

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Can I post a video from my Facebook on here that you could see? Or do I have to make it public first?

    I've found that Facebook videos don't play well with MFP. But you could try. And yes, it would have to be public.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Debbie - I didn't get anything from you, so I just messaged you. Hopefully you got it and can hit reply. Somewhere in outer space is a whole lot of messages that never made it to their destination. :D Lanette

    I don't see any messages from you(or anyone for that matter)- It should be where the bell is, right?

    No ... click on the blue words at the top that say "myfitnesspal" and when that opens, look for messages.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    edited August 2023


  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Debbie - I didn't get anything from you, so I just messaged you. Hopefully you got it and can hit reply. Somewhere in outer space is a whole lot of messages that never made it to their destination. :D Lanette

    I don't see any messages from you(or anyone for that matter)- It should be where the bell is, right?

    No ... click on the blue words at the top that say "myfitnesspal" and when that opens, look for messages.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Lovely Tracey. :D She will adore it. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,627 Member
    Good Saturday!
    Yes, the Bronco is fun. It rides and drives wonderfully. Yes, the insurance is the awful part of owning so many. They are all low mileage though which will help if we decide to downsize-haha!

    Machka I am glad your husband managed. It does bring some peace of mind to us as well. I won't forget the trepidation I felt when leaving my DH for a week the first time even though his mom lived next door! His "friends" were suppose to take him to dinner a couple of times. No shows, but he didn't tell me until I came home. He didn't starve as I had left things he could microwave plus fresh milk and cereals. I don't worry so much now. I think it is good for caregivers to be able to have some alone time even if it is business.

    So I made a not happy discovery this morning....
    I have always been a member of the IBTC. About 10 yrs ago I got a bra fitting after loosing a lot of weight. I wasn't sure whether to hug the lady or smack her when she told me I wasn't an A cup but a C with side sag! Well, this morning, I noticed sagging boobs! When did that happen? I realize I am 60 but it seems to have occurred over night! Husband says they are fine :p

    I started this on Saturday and here it is Sunday evening! I am glad I saved it!

    Lisa Great Job on rooms!

    Allie Self care is important! You have continued to be a trouper in spite of all things. Just because you accept it doesn't mean you necessarily have to like it.

    Rita I hope you are feeling better today! Scary!

    Machka Thank you for the brain injury explanation. My DH was in an awful Jeep accident when he was 19. Head vs tree. 9 skulls fractures and partial cut of the optic nerve on the right eye (hence the very limited sight on that eye.) He told me when we met that the injury had affected his way of life and thinking. Your explanation helps me to understand better. Since I didn't know him before, I just know him as he is now.

    Tracey Congratulations on the computer! I need to set up my new tablet.

    Rebecca Keep posting pics! I had a wonderful salad yesterday that I was unsure about but tried. Spinach, Grilled portabella mushroom, grilled chicken, black olives, tomatoes, red onions, cajun spices, and ranch dressing. It was wonderful!

    Rori I am so excited for you!

    Well, Happy Monday!
    Made it through the weekend, unfortunately not unscathed! Went to the local Dairy shed last night with a bunch of friends. We were there an hour and I got stung on the back of the right leg by a yellow jacket. I pulled out the stinger and we headed right home. Ice, Benadryl, and Tylenol. Swollen larger than my hand this morning, so will head to doctor. Everyone wanted me to go to the ER but no need this time as no trouble breathing.

    I stirred up a hornets nest with my youngest daughter again.......unintentionally.....
    I was busy cleaning off my desk (yay- it is done!) When I realized that both my daughters have anniversaries this month. I wished her a happy anniversary, and apparently it was her older sister's not hers. I missed hers on the 9th. I apologized and said happy belated anniversary. She still went off on FB about her family forgetting all about important dates with them. Whatever.....I have always sucked at dates....even more so when I am overwhelmed, which she should relate to. I have bent over backwards to help them. Some people are never happy. We were even at their house on Saturday night and had a good time visiting. Oh well......

    My accomplishments this weekend were clearing off my desk that was overflowing. It is so nice to not see it piled up. I also moved the shredder from the guest room to the side of my desk. Maybe I will get less pile up.Also finished up our reservation for this coming weekend in TN.

    I overpaid on our cabin for September....oops....like $1600 dollars over. Owner is offering refund or keeping it as credit for next year, per my suggestion. As I have already paid that credit card I am good either way. She said she would have caught it next week when she did the books for the month. :smile:

    Hugs to those that want or need them (((HUGS)))
    Congratulations to victories both with the scale or NSV!
    Love and gratitude for all of you,

    Kylia in Ohio
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    edited August 2023
    The hummingbirds here in Illinois are gone & I miss them. They’ve headed to warmer places for the winter. :neutral:

    Katla in Illinois
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,366 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Quick Question ...

    What is something or are some things you do or would do to make travel easier, more comfortable and less stressful.

    Might be physical things like your favourite sleep headband/eye mask that you can hook up to music ... or noise cancelling ear buds.

    Might be your favourite sarong to wrap yourself in or your favourite pillow.

    Might be arriving at the airport 2 hours early.

    Might be travelling less than 6 hours a day, then spending the rest of the day relaxing somewhere.

    What makes travelling an enjoyable experience for you?

    M in Oz
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Kylia - I bet when you do decide to downsize vehicles, having the low mileage will help immensely. That Bronco sounds like a sweet ride.

    My mom was a stickler for remembering anniversaries, birthdays, etc. It used to irk me that when we moved out here and away from the family gatherings, she'd make it a point to call or write and say "your brother's anniversary is next Monday, don't forget to send a card," or " nephew's birthday is next Friday, don't forget to send a card/gift." I think the family was secretly glad when she got dementia and forgot her motherly reminder duties. :p Now, the only cards I send are Bday cards to siblings and their spouses if I remember, and a little $ to niece and her family - who've been good at keeping in contact with me and at least saying "thank you." And a few Christmas cards.

    Barbie - what a blessing to have A/C these days when we get the unusual super hot weather for this area. I opened the windows early this morning to try to get some cool breeze flowing through the house before the sun came up.

    I discovered one good way to keep cool is to NOT look at the thermometer or listen to the local news "Another super hot day for the county, hot all week. Breaking records! The hottest it's been for two centuries!" :p I'm exaggerating a little, lol. Yesterday, I covered up the display for the outside thermometer with a post-it. I tend to worry about things I can't control, this took care of it. Even with the A/C set at 74, I still keep a fan going in the living room. The house remained cool until around 1 pm when the A/C kicked on.

    Lisa - good job getting the extra Air Conditioner and good job catching up on the cleaning!

    This supply chain stuff has me taking inventory of things I might need/replacements. After our old heat pump died during a hot spell a few years ago, I bought a couple spare fans - I was going to give them away but think I'll hang on to them, the current fan I have going plus the old box fan I set in the doorway are probably 25 years old. Glad Walmart came through for you. When I was in there shopping last week, I did see a big display of smaller window units and they didn't seem that expensive.

    Yesterday I watched a series of ZOE presentations on YouTube. They covered interesting aspects of nutrition and health. There are plenty more for me to watch today.

    I'm keeping the chickies as cool as I can. The sun really doesn't hit their run until around 10 - huge trees on the east side keep them in the shade. Yesterday I dumped a couple buckets of water in their run so they could scratch around in cool, wet dirt, and gave them a few "popcicles" - frozen ice cubes with peas and corn. Last evening when it got shady, I let them out of their run scratch around, eat some grass and weeds and peck fallen apples. Thelma followed me around, panting. She let me pick her up and I dunked her feet and belly in a bucket of water for a minute. She didn't fight me. When I let her go, she ruffed her feathers and marched off. Her dignity was wounded but I think it helped her cool off a little. :p

    Stay cool, ladies! <3

    Lanette B)
    Sunny SW WA State