
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    Well I ordered a new to me phone,refurbished,well it was supposed to come Saterday and ended up coming today or should I say the bag and box and receipt came with no phone in it.. im ticked off it wasn't cheap. And the company is asking for pictures which I sent to them.hope it gets resolved.
    Or Im out of a boatload of money..
    Oh well im hope to hear back.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,052 Member
    Stats for the day-

    walk w/family- 2hrs 3min 22sec, 47elev, 2.97ap, 80ahr, 99mhr, 6.11mi= 574c
    Strava app = 749c
    Outside jog w/yogi- 34.49min, 30elev, 143aw, 127ahr, 163mhr, 10.56min mi, little over 5k, 3.18mi= 393c
    Strava app= 390c

    Total cal 967
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,575 Member
    MFP Weekly Check-in for November 27, 2023

    Rita in Roswell NM - I’m down 2 pounds from last week. 1 pound overall loss this month. Glad it was a loss, better than a gain!

    Lanette SW WA State – weight staying steady in the range that’s best for me. Concentrating on activity I can do such as the “house walking carrying weights” and good nutrition. Back on track after too many sweets and goodies for Thanksgiving.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,136 Member
    Well I ordered a new to me phone,refurbished,well it was supposed to come Saterday and ended up coming today or should I say the bag and box and receipt came with no phone in it.. im ticked off it wasn't cheap. And the company is asking for pictures which I sent to them.hope it gets resolved.
    Or Im out of a boatload of money..
    Oh well im hope to hear back.

    Hope the company fixes your problem.
    I am fighting with Amazon(need to call them again) about an order from a few months ago. Like you, got a box but it was empty so I contacted them. The put in a reorder and was told everything was taken care of. Then, I got an email telling me if I didn't return the original order, they were going to charge me. I contacted Amazon again. They said it was taken care of. That the email was a mistake.
    Well, got my credit card bill and the charge IS on it
    How am I supposed to return something I never got.
    It wasn't really expensive but I am not going to pay twice for the item.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    edited November 2023
    Heather About a week ago found the remains of a rabbit from a great horned owl attack in our yard. I alerted neighbors with small dogs. I am always with DrewB when I take her outside especially at night. Nature can be brutal, but the will to survive is also strong!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,052 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    Debbie- all you have to do is dispute it with the credit card company and they will take care of the problem..thats what I did..only thing is they charged darn near 50.00 dollars for taxes and its coming from brooklyn n.y. to Connecticut through UPS.i won't get that back. But will hopefully get what I paid for the phone back..
    Tina- so very sorry about your friend ,sure hope they find who hit him,and prosecute,vehicular manslaughter is no joke.
    My prayers to him and his family.
    Had a lovely dinner with my friends here tonight which is always nice.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,689 Member
    Cat on my lap giving me the stink eye, purring gently, and reaching up occasionally to pat my chin. If that doesn't derail your thought when you're writing on a keyboard, then you're just not paying attention.

    My most peaceful morning hours are right now, when I wake up at 5 and Corey doesn't get up until 6 or 7. He rolled himself up like a burrito and took all the covers and that's what woke me up, but I usually wake up at this time anyway.

    The top couple of pounds that jumped on my bohonking backside on Thanksgiving morning have receded, which I appreciate. The other two that hitched a ride with them since Monday will hopefully be departing today or tomorrow. Four pounds for me these days is noticeable... when I weighed 300, it was hard to notice that kind of change, but at 150, it really makes you feel like ca-ca.

    No real plans for today... tomorrow, they're delivering the windows for the sunroom and Corey will be working on getting those put in. Hopefully, I can help him a bit with those. The guy should also be here tomorrow to give him a bid for shingling the roof. It was supposed to rain last night, but should be dry this week until Thursday. This is NOT a big job for experienced men, seriously only a few hours with a couple guys up there, so I'm really hoping this can be done this week. We'll see.

    Yesterday, he was apologizing to me because he went in and cooked breakfast and got my newly cleaned kitchen a little dirty. I had to try to help him understand that it really doesn't annoy me when I clean the stovetop and then he goes in and cooks bacon or sausage and gets it schmutzy again. It's like laundry. It's just never done. You're not going to go around ripping clothes off people to get them clean, or taking the sheets off the bed while they're in it. Laundry is never, ever done. Neither is any other kind of cleaning, not really. Getting cranky about someone getting things dirty again is just silly. Cleaning is my part of our partnership these days. He goes and works hard, and I spend a small amount of my time cleaning, and the rest of the time I do whatever else I want to, which is a huge gift! Cleaning is a very small price to pay to be able to have that kind of freedom. Plus, he's the kind of person who cleans up after himself anyway. Not the stovetop, admittedly, but he gets dinner dishes in the dishwasher nearly every night. And that's after he cooks dinner. Who doesn't love that?

    Ah, Egg has extricated herself from the space between me and the laptop table and is lying on my mousepad instead. And purring. Time for a book and more coffee.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Woke up thinking about you, Annie. Hope you were able to sleep, and that there's better news this morning at the hospital.

    Googling bohonking.......is that like badonkadonk....😂😁
    Learning never ends with you ladies

    Rebecca, my funny friend... I will admit a possibly unfortunate tendency to make up a word when I can't think of one that fits. "Bohonking," is much like "badonkadonk," but quite a bit... well, flabbier. :smiley:

    Flea - Thanks for the second link, it's an absolutely beautiful home... and if it was near me, I'd be really interested. Just not willing to be in back in the PNW--my arthritis hurt so much ten years ago that I could barely make it through the winters. There was no pain relief that worked up there for me. Best luck for a bidding war and a quick sale - interest rates are dropping once more, so fingers crossed. It was good to see your post. The Christmas holidays will be here before you know it...

    Quiet day. Homemade pizza planned for dinner.

    Corey built the first fire of the year in our fireplace:

    Egg approved.

    Later, y'all,

    You are simply bottomless with information in pool of life. 😂😁. I seem to be speaking in Yoda, or a Hallmark card flunkie.🤗😁. Hugs friend!
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,985 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    Rita - I try to live my life with 'loving detachment'. I don't always succeed because I am an empath. :) Most spiritual principles require practice and discipline, and they get easier with practice. I am still practicing. :p

    Love Heather, still recovering from her empathy with the poor pigeon. UK xxxxxxxx

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,441 Member
    edited November 2023
    Rita - I try to live my life with 'loving detachment'. I don't always succeed because I am an empath. :) Most spiritual principles require practice and discipline, and they get easier with practice. I am still practicing. :p

    Love Heather, still recovering from her empathy with the poor pigeon. UK xxxxxxxx

    I'm more of an "apath" :smiley:

    Although I feel more empathy toward animals than people.

    But you took me by surprise. From your posts, I would have put you slightly closer to the apath end of the "empath---apath" scale than to the empath end. Of course, I don't know you in person.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,441 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    exermom wrote: »
    Flea – your mother’s house is absolutely gorgeous. No, Denise never even acknowledged the invitation, not that she can’t come or anything. Maybe not responding means she didn’t have to make up an excuse?

    Michele NC

    Next time you talk to her, tell her it is OK to just say No.

    There's no need to provide any sort of excuse if you don't want to do something.

    Just simply No. Or "No thanks."

    M in Oz
