

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,552 Member
    edited September 2023
    I swear to the benefits of taking ACV (with mother) prior to eating. For me it just sets the stage in my digestion to processing my food better. My gut feels healthier. I buy Braggs apple cider vinegar with cayenne pepper and honey in it. I just take a large glass, shake the ACV bottle, and put in a healthy glug in, with a can of Fresca. Sipping that, with a small bowl of fridge pickle slices, and pickled beets, it is the best. I then cook my meal.👍🏼
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    Michele What I am trying to to not eat any high sugar or high carb foods after two. I am trying this because I get such bad lag cramps at night. Having high blood sugar at night might be part of the problem. It is also helping me cut down on my sugar intake. When I do so much hard work in the summer. Yard and house work walking DrewB twice a day I have been having dessert at lunch and dinner. Yesterday my son and I had Applebees and rather than have mashed potatoes I substituted another serving of broccoli. We have pie from the small cafe in his building. Bumbleberry. Instead of having it I brought it home and will have it for lunch.

    Busy getting things maintained or repaired. Tuesday took car in at 7:30 got it back at 4. Needed alignment, oil change and transmission fluid changed. It is running better. While waiting I spent 2 hours trying to unclog the kitchen sink. Yesterday morning had the pro come out to snake it and hydro clean it. Both best left to a pro. I learned some tips on how to care for pipes. If at all possible no egg shells, coffee grounds, grease, stringy veggies, potato skins etc. I also moved the trash can that was sitting on the main drain cover in the basement. Bits from my shredding were falling near it. I also need to change the drain covers. They are now cast iron and they start to degrade in about 5 years. Those bits of rust get into your pipes and can cause problems too. It was pricey but told DH I learned from the technician too to avoid future problems. I always do this when I have someone help us with a problem we are not equipped to fix. I saved his card and put him on my who to call if I have this type of problem. I also wrote him a good review to share with his boss. Today is a shopping day. Hope all is well with everyone!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,241 Member
    edited September 2023
    I eat basically the same things at the same times of day each day. It works for me.

    It's all very simple basic food somewhere in the vegetarian/blue zone/Mediterranean range.

    Lots of raw or steamed vegetables and raw fruit.

    Haven't been to a fast food place in years. Except Zambreros, but that's not typical fast food.

    Stopped eating stuff like potato chips in early 2015.

    Stopped eating chocolate bars a few months ago. I do, however, have a bit of ice cream.

    Probably helps that I have a limited sense of smell. Food doesn't have a whole lot of taste so I focus more on texture.

    Trying to have a mainly healthy diet to reduce health issues.

    I don't live to eat, I eat to live. 😀

    Food takes a back-seat to the things that interest me more and I believe that has helped me stay slim most of my life, and lose weight when I have needed to.

    Machka in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    edited September 2023
    In between defrosting the freezer this afternoon, I made 38 meatballs! I bake them, like Lisa, but it's still a lot of work. It's for three meals though, so I'm good. The cauliflower to go with it is also roasting at the same time. I will do a bit of macaroni for DH, and we are having them with tomato sauce with basil. A sprinkle of Parmesan.
    We rarely eat red meat, so this is a treat. We are having our Friday night red wine.

    I really enjoyed writing about 'beginner's mind' this morning. It brings joy to any ordinary, everyday action. I find happiness these days in almost everything. Everything is new. I also quoted this excerpt from Little Gidding, by T S Eliot.

    'We shall not cease from exploration
    And the end of all our exploring
    Will be to arrive where we started
    And know the place for the first time'

    I was a TS Eliot nut when I was a teenager, and this spoke to me. It speaks even more now.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx who is over the moon about her freezer
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,041 Member
    Yup me still awake at 12:30 am


    sure hope you were able to get some sleep-
    My sleep was broken up quite a bit. Thinking about my former father in law- had eye surgery this morning. 3 hr time difference so when I was trying to sleep he was getting ready to go to the hospital and then waiting , and waiting for the surgery- They checked in at 7AM(4am my time) and finally took him in at 11Am and had him back in his room before 11:45. Surgery went well. It was to remove scar tissue. I got the updates from former hubby. I will check in with dad later this afternoon- let him get some rest. I text him last night, thinking he would get the text this morning as I was texting late for his time zone but he responded back.

    Getting ready to go over with dh- I will work on getting the weeds out of his mom's lawn(there is nothing but weeds now that we aren't supposed to water the lawns but want the big ones out) while he gives her her breakfast and pills then we will go to the cemetary and get that all cleaned up and new flowers on it. He will take her tomorrow to see it.We want all the work done so she doesn't feel she has to do any of it. I am sure she will still try. The ground is uneven so we don't want her falling again.

    Have Ezie this afternoon so will walk the wetlands before getting her. With parking so bad I have to get there 1 1/2hrs early just to find a parking spot across from the school so might as well walk instead of sitting in the car.

    Baking cookies to take to the ladies luncheon for church tomorrow morning. Thinking about making zucchini carrot cookies and add some oats, raisens and walnuts to it. I have monk sugar that I will try so dh can have a few now that he is being more careful, kind of, on what he is eating.

    Chilly this morning- Fall weather for sure- 55 now with a high of 73 today.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,041 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Accidentally started organising the home office this evening. Definitely not the plan but when I started digging through stuff to try to find something, and triggered a noisy avalanche, I figured a more systematic approach to my digging would be better. I found what I was looking for and did some organising at the same time!

    I also disturbed a lot of dust and the allergies flared up a bit.

    Hopefully I will sleep them off now.

    M in Oz

    that is how it happens often, especially on my desk. That is how the spice rack idea came about too- trying to find what I wanted and couldn't.

    side note- Did you go in for your six month(now 9 month) check up? Waiting to hear you get the all clear again. Hard to believe in 3 months it will be a year since we both had our surgeries.

    Not yet.

    I just received a notification that I need to make an appointment. My doctor was away for a while, and I think she's away all October too.

    Yes, it has been a while!

    How is yours doing? I wish mine would flatten down a little bit more.

    M in Oz

    Mine seems to be healing but wish the color and texture would go back to normal. The scar from the donor sight feels pretty good, once in a while it feels a bit itchy but not bad. I go back in for the next full body scan in Dec.

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,041 Member
    Good morning ladies :)


    I let Rosie out for her early morning run and she took longer than usual, so I went out on the deck with the flashlight. She was real interested in a pile of scat right off the deck. It wasn't hers. My money is on a raccoon. I've been intending to get a .177 air pistol to discourage critters from getting after my chickens, just hadn't done it yet. DH has an air rifle but I want something for close encounters. I'm not interested in picking off bunnies back by the powerline like he used to do. I went out and checked the chicken coop - all safe and secure. Need to reinforce the latch today just in case.

    When we lived on the farm, a raccoon killed several hens the one night we forgot to close the coop door. So I don't give these critters an inch. Besides, I don't know if Rosie would be smart enough to not try to fight one and I know she'd be on the losing end.

    I'm back to logging my food on MFP most days. Yesterday I double checked the macros on a new carton of whole milk I'd been using, and I noticed it said the carton contained 7 one cup servings. HUH? I thought half a gallon was 8 cups. I had another carton of milk in the fridge, different brand, and put the containers side by side. Yep, the carton I was using was a teensy bit smaller, hardly noticable. And it was a little more expensive too. I need to start paying attention. :#

    I'm walking at 7 with my neighbor, another bundle up day. Temp hovering at around 40f right now, we'll probably see 80f this afternoon. Then cool showery days settle in for a while.

    Make it a fabulous day! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    YES, reinforce the latch- we had a coon tear off the latch to the pass through on the catio, another tore open the side of it when it was just screen(now it is chicken wire over all of it)
    Mom has lost a lot of chickens to coons as well as bob cats, because they forgot to lock the chickens up at night.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,980 Member
    The quotes at the bottom are things that resonated with me and I hope you all. Some have come from the mindfulness app which I put the link to at the bottom as well. It is free so far. I am in the middle of section 1 after all the intro stuff. Still no charge. I was working on that when someone texted me about going to town and I realized I wasn’t watching the time and was late leaving for my dentist appointment! I ended up only 10 minutes late which wasn’t a problem. No waiting! No cavities and I’m good for another 6 months there.

    2023 Self-Care September 2023

    Word of the year: appreciate. Today I appreciate fresh water to drink.
    Meditation: daily. 14/30 (82%(started Feb)(94%,100%, 74%, 93%,100%,100%)

    Recommended exercise: cardio 5 days 30 min 15/23
    Strength all muscles 2 x 0/8 a week
    Flexible (yoga, stretching) 0/8 a week 10 min
    Balance 5 days 10 min 1/20

    Stop B12
    Switch DHEA to every other day on sept 6
    Add folic acid, once a day
    Add magnesium to 3x a day
    Up Berberine to 3x a day

    Foods to avoid:

    Bell peppers
    Egg white
    Winter squash

    1. cut back drinking and limit to 2 days a week. 0/8–(300%,100%)
    2. Average 7,000 steps a week. 5784, 9858, 8414,(7,700,100%-9851,100%-9526,100%-9,559,100%, -8347,100%—7465,100%—6328,90%—6059,87%)
    3. Update budget every 2 weeks 2/2 —(800%)
    4. Contact close family every week (4x) 205/208—(733%) should be 172 by October 1)
    5. Contact Donat and sibs once a month (8x)72/94 (800%)
    6. Weigh less last day of month compared to first until I reach 140. Start at 178.6,176,174.2,173.4,175.4,174,175.6,173.4 (500%)
    7. Develop a journaling practice by aiming to journal at least 5 days a week. 15/23 a z(681%,100%)
    8. Read 12 books at least this year. 37
    /12 (100%)
    9. Pay off credit card debt by January 2024 by making monthly payments to NDR/Reach Financial 8/12—(900%)
    10. Continue building emergency fund at SLFCU (min$25 a month)$25+$25+$71+700+25+25 +25+25 (900%)
    11. April started putting 4% on income in savings. 700,200,200, 107, 157,(500%)

    January Met —100%
    February met —-90%
    March met met —-90%
    April met——86.36%
    May met——-89%
    June met—-99%
    July met — met 81%
    August met—met 99%
    September met
    October met —
    November met—
    December met—

    1. Find time for self-care. It’s not selfish. It’s essential. Making time!
    2. Notice the things you do well, however small. I will. Talking to campers, meeting dogs, electronics.
    3. Let go of self-criticism and speak to yourself kindly. I will try!
    4. Plan a fun or relaxing activity and make time for it. Did this already! Went for a long walk this morning.
    5. Forgive yourself when things go wrong. Everyone makes mistakes. This will be hard because I tend to blame myself for everything.
    6. Focus on the basics: eat well, exercise, and go to bed on time. Will Do!
    7. Give yourself permission to say ‘no’.. I’m doing this more often now.
    8. Be willing to share how you feel and and ask for help when needed. I will try to remember to ask for help when I need it rather than struggle and get frustrated.
    9. Aim to be good enough, rather than perfect. This needs to be a mind change for me. Whenever I do something, I get upset if it is not perfect. I need to make it a point to accept what the result is while doing my best.
    10. When you find things hard, remember it’s ok to not be ok. This is apt for today.
    11. Make time to do something you really enjoy. I hope to go ‘window shopping’ today. Did this and colored.
    12. Get active outside and give your mind and body a natural boost. Went for a 20 minute walk then the rain started.
    13. Be as kind to yourself as you would to a loved one.
    14. If you’re busy, allow yourself to pause and take a break.
    15. Find a caring calming phrase to use when you feel low. “Breathing in,I am relaxing. Breathing out, I am relaxed.”
    16. Leave positive messages for yourself to see regularly. Sticky notes, here I come!
    17. No plans day. Make time to slow down and be kind to yourself.
    18. Ask a trusted friends to tell you what strengths they see in you. Forgot to do this.
    19. Notice what you are feeling without any judgement. Doing that this morning.
    20. Enjoy photos from a time with happy memories. This sounds like fun! I do have my pictures rotating on my TV as a screensaver but need to go through those.
    21. Don’t compare how you feel inside to how others appear outside.
    22. Take your time. Make space to just breathe and be still. AHHH Meditation
    23. Let go of other people’s expectations of you.
    24. Accept yourself and remember that your are worthy of love.
    25. Avoid saying ‘I should’ and make time to do nothing.
    26. Find a new way to use one of your strengths or talents.
    27. Free up time by canceling any unnecessary plans.
    28. Choose to see your mistakes as steps to help you learn.
    29. Write down 3 things you appreciate about yourself.
    30. Remind yourself you are enough, just as you are.

    RVRita in Roswell, NM


    Mindfulness begins with paying attention on purpose.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,980 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Worked and then home to prepare dinner to be microwaved. Ceramics tonight. We’re still waiting for them to pick up the old grill so I may take a walk in the meantime.

    Heather – I’m feeling the same way you are. The older I get, the more I want to donate/give away things. Unfortunately, Vince hasn’t gotten there. What kind of ball and roller did you use on your thigh? I would have thought a foam roller would be good, but a ball?????

    Barbara – does that dentist at least use numbing gel and novacaine? Now I usually don’t take novacaine for a filling or a crown. But when I had the root canal, I’m not totally stupid and took the novacaine. I would for a tooth extraction, too. I like Dawn for greasy food, too. Other dish detergents say that they have a degreaser in them but I haven’t found one that’s as good as Dawn.

    Allie – I hope you feel better fast

    I want to use the teleporter, too, to go see someone who uses the Bulletproof MCT. Looks interesting, but I really don’t want to buy a whole lot until I know that I like it. I’m going to look at the health food store when we get to FL. That’s where I had a sample of the Spirutein and found that I liked it. Now I buy a larger container. Not big on coffee, tho but I bet you can use the Bulletproof stuff in something else (tea maybe?)

    Well, they picked up the old grill today. They told us yesterday that it would be picked up between 8 and 12. They got here at 1:30. But at least it’s gone.

    Debbie – 75cents a pound for chicken! Wow!

    Took a walk around the neighborhood earlier. Went to ceramics tonight. Working on a toucan. Hope it comes out OK

    Michele NC

    The MCT oil has no flavor at all. It can be used in Tea, soda, anything you can mix really. I’ve been putting it in my oatmeal lately. I’ve used it in yogurt, and soup too. I only use once a day, but it can be put in just about anything that you can stir. So if you don’t like or drink coffee, you can put it in something else with no change to the flavor. Walmart has some where they have the health food stuff like Atkins bars or Slimfast bars. It is a generic version and should work the same and the name brand one (Bulletproof MCT oil) which is a little more expensive. Check the bottle for added flavors or sugars. Should not have any. The Bulletproof brand only has Caprylic Acid and Triglycerides from highly refined coconut oil. It does not have a coconut flavor. Just the stuff that is good for you.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- *cut walk short by 1 mi, doing longer run* 1hr 39min 11sec, 46elev, 3.05ap, 8.2ahr, 98mhr, 5.05mi= 474c
    Strava app = 619c
    Walk home to gym- 11.17min, .52mi= 51c
    Strava app = 65c
    Treadmill jog- 1hr 2min 20sec, 137ahr, 180mhr, 2mi @ 5.5sp, next 2mi @ 5.7sp, next 1-1/2mi @ 6.0sp, last 1/2mi @ 7.0sp, 10.23min mi, 6mi= 605c
    Walk gym to home- 12.32min, .57mi= 60c
    Strava app= 70c

    Total cal 1190

    Cut the kids walk short by a mile, did a longer run at the gym. Did 6mi, was ok with the result.