

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    edited August 2023
    Barbie- I consider my former hubby my best friend. We chat every afternoon. Sometimes it is just a quick check in and other times we chat an hour. We talk about everything. So glad to have that connection.

    Insomnia and darn mosquitos AGAIN. I went to bed early because I was tired. In bed at 9. Slept 10-15 min then awake until I got up and took a shower in the dark at 12:30. Woke up at 5:20 because of the bug bites itching. Son's alarm was going off so I got up and made him a coffee to take with him(coffee was made last night, just put it together with some creamer in a travel cup) and moved the garbage cans so they weren't in his way. Back to bed then awake at 8 when dh came in from work.

    Planning on making some mango preserves/jam today- have 10 ripe mangos that need to be used up. I just cook it down til thick. no sugar or pectin added. Will use it on toast, in PBJ or in my cream puffs or "ice cream" sandwhiches.

    Walking the wetlands at 11:30 until time to get Ezie.

    Have Zumba tomorrow at 11:30 for a free class with my teacher. Want to support her. This is her first time doing a class at the library- getting her name out and maybe get some new people for our class. More students means more money for her.
    Found a box fan on the street yesterday on the way to get Ezie so I will have that in my car in case I need it tomorrow and then take it in on Monday- we need all the fans we can get in that room- it is so hot and stuffy. My friend left early Monday and would have Wed. if I hadn't brought a second little fan like the one I have been bringing for myself. Only two large fans up front and the windows up high open.

    As soon as I am done with Zumba, I will stop at MIL's house to walk the dog while dh cuts his mom's hair. Easier for him if the dog isn't under foot. Usually don't do any exercising on Saturday but will get double tomorrow.

    Dh is going to be gone all day Sunday so will enjoy the day. Will have to go take dinner to MIL and give her her pills- little price to pay for having the day to myself. She may WANT take out but I am not doing that. I will take over what ever I decide to cook. If she doesn't like it, she can fend for herself.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/kids- 2hrs 7min 51sec, 54elev, 2.87ap, 80ahr, 95mhr, 6.14mi= 587c
    Strava app= 752c
    Zwift home spin bike- strava stats- 2hrs 18min 3sec, 1585elev, 114aw, 17.4amph, 101ahr, 150mhr, 40.08mi= 755c
    Strava app = 903c
    Zwift stats- 2hrs 18min 5sec, 1588elev, 114aw, 56arpm, 17.42amph, 40.1mi= 904c

    Total cal 1342
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Heather-forgot to say wonderful rendering of the grands.. you should make a copy for son and DIL
    Alfie and I chillin and watching T.V.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    edited August 2023

    Debbie- I really, really enjoyed seeing the bird pictures in the marsh by where you walk. What a special place! That grocery job you sometimes do is interesting, I didn't know it existed.

    Make it a wonderful day! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    I am glad you enjoy them. They do not do justice to the real beauty there. I love that more birds are coming back. The last time I walked, there were basically no birds at all.
    I have been doing regular mystery shops for at least 20 yrs(off and on- Covid stopped them for a few years). I have done a few of the merchandising jobs and like doing them.
    If you are interested I can get you more information on them

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Somebody got a new wagon and is going for the maiden voyage...
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    Tracey - hope the T-storms didn't cause trouble. I miss the light shows and house shaking rumbling - we rarely get that out here. Glad to hear your daughter is doing OK and her relationship with her DH is so strong. Sounds like you are getting into the "student groove". :) Give Rodger a hug from us!

    Lisa - great that you get to keep the A/C thanks to Amazon's foul-up. :p I'd keep the Walmart one for a spare, but that's just me. Bird in the hand. Are you looking forward to DS's and his GF's (fiance?) visit? How long are they planning to stay again?

    And I agree, I think a chicken "tractor" is the way to go. There are a lot of different ones on YouTube, some neat home-made ones with more room than the Omlet one (which I think is neat.) I already have a lot of tight fencing and wood, so would be inclined to tack something together (with Roger's help) instead of spending more $$.

    Betsy - with the cooler weather, drive to Seattle shouldn't be too bad today, tho it is Friday. Hoping the weekend traffic congestion waits until your travels are over. Hugs to your sis. Glad you are over Covid, hope you are now done with that pesky bug forever.

    Ginny - So kind of you to give the folks at the food bank an opportunity to tell their stories. Has to be tough, after many years of working and having a good family life, to have to rely to a food bank. So glad it's there for them.

    My rural area has a lot of homeless camps and campers/travel trailers trying to settle in on private land and public streets. I wonder if these folks are relying on food banks too, or if it's mostly folks who have housing that can't make ends meet. Gardeners, farmers, and businesses have been good at seeing these food banks are well-stocked with fresh, nourishing food when available.

    Debbie- I really, really enjoyed seeing the bird pictures in the marsh by where you walk. What a special place! That grocery job you sometimes do is interesting, I didn't know it existed.

    Beth - you and your DH's siding project and son's migraines have been on my mind. Hope all is going well.

    Karen - happy to see you popped in! Hugs!

    Pip - Was Addison going to come back and spend time with you again? For you:

    I have the crockpot full of apples cooking down into sauce. Morning temp got down to 49f and I had a splendid walk with my neighbor. Once a week gets us caught up and keeps the conversation fresh.

    Thinking about Barbie's comment yesterday - the thing about new dogs, chickens, trips, cars - these keep us looking toward the future. Anticipation. Pulls us out of yesterday. :)

    Make it a wonderful day! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    That will be a long post and I love the bedsheet!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    I must say that I was VERY surprised that BK wasn’t that busy yesterday. So I used most of the prep for today. Soup kitchen after work then in the pool I went.

    Remember how I told you I had to change the day(s) we were going to Denise’s because of the hotel fees? Well, she called to say that Pete has a kidney stone and that the engine on one of their cars is blown so she’s asked us not to come up this weekend. Interestingly, that's what she said he had two years ago when she asked us not to come up. First I was going to see PJ for 2 days, then for 1 day, now not at all. Hopefully, we can go up another weekend. Personally, I have a funny feeling about this. One part of me wonders about abuse. We know that Pete emotionally abused Denise before we moved to NC, we know that he abused her cat (the one we adopted that had a dislocated hip and air leaking out of its trachea). A person who abuses an animal I’m afraid will abuse a person eventually. Maybe I’m being the worry-wort that I am. Maybe she just wants to go down the shore since it’s supposed to be a nice weekend. Since Pete is home, maybe she is thinking that he can help with PJ and then we can come up another weekend so we can watch PJ (that’s what always happens when we go up, we get to pay for the hotel, our meals, and be PJ babysitters.) So I’m feeling sad right now. She did tell Vince that she wants us to come up there next May because PJ is “graduating” from preschool. Well, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Hopefully, hotel rates will have gone down.

    Got my walk in around the neighborhood. Fortunately, it’s cooler today but I still took my ice water with me. Just didn’t wear my bathingsuit

    Rosemarie – I do think that WW is the best “diet” out there. I do question the “zero points”. Food has calories. Even fruit. But the points make you aware of foods. I do like the fact that there aren’t any foods that are off limits. When I was 64 I wasn’t tired all the time.

    Speaking of food, I brought home some cookies for Vince. They get so many desserts, to me it isn’t funny. I tend to give a lot of desserts. Sometimes they cut up the cake in such small slices. It’s not unheard of for me to give them two slices because to me the one slice looks too skimpy.

    Lisa – that sounds like this thing that I have for cleaning out the drains. It’s this real long pipe cleaner-type thing that you put down the drain and it catches the hairs so you can throw them out. I tried using it on the dryer and it really didn’t get much out. Maybe we have a clean dryer?????

    Terry – isn’t it sad that the demand for food banks is rising? I felt so bad when they had to expand the refrigerator and freezer. On the one hand that means donations are up, but that also means that there’s more of a demand. So sad

    Betsy – welcome home!

    Heather – you’re an awesome artist

    Lisa – glad Amazon is letting you keep the a/c. Maybe you can use both????

    Debbie – I really enjoy volunteering at the soup kitchen. Most of the people there (like 98%) are so very grateful and kind. Some of them like to talk, they probably don’t have anyone else to talk to. So many always say “thank you”. I bet it’s the same way by you. Unfortunately, our numbers have gone up from a few years ago. I know how annoying bug bites can be. If you want TEMPORARY relief from the itching put your blowdryer pointed at the itch. Hold it there as long as you can stand it. Then take it away. The reason this works is because the heat breaks up the histamines that cause the itching. It will come back in an hour or more, but at least you get temporary relief

    After the soup kitchen today took some cat food that we had that we aren’t going to use to the Humane Society. They give it out to people who can’t afford food for their animals.

    Annie – I sure hope your dad doesn’t get Covid. That’s the last thing he or you need

    Better get to bed.

    Michele NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Well here it is 11:30 pm and can't sleep sheesh...
    And of course I have the alarm set for 6:30 am..
    Oh well.. i have most eveeything packed to take over except Alfies food and my Cpap and thats easy enough..
    Have the windows open and the fan going and here the crickets here is hoping I can fall asleep soon.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    Debbie – I really enjoy volunteering at the soup kitchen. Most of the people there (like 98%) are so very grateful and kind. Some of them like to talk, they probably don’t have anyone else to talk to. So many always say “thank you”. I bet it’s the same way by you. Unfortunately, our numbers have gone up from a few years ago. I know how annoying bug bites can be. If you want TEMPORARY relief from the itching put your blowdryer pointed at the itch. Hold it there as long as you can stand it. Then take it away. The reason this works is because the heat breaks up the histamines that cause the itching. It will come back in an hour or more, but at least you get temporary relief

    Michele NC

    Most of the people are thankful for what is given to them but there are a few that try and get more every time. You can tell them only one bag per family, wanting to make sure everyone gets some(we do change that if we see we may have enough for two if someone wants them later in the morning) and when you turn your back they grab another one anyways. There are others that pretend to not speak any English, but we heard them speaking no problem when they were with another worker in line. The workers that are there every single Saturday know which ones try to pull something. Mom's corner is the desserts and they do like to try and get extras. Again. If there is going to be extra then that is fine but they don't want to run out because people are taking more than they are supposed to.
    Thankfully, 90% are very grateful for what is given and follow the rules, it is just those few that don't.

    I spray them with hand sanitizer which helps. I also have been straying diluted citronella around the bed and even on it. It was bought as a deterrent for the cat that pees on the bed. If it keeps the mosquitos away, I will spray it on me.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member