
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,149 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    @auntiebk Thank you for asking.. but I don’t put, my name, location or pics up on a open site. Unfortunately someone used my information for fraud. So I will use by screen name. Better safe than sorry. 🙂


    :) We can learn your name in time. We respect your privacy. The reason I like to see a location is to be able to identify with weather and plants. I live pretty far north so when someone shares that they already have flowers or vegetables, I like to know how far south they are. When someone says that it's too hot to take a walk, I wonder where they live. I hope you'll share what you're comfortable with and ignore the rest.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
    I have a great friend that just uses a nickname online for the same reason. No where is her name on any of the sites. I have been so used to it that I almost forget her real name.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,068 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 44min 17sec, 495elev, 2.71ap, 99ahr, 136mhr, 7.63mi= 880c
    Strava app= 935c
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,585 Member
    Rebecca - what wonderful news about your son's advancement. Will be great for him to get the full retirement. Well done! <3

    Joy - Lucy is a neat name for your new little gal. Can't wait to see a photo. <3

    Pip- love the pictures- everything looks spectacular including the fajitas :p . You and Kirby and the kids sure know how to take a vacation from retirement, lol.

    Sue - I kind of miss not having goats. They were a handful and hard on fences when we had them, but so smart and loving. Glad you weren't hurt! I think I got butted a time or two but luckily saw it coming and was able to dodge most of the blow. We had a buck just long enough to get the job done then he went on to another farm. ;)

    You also are good with various tools as I recall. I agree, zip ties rank right up there with the bungees, lol. When I was attaching the screening to that little section of the chainlink, I noted when the fence was put in 16 years ago, some they used heavy duty zip ties in a few places as well. Still strong and doing the job after that length of time.

    Where is your DD going in Africa? I always thought it would be a great place to visit ever since I read the "Ladies Detective Agency" series. I think it was set in Zimbabwe? Seemed like a fairly arid land but McCall's description of the folks there and their philosophy about life was refreshing. If she takes any photos you'd wish to share, I'd love to see them.

    The end of a pretty nice week. Have a great weekend!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,698 Member
    Congrats to the whole family @Whidislander!

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,698 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »

    It is a large plot where the home sits. Then the monstrous, yet glorious beds around the trees. One tree is a magnolia tree with big leaves that crumble when you try to rake them up. I personally think she loves weeding, just forgets to stop, gets in her zone I guess. She's 68, so she needs to pay attention to herself too. The simplest things like taking the garbage and recycling bins takes a tractor to haul them down to the end of her long road! Plus there's maintaining her 1875 house. She needs a gardener to just trim the bushes, and mow the property like she likes. Then maybe weed monthly. She can still weed, but it will be for her enjoyment. Keeping that property watered it a whole other macrame' of madness. She needs her gator to pull those around. I am utterly useless helping around the farm. Funny story last summer. She's got the tractor with the scooper thingy, and there's a pipe she motions me to get from the garage. Then she yells, "put it in the bucket"! I take the long pipe and stick it in a large bucket of other things near the entrance of the garage. " No, no, MY bucket, *motions to her scooper thingy*"!!! She was laughing, then I got to giggling. So you see, I am like a fish out of water at her place.😂😂

    Your sister sounds like my mom. She is obsessed with weeding. I have to wait until after dark to call her or she will be outside and most of the time she is pulling weeds. There are a TON of weeds to pull which I understand but other things don't get done(like planting in the greenhouse so she had to go buy all her plants this year).
    She has a little mower/tractor that she loves for hauling. She did mow the back field with it. Most of the area she pulls the weeds by hand.
    She will be 80 in a few weeks. She has more energy/stamina than I do but then she falls asleep as soon as she sits down, even in the middle of a conversation.


    Awe, a gardener is passionate about plants! My sister has more stamina than me, that's for certain. The strength in my hands is just not great.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,698 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    The girl’s first trip to the canyon

    Wowsa 7+ miles, you, Kirby and your canine kids rock! So beautiful!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,698 Member
    Good news! My eldest sailor passed the recent Navy advancement test, so he's now a 1st Class Petty Officer! Better yet, he will get to stay in the Navy until he retires. I am so proud of him, and I know its a weight off his shoulders, and our shoulders! When he has his ceremony I will post the proud sailor photo.💖🤗👍🏼
    He called us when he saw our congrats on his squadron page. So we knew of the good news before he did! The down side of working nights.

    That is fantastic! Congratulations to him and to his justifiably proud mama!

    Willamette Valley OR

    Thanks Flea, he called us and we were able to congratulate him on the phone. I miss him more than ever, but hopefully he can come home for Christmas this year. I told him he had a pass on the holidays the first year, but he needed to get his b utt home the next.🤗💖⚓👍🏼
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,585 Member
    3. Re-frame a worry and try to find a helpful way to think about it. Use worry about hardening of the arteries to get up and MOVE and prep some veggies.
    At Grocery Outlet this afternoon a woman approached me and asked about the COEXIST bumper sticker on my car. What did it mean? Was it from an organization?
    “Live and let live.” I replied. “No organization that I know of. People need to be able to follow their own paths.” She said “Good, that’s what I hoped it was. We need more of those.” I saw her again at checkout and thanked her for taking the time to ask. She made my day.
    Welcome back @mlashomb Michelle from Upstate NY!
    Joy bless you for taking in that little dog. Lucy is one lucky pup! Glad Buddy is gentle, does he try to herd Lucy?
    @lightstrongma what Barbiecat said. Understand completely. Sorry you were defrauded, best to be cautious going forward.
    Rita “people annoy me” me too :laugh:
    Rebecca, con VERY gratulations to your eldest! Job well done. Know this is a huge relief to you all.
    Lanette “socket wrench in hand” you sound like Rosie the Riveter. Bravissima!
    Pip saw this setup while strolling through Harris Beach Campground and thought of you.
    Allie that pic of Miles curled up and over Aslan, wow that is an amazing cat!
    1. Decide to look for what’s good every day this month. 1-Blue skies. 2-views of the ocean on way into town and on stroll chat with T. 3-
    06/02: Move: 2 sets PT w/x&a. stroll chat w/T. steps: Fuel: plants running count for week so far: 11+5+2+5+3=acv, almonds, apple, artichoke, avocado, beans-chili, beets, cucumber, grapefruit, Kashi, kettle corn, kombucha, macadamia nuts, maraschino cherry, peanuts, pecans, pepperoncini, peppers-sweet/yellow, pomegranate juice, radish, romaine, spinach, spring mix, tangerines, tea-black, wheat-Snap’d crackers/tortilla/sourdough/ginger snap. : :CI=866 so far :naughty: CO=461
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, chiropractor, Post Office, Grocery Outlet, Freddie’s. Wt:132.1
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,698 Member
    Rebecca - what wonderful news about your son's advancement. Will be great for him to get the full retirement. Well done! <3

    Joy - Lucy is a neat name for your new little gal. Can't wait to see a photo. <3

    Pip- love the pictures- everything looks spectacular including the fajitas :p . You and Kirby and the kids sure know how to take a vacation from retirement, lol.

    Sue - I kind of miss not having goats. They were a handful and hard on fences when we had them, but so smart and loving. Glad you weren't hurt! I think I got butted a time or two but luckily saw it coming and was able to dodge most of the blow. We had a buck just long enough to get the job done then he went on to another farm. ;)

    You also are good with various tools as I recall. I agree, zip ties rank right up there with the bungees, lol. When I was attaching the screening to that little section of the chainlink, I noted when the fence was put in 16 years ago, some they used heavy duty zip ties in a few places as well. Still strong and doing the job after that length of time.

    Where is your DD going in Africa? I always thought it would be a great place to visit ever since I read the "Ladies Detective Agency" series. I think it was set in Zimbabwe? Seemed like a fairly arid land but McCall's description of the folks there and their philosophy about life was refreshing. If she takes any photos you'd wish to share, I'd love to see them.

    The end of a pretty nice week. Have a great weekend!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
    Yes it has been our plan as his military supportive parents to see him thru to retirement. When he was at his 10 year mark he was going to get out, but husband had a long talk with him and he stuck it out. So many perks that a young kid just doesn't think about, but to retire in your late 30's, draw pay, have full medical, access to the base is just a win win.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    @auntiebk Thank you for asking.. but I don’t put, my name, location or pics up on a open site. Unfortunately someone used my information for fraud. So I will use by screen name. Better safe than sorry. 🙂

    @Whidislander Sweet pup 💙

    I am really enjoying your garden pics. @terryrichardson1! 🌷

    I understand completely ... there's nothing wrong with using a person's username. Often our usernames are part of our personal identity. :)

    And we can be vague about our location too. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 678 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    dcresider wrote: »
    Hi Barbie. Thank you for including me in this group. I am looking forward to getting to know you all.

    A little bit about me: Recently early retiree and happily married to my love of 19 years, no kids but 2 lovable furry felines (Luna and Nyx) adopted during COVID 2020. A city girl at heart but have respect for the rural and outdoors, I live in the heart of Washington, DC, USA. I love what our city has to offer: free museums, fantastic, food, and lots of tourists. ;)

    As of last year, I have managed to gain 10 lbs. mostly due to menopause which is NOT a fun time for me (hot flashes, bloating, interrupted sleep). I'm trying to control my weight and have recently started weight training, cardio, and upping the protein quite a bit.

    If anyone has any input on controlling menopause symptoms, please let me know.

    Washington, DC


    Hi DC! Our Rhody (the black cat who I posted a photo of just recently) is also a COVID Cat. :)

    I like aspects of both city and country life. I work in the city ... and live in what was a slightly more rural suburb, but it's getting all built up around here so we'd like to move out further at some point.

    I've had a horrendous perimenopause that lasted about 10 years with just about all the symptoms: on the list in the article below. It would be quicker for me to list the ones I didn't have: burning mouth and thinning hair. I'll be going for a bone density test soon to see if I have osteoporosis.

    What are the 34 symptoms of menopause?

    Fortunately, my periods have stopped and several of the symptoms have eased, but I'm still doing the hot flash and night sweat thing.

    I can't take HRT so I'm on the next best thing, anti-depressants. I think they help, somewhat.

    Nothing else seems to help and I have tried a lot of things. I can only ease the symptoms a bit by having a desk fan next to me all the time and wearing summer clothes year round. I also drink a lot of cold water and have to get up from time to time to run my hands under cold water.

    I really hope you post again, and if you're comfortable with being called DC or DC Resider, that's fine. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    Rhonda21km wrote: »
    Yes it indicates half marathon. I used to run them quite often. I'd like to change my name but MFP won't allow it.

    I have run one half marathon and would like to run another.

    There is an event coming up in September and I'm hoping to build up to the 10K distance. Then there's another event next January ... and maybe, just maybe I'll be ready for the half again. :)

    M in Oz
  • lightstrongma
    lightstrongma Posts: 182 Member
    @Joy1580vb Lucy is a sweet name.

    @auntbk 🙂

    @Machka9 Thank you, I really aspire be a lighter\stronger.. gma\ ma. BTW my profile pic is not me. Maybe with some lbs down with added weight training. It motivates me.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    Still dropping weight. Just shy of 4 kg down in the last couple months. Down to a weight I haven't seen since probably some time in 2021! :smiley:

    Majority of weight loss occurs 'via breathing'

    "According to researchers from the University of New South Wales in Australia, when weight is lost, the majority of it is breathed out as carbon dioxide."

    So, when I'm huffing and puffing up 25 flights of stairs ... that's a good thing. :smiley:

    Shortly I'm going to go and wield my mattock in the garden again. That gets me huffing and puffing too.

    Machka in Oz
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,991 Member