LESS Alcohol ~ JULY 2023 ~ One Day at A Time



  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,803 Member
    I am Dawn, I live in South Eastern British Columbia.
    I joined this thread in November of 2018, a daily drinker at the time
    My primary goal with drinking less is weight loss.

    My usual goal is 16-20 AF days for the month,
    I had 18AF days in May.

    I do this diary style:

    Sunday July 16 - AF - A full day off. I really liked it : - ) Just caught up with some laundry and weeding and stuff. My Mint has been ready for quite some time, but no Mojitos just yet. I would have had one, but I have 2 jobs on Monday, so stayed AF. Yay to hitting 10
    Monday July 17 - AF - I have managed to give away shifts and take most of Wednesday and all of Thursday off and then will work 12 straight over the 3 jobs. Not going to try to stay AF if I feel like having drinks over the next few days. Definitely getting to a lake while it is still summer.

    Rolling total: 11AF days out of 17 days.
  • forestdweller1
    forestdweller1 Posts: 398 Member
    @dawnbgethealthy ...Olallie Daylily Gardens...click on their color catalog [purples]...as IF you have a spare moment!!
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,710 Member
    I was halfway to golf last night (finally had the time to do it), and said you know what? Tuesdays are my only night off and I don’t want to be in a golf league, even if it’s a “fun, super casual” one. I just need one night home. So instead I ran an errand and came home to have dinner with my family. Great decision! Poof, I just took the pressure off myself feeling I should be doing something I am not all that excited about. I’m too old to feel obligated to do anything. I enjoy golf - but not on my only night home.

    At any rate, I had a lovely dinner with the hubby, had 1.5 glasses of wine, got my stuff done, and feel great today!

    @Michieb125 i love your changing perspective - I’m right there with ya!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,803 Member
    @dawnbgethealthy ...Olallie Daylily Gardens...click on their color catalog [purples]...as IF you have a spare moment!!

    I clicked.
    Prince of midnight, Royal fireworks, Real purple star, Chicago knobby, Punk, Ollalie Maggie Brommel, and Deluxe Issue all look to be Magenta in colour with stripes.
    Wow, what a catalogue!

    I like the: Velvet Underground and Darius out of the purples
    Being that I like black and red flowers the Black Pearl, Baltimore Oriole.

    I had some black lilies (2 spots) for years, but they didn't come back this year. I do have some black petunias and lovely deep red other types of annuals. I have Crimson Lace Dianthus that come back every year.

    Thanks for the link!
    Because I am not going to work at all today I had time to enjoy that lovely website : - )
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,803 Member

    Good on you for saying "no". We can all get overwhelmed with commitments, leading to NO downtime at all.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,803 Member
    I am Dawn, I live in South Eastern British Columbia.
    I joined this thread in November of 2018, a daily drinker at the time
    My primary goal with drinking less is weight loss.

    My usual goal is 16-20 AF days for the month,
    I had 18AF days in May.

    I do this diary style:

    Sunday July 16 - AF - A full day off. I really liked it : - ) Just caught up with some laundry and weeding and stuff. My Mint has been ready for quite some time, but no Mojitos just yet. I would have had one, but I have 2 jobs on Monday, so stayed AF. Yay to hitting 10
    Monday July 17 - AF - I have managed to give away shifts and take most of Wednesday and all of Thursday off and then will work 12 straight over the 3 jobs. Not going to try to stay AF if I feel like having drinks over the next few days. Definitely getting to a lake while it is still summer.
    Tuesday July 18 - Drinks. Orange Mint Mojito and Chocolate Mint Mojito. I wouldn't normally drink more than one, but made them for a friend and I and then she said that she couldn't drink hard liquor and that I would have to drink hers. They were both delicious and quite different from each other. I got a good stretch of Bindweed battling after my bank appointment, and then really really relaxed knowing that I would have Wednesday off. Planning early morning weeding in another area of my garden and then off to a lake today. If I feel like having drinks when I get home I will.

    Rolling total: 11AF days out of 18 days.
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 685 Member
    I must look up that amazing DayLily gardens catalog this week….I hope to try some new flowers outside of my safety zone of petunias and petunias lol.

    @Womona I know you made a great decision last night. Feeling good about how we spend our precious time is key for me too.
    @dawnbgethealthy a day at the lake sounds heavenly - enjoy!

    Yesterday, I went to a Zumba Gold class (beginners and/or seniors) thinking it was going to be easy peasy but NOT. I pretty much kept up but laughing inside and out half of the time….it was a lot of rapid movements but the instructor was so fun and I wanted to burn some extra calories this week. Made some icy cold NA zero calorie refreshments last night and kept hydrated.

    AF until Fri or Sat this week to meet my personal goal.
    July goal: 21-22 AF days
    AF - 12
    A - 6
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,803 Member

    So sorry about your dog :'(

    I bet that you wish that you were back in the mountains of NM with the current heat.

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,803 Member
    I am Dawn, I live in South Eastern British Columbia.
    I joined this thread in November of 2018, a daily drinker at the time
    My primary goal with drinking less is weight loss.

    My usual goal is 16-20 AF days for the month,
    I had 18AF days in May.

    I do this diary style:

    Wednesday July 19 - Drinks. Made myself a Mojito out of my Ginger Mint, very delicious and different. Planned AF for the next 5 days.

    Rolling total: 11AF days out of 19 days.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    @itladyee Awww... I am very sorry about Yoda. What a cutie. He must have felt loved and cared for till the very end. Because he was. 14 is a good score for a dog! His prognosis was not promising at all and you spared him suffering. It hurts to loose a faithful companion. Hugs to you.