Dangerous stupid stuff that you've done



  • danger2oneself2
    danger2oneself2 Posts: 340 Member
    Most fun I had all winter tho

  • Territravel
    Territravel Posts: 165 Member
    As a teen, I would climb over and under trains when they blocked the track and it was time to be home! For some reason, most of my friends lived on the other side, lol!
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    Got drunk and took my Huffy to the local skate park and took on the ramps. My friend ended up with cracked ribs, and my abs were sore for days from gut laughing.

    We actually got 'pulled over' by the police on our bikes. Hysterical.

    Ah, this makes me want to do it again!
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Slammed a bottle of Malibu (big one) at 18. That was estupid. I was hanging out a passenger window at a red light puking guts in front of a car full of hot guys. Once that cold Chicago air hit.... I was thruskis. :noway:
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    I thought it was a great idea to play Dora the explorer and climb down an ocean side cliff while I was drunk. SMH. I have no clue how I managed to walk away from that with just a few scratches and bruises.
  • RN514
    RN514 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Probably riding my motorcycle as fast as 130 on public roads. Only done that a couple times.

    So that was YOU driving crazy on hwy 72 the other day...

    Uhh, I worked at an inpatient detox/rehab facility. That was a stupid decision. I only had to dodge a few punches though!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I used to take Zantrex 3 when I was 20. The dose is 6 a day max, they have since changed this to 4.

    Anyway, I usually took 2 at 9am and two at 1pm. One day I woke up a little later and took 4 at once to compensate.

    Ever had a caffeine overdose? They are a living nightmare. I went straight for my 1-10 shift and stood at the till frozen in shock because I felt like if I moved a muscle I would have a major heart attack. I could feel my heart battering off my rib cage. Every cell in my body was vibrating and my eyes were like pins.

    My supervisor was standing by me for like an hour ready to rush me to the hospital.

    Never. Again.

    Yeah I had that same thing happen taking too many Sudafed. I'm still scared to take the stuff and that was easily 25 years ago.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Ah so many induced by a lot of alcohol...

    Roman candle wars was a good one. Laughing when someone caught on fire. We did put them out. :smile:
  • SquidVonBob
    SquidVonBob Posts: 290 Member
    "Bet you can't do a flip in the bouncy house!"

    "Oh YEAH! I bet I can!"

    "Fine. I DARE YOU!"

    Fast forward 12 years to me at the chiropractor explaining why my spine looks like ramen noodles.
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    Walked on the side of a hotel building from the 15th floor! :) Lived to tell the story.
  • SquidVonBob
    SquidVonBob Posts: 290 Member
    I'm going back and reading all these and I just feel so...

  • CassiHutchings
    CassiHutchings Posts: 98 Member
    When I was 15 I went on my first cruise. My Dad and I had a balcony that connected to my step brother's room. I wanted to scare them (two brothers), so I hiked my leg over the rail to get onto their balcony (If you've ever been on a cruise, there is about a foot of room to do this). Long story short, my hand slipped just as all my body weight was in the air and I almost fell off of the cruise ship. My step brother actually saw me trying to get onto his balcony and caught me. Just ya know...almost died...
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    i went swimming after eating 29 minutes earlier
  • alliemarie77
    alliemarie77 Posts: 378 Member
    When I was a kid my cousin and I were going to go swimming in a creek at the bottom of a gully. When we couldn't find a way down we decided we would slide down on our bottoms. We were wearing bikinis and shorts.
    We didn't count on being ripped to *kitten* with scrapes all over us from the waist down...lol When we got to the water it wasn't worth swimming in. (It wasn't as deep as we thought it was going to be.) So the only way out was the way we came. We slipped and slid back down several times, and by the time we got out we were scraped up from head to toe.
    Everyone laughed at us when we got home. The shower after that was even more brutal!!
  • donthesitate
    donthesitate Posts: 255 Member
    Two good stories when I was little:

    I had one of those bouncy balls with a handle on them so I could sit on it and bounce, I took it downstairs to use it on the concrete floor in my basement. Flew forward and smashed my face. My teeth broke and went through my bottom lip, and after surgery I still have a huge scar (got the teeth back tho)

    I jumped off my top bunkbed to the floor, tripped and tore my chin open on the corner of my wooden toybox. Got my chin glued back together, still have small scar
  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    Well, since most people do stupid **** when they are drunk... Ill tell "sober" stupid stories. 1) Got into the car with a stranger when I was 15. ( I was trail eiding and my friend said I could turn her loose in her arena, but apparently the fence had a section missing so she went running down the rd on to a freeway ( no joke! She was okay, but I took off running aftee her and after two miles didnt know where she had gone. A passenger was kind enough to ride her back half way up the rd! Scary ****. Anyways the guy I caught a ride w looked ok he had a 4yr old so I thought he was okay. Still stupid.

    2) Truth or Dare in the pool- dont ask and just dont do it! Esp when you are 17! Lol.

    3) Met a couple online. They were legit, but sometimes you just cant trust ppl you meet online...

    4) Dating a friends ex. Just dont.

    5) Riding a horse sitting backwards through a show jumping course. Stupid yes. And awesome. Love you Rio! Rip! ( This was 10 years ago)
  • MatthewLewis81
    MatthewLewis81 Posts: 59 Member
    Went up a mountain trail near dusk when everyone else was coming down. I didn't actually fight a bear, but there was a tense five minutes when I thought I'd have to. Lesson learned: If you're in an unfamiliar mountain area, and all the locals are headed the same direction, follow them. ;)
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    We couldn't find any sleds, so we down a huge hill while inside of a 6' tractor tire. Had 3 guys in at one point....that's when we fuked ourselves up hitting a bunch trees

    I went down a hill with my sister on one of those plastic sleds that unrolls. I was sitting behind her. She swore we weren't going to go over the ramp at the bottom of the hill. As we were going down the hill, the sled spun around, so I was in front going backwards, we went over the ramp and flew into a tree. I got a concussion and had scrapes down my back and butt. My sister landed on me, so she was fine. I haven't been on a sled since. Yours looks like more fun!
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    When I was in the Navy in A-school in Orlando, my class would rent a room at the Rodeway, Inn on Colonial, and make Jungle Juice in the bathtub. There was a pool; in a center courtyard, and we would jump from the balcony into the pool until they threw us out and told us we couldn't come back again. Of course, the next week, someone else would book the room.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    i went swimming after eating 29 minutes earlier

    Alright, you just crossed the line! Go sit in the corner until you learn how dangerous that is. Someone could get hurt! :)