

  • 7freshflowers
    7freshflowers Posts: 171 Member
    lislisa123 wrote: »
    The start of a new month has arrived.
    Weight update: 295.0lbs Sept start: 305.8lbs Sept end: 297.6lbs Month weight loss: 8.2lbs
    Lisa, you’re doing great, with a regular weight loss every month. Wow! 8 pounds down this month, and out of the 300’s. Good for you. Way to go. 👏 😀 ☀️

    I love to know what people are eating when they’re losing weight. Tell us please: What all did you eat yesterday and today? 🥡 🍚 🥢

  • 7freshflowers
    7freshflowers Posts: 171 Member
    edited October 2
    So far today, I’ve eaten a small, personal size watermelon, 🍉 Tofu scramble with mushrooms 🍄‍🟫 and onions 🧅
    For dinner I’ll have steamed fresh string beans 🫛 and 2 medium size russet potatoes 🥔 🥔 that I coated with extra virgin olive oil and pink salt and baked without aluminum foil.
    For desert, I’ll have a “Very-Berry” smoothie 🧋 from Costco. 😋 No junk food. Today should be a weight loss today. I’ll let you know tomorrow. ☀️
  • shelleyc28
    shelleyc28 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Shelley. Welcome to MY 100 POUND JOURNEY. Thanks for joining. Sounds like you have Lipoma.

    Don’t worry. Lipomas are benign (not cancerous), fatty lumps that are quite common. Lipomas can appear anywhere where you have fat cells and most commonly grow on the neck, chest, back, shoulders, arms and thighs. The cause of lipomas is often unknown, but some families have a genetic tendency to develop them.

    Lipomas are usually detected in middle age. Treatment generally isn't necessary, but if the lipoma bothers you, is painful or is growing, you may want to have it removed.

    Once a lipoma has developed, it will not go away on its own. This is because a lipoma is a collection of fat cells. 🍎

    Thanks for the information @7freshflowers... I did a bunch of research about these and I think you're right.

    I had a follow-up with my doctor today about something else entirely and I brought this up to her and she made me roll down my leggings and she felt around a bit on both lumps. I did float the theory that they were lipomas and she didn't disagree, but she didn't confirm or acknowledge that I had lipomas (every doctor I've ever talked to seems to roll their eyes when you google your symptoms and give them theories about what it is - even if you're probably right). She said that it looked like nothing serious and just seemed to be excess fat. Gee, thanks... like I didn't already know that. LOL

    I think all I can do is continue on my weight loss journey and when I cross the border from "obese" BMI to "overweight" BMI (which is another 17 lbs away for me), I'll see if they're still there. Honestly I'm not going to explore having them removed until I'm closing in on my goal weight and that is still around 40-50 lbs away. So like, based on my current progress, another 7 months to a year away.

  • shelleyc28
    shelleyc28 Posts: 4 Member
    edited October 3
    I love to know what people are eating when they’re losing weight. Tell us please: What all did you eat yesterday and today? 🥡 🍚 🥢

    For me, I count absolutely everything on MFP and WeightWatchers... it's weird cuz sometimes I go way over on WW and am barely cracking 1200 calories on MFP and at 208 lbs, that is not enough food, even for someone trying to lose weight (at least I think so)... and it's not like I'm getting crazy WW points for eating my 1200 calories in jellybeans and chocolate or something.

    My basic go-to's are -
    Breakfast - hardboiled eggs, scrambled eggs, oatmeal w/ground flax seed or hemp hearts and raspberries, 0% greek yogurt w/ground flax seed or hemp hearts and raspberries, 1% cottage cheese, occasionally I indulge in Ezekial bread with natural peanut butter

    Lunch - those little tiny cans of flavoured tuna (like lemon/pepper, dill/lemon, peanut satay, spicy chili, etc.), low-sodium tuna with 1/2 fat mayo on melba toasts, many different kinds of soups (a lot of Amy's Soups and Farm Boy soups - if you live in Canada... in the US, Trader Joe's would likely be the equivalent brand), 1% cottage cheese, etc... I always make sure this falls in the 300-400 calorie range no matter the combination

    Dinner - a LOT of chicken breast with brown rice and green vegetables (and I'm difficult with veggies so generally broccoli, brussel sprouts, French green beans, cauliflower and asparagus... I don't really like a lot of other ones as a side dish)... then sometimes when I'm really wanting to go nuts, I indulge in a small top sirloin steak with baked potato and green veg on the side... I also do love a good tofu scramble occasionally... and then when I'm REALLY busy and I don't want to mess up, I go for many varieties of frozen dinners under 400 calories each

    Snacks - I love Simply Protein bars, Quest bars and 70% dark chocolate (just about 4-6 squares at a time) and sometimes a bit of Halo Top ice cream or Farm Boy gelato... oddly I used to be a salty snacker, but lately I'm really into sweet stuff, just not a lot of it

    Yesterday and today were pretty much a melange of all of the above and the day ended at 1200-1400 calories. I have been, on average (at 207.4 lbs as of this morning), losing 1 lb a week. I wish it were more, but it's better than nothing and I know it's not going as fast as it used to because I'm not as heavy as I used to be.

  • 7freshflowers
    7freshflowers Posts: 171 Member
    edited October 4
    shelleyc28 wrote: »
    I had a follow-up with my doctor today. I did float the theory that they were lipomas and she didn't disagree, but she didn't confirm or acknowledge that I had lipomas.
    Shelley, here are some natural remedies for Lipoma that may be worth a try.

    How to dissolve lipoma naturally?

    Apple cider vinegar has been known for its various health benefits, including its potential ability to dissolve fat deposits like lipomas. Make sure it’s organic, with the “mother.” I think BRAGG brand is the best. You can buy it at Walmart.

    To use this remedy: Soak a clean cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it directly to the lipoma. Cover with a bandage and leave it on overnight.

    Here are a few more options:

  • shelleyc28
    shelleyc28 Posts: 4 Member
    Shelley, here are some natural remedies for Lipoma that may be worth a try.

    Wow, thanks for this! I already use Bragg's apple cider vinegar, but not as much as I should. My dietician (who I hired in August) had wanted me to take 1 tbsp with water before every meal and I only did it for a week and then got lazy, but now that I know this, I will for sure do it regularly! I will also try the other methods that video mentions. Anything is better than eventually paying for cosmetic surgery and/or living with bizarre contours in my thighs. :)

  • 7freshflowers
    7freshflowers Posts: 171 Member
    shelleyc28 wrote: »
    I already use Bragg's apple cider vinegar, but not as much as I should. My dietician (who I hired in August) had wanted me to take 1 tbsp with water before every meal.
    Shelley, you’re actually supposed to apply the vinegar directly to the Limpomas, but I’m sure it would help to drink some everyday as well.

    To use this remedy: Soak a clean cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it directly to the lipoma. Cover with a bandage and leave it on overnight. Hope you find a natural remedy to help you get rid of those fat lumps. 🦵surgery is too expensive and leaves scars.

    I googled: “LIMPOMA NATURAL REMEDY.” Lots of results popped up. I liked the vinegar remedy the best, but TEA TREE OIL always helps me with stuff. I’m not sure it’s a remedy for Limpomas though. You’ll need to google that one. 🤓