

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,891 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    Well. I am now on vacation until August 1. I have a new position beginning July 1st and it is an 11 month instead of 12. I am using up as much of my PTO from the other contract, and then taking July as my 12th month off on the new contract. A little confusing, especially since I still need to respond to email and I have a zoom meeting tomorrow, but it's what I can get. It will take me a few days to relax. Hubby and I are going to get pedicures tomorrow for our trip.

    Willamette Valley OR

    Sounds great!
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,368 Member
    :) Carol in GA
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,537 Member
    edited June 2023
    Rebecca, I have noticed that when you speak your mind, you speak your heart.

    Sterling quality. Karen in Virginia

    Well said, and I second the emotion.

    Tracey - Hope you have a lovely, fun day at ceramics. Other stories we tell ourselves:
    Lisa - I love the story of your Mom. I would be running the other way I’m sure. We did grow up in the country and I was taught to shoot, but don’t know that I ever actually could or if I would remember now.
    Tracey - Years later than the last story, when my first husband would go on temporary duties in other states or countries that kept him gone for weeks or even months at a time, I would prop the .22 rifle, in its case, by the front door. Note - wasn't my rifle, it was his, and I didn't even know how to load it. So... he asked me once when he came home and saw it there, what I planned to do with it if someone broke in. I told him I planned to use it like a baseball bat and beat the snot out of the intruder. He bought me a baseball bat for my next birthday. I still keep one in my trunk, and if Corey goes away, I keep it by the door. Kind of a security blanket.

    Like the baseball bat, I do have weird stories I tell myself for reassurance, or I used to, anyway. Like the one that even bad people need to sleep sometimes, so going to the 24-hour grocery store in the dark at 3:30 a.m. was OK, because all the muggers and rapists went to bed by 3 a.m. I was a terrible insomniac through most of my life, so would go shopping at odd hours. I'm not saying it made sense, it just made me less scared. During the years when I weighed around 300 pounds, I told myself that no self-respecting rapist would try to rape a morbidly obese woman, so being heavy kept me safe. A psychiatrist would have had a field day with me.

    Ginny - Yes, Egg is pretty spoiled... and if there is a way to do it, I would like to come back as a cat. Egg's life is pretty good.

    Flea - Enjoy your long vacation...

    Heather - Love the bulletins from the cruise, hope it's all you want it to be!

    Allie - Hope the assessment from the transplant office is good news.

    What's cooking in the country...
    Corey brought home a big bag of peaches and we had a package of strawberries from last Friday that we weren't going to eat before they could go off, so I loaded up the dehydrator and got it going. I've got it in the exercise room, as it's drying at 140 degrees, and I didn't want it to heat the kitchen all night. He really loved the dried red apricots, which were turned out far too tart for me... Learned that "clingfree" peaches actually means that the peach doesn't cling to the pits. These were NOT clingfree, and we had to evict the pits with extreme prejudice. :smiley: Who knew?

    During his four days off, he canned ten jars of pickles, and bottled 30 bottles of beer. His cucumbers are producing like mad. His peppers and tomatoes are going to bear a bumper crop, it looks like, so this coming weekend or next, he will be making salsa. He's still eating the salsa he canned two years ago, so they last a long time... We got him a big burner he could set up outside to do the sweaty stuff like brewing beer and canning, and he was smiling just ear-to-ear every time he came inside. Love seeing him so happy--he deserves this, and I'm so glad we got to a place where he can do what he loves.

    EKG tomorrow morning at the VA clinic, and a telehealth appointment to take pics for a baseline dermatology assessment right after the EKG. Should be interesting, hopefully nothing found by the dermatologist. Not sure what they can assess with an image. The EKG was requested by the gastroenterologist, and am genuinely not sure why they need one. Seeing the cardiologist early next month.

    Today's chore is laundry... time to get that going. Hope it's a lovely peaceful day for all...

    Lisa in Arkansas
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Pip-thanks! I remember that now. While his side effect from it is pretty miserable, it could be much worse!

    Yeah, he could be dead
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did one portion of Tony Horton’s 10 Minute Trainer DVD then took my walk. I need to take an umbrella with me since it’s so cloudy out and it starts to rain, then stops. The plan for tomorrow is to use the stairstepper at the gym (haven’t done that in a while) then go for the root canal (funsville!)

    Supposed to go to Replacements today then will probably go to Aldi

    LeeAnn- I may have missed it, where are you going on vacation and for how long? Like Heather you’d BETTER share your trip. We want to take it with you vicariously! Have fun, and that’s an order!

    M- posting the whole post really isn’t a big deal. It would be more convenient if someone didn’t have to do it, but it’s no big deal if someone has to.

    Pip – I bet you’re right, Kirby probably really is in pain but he just doesn’t feel it. I wish they found out the bowel problem. Did he always have the bulging disks?

    Rita – I really don’t mind the heat as long as there isn’t humidity. Take care. Now the cold, that REALLY bothers me. If I had my way totally, I’d spend 6 months in NC and 6 months in Arizona. But I know that won’t happen. Hopefully, you have access to a pool

    There are some beautiful red birds outside my window. I know they like when I string the popcorn and there is some on the deck. Unfortunately, since it’s been raining the last few days I haven’t been able to do any stringing. They're just so pretty to watch

    Joy – isn’t there some way you can make the beans in the IP? I bet that would be faster

    They asked me not to work at BK tomorrow to keep their “labor down”. Oh well….it’s not like I need to work to pay the bills. The thing is...I doubt this “labor” thing will ever stop

    Aging: My left elbow gives me a “twinge” just to let me know it’s there. I’m sure it’s just getting older. Also, one of the joints in my one finger is “twinging”. I remember when it first got big the MD looked at it and said “that’s arthritis”. Oh joy!

    Pamela – welcome! Food prep, like you, helps me. Having things like carrots and celery out where I can just “grab and go” are fantastic. Many times I put them next to Vince’s cake/cookies, etc and that is a good reminder to take a healthy snack.

    Barbie – what do you eat for breakfast? When I’ve eaten at my computer I’ve found that crumbs, no matter how careful I am, find their way into the keyboard. But do you maybe have just something to drink (like a protein drink?).

    Carla will be missed

    Tracey – Vince has 2 bulging disks and he doesn’t have any pain from them. Guess it just has to do with the nature of the bulge. Lately it has just been so so crowded at ceramics. I totally understand that they don’t want to turn anyone away, but last night there were 15 people there and supposedly only 12 can sign up. Oh well…… I did register us for next Monday

    Well...off to have breakfast then to Replacements.

    Michele NC

    Like I said , we didn’t know anything about the discs and arthritis until the doc told him . If he had it for a long time, we don’t know. You can’t tell if there is no pain or discomfort
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,428 Member
    Pip - so with the MRI they were hoping to spot an obvious problem that was fixable?

    Rosemarie - thinking of you and your questions about selling the disability van on consignment. Have you checked with your insurance company to see if it's covered while sitting on their lot against theft and damage, while someone test drives it, etc.? The consignment lot's contract might spell out what they cover too. When I was looking to sell DH's pickup, my attorney suggested using a certain consignment lot in town that was trustworthy. I never had to go that route but was a good backup plan.

    Carla - miss you. Hope the restraining order for your daughter turned out OK.

    Machka - ouch! Maybe it's a good idea to see a doc about that elbow if it doesn't get better in a couple days. Sounds like quite a tumble - hoping you feel better quickly!

    Barbie - sending good thoughts to Jake at his doctor appointment today. Glad you are going with him.

    Katla - I miss seeing the corn grow. Has your area had a lot of rain? My sis and brother in northern Indiana are saying drought conditions - hope the farmers get a break. Canadian smoke at my sister's house close to the Michigan border. KJ - is there smoke at your house too?

    Chilly and foggy here so far this morning. Waiting to hear back if my neighbor wants to walk at 8.

    Make it a fabulous day!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State