

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :) Very smoky here. Not bad for me but Jake has multiple respiratory issues so we've kept all the windows closed and he stays in the house. I've gone out for my usual walks and am now settled in the house with knitting, document scanning, and exercise bike.

    :)Allie those sheets are great.

    :)Pip congrats on your riding and fund raising success

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,034 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    Joy – I don’t know if you’ve read my hint for getting rid of the itch TEMPORARILY. Aim your blowdryer at the itch. Hold it there as long as you can possibly stand it. The reason this works is that the heat breaks up the histamines that cause the itching. Yes, in a few hours they will probably reunite. But in the meantime, you’re not itching. At first I thought “no way is this going to work”. We had been doing some cutting of brush and got chigger bites. Were they ever itchy! I tried everything under the sun to relieve the itching. Someone told me about this so I figured “I’ve tried everything else, what’s the worst that can happen? Nothing?” So I gave it a try and it worked!

    A friend just called. Seems she has some sort of “debilitating” leg wound. Not sure exactly what. Anyway, she asked if we still had the chair for the shower, we do. So we’ll take it to her after dinner along with a chair that sits on top of the toilet and has arms to assist you getting up and the transport chair. She’s not sure she’ll need the chair, but just in case. This will probably make it easier for her daughters who are helping her.

    After the pool made some of the protein waffles so I can put them in the toaster (again, thanks Rebecca for the idea)

    Michele NC
    I remembered what you said and beings I had so many bites, I jumped in and took a really hot shower two nights in a row- not what I wanted to do at 3AM but couldn't sleep without doing it- that was a quicker and quieter cure for the itch- thank you for suggesting it. Thankfully, only had one little bite during the night, sprayed it with sanitizer and fell back to sleep.

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,428 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!

    The day got away from me. It's hot and smoky here right now - windy too. It's been worse in past years but still, not a good idea to be out in it for long. Should be starting to clear by this time tomorrow. With all the hot hot weather we had, trees are dropping leaves and it looks like fall already.

    A reminder, if anyone wants to add info to the accountability post tomorrow, please message it to me on MFP.

    Tracey - I just sent you a message, hope you got it. In the past I've been able to message folks I'm not "friends" with, but MFP seems to have changed that.

    Wondering how Evie in Vancouver is doing with the smoke.

    Been reading posts as I am able - hope to catch up tonight or tomorrow. :)

    SW WA State
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Very snazzy there Pip
    Im sure ya'll are enjoying it all..well im in bed.. hopefully for the night...I have good for Homer next to me but he has had all his pills..
    Barky boy is still at it which is nothing unusual..269ajfs6q3tp.jpg
    Tom is such a yutz.. told him I wanted a picture of them on the boat,so what do i get a picture of the sun and Elena lol he said he hasn't had enough to drink yet ..
    Told him to have one of the waiters to take a picture of them both ,such a ding dong
    Clapping for the bed.. they bought pool noodles and put them under the sheet so he doesn't roll out.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,891 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    edited August 2023
    I had imagined that this winter (just ending) would be slow and relaxing. I envisioned getting the puzzles out and doing lots of reading. I even imagined I would make progress on the office mess.

    Then I blinked and it's almost the end of winter. I am well behind on several things. Plus the puzzles and office haven't been touched.

    So many other things came up!

    On bees ...

    A queen lives about 5 or 6 years while other bees (scouts, guards, nurses, foragers, etc.) live 3-6 weeks.

    Early in her life, the queen takes a flight where she mates with a drone. She returns to the hive and proceeds to lay eggs in the honeycomb cells. The brood is tended by the nurse bees and most of the brood grow up to be scouts, guards, nurses, foragers, etc. This process keeps going and going because the scouts, guards, nurses, foragers, etc. have short lives.

    But in the spring, sometimes the nurse bees choose a few female larvae, feed them royal jelly, and raise them up to be queens.

    When one hatches, the old queen will usually leave and will take about 2/3 of the bees with her ... in a swarm. If you ever see a swarm, leave them alone, contact your local beekeeping association and someone will come and get them. Those swarms are highly valued.

    Meanwhile, the new queen will kill all the other would-be queens and will set up shop in the hive. If the old queen doesn't leave in time, she'll be killed by the new queen too.

    The old queen and her followers will be collected by someone (or will set up a hive in a tree or chimney or something), and the year will pass. Next spring, the same sort of thing might happen.

    Our bees were a caught swarm, so we can't know for sure how old the queen was. She could have been nearing the end of her life.

    The brood box was empty so I figure she passed on at least 3-6 weeks ago, the nurse bees got the last set of larvae hatched, and then there was no more.

    So yes, it happens from time to time.

    The Queen Bee: her birth, life and death

    And yes, we'll clean things up and see if we can obtain another swarm. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Morning ladies
    Im awake and have gotten the dogs out and fed Alfie
    Homer it takes awhile to get him going.
    Got Homers first set of pills in
    Didn't sleep well at all.. and can't wait to see the Dr tomorrow, im just sore all over and in pain and sort of short of breath.. so I will see what she says tomorrow..
    But when we get home im taking a nap lol.
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,536 Member
    Morning, afternoon or evening, all, as the geography fits... :smiley:

    Monday morning, Cor's off to work. Got a busy morning going, but should be able to relax this afternoon. Now the prednisone is out of my system, I'm sleeping more than seven hours a night again (yay!). Woke up stiff as all get out, but it's starting to work itself out a bit. Already got the last small bag of trash down for pickup, and have the water going for the flowers. Corey watered his garden last night.

    The early morning will be getting my meds sorted out for the week and getting the laundry folded. Got a Walmart delivery coming in right at 10 a.m. May not wait for it, as I don't have to be here. Also have a FedEx pickup sometime today of the extra air conditioner. It's out under my carport, and labeled and ready to go. Corey got the Amazon A/C installed yesterday, bless him, so we are pretty full up on air conditioning at this point!

    Want to run into town to get a new desk planner/weekly/monthly tracker. I use one to track my weight, and the blood pressure that my cardiologist wants me to take on a random basis, among other things. Want to get the smaller one this time.

    Also need to stop and get some deli ham that I can only get in the big city, as no one out here sells it. It has no smoke flavor to me--which for whatever reason, always makes me nauseous, and particularly with ham. It's uncured, as well, and doesn't have that slimy feel that so many of the overprocessed lunch meats have. I actually love the taste of ham, but not what they put in most of them. And Michele, dear heart, because you always ask, it's Boar's Head Sweet Slice ham.

    Gee, exciting, huh? Ah well... I like this life. It suits me these days.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,428 Member
    Yesterday, late afternoon, I went to visit the hens and let them out for a little walkabout. Fairy was making a noise like a crow - not crowing like a rooster, but kind of a "caw" like a crow makes. She is black like a crow, after all. It was almost like she had something stuck in her throat. But she was acting normal, eating, etc. I went to check inside of their coop to see if I needed to clean it out and guess what? A little bitty dark brown egg! I think that was her way of announcing her accomplishment. :p

    I haven't been out to spend any time with them yet to see if she's back to normal voice.

    I was awake and up at 2:30 -- too many salty peanuts before bed. That will show up in the accountability post coming later this morning. :#

    But I have a crockpot of apples cooking down into sauce, got my walk in. It's going to be a good day with a nap later on. :p

    Chilly morning, I think the smoke is starting to clear from our area - I can see clouds in the sky as the haze diminishes.

    More later....

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,368 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,539 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did a workout on the bosu today then took a walk around the neighborhood. I’m liking this cooler weather. Then WalMart. Then the pool

    pip – of course you are in first place! Didn’t think you wouldn’t be, but still glad to see your stats

    Ginny – those are great sheets for Allie!

    Lisa – one time my son asked me when I was going to stop worrying about him. I just told him “get used to it because when I die, I’m going to come back from the grave to worry about you”. Happy you’re feeling better

    M – so sorry you lost the beehive

    Joy – I don’t know if you’ve read my hint for getting rid of the itch TEMPORARILY. Aim your blowdryer at the itch. Hold it there as long as you can possibly stand it. The reason this works is that the heat breaks up the histamines that cause the itching. Yes, in a few hours they will probably reunite. But in the meantime, you’re not itching. At first I thought “no way is this going to work”. We had been doing some cutting of brush and got chigger bites. Were they ever itchy! I tried everything under the sun to relieve the itching. Someone told me about this so I figured “I’ve tried everything else, what’s the worst that can happen? Nothing?” So I gave it a try and it worked!

    Carol – part of me can’t help wondering (yes, I’m a worry wort) if she has bruises and doesn’t want us to see them. Then again, the other part of me wonders if she is feeling that Pete’s home so he can help take care of PJ. If we go up when he’s not home, then we can take care of PJ. So that’ll give her two weekends.

    A friend just called. Seems she has some sort of “debilitating” leg wound. Not sure exactly what. Anyway, she asked if we still had the chair for the shower, we do. So we’ll take it to her after dinner along with a chair that sits on top of the toilet and has arms to assist you getting up and the transport chair. She’s not sure she’ll need the chair, but just in case. This will probably make it easier for her daughters who are helping her.

    After the pool made some of the protein waffles so I can put them in the toaster (again, thanks Rebecca for the idea)

    Michele NC

    No prob. 💖. You know if you make them, (being that you can buy them frozen already made), and add eggs, then put peanut butter on them with berries or my favorite bananas, then a wee bit of syrup or honey, you have a lot of protein there! I never use butter because the heat from the waffle melts the peanut butter so there's no need.😁👍
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Homer snoring away if he can with barky boy ,barking at every blessed thing..
    Im just not feeling well at all,like I said lack of sleep and hurting all over.. I want to be able to enjoy my cruise
    Keep me in your prayers if your the praying type .
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Welcome @cyntdooley Cindy from FL! Brava for grooming Izzy yourself. I should do this, but my eye hand esthetic coordination are non-existent :[
    Pip you GO gal!
    Machka many thanks for the Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction enzyme analysis recommendation. When I get in to new MD I’ll ask her. So sorry to hear of your hive’s loss.
    Heather have you any tips on how to change one’s attitudes about control and success. Like Lisa I struggle with perfectionism, especially analysis to paralysis.
    Kay, found “connections” on the NYTimes website but couldn’t twist my brain around it.
    Tumble just announced that her breakfast is late. C’mon Mommy, get with it!!! :laugha;

    Today’s (8/21) Joe filled out the Oregon Advance Directive form and got one for me to fill out.
    8/20: hot running water and a hand held shower head.
    08/20: Move: 2 sets PT w/x&a, dogs to powerline. Steps:4553
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=4 CI<CO net=-15
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AD, church, veg prep. Wt: 132.7
    08/19: Move: ZERO sets PT, HBCG stroll with Joe and the dogs, dog group. Steps:10076
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=-27 CI<CO net=132
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AF, AD, hymns. Wt: 133.2 again
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2023: Be of good cheer. August: Move more, fuel better (less sugar), live NOW.