

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,540 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I had imagined that this winter (just ending) would be slow and relaxing. I envisioned getting the puzzles out and doing lots of reading. I even imagined I would make progress on the office mess.

    Then I blinked and it's almost the end of winter. I am well behind on several things. Plus the puzzles and office haven't been touched.

    So many other things came up!

    On bees ...

    A queen lives about 5 or 6 years while other bees (scouts, guards, nurses, foragers, etc.) live 3-6 weeks.

    Early in her life, the queen takes a flight where she mates with a drone. She returns to the hive and proceeds to lay eggs in the honeycomb cells. The brood is tended by the nurse bees and most of the brood grow up to be scouts, guards, nurses, foragers, etc. This process keeps going and going because the scouts, guards, nurses, foragers, etc. have short lives.

    But in the spring, sometimes the nurse bees choose a few female larvae, feed them royal jelly, and raise them up to be queens.

    When one hatches, the old queen will usually leave and will take about 2/3 of the bees with her ... in a swarm. If you ever see a swarm, leave them alone, contact your local beekeeping association and someone will come and get them. Those swarms are highly valued.

    Meanwhile, the new queen will kill all the other would-be queens and will set up shop in the hive. If the old queen doesn't leave in time, she'll be killed by the new queen too.

    The old queen and her followers will be collected by someone (or will set up a hive in a tree or chimney or something), and the year will pass. Next spring, the same sort of thing might happen.

    Our bees were a caught swarm, so we can't know for sure how old the queen was. She could have been nearing the end of her life.

    The brood box was empty so I figure she passed on at least 3-6 weeks ago, the nurse bees got the last set of larvae hatched, and then there was no more.

    So yes, it happens from time to time.

    The Queen Bee: her birth, life and death

    And yes, we'll clean things up and see if we can obtain another swarm. :)

    Machka in Oz

    I find the world of bees fascinating! When you tell it, it sounds like a Medieval kingdom, I can picture the story in my head. The old Queen with her loyal followers, retreating to another part of the kingdom in the dark of night. Truth be told, I am scared to death of them. One of my phobias.

    One of the neat things about the bees is that all of them, except the drones, are female. So all the worker bees - nurses, guards, scouts, foragers, etc are female.

    M in Oz

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    <3Rebecca Yippee for your good news 🌞🌻🌼
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Debbie – glad the heat helped with the itch. A friend of ours does the same thing – he runs hot water over the itch. Same idea.

    Pip – I have to ask – why bother living in the other place?

    Allie – my pool noodle broke and I wish I could find some. None of the stores around here have them. Either they never got them in this season or they are all sold out.

    Lisa – I use a book calendar to keep track of things like what we’re going to eat for dinner that night, what exercise I have planned, and our engagements, sometimes things like people’s birthdays, etc.

    Lanette – yea Fairy!

    Rebecca – there’s no way I’d put peanut butter on the waffle! But everything else sounds so good

    Cynthia – can you show me a pic of your trike?

    Rebecca – so happy for you, doing a happy dance

    Took my walk then made rice krispie bars for Vince. I got these marshmallows on sale, but they were the giant ones. Cut them in half and added more rice krispies. Probably should have added more but I had to guess as to how much butter and rk to use.

    Michele NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Rebecca - I'm crying tears of joy for you!
  • Rosemarie2972
    Rosemarie2972 Posts: 451 Member
    Rebecca: You made my evening! I am so excited for you! You all look wonderful in the pictures!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Awww Rebecca that is the most wonderful happy news!!!!Yipeee
    He is safe and sound..
    Rita- my dad was in Al- Anon for over 40 yrs and my mom was a friend of Bill W for almost 20 before she passed.. i have been to many a meeting with her and with dad.. I give you a whole lot of credit..
    I slept for a few hrs.and will go back to sleep in a little bit,then get up in the morning and take a shower have to be at the rheumatologist at 10..hopefully get some answers.
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,545 Member
    It has happened! My youngest called today! I was like, "is this really you"???? He's like," yes mom I'm sorry, so sorry". I was crying, he was crying! Then we all relaxed and had the best 2 and a half hour chat.💖 Oh my heart. I am beyond the moon.
    I am breathing a sigh of relief.💖🙏👍⚓

    Oh my stars and whiskers, Rebecca... I'm so incredibly glad for you. I know that two and a half hours are what your mama's heart needed more than anything in the world. And I'm so GLAD the first words out of his mouth were "I'm sorry." They needed to be, and you needed to hear them. Oh my. Trying not to cry over here.

    Joy - Corey's cucumbers just finally stopped producing, and only three plants produced more pickles than he will eat in the next two years! He pulled them out and said the same as you - they needed more room to spread and grow so he could get to them. He has plans for a different trellis design next year. His tomatoes are still producing like crazy, though.

    Sue - So pleased your people are ok in SoCal, and that your scans are showing stable.

    Cynthia - One of our newest members - welcome! We're glad you're here.

    Slept for an hour and a half on the couch, the heat just really takes me down fast... but got what I was looking for in town before I fell over. It's still 103 degrees outside. I think I'll just stay in the house tomorrow.

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Rebecca - What a relief for you. <3 So glad. :)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Rebecca-I hopped back on because I realized I didn't give you message for your sister-please tell her from one widow to another, there are no rule books for this thing. It's been 8 years for me and some days I am still crazy. She will feel what she feels and that is totally ok. AND THEN-I see your news! That is epic-we have all been hoping for you and there he is-the prodigal son returns! So happy for you.

    Pip-I think I like the looks of your camping set up better than my house!

    Allie-hope you get some relief soon and can enjoy your trip.

    Rita-good for you working on not drinking. I think there are some on-line AA groups-some of them may be separate from Facebook. The reading for both AA and Alanon hold wisdom.

    Nothing much else to say today-can't top Rebeca's news!

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

    We try to make it cute :0)