

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Joy, finding a dog groomer that you and Lucy like is liking finding a gold mine.

    :)Lisa, I am a fan of Amazon and delighted to hear that they said to just keep the air conditioner

    :)Heather amazing pictures

    :)Lanette I'm glad that poodle got a home right away. Wouldn't that Eglu chicken home be great. Too bad it's so expensive. Your girls have found a great home.

    :)Betsy, Glad to hear that you are back in Washington and done with Covid.

    :)Allie, Jake talks about once a week to his second ex wife who lives in Missouri. She tells him he is the best friend she has right now. She always sends greetings to me even though we've never met. Neither of his other two ex wives will even speak to him not even the one who is the mother of his children. As you have found out, relationships are funny things.

    :) Jake is in charge of the hunt for a dog. Yesterday the shelter wrote back that they wanted photos of the fencing in our yard. We would have to put chicken wire or something around the bottom if we had a small puppy.. We never leave a dog unattended in the yard and we told them that. They might not like us for a small breed puppy bur there might be another slightly larger dog that we'd like The whole dog hunting thing is in the hand of a higher power. Our job is to wait.

    :) It is interesting to notice what things are important to each of us. Some things that are important to many of you, are meaningless to me and certainly some of what is important to me is meaningless to you. I think what's important is to put the most energy into the things that are important and let the others wait.

    :) Jake noticed yesterday that I hadn't written down what's for lunch today so he chose. We're going to the Taco Time drive through for tostada salads. I love the chicken salad in the tortilla bowl because there is so much to "play with" while eating the salad. It is entertaining and delicious.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA who is ready to dance for an hour

    I also like salads that have lots of ingredients. Each fork full is a different texture and taste. 😁💖
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    Found this from a place called North Carry ,its a cross body that I'll wear when I travel,large enough for my passport ,phone,wallet and stuff I need.. i really like it..

    Cool bag Allie!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »

    Debbie- I really, really enjoyed seeing the bird pictures in the marsh by where you walk. What a special place! That grocery job you sometimes do is interesting, I didn't know it existed.

    Make it a wonderful day! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    I am glad you enjoy them. They do not do justice to the real beauty there. I love that more birds are coming back. The last time I walked, there were basically no birds at all.
    I have been doing regular mystery shops for at least 20 yrs(off and on- Covid stopped them for a few years). I have done a few of the merchandising jobs and like doing them.
    If you are interested I can get you more information on them

    Debbie I too love your photos of your walks! It reminds me of when we lived in Imperial Beach , CA, and our apartment complex butted up against a huge estuary. The estuary went a couple blocks down to the ocean, then over to where CA meets the border. It was beautiful with walking paths meandering around. Other than the border patrol helicopters making their rounds it was a great place. My middle son was a toddler and during times when we would walk to the beach, he would be brave and walk the path in the estuary. The sidewalk was pretty much parallel to it, but there were moments where he and I couldn't see each other. His brave face, and my proud (relieved really) face will stick in my memory forever.🤗😁
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Ok can your body react even if your mind doesn't, because I have spent the day in the restroom I know TMI
    Bought this large play pen for Miles so they are putting a twin mattress in his room to see if this works better for nightime sleep.. And he went out of town to do mowies this morning Main St next town over..Gosh how I would love to find a twin set of sheets with lawn mowers on them..

    This is the Happy couple there last trip to Lake George..hope they have a nice time this weekend.
    Rebecca- yes I like the cross body bag alot..
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,366 Member
    edited August 2023
    Allie ~ The new wife looks a lot younger than your ex. And, must ad, so do you! LOL

    Rebecca ~ Love your mom's cow story and love the photo of your sister on the tractor.

    Carol in GA
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Outside bike ride- strava stats- 2hrs 19min 51sec, 391elev, 68aw, 13.3amph, 126ahr, 150mhr, 31.10mi= 1117c
    Strava app = 638c
    Walk to store and back- 23.47min, 3.20ap, 91ahr, 106mhr, 1.27mi= 121c
    Strava app= 156c

    Total cal 1238
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    Had quite a day of 'healthy eating ' while DH was out with his daughter. :o:# All good stuff, but much too much. Oh well. I often do this when he is out . :'(
    They walked and talked along the undercliff and ended up at a pub in the Marina. No food and about 6 miles walking. DH said it was a brilliant day.
    He got back in time for a late dinner which I had saved for him.

    Love you all, Heather UK xxxxxx

    Great photo. She has her daddy's smile.😁
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    Heather - I really love how you are excelling at the painting. You do beautiful work.
    I have heard so many so that youth is wasted on the young. I’m starting to understand that more these days.

    Ginny - More and more are suffering here as well. It’s a real mess, because of the high prices I think it’s harder for people that normally donate to do as much as they did as well.

    I follow a fellow on FB called Officer Gomez. He is a school resource officer that really stays up with the technology, specifically apps and such that kids use and the dangers of them.
    His post yesterday was about how a few years ago he was a guest speaker for a dentist group, they wanted to pay him for attending and he declined. They asked him what they could do instead and he told them that kids needed shoes. The dentist opened a gift card at the local Nike store for $500 and there have been a lot of donations given to it over the years and children have been able to get the first new pair of shoes they ever owned. His post was asking for donations as the gift card funds are low and they haven’t been getting the donations they used to get. He did say Nike contributes by offering low prices for the shoes.

    Allie - it is dark and rainy here this morning too. We had hail and very strong winds last night. I’m not surprised after our hot day. It shook our trailer some though and I didn’t like that.
    I’m sorry Carmine is still being miserable with you.

    Betsy - It’s good you are able to be with your sister.
    I am trying to make my life simpler and happier. It seems to be taking a lot to do it, but I’m “mostly” enjoying the journey.

    Karen - nice to “hear” your voice. I sent an email this morning asking her to send her questions via email. I pointed out that this has caused a lot of stress this week for me. She’ll have to wait until she’s told what to say I’m sure.

    Lisa - the temps here are supposed to be lower next week I think. Today it is 11, 20 degrees cooler than yesterday.
    Supposed to be low 20’s tomorrow.
    I need to do some domestic stuff too, but I’m going to go to the ceramics shop instead. I told her I would help do some stuff today.

    Joy - it didn’t rain here until the hail came. It was quite loud for a few minutes.
    Glad you didn’t get any to ruin your crop.
    The weather this year is from one extreme to the other. We had our heat on yesterday too.

    Barbie - I bet the dog that needs you most will be what you get. That’s how it should be.

    Sue - glad your horses are safe. The first time I met a moose on the road my brain registered horse at first. We used to have a neighbour that had escaping horses.

    Rebecca - Your sister doing all that stuff probably keeps her healthier. My grandmother did all sorts of heavy stuff until well into her late 80’s. She lived until 95, but didn’t enjoy her last 3 years of life because she couldn’t do much.

    Beth - Glad your siding is coming along. I love your pig coop and treats! What a good idea.
    So happy your sons migraines have improved and insurance is covering the prescription. What a relief for him.

    Allie - yes your body can react significantly. I was having that issue before work finally left me alone. My doctor told me it was stress.

    I passed this past weeks session with 100%, got 100% on my presentation as well.
    The next two weeks are the same course. Learning how to teach math and English to exceptional children.

    I emailed work and told them I would prefer to converse via email. No response but they did try to call at 11. I honestly missed it as I was driving.

    Today I have done some crafting for myself and DH. I also made mugs and coasters for my cousin who is renting us their camper. This will be a thank you gift.

    I bought another metal cup to make for myself, now I’m just trying to figure out what to put on it.

    I also put a phone on Marketplace. So many people offered 50 when I was asking for 250. A guy is supposed to come at 7 pm to pick it up for full price.
    I have two more in line if he no shows.
    I try not to sell on there because people just try to knock your down and it’s time consuming.

    Coloured my hair this morning and went and bought some things for our trip this week.

    Now I’m being lazy.
    Tracey in Edmonton

    Yes you are right! I think for her it needs to be a balance of doing what she needs to get done, month by month, pace herself and not feel burdened or overwhelmed.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    edited August 2023
    Lanette, guess we’ve dated ourselves with “Diet for a Small Planet”. Somewhat relieved the amino acids might not have to be balanced at the same meal. I used to make her chocolate chip cookie recipe until my then boyfriend explained to me that while they were filling and sustaining, they were like eating rocks… and he was studying to be a field geologist. Looking forward to seeing whatever DIY chickie tractor you construct. “Direct care” ?
    Allie, love the hair, glasses but most of all the smile!
    Rebecca that “Kindly remove…” sign was a real tea-snorter :laugh:
    Barbie “…our job is to wait” True for us about new-to-us vehicles. Joe has decided he wants to offload the vans for an economical runabout and found one in town. Alas it sold yesterday.
    Lisa, did you try both A/C’s to decide which one to keep? Like you we have no intention of ever holding another garage sale. [shudder]
    Tracey yours to Vicki about stress, pain and taking care of you. Your voice rings of experience. Tell Rodger “Good Job!” from me ;) We were married in 1987 too, but were much older than you both (37). Like Karen in VA and Lisa said, keeping all communication with your former employer in writing is the safest way.
    Welcome home Betsy! Overheating computer? Yikes!
    Ginny what a gift of listening you gave those folks. Heartrending.
    Joy happy for you and Lucy. Few if any of the groomers in our small (7K) town are taking new clients and the one that is . . .
    Debbie hope you enjoy your Sunday time to yourself ;) Beautiful wetlands pics. Mosquitoes (and poison oak) whatever was the Creator thinking? :noway:
    Sue that Ruby is just too darned clever!
    Annie feel for you.. Visited a gal in a nursing home who didn’t understand why her doctor was wearing a mask, laughing “Didn’t he know the pandemic is over?” . Pandemic, maybe but COVID-19 no. And she’s in a facility with a lot of fragile people SMH.
    Michele (hugs) Just so sad for you not being able to see PJ. Praying you’re mistaken about Pete, but it sure could be . . .
    Machka Always love seeing your wedding pic. Like you I’ve been diagnosed with venous insufficiency after blood clots in my left leg. Wonder if I have the same mutation? Was the genetic test expensive?
    Heather relieved to hear the revised meet-up plans, and your self care decision to stay only one night and forego the excursion. Well done.
    Rita :love: your horses and dogs stories. What a great heart you have!
    Beth What wondrous news about your son’s migraines! “…pig snouts…” :laugh:
    Carol, yours to Allie and I thought the same.
    Gratitudes: Today’s (8/19) that we still have power, unlike our neighbors to the south in Smith River and Crescent City. Pacific Power de-energized the lines as the Smith River complex wildfire is moving toward them. US 199 is closed for at least a few days.
    (8/18) that Joe’s bathroom is so close to my study. :astonished:
    08/18 Move: 2 sets PT w/D, BiMart, Post Office, Grocery Outlet, Freddie’s, dogs to powerline, one load laundry. Steps:6950
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=-10 CI<CO net=254
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AF, AD . Wt:133.2
    08/17: Move: 2 sets PT w/x&a, long stroll chat with T around the harbor. Steps:9684
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp= 3 CI<CO net=-252 over!
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AD. Wt:131.4
    Whoops, been sitting too long.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2023: Be of good cheer. August: Move more, fuel better (less sugar), live NOW.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Little boy snoozing on a twin mattress ,here is hoping it last all night.