

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Ginny--Congradulations on the new granddaughter.
    Annie--Sending hugs and prayers as you work on this new normal for you and your mom.
    Heather--Happy Anniversary.
    Well it was a good weekend, just went by so fast. Others I wanted to say something, but have lost my train of thought. Have a great rest of your day.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,529 Member
    edited November 2023
    Kim - No worries, dear heart, I'm well aware that, unlike the pottery I made in my class, polymer clay is absolutely not food grade - and that image had a flawed perspective, I think. That basket is only four inches square. Nope, it's just another tchotchke, I'm afraid. :D
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    Joy - close games are so exciting. We weren't big football fans, but usually watched the Superbowl and I remember when it went into overtime one year and the Seattle Seahawks won. Worth tuning in for that one. :)

    Lisa - I'm not surprised Corey is forging ahead with the roofing project. He's that type of guy. ;) Nice that the glass door will fit and with that big window, it will be a very nice addition. Can't wait to see it finished. Oh, and I'm like you not liking the feeling of the potting clay on my hands. Took a college class in it and that was it. Garden dirt I'm OK with but either wear gloves most of the time or have a bucket of water nearby I can constantly dip my hands into. And I'm getting the same way handling meat! What gives? :o

    Kylia - what a great family photo. Thanks for sharing it with us. And what a nice productive weekend. The socializing at each other's homes is a wonderful idea. :p

    Annie - good luck with the home health care nurse today. Hopefully she'll see what type of help you'll need and not load you up with more things to do. <3

    I'm remembering the stages I went through dealing with DH which were very small compared to what you have with both parents in mentally and physically challenged conditions. I think you are handling this much better than I ever could have.

    Tracey - very, very nice decorations. How are sales at the shows generally - for everyone? Are people still spending money on decorative items and gifts? There have been several holiday bazaars in my area in the past couple weeks with some very nice looking items, I'm wondering if the economy is causing shoppers to cut back a little. I've purposely stayed away because I don't need any more "stuff" and some of the things are too nice to walk away from. :p

    Rosemarie - sounds like you are having a great time at the beach. Thanks for checking in. :)

    Machka - I ran across another type of dementia this morning - digital dementia. Starting early with children on their phones and looking at screens so much of the time. Yikes!


    More thoughts on our increased BMI as we age... the rabbit hole:
    I have been wondering why nature designed our female bodies to be healthier with increased weight after menopause. Is it because it's better for our bone health? Is it because our fat is storing vitamins like A, D, E and K which used to be hard to come by when food wasn't so plentiful? Is it to have reserves in case of sickness as our immune systems aren't as strong anymore? Why did nature keep us around when we no longer could procreate - help take care of the grandkids while their parents were busy hunting and gathering? Does nature need our experience and wisdom? And so forth. We can ponder these when we are gathered together some day on back porches. ;) When I get a chance I'll poke around on the internet and see if someone has come up with suitable answers for some of these questions.

    Make it a good week, ladies! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    Regarding the digital dementia ...

    All the more reason for me to spend time walking and cycling outside, and to spend time in the garden. 😀

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 59min 2sec, 42elev, 3.0ap, 80ahr, 103mhr, 6.03mi= 604c
    Strava app = 739c
    Zwift home spin bike- strava stats- 1hr 8sec, 486elev, 135aw, gear20, 109ahr, 126mhr, 20.2amph, 20.28mi= 368c
    Strava app = 466c
    Zwift stats- 1hr 13sec, 488elev, 153aw, 70arpm, 20.23amph, 20.3mi= 467c

    Total cal 972
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Yesterday did a 30 Minutes to fitness DVD then took my walk then to WalMart and to buy gas. Came home and made chocolate chip cookies for Vince, the pumpkin pie, chocolate dessert, sweet potato casserole, and kafli for Thursday. Thank goodness for the freezer!.

    Went to see TSO in concert. At one point they had this female singer inside a globe. I’m still trying to figure out how she got there. Maybe it was a hologram? That’s the best I can think of

    Rebecca and Tracey – I sure hope I don’t get vertigo because that could be an indicator that the tumor is growing

    Debbie – we have a sign in the house “if you want the best seat in the house, move the cat”

    Welcome Luna! You are soooooo adorable

    Rita and Lisa and Allie and Rebecca – hope you feel better soon

    Monday today: didn’t go to bowing, worked some on putting out the Christmas decorations. It’s supposed to rain in the a.m. but by the time I get home from work it should be cleared up so we’ll probably put out more decorations

    Barbara – when I make fudge, I’ve never had a problem freezing it.

    At Work Sun. the manager asked me if I’d gotten this red t-shirt, then she asked me what size I was. When I told her, she said that all they sent were large and that I should wear the one she gave me on Monday. So today I asked the assistant manager if this was a new BK policy. I told her that the shirt I got didn’t fit. She said that it’s for a new promotion BK is doing (no idea what it is) and that since I’m not there even at lunchtime, not to bother with the other shirt. So I returned it to them.

    Heather – happy anniversary

    Lisa – when we do the ceramics, anything that you are going to eat off of or drink from or put outside, has to be clear glazed. Is it the same with pottery?

    Jess would sort-of like us to refer to Colby as her partner. I just have a tough time with that because to me, calling someone a “partner” implies that they are gay. Which isn’t always the case. I guess it’s just me.

    Unfortunately, since I fractured my foot a few years ago, the MD said that I shouldn’t do any lunges as that puts pressure on a bone that it weak as it is. Haven’t found a good modification, tho

    Michele NC
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,529 Member
    Michele - The slip that you pour into molds is essentially a liquefied version of the same clay I was using to make hand-thrown bowls and trays, so the short answer is "yes," it has to be glazed before being used with food or being placed outside. The small basket was something I made out of polymer clay and cannot be made food-safe, according to the manufacturers.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Went to see TSO in concert. At one point they had this female singer inside a globe. I’m still trying to figure out how she got there. Maybe it was a hologram? That’s the best I can think of

    You catch a glimpse of her here. It wouldn't be at all difficult for her to get in there. There are several options.


    exermom wrote: »
    Jess would sort-of like us to refer to Colby as her partner. I just have a tough time with that because to me, calling someone a “partner” implies that they are gay. Which isn’t always the case. I guess it’s just me.

    Michele NC

    Here, many people will refer to a couple as partners because we have no way of knowing the status of the couple.

    All sorts of people refer to my husband as my partner ... as in, "How is your partner doing these days?"

    M in Oz

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Today’s gratitude: Joe said “I know what you can get me for Christmas, a bench for the powerline meadow.” Amazing as he usually wants nothng for and to do with the holidays. Showed Joe 3 possible garden benches, liked the one he chose ;) Then he said “we can sit on it together and watch the ocean.” :heart::heart::heart:
    Heather the very happiest of anniversaries to you and Johnny. :love: hearing your stories read to the next generation. :heart:
    Rosemarie so glad you had such an enjoyable trip.
    Kylia thankful your DED has a dog sitter with nerves of steel. When I was about 12 a family friend taught his daughter and me gun safet and how to shoot a 22 rifle. Still remember being surprised by the “kick”. Sunday socializing and sending the men off on their own, do they stay together? Sounds like a good way to sneak in some socialization for the guys too! Thinking of Machka’s dementia causes posts. . .
    Annie :heartbreak: and just ((hugs)) Really hope your Mom will accept bathing and other help from the home health nurse.
    Lanette love your questions and how you think.
    Margaret I’ve always carried too much around my waist. There are pictures of me as a skinny legged child with a pot belly, not quite kwashiorkor but . . . Hope your MD has some next steps to help with your breathing.
    Rebecca your sister’s place is beautiful! Sure hope her riding mower is a mulcher. . . ;)
    Debbie, Lisa, Michele Thanks! Do you freeze the fudge before you cut it into squares? Any special wrapping?
    Lisa looks like Egg put her foot down. That’s enough writing for now!
    Sue, yours to Annie. Truth that.
    Vicki so glad you had a good weekend, you deserve it and many more.
    Rebecca “ But I felt sad to tell her. I have learned I can't force Lee into situations he is not comfortable in. I have to also support my husband, and not be one sided or another.” Yes this. Took me a very very very long time to come to your wisdom and still sometimes grieve Joe’s absence from social gatherings, but have to respect his boundaries/comfort level.
    Carol fingers Xd for the leaf removal.
    Ginny what a cute little bug-in-a-rug Luna is! :love:
    Barbie thankful Jake is OK. Love the good for you both long walk with Annie. Treats, positive behaviors and interactions and best of all her nap with Jake ;)
    Tracey Rodger and Joe could be brothers from another mother. I’m a half intro and half extra, an ixtrovert? Need time out and about with people, then quiet time at home to recover :laugh:
    Machka agree. I use “partner” when I don’t know if a couple is married or not.
    11/20: Move: ZERO sets PT , line dance class, dogs to powerline, Steps:8254
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=15 CI<CO net=442 vits=1
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AF, ptT, ptS, library, Post Office, Grocery Outlet, found piano scales fingerings. Wt:131.2
    Time to snooze. Need to get up early to get PT exercises in before MD appointment. Hope s/he has something helpful to say about right leg pains… ;}
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    November: Move more: chair yoga, line dance, dailyish PT, play with dogs.
    Fuel better: less sugar, CI<CO, dailyish vitamins.
    Live NOW: dailyish time with Joe, readings, start meditating. Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2023: Be of good cheer.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,368 Member
    I love to look out my window at Orion before I go to bed. It was so clear last night in the southern sky.

    Pg 44
