrs at the wetlands today- took a little different path- saw my humming bird. That always makes me happy.
    at13,500 steps so far.
    Hit just over 20,000 yesterday after walking and zumba.
    Should get that again tomorrow.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,105 Member
    Pip those cabinets look lovely!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :)Pip, Those cabinets are great. I love the pot holder that says "Love is a four legged word".
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,017 Member
    Pip - the cabinets look amazing. It's exactly what I want when we get ours redone. Couple years off, still, but a girl can dream. :smile:

    Annie - Sounds like a couple of tough days. Glad you're working with the PT folks.

    Heather - Johnny is a saint among men. :smiley: What a charming picture.

    Got through the test with minimal trauma this morning - they're always less disturbing than I predict when I'm dreading them. Had to bolt a quart of contrast, which just tasted like stale water, wait an hour, lay on a sort of mini-MRI table, with just a donut at one end. They put an IV in for another contrast, fed that in at the ten-minute mark, ten more minutes of sliding in and out of the donut, and I was done. Talking to the PCP tomorrow over the phone. At least I don't have to go anywhere, or fast beforehand.
    More cold and rainy all day tomorrow and Thursday, too.

    Later, my lovelies,
    Lisa in AR

    glad your test went better than expected- I found out the hard way that I am very allergic to the contrast they used on me-(iodine). and SUPER claustrophobic on the scan that is enclosed(don't remember if it is the MRI or CT
    Two different ones that were both terrible, in different ways
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Worked, had our last bowling for the season on Monday. They are going to have no tap on Mondays in the summer. I don’t like no tap, besides Vince won’t be bowling so I won’t either. I did not enjoy the Wednesday regular league when I was on it last summer and swore that I wouldn’t go on it again. Now that Vince is hurting, I definitely won’t.

    He went for his first pt Monday. I suspect that they’re giving him exercises but after a while I think those exercises should be done maybe every 2 or 3 days. I think Vince thinks that he goes to pt and it gets better. I suspect he’ll have to keep it up, probably until vitamin E is developed.

    Went to ceramics Monday and Tuesday. I’ll be finished with Jess’ Stuart Jr. snail pretty soon. Took my large angel fish to clear coat it. Brought it home and Vince will probably put the stripes on it for me.

    Getting my hair cut tomorrow. I don’t work so I can exercise. Planning to do Results Boost Your Metabolism DVD.

    Did a body pump DVD today after work then went to the Salvation Army. I got a bunch of KettleWorx DVDs. Since I don’t have kettlebells, I’m thinking that I can probably use a free weight.

    Debbie – so glad Nick is getting help. Sad that the family refuses to take any blame.

    Took the robotic cleaner out of the pool, started to open him to take out the basket, and he started up! The top fell into the pool and the pool is so cloudy that we can’t see to get it out. Guess we just have to wait until the pool clears up a bit.

    KJ – so glad you are safe from your “encounter” with the turkey. Honestly, it doesn’t surprise me how much damage they can do. I like your saying how the prism is life

    Made pops the other day. KJ – I bet this is something you can even have your kiddos make. Take a 32ox contain of Greek yogurt (plain), a 12oz can of OJ concentrate, defrost the OJ but do not reconstitute it. Mix the two together and pour it into a pop mold. Freeze. They’re high in calcium, low in sugar, and most importantly, cheap.

    Barbara – I love how you respond to so many people.

    Kim – love the photos. Simple, yet elegant

    Saw on facebook that Pete’s grandmother died. To me, no big loss. Really, she was quite rude to us at Denise’s wedding. Denise didn’t tell us, like I would not have cared anyway.

    Lanette – glad to hear you’re getting things done on the house

    Dr Katie – recently, when I go to add food, I always have to reload the page. Wasn’t like that before. Not that it’s a big thing.

    My in-laws had their headstone engraved and when they passed, then just the year needed to be added. My father’s ashes are buried in a veteran’s cemetery in NJ. Haven’t been there since we took his ashes there. His second wife is buried with my mother and I have no desire at all to go to her grave. My mother? Maybe. But not her. So that means that I won’t ever go to my mother’s grave if given the chance.

    I’d like to be cremated and then have a big party

    pip – glad you had such a good experience getting your kitchen done. I just hope we have as a good an experience when the time comes that we update the kitchen at the condo. Great cabinets

    Michele NC
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,621 Member
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    I watched GunSmoke with DH this evening. It was an early episode & Matt Dillon was a younger man than he was in later shows. DH is asleep now and I’m watching TV in my place. ❤️
